PC Agenda 8th April 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th April 2014

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Police Report

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.         Parish Councillor Vacancies

  • Do we know of any replacement interest?
  • Decision required: Should we advertise, how and where?
  • Decision required: Who could be vice chairman if in fact we need one at all?

2.         Broadband update

3.         Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and anything that needs addressing
  • Decisions required: Any urgent matters that require attention now?

4.         Peldon Garage Site Houses

  • To discuss our disapproval of the permitted height and the reasons behind that
  • Decision required: Should we request a letter of apology from CBC Planners? 

5.         Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting

  • Any meeting reports, applications etc. 
  • Decision required: Applications to consider if any? 

6.         Actions and Reminders List update


  1. Priti Patel – offer of assistance, report, etc.
  2. Essex Heritage News
  3. Campaign to Protect Rural England – support cards

    Planning Applications:
    142473Proposal: Listed building application for removal of internal door between bar and conservatory, removal of internal door between kitchen and passage, removal of internal ‘Essex’ cupboard and addition of ‘Peldon Rose’ sign to front elevation at the Peldon Rose
    142947Proposal: Replacement dwelling, resubmission of 131529 at Hill Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough
    Planning Decisions:
    140346Proposal: Erection of glazed link between approved outbuilding and existing dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon – Approve conditional

    101760R S Pullen – salary for April£367.57
    101761R S Pullenoffice expenses (heat, light, etc)£250.00

    The next meeting will be on Tues 13th May 2014 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough which will also be the Annual Parish Meeting


    What’s coming up in the Wigboroughs?

    There are a range of commuity and social events coming up in the Wigboroughs this year with both the Friends and Parochial Church Council getting involved.

    Sunday 23rd March – approx. 10:30am

    The AGM of the Parochial Church Council is being held at St Stephen’s Church, Gt. Wigborough starting after the morning service, so at approx 10.30 a.m.

    Thursday 24th April – 7:30pm

    Friends of the Wigboroughs AGM followed by Thai dinner at St. Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough.  The Friends are particularly looking for ideas on how to strengthen the Rural Community.  Dinner for non-members is £5, for more information, or to book, please contact Melanie Newton – [email protected] or call 736118.

    Weekend 16th – 18th May

    To celebrate the Centenary of the Diocese of Chelmsford, the PCC are running a ‘Wigborough Making Connections’ weekend:

    • Friday evening, 16th May, ‘Meet your neighbours’ social event with wine and nibbles;
    • Saturday afternoon, 17th May, ‘Puppets come to Tea’ family event for all ages;
    • Sunday afternoon, 18th May, Informal Café-style service, with faith stories from many of our local ministers.

    More details nearer the time from Anne & Peter Owen (tel 383843).

    Saturday 6th September (time TBA but probably around 2pm)

    The regular Wigboroughs vs Peldon cricket (and other diverse activities) day taking place at Elmdale by kind permission of Steve & Sue Copeland.

    Saturday 1st November (time TBA but probably around 7:30pm)

    With the centenary year of the start of the Great War coming close to its conclusion the Friends are hosting a WW1 themed quiz to be held in St. Stephen’s Church – quizmasters Mick & Alison Biegel.



    PAWS February – Lakes & Beatrix

    Dudley Chignall and Pam Foakes enjoying some refreshments
    Dudley Chignall and Pam Foakes enjoying some refreshments
    Forty-seven members and five visitors enjoyed the speaker at our meeting in February.  Dudley Chignall, through his extensive library of photographic slides of the Lake District, showed us all his favourite walks as he is an intrepid fell walker, the Lakes being his favourite area.  He showed us where Beatrix Potter had sketched different views and houses that were later used as illustrations in her famous books.

    He was also very learned about Beatrix herself, telling us that it took 10 years to get her first book published, the first one she actually paid for herself.  She had spent a lot of her holidays in the Lake District having visited it first when she was 16.  In 1905 she bought Hill Top Farm and had it renovated.  She married the local solicitor, William Heels in 1913 when she was 47.  During her lifetime she bought 15 farms and over 4,000 acres of land which she left to the National Trust.  In accordance with her wishes, Hill Top Farm has been kept exactly as it was and receives thousands of visitors a year.  It was another fascinating talk with fantastic photography.  

    PAWS next get together is on 25th March and is actually the A.G.M., therefore it is a closed meeting.  Currently membership is full but visitors are very welcome at any other meeting at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

    Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


    PC Agenda 11th March 2014


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th March 2014

    Apologies for absence:   Nicky Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting

    Police Report

    Zone Wardens Report

    Borough and County Councillors

    Public-Have Your Say

    Declarations of Interest

    Items for Discussion

    1.   Neighbourhood Planning

    • Presentation from Beverley McClean (CBC Coast and Countryside Planner)
    • Decision required: Do we feel our VDS and PP is sufficient?

