PC Agenda 11th September 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th September 2012.

Apologies for absence:
Minutes of the last meeting:
Borough Councillors:
Public-Have Your Say:
Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  Police

•    Report of crimes in our villages
•    Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?

2.  Playgrounds and playing fields
•    Reports from both playgrounds and fields and update on work outstanding including fitting of swing tails and bark/rubber clippings for Salcott
•    Following complaints discuss Salcott work including cutting the meadow grass and hedge cutting
•    Report on basketball pad at Peldon
•    Decision Required: Do we wish to change the way we operate re complaints

3.  Code of Conduct
•    To make sure everyone has filled in the necessary form 
•     Decision required: Does anyone wish to be nominated for the Standards Board?

4.  Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign
• Update on our request to move this sign and for an additional one at Peldon

5.  Gold Magazine Edition
• Discuss what happened this year and any new ideas for next

6.  Broadband and Website
• Update
7.  Finances
•    To acknowledge completion of the external audit
8.  Actions and Reminders List
• Update

• EALC County Update July and August 2012, EALC- AGM on 27th Sept 3pm, courses
• Priti Patel with contact details
• Autism Anglia Summer Newsletter
• ECC Sustainable Drainage Systems Design and Adoption Guide
• Thank you for the donation from Salcott Church
• ECC Notification of forthcoming consultation – Statement of Community Involvement www.essex.gov.uk/SCl
• ECC Highways notification of proposed 40mph speed limit
121251 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Haxells Farm Cottage, Peldon Road, Peldon
121245 Proposal: To erect a shed measuring about 2.4M x 3M x 2M high at peak of roof, in the garden to the south of the house. To be installed on supports driven into the ground. No concrete base. At Priests House, Church Road, Peldon
121561 Proposal: Dependant relative annexe to main dwelling comprising bedroom, bathroom and sitting room. All attached to main dwelling at rear at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decisions:
120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Granted
121007 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of derelict conservatory and replacement with 2 storey side extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road – Consent Granted
121047 & 121043 Proposal: Part conversion of existing outbuildings to provide home office, WC, kitchen and storage areas at Seaborough House, Peldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission and Consent Granted
121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
121099 Proposal: Replacement 3 bedroom dwelling and detached car port – Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

101671 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4£160.00
101672 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for August and September£707.06

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th October 2012 at 7.30pm


PAWS July – Orpheus & Meze

paws-july2012-2 paws-july2012-1

30 members and 10 visitors, 9 of whom were from Layer Ladies, joined us for our July meeting which  was also our special themed social night of the year. This year with it being the Olympics in London, we decided to go Greek. We were greeted on arrival with a glass of ouzo and, for the faint-hearted, a glass of home-made lemonade. After the very short formal part of the evening, we tucked into a Greek Meze, to the background music of Orpheus. Once we had eaten, the tables were cleared away to make room for Yanis to lead us in some very energetic dancing, which almost everyone joined in.

The music for this was provided by George on keyboard and, while we all took a rest from dancing, Yanis joined him with some very skilful playing on the Bouzouki. Most members dressed to match the Greek theme and, at the end of the evening, George awarded the prize for the best dressed lady to Sue Copeland.

It really was an excellent evening and it was such a shame that so many of the members missed out on it.

As we don’t have a meeting in August ur next get together is on September 25th when Dr. Maureen Scollen is our speaker and her subject is “Paragon or Prude.” Membership is currently full but visitors are welcome at a cost of £3.50.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.  If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on the following numbers:  Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson on 01206 735505


PAWS June – Golden Amritsar and an auction

paws-june201236 members and 3 visitors attended our June meeting on the 26th, when Mrs Paula Short came along and told us all about “Golden Temple – Amritsar India”. Paula has developed a passion for India and its temples, culture and history since her first visit in 2000 and was able to give us quite an insight  into it. She had a fantastic array of slides which she used to highlight her very interesting talk.

We also had our silent auction of New and Nearly New items which raised just over £35 for our funds.

