PC Agenda 9th July 2013


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th July 2013

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Police Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1. CBC Zone Wardens

    • Update on their work carried out in our villages
    • Decision required: Are there any other matters they can assist us with?

    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

      • Reports on both play areas and fields including vandalism on Moss Hay
      • Progress on work completed and any that needs doing including bark for Peldon
      • Requested Skateboard ramp – info received so far re cost, insurance, grants, etc
      • Decisions required: What can we do about the vandalism and do we feel it advisable to install a ramp until it’s sorted?
      • Decision required: Should we buy bark for Peldon at a cost of approx. £300

      3. Winter Salt Bag Scheme (closing date 21st July 2013)

        • How much was used last year and how much have we got left?
        • Decision required: Do we wish to take part this year and have more?

        4. Broadband update
        5. Junctions at Lodge Lane and St Ives Road in Peldon

          • Can ECC Highways do anything to make these junctions safer?
          • Decision required: Who if anyone should we approach on this matter?

          6. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting, Walk

            • Any report, applications etc.

            7. Actions and Reminders List update


              • Thank you letter for donation from Salcott PCC
              • Thank you letter for donation from Wigs PCC
              • EALC County Update June 2013
              • Complaint re posters left up after events and the use of staple guns
              Planning Applications:
              131040Proposal: Single storey rear extension at The Paddocks, Lower Road, Peldon
              Appeal against refusal:
              APP/A1530/D/13/2198804Proposal: Infill extension to form additional bedroom for use by existing residents’ children, in part replacing former demolished extension – resubmission of 121120 at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


              101730R S Pullen – salary for July£353.53

              The next meeting will be on Tues 10th September 2013 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


              PAWS May – Lots with interest

              An auctioneerIn May our speaker was Stephen Lester, an auctioneer, and 42 members enjoyed his talk on his “Experiences of a Provincial Auctioneer”.  Firstly he dispelled a few myths about going to a public auction.  Contrary to popular belief, pulling your ear or rubbing your nose will not end up with you having purchased a rare antique!  Some bidders do use signs like that, but only when it has been previously arranged with the auctioneer; most people just raise their catalogue to indicate their interest in a particular lot.  He has had some spectacular ‘finds’ when going to inspect sale items at a private house.  One lady was clearing her house as she was moving to somewhere smaller; after getting an idea of the value of her goods and chattels she mentioned that she had a little bottle that had been in her family for a while.  It turned out to be a Fabergé glue pot worth £10,000!  At another house he found a very old and tatty writing desk in the attic, which turned out to be one of only 7 items made from an elm tree on the site of the battle of Waterloo; this was worth £36,000 once it had been restored.  So the moral is, check before you throw things away!

              Our next get together is on 25th June when Henry Brickwood will talk to us about “Beautiful Gardens to Visit”.  Visitors are welcome at a cost of £3.50.

              Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


              PC Agenda 11th June 2013

              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th June 2013

              • Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Charles Dymond
              • Minutes of the last meeting
              • Police Report
              • Borough and County Councillors
              • Public-Have Your Say
              • Declarations of Interest
              Items for Discussion
              1. CBC Zone Wardens
              • Update on their work carried out in our villages
              • Decision required: Are there any other matters they can assist us with?
              2. CALC Meeting
              • Report from meeting attended on 6th June
              3. Playgrounds and Playing Fields
              • Reports on both play areas and fields
              • Progress on work from Annual Inspection Report findings
              • Decisions required: Any other issues need addressing?
              4. Flooding at Salcott
              • Report on site meeting if taken place
              • Discuss any further issues that need addressing
              5. Broadband update
              6. Junctions at Lodge Lane and St Ives Road in Peldon
              • Can ECC Highways do anything to make these junctions safer? 
              • Decision required: Who if anyone should we approach on this matter?  
              7. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund
              • New applications received 
              8. Actions and Reminders List update
              • CBC re: Housing Survey  
              • EALC County Update May 2013 and courses and AGM with ECC on 26th Sept
              Planning Applications:
              131012Proposal: Retrospective application for removal of unstable wall and timber replacement at Games Farm, Lower Road, Peldon
              130860Listed Building application for above
              Planning Decisions:
              130601Proposal: Alterations and extension to first floor over existing single storey element to provide an additional bedroom and en-suite facility at Honeywood, Mersea Road, PeldonPermission Granted

              101724St Mary’s Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep donation£200.00
              101725Gt & Lt Wigs PCC – churchyards upkeep donation£400.00
              101726Salcott St Mary’s PCC – churchyard upkeep donation£200.00
              101727EALC – councillor course£67.00
              101728R S Pullen – salary for June£353.53

              The next meeting will be on Tues 9th July 2013 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


              PC Agenda 14th May 2013


              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th May 2013 which will be:

              The Annual Parish Assembly

              Electors and Organisations are invited and can contribute to this meeting.

              Addresses from any of the following may take place: County Councillors, Borough Councillors, Police and any other body or organisation.