    2.   Broadband update – including event success, sign-ups, etc. 

    3.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

    • Reports on both play areas and fields
    • Progress on work completed and anything that needs addressing
    • Decisions required: Any urgent matters that require attention now?

    4.   Salcott Telephone Box

    • To consider costs for renewing the box door frame following vandalism
    • Decision required: What action should we take? 

    5.   Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting

    • Any meeting reports, applications etc.
    • Decision required: Applications to consider if any?

    6.   Emergency Plan

    • Following the update of our plan just completed
    • Decision required: What alterations and additions should we make?

    7.   Actions and Reminders List update and including matters reported of hedge cutting and cars parked at the corner of Mill Lane and The Street


    1. Colchester Borough Council Attended Freighter Schedule
    2. Marine Planning and Management and Dredging
    Planning Applications:
    142142Proposal: Two new dormer windows to existing dwelling at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott
    142129Proposal: Kitchen extension at 2 Brick Cottages, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough


    101759R S Pullen – salary for March£367.57

    The next meeting will be on Tues 8th April 2014 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


    Chairman’s report February 2014

    Chairman’s Report – February 2014

    The Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee

    At the Annual General Meeting in 2012 the community agreed in principle that the site of the old Village Hall in School Lane should be sold.  The Committee is in the process of registering the land and has lodged an outline planning application for two three-bedroomed houses on the site.

    The residents of the Wigboroughs and the Charity Commission both have to give final approval before the sale can take place.

    The outline planning application can be seen on the Colchester Borough Council website www.colchester.gov.uk.  The application number is 132631.

    It should be noted that a new owner of the land may seek to vary any approved outline planning application and that the Management Committee will then have no control over any changes which CBC may agree.

    Jinny Gale

    13th February 2014


    PC Agenda 11th February 2014


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th February 2014.

    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks

    Minutes of the last meeting

    Police Report

    Borough and County Councillors

    Public-Have Your Say

    Declarations of Interest

    Items for Discussion

    1.  CBC Zone Wardens

    • Update on any work carried out in our villages
    • Decision required: Are there any other matters they can assist us with?

    2.  Broadband update

    3.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields

    • Reports on both play areas and fields
    • Progress on work completed and anything that needs addressing
    • Update on grant for  new equipment for installation on Moss Hay
    • Decisions required: Any further action to be taken now on the above?

    4.  Salcott Telephone Box

    • To note vandalism of box and consider options
    • Decision required: What do we feel is appropriate for this box? 

    5.  Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting

    • Any meeting reports, applications etc. 
    • Decision required: Applications to consider if any? 

    6.  Neighbourhood/Local Plans

    • Discuss following the BBC Counrtyfile programme on this matter  
    • Decision required: Do we feel that our completed Village Design Statement and Parish Plan is sufficient? 

    7.  Actions and Reminders List update


    1. Maldon District Council – Local Development Plan Consultation www.maldon.gov.uk  
    2. ECC new website for Minerals and Planning www.essex.gov.uk/viewplanning
    3. Sarah Hayes on planning matter
    4. Reply from Pegasus Group on Solar Park and Consultation Event at Birch Village Hall on 11th March all day.
    5. Request from Roy Read for the Saltmarsh 75 event finish at Salcott as per last year
    6. Marine Planning and Management information including Talk of the Thames mag.


    Planning Applications:
    132753Proposal: Resurfacing car park with grass reinforcement Truckpave and associated work at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough
    132631Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and erection of 2 no. 3 bedroom dwellings at Great Wigborough Village Hall
    140346Proposal: Erection of a glazed link between approved outbuilding and existing dwelling at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon


    101756David J Kingaby – website£253.20
    101757R S Pullen – salary for Feb£357.07

    The next meeting will be on Tues 11th March 2014 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


    PAWS January – The Storyteller

    John Lilley – The Storyteller
    Forty-one members and two guests enjoyed the speaker at our meeting in January.  John Lilley is a writer and narrator of stories, and entertained us with tales of his early years training to be a doctor.  On one occasion, while observing an older doctor, he was amazed at the treatment given to a patient.  He was obviously a little tired of the same lady coming in week after week with ‘complaints’.  He got his largest syringe and took a little blood out of the lady’s left arm and put it back into her right arm, then told her that her blood had been circulating the wrong way round, but that now it would circulate in the correct direction.  She went away very happy at the solution to all her problems!

    Another story involved an old spinster who lived in Wallflower Cottage in a little village.  He was curious about the name of the cottage, and after several visits discovered the reason.  The lady had been engaged to a man in her early years until she discovered that he had several ‘girl friends’ and was very annoyed; unfortunately he died very suddenly before they could get married, but not before he had willed everything he had to his fiancé.  After his death she bought the cottage and had lived there happily for many years.  She then slipped into the conversation with John Lilley that the oil of wallflowers was a deadly poison in the correct amount.  He put two and two together and made a swift visit to the police to tell all!

