England Coast Path Comes to Winstred 100

England Coast Path - Salcott to Jaywick
England Coast Path – Salcott to Jaywick

England Coast Path Comes to Winstred Hundred

Natural England has recently started to look at how access to the Essex coast can be improved as part of the England Coast Path Project.   This project will create a new long-distance trail that, once completed, will allow people to walk around the whole of the English coast.  Once complete, the England Coast Path will bring significant benefits to the coastal economy, providing a vital lifeline for local businesses such as shops, hotels and pubs.

Work has recently started to extend the path along the Essex coast from Burnham-on-Crouch to Manningtree and the project team are now in the process of talking to those who may be affected by the stretch between Salcott and Jaywick which, it is hoped, could be open by the summer of 2018.  There will be opportunities to attend a number of drop-in sessions and anybody interested in the project is invited to attend any of these events:

Colne Estuary near Brightlingsea
Colne Estuary near Brightlingsea
  • East Mersea Village Hall, East Road, East Mersea, CO5 8TQ
    Wednesday 24/02/2016
    14:00 – 18:00
  • Fingringhoe Village Hall, South Green Rd, Fingringhoe, CO5 7BH
    Saturday 27/02/2016
    9.30 – 12:30
  • Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, Peldon, CO5 7PT
    Thursday 03/03/2016
    14:00 – 18:00
  • Tollesbury Community Centre, East Street, Tollesbury, CM9 8QD
    Tuesday 08/03/2016
    16:30 – 20:00
  • Mersea Centre, 38a High Street, West Mersea, CO5 8QA
    Friday 11/03/2016
    14:00 – 18:00

To find out more about the project check out the leaflet below or visit their website:


Saltmarsh 75

saltmarsh-75Saltmarsh 75

The following information on this event was provided to the Parish Council by Saltmarsh 75’s organizers – this looks like being a great event and worth either volunteering or, at least, popping along to track their progress.  The folowing twio downloads might help in either of these endeavours:

Announcement from Maldon District Council (the organizers)

Saltmarsh 75 is a 2 day 75 mile walking/running event covering the entire coastal footpath of the Maldon District. The aim of the event is to raise the profile of the Maldon District and to encourage more visitors to the area.

The event starts at Marsh Farm Country Park, South Woodham Ferrers on Saturday 3rd October 2015, and finishes at Salcott-cum-Virley Village Hall on Sunday 4th October 2015. There will be an overnight stop on Saturday at the Star Inn in Steeple.

Competitors will be making their way through parishes/towns via the coastal footpath, with a few minor diversions, as shown in the table below. A provisional route map can be found on the reverse of the leaflets enclosed. (Ed. see link above)

Saturday 3rd October 2015Sunday 4th October 2015
Stow MariesSteeple
North FambridgeMayland
DengieTolleshunt Major
TillinghamTolleshunt D’Arcy
St lawrenceTolleshunt Knights

Practically, this means that if any of your residents take to the coastal footpath that weekend, they will see a number of unfamiliar faces. There may also be a selection of cars, land rovers and minibuses that travel through your parish in order to transport competitors, marshals and other . support staff. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause you. Please be assured that we will do our very best to cause as little disruption to you and your parish as possible.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could begin informing your residents, and particularly local businesses, of our event. With approximately 200 competitors expected to take part, this presents an excellent opportunity for accommodation providers and local shops to increase their trade out of season. Please encourage them to become involved by displaying some of the leaflets enclosed; if you need more leaflets for your local businesses, please contact us.

lt would be fantastic if local residents came out to cheer on Saltmarsh 75 participants as they pass by and estimated timings for the event are enclosed for this purpose. We are always in need of volunteers for our event, so if any of your residents would like to become more involved, please pass our contact details to them and ask them to get in touch.

If you have any queries please contact us on 01621 854477 or email [email protected]. More information on the event can be found at www.saltmarsh75.co.uk.