              Followed by:

              Parish Council AGM

              Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial and Responsible Officer, co-option or resignation of Parish Councillors and signing of all necessary declarations.

              • Apologies for absence
              • Minutes of the last meeting
              • Police Report
              • Borough and County Councillors (including St Ives Hill road surface update)
              • Chairman’s Report
              • Financial Report and approval of our finances and End of Year Return for the external auditors and express our sincere thanks to Steve Copeland for carrying out our internal audit for us without charge.
              • Public-Have Your Say:
              • Declarations of Interest:
              Items for Discussion

              1. CBC Zone Wardens

                • Report on their work carried out in our villages
                • Decision required: Are there any other matters they can assist us with?

                2. Churchyards Upkeep Donations

                  • Decision required: Do we feel in a position to donate the same as last year?

                  3. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

                    • Reports on both play areas and fields including Annual Inspection Report findings
                    • Decisions required: What work is required including grass cutting?

                    4. Flooding at Salcott

                      • Discuss work completed and any outstanding
                      • Decision required: What else can be done to improve this situation?

                      5. Broadband update
                      6. Junctions at Lodge Lane and St Ives in Peldon
                      7. Wigborough Telephone Box
                      8. Actions and Reminders List update

                        • Can ECC Highways do anything to make these junctions safer? 
                        • Decision required: Who if anyone should we approach on this matter?  
                        • Decision required: Should we accept the offers to clean and paint the box? 
                        • ECC Invitation to Transport Meetings – Summer 2013 Timetable 
                        • ECC Reply to our letter re poor roads and many potholes  
                        • EALC County Update April 2013 and courses and membership certificate
                        Planning Applications:


                        Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. two and a half storey semi- detached dwellings (resubmission of 122083) at Old Barn Burrows, The Bungalow, The Street, Salcott


                        Planning Decisions:


                        Proposal: Change of use A2 offices to 3 bedroom house at 2 Abbotts Hall Cottages, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

                        Permission Granted


                        Proposal: Relocation of approved pool equipment room to be attached to end of garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                        Permission Granted


                        Proposal: Application to extend time for implementation of permission 100458 at Leeward, Church Road, Peldon

                        Permission Granted



                        CALC – annual subscription



                        Anglia Inspection Services Ltd



                        Peldon Village Hall – hire



                        R S Pullen – salary for May



                        HMRC – 2 x income tax


                        The next meeting will be on Tues 11th June 2013 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


                        PAWS April – Paramedic Muse

                        bob-harding-jonesAt last month’s meeting 42 members and 3 visitors came along to hear a talk by Bob Harding-Jones “Can I help you? I’m a Paramedic”.  Bob gave us a very amusing talk about his time as a Paramedic with the Hertfordshire Ambulance Service.

                        He went to Writtle College after leaving school, to train for farm work, which he did until his early 40s. He then retrained, first for the patients transport service, taking people for appointments, and after two years, as a Paramedic.  He told lots of anecdotes of his time in the service, like the old couple who had collided on the landing of their house and could not get up; he had to untangle their zimmer frames and check that they were ok, and left them arguing as to who had caused the accident!  They are called out many times for ‘emergencies’ that turn out to be a headache or sickness, but a new system has recently been put in place to try to ascertain the exact problem before the ambulance goes out.  He has to be good at interpreting euphemisms that people use to explain what is wrong with them, which has caused many a smile.  As well as being a Paramedic, he is a poet and has performed at the Edinburgh Festival among other places.  He has produced a couple of books of his poetry, which were on sale at the meeting.

                        Our next meetings are on 28th May, when our speaker Stephen Lester will tell us about “Experiences of a Provincial Auctioneer” and on the 25th June, when our speaker Henry Brickwood will tell us about “Beautiful Gardens to visit.”  Membership is currently full, but visitors are welcome at a cost of £3.50.

                        Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


                        PAWS March – AGM and Flappers

                        Pam Foakes presenting Sheila Gray with her bouquet
                        Pam Foakes presenting Sheila Gray with her bouquet
                        As PAWS’ March meeting was also their AGM, they had no speaker on the 26th.  They did however have an excellent turn out with 43 members attending and entering into the spirit of a “Flapper Night” to lighten the  business of the evening.  Once the formal reports were read by the outgoing President, Sheila Gray, and Treasurer, Jane Anderson, the current committee were re-elected.  Pam Foakes was elected as the new President and Jane Banks as her Vice President for the year commencing 1st April.  

                        Pam presented Sheila with a bouquet on behalf of the members for all her work over the last year. The members then enjoyed a couple of fun quizzes whilst they tucked into Pizza and Bucks Fizz.  A very pleasant and sociable AGM.

                        PAWS’ next meeting is on the 23rd April when speaker Bob Harding-Jones will speak on the subject of “Can I help you? I’m a Paramedic.”   Membership is currently full, but visitors are welcome at a cost of £3.50.