    The stories and poems that John read were very amusing and told with great expression and feeling.  We all agreed that we should invite this charming gentleman another time to tell us more stories.

    Our next get together is on 25th February when D. Chignall will talk to us about Beatrix Potter & The Lake District. Currently membership is closed but visitors are very welcome at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

    Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstread 100 website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


    PAWS December – Dinner at the Coast

    paws christmas 2013There was no meeting in December but instead on Tuesday 10th December 42 members met at the Coast Inn, West Mersea for the PAWS Christmas dinner, which certainly was a lovely way to set off the Christmas festivities. The restaurant was decorated for Christmas and very welcoming. Between eating our three course meal, we had a Christmas quiz and a raffle, which everyone enjoyed, in fact, they all agreed that it had been a fantastic evening. Going home was a little slow as there was very thick fog but thankfully we all did so safely.

    Happy New Year to all our members and loyal visitors. Our next get together is on 14th January when our speaker J. Lilley is the “Storyteller”.

    Currently membership is closed but visitors are very welcome at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

    Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 7354004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


    PC Agenda 14th January 2014


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th January 2014

    Apologies for absence:

    Minutes of the last meeting

    Police Report

    Borough and County Councillors

    Public-Have Your Say

    Declarations of Interest

    Items for Discussion

    1.   CBC Zone Wardens

    • Update on any work carried out in our villages
    • Decision required: Are there any other matters they can assist us with?

    2.   Broadband update

    3.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

    • Reports on both play areas and fields
    • Progress on work completed and anything that needs addressing
    • Update on  new equipment for installation on Moss Hay
    • Decisions required: Any further action to be taken now on the above?

    4.   Precept 2014/2015

    • Consider our present financial situation, future budget, CBC funding allocation.
    • Decision required: How much grant/precept do we feel is necessary to carry out our statutory duties and those expected and required by all the residents? 

    5.   Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting

    • Any meeting reports, applications etc. 
    • Decision required: Applications to consider if any? 

    6.   Elections May 2014

    • Any Parish Councillors wishing to step down? 
    • Decision required: How will we advertise if we know of any possible vacancies? 

    7.   Actions and Reminders List update


    1. 1. ECC – email transaction on proposed speed limits in Peldon 
    2. 2. Pegasus Group- Consultation on Proposed Solar Park
    3. 3. EALC Calendar of Training Events for 2014
    Planning Applications:
    132403Proposal: Erection of one and a half storey dwelling with attached single storey utility and garage (resubmission of 130420) at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott
    Planning Decisions:


    Application for variation of Condition 10 following grant of planning permission F/COL/01/1140 at Gable Lodge, Malting Road, PeldonApprove Conditional
    Appeal Decisions:
    APP/A1530/D/13/2207055Against CBC’s refusal of application for erection of an outbuilding containing swimming pool, gym and home cinema at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon, ref 131315Appeal Allowed – Permission Granted


    101747R S Pullen – salary for Jan£357.07
    101748St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – magazine entry£150.00
    101749Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – magazine entry£55.00


    The next meeting will be on Tues 11th February 2013 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


    PAWS November – tales of a Masterchef

    david ryan - masterchefOur November speaker was David Ryan, who from an early age, had always had a passion for cooking.  He started out at the age of 16 with Brian Turner at the Connaught Hotel in London. As an apprentice he spent 18 months preparing potatoes!  In the early seventies he decided his destiny was France.  He was lucky,  he shared a flat with a French friend who managed to secure him an entry into the Carlton Hotel in Cannes.  After spending weeks labouring for long hours with no pay he was in a state of despair.  One day he was walking along the Promenade Anglais worrying about his future when someone tapped him on the shoulder.  It turned out to be David Niven who came to his rescue, marched him back to the Carlton and sorted out his predicament with the Manager and the Chef.  The Chef took him under his wing and two brilliant years followed.

    He came back to London and was taken on by the Dorchester.  One particular memory was when David Niven hired the Dorchester for an after film party.  He didn’t forget his friend and asked David to come up from the restaurant, leave the kitchen and join the party.  During his stay at the Dorchester he met and became friendly with several members of the cabinet and even got to meet the “Big Fish” Maggie Thatcher!  He had always wanted to have his own restaurant and finally realised his dream in Bournemouth, practically on the beach!   It became so popular bookings were made two years in advance.  David as a Masterchef now runs a restaurant in Horley near Stowmarket where he also takes masterclasses.  It was a fabulous evening where we all enjoyed the lovely soup David prepared for us.  He gave us lots of advice on cooking Turkeys and making stuffings etc and lots of tips, for example soaking avocado face down in milk to prevent it from going brown!   Happy cooking!!

    Our next get together is on 14th January (early due to the pantomime) when our speaker will be J. Lilley and the talk is called “Storyteller”. Visitors are welcome at the cost of £3.50.

    Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.