                        Details of all PAWS’ meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


                        PAWS February – Carnival in Venice

                        John Wrigley & Sue Copeland
                        John Wrigley and Sue Copeland

                        carnival mask from venice

                        At their February meeting PAWS were entertained by John Wrigley and his slide show of Carnival Time in Venice.  John bought along his extensive collection of slides showing the many sites of the city together with various people in costumes and masks. The origins of Carnival go back to 1162 and the word itself means “Farewell, Meat.”  As lent (which begins on Ash Wednesday) obliged people to fast, it was an excuse for a party that echoed pagan festivities prior to fasting.  After a Republican uprising, a tradition of slaughtering a bull and pigs in the Piazza San Marco, to commemorate the victory, begun around Shrove Tuesday.  The celebration gradually grew and the introduction of masks began in 1268.

                        PAWS’ next get together is on the 26th March and as it’s their AGM it is a closed meeting.  As well as the routine business they will have a “Flapper Theme” and a light supper.


                        PC Agenda 12th March 2013


                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                        A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th March 2013.

                        Apologies for absence:

                        Minutes of the last meeting:

                        Police: Crime reports from and to

                        Borough & County Councillors:

                        Public-Have Your Say:

                        Declarations of Interest:

                        Items for Discussion

                        1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

                        • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work completed and outstanding
                        • Progress on work carried out by the Community Service working party
                        • Decision required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

                        2. Request to use the meadow at Salcott for wedding celebrations

                        • Update on info re celebrations if obtained
                        • Decision required: Does this comply with our insurance if on the meadow?

                        3. Zone Wardens

                        • With new information acquired –
                        • Decision required: Is there anything they can do for us?

                        4. Abberton Community Fund and Liaison Group

                        • To update on applications accepted and any new ones submitted etc 

                        5. Trees in Church Road, Peldon

                        • Update from tree surgeon if obtained 
                        • Decision required: What action do we feel we should take?  

                        6. Broadband update report

                        7. Actions and Reminders List

                        • Update  


                        • EALC County Update Feb 2013 and  courses 
                        • Information received that the Monday shopper’s bus is not going to be axed after all 
                        • RCCE Best Kept Village and Best Kept Churchyard Competitions 
                        • Essex Heritage News and offer of support for worthy projects  

                        Planning Applications:


                        Proposal: Change of use A2 offices to 3 bedroom house at 2 Abbotts Hall Cottages, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough



                        Proposal: Relocation of approved pool equipment room to be attached to end of garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                        Planning Decisions:


                        Proposal: Installation of 14no. Solar panels to the south-eastern aspect of the roof of a stable/barn at Elmdale, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough

                        Permission Granted




                        R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March


                        The next meeting will be held at Abbotts Hall, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 9th April 2013 at 7.30pm.



                        PC Agenda 12th February 2013


                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                        A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th February 2013.

                        Apologies for absence:

                        Minutes of the last meeting:

                        Police: Crime reports from and to

                        Borough & County Councillors: County report received

                        Public-Have Your Say:

                        Declarations of Interest:

                        Items for Discussion

                        1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

                          • Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work completed and outstanding
                          • Progress on work carried out by the Community Service working party
                          • Decision required: Is there anything that needs addressing?

                          2. Request to use the meadow at Salcott for wedding celebrations

                            • Decision required: Should we agree to this and with what conditions?

                            3. St Ives Road/Malting Road/Church Road Junction

                              • Discuss possible dangers and causes when driving at this junction
                              • Decision required: Is there anything we can do about it?

                              4. Abberton Community Fund and Liaison Group

                                • To update on applications accepted and any new ones submitted etc

                                5. Flooding

                                  • Update on bad spots and progress from ECC Highways, CBC etc.
                                  • Decision required: Any further action that can be taken?

                                  6. Broadband update report

                                  7. Actions and Reminders List

                                    • Update


                                    • EALC County Update Jan 2013 and  courses
                                    • Information received that the Monday shopper’s bus is to be axed due to lack of paying users
                                    • CBC Emergency Planning Update Meet Tues 19 March 7.30pm at Gt Horkesley VH
                                    • CALC Meeting Thursday 14 March 7pm at Marks Tey Village Hall
                                    • ECC Replacement Minerals Local Plan: Pre-Submission Draft to 28 Feb 2013

                                    Planning Applications:

                                    130021 Proposal: Installation of 14no. Solar panels to the south-eastern aspect of the roof of a stable/barn at Elmdale, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough

                                    130116 Proposal: Infill extension to form additional bedroom for use by existing residents’ children, in part replacing former demolished extension – Resubmission of 121120 at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                    130141 Proposal: Single storey rear extension to form study at Bluebell Cottage, Mersea Road, Peldon



                                    David J Kingaby – running of website (last cheque cancelled)



                                    Peldon Village Hall – hire



                                    R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Feb


                                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 12th March 2013 at 7.30pm.