Our next get together is on July 24th which will be our July themed social and this year it is a “Greek Night”. We have a professional Duo coming along to entertain us with music  and a dancing demonstration and we will be having a light  Meze supper and suitable refreshments .The cost is £7.00 for visitors. Numbers are limited so please book by contacting one of the committee members listed below.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

Membership is currently full but if you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on the following numbers. Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane  Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Agenda 8th June 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th June 2012.

Apologies for absence:
Minutes of the last meeting:
Borough Councillors:
Public-Have Your Say:
Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  Police

Report of crimes in our villages
Decision required: Any problems or crimes we should report?
2.  Playgrounds
Reports on both playgrounds and fields including annual inspection
Update on Moss Hay basket ball pad, grant, quotes, etc.
Discuss suggestion for Terry Hedger to maintain Moss Hay footpath, ditches, etc.
1st decision required: Are we in favour of the above suggestion and on what terms?
3.  Broadband/Website update
Any new developments
Decision required: Is there anything we can do at this stage?
4.  Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee Representatives
Nominations for the two representatives from the parish council to be agreed
Decision required: Are we happy for Jinny and Phil to continue if they so wish?
5.  Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group and Rights of Way Committee
Any topics for the forthcoming liaison meeting that needs the PC’s approval
First R of W meeting to be Thurs 6th Sept 12 at 6.30pm at Layer treatment works
Decision required: Who will be our representative on this committee and is the above date and time convenient
6.  Finances
To agree out financial sheet for external audit and express our thanks to Steve Copeland for carrying out the internal audit at no cost to the parish council
Decision required: Are we happy with the new appointed external audit firm, Littlejohn for years 2012/2013 to 2016/2017?
7.  Complaint to CBC about the Parish Councillors
•    To note that the CBC Allegations Sub-Committee of the Standards Committee decided that no action should be taken on the allegations against the Councillors against whom the complaint by Mr Bevan had been made.
8.  Standards after the Localism Act 2011.
  • •    To note that the new Code of Conduct will come in to force on 1 July 2012.
  • •    To note NALC template for parish councils.
9.  Actions and Reminders update

•    ECC Making the Links June 2012
•    The Playing Fields Spring 2012
•    EALC County Update May 2012, courses
•    Request from Salcott Church for a larger donation
120858 Proposal: Remove one defective bow window to existing kitchen and replace with new timber window and to remove all black paint/stain etc. from existing internal exposed oak beams, joists and studs via a gentle chemical free hot water vapour process at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough
120860 Proposal: Listed building consent for above
120845 Proposal: Creation of gateway off Wigborough Road to provide safer access for agricultural vehicles at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
120917 Proposal: Listed building application for erection of 2 storey side extension and garden room extension. Minor internal remodeling; lowering of section of ground floor at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
Notice of Planning Decisions:
120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted
120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused
120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church Road, Peldon – Consent Granted

101664 – Peldon PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation                                           £200.00
101665 – Great & Little Wigborough PCC – upkeep of churchyards donation              £400.00
101666 – Salcott PCC – upkeep of churchyard donation                                           £200.00
101667 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June                                                              £353.53

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th July 2012 at 7.30pm


PAWS – May, Confessions of a mass caterer

paws-jane-malyon-may12At our May meeting on the 22nd, we welcomed back Jane Malyon to tell us about “Confessions of a Mass Caterer”.  Jane and her husband have been running Country Cuisine for some 34 years catering for various events from Wedding Receptions to Birthday celebrations.  She relayed a number of amusing stories about the types of people she has catered for from Mr. X, an East-Ender with Mafia connections, who had 200 guests to his Ruby Wedding party together with security and dogs (in case anything got nicked) to a very rowdy (food throwing) party at a Medic’s Annual Ball at a London teaching hospital.  From drunks, uninvited guests, tearful brides to broken items, Jane has dealt with them all.

Our next meeting is on June 26th when Ms. P. Short will tell us all about “Golden Temple Amitsar, India” and we will be having a silent auction of New and Nearly New items.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

Membership is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on the following numbers. Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.



PC Agenda 8th May 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th May 2012 which will be:

The Annual Parish Assembly

Electors and Organisations are invited and can contribute to this meeting.

Addresses from any of the following may take place: County Councillors, Borough Councillors, Police and any other body or organisation.

Parish Council AGM

Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial and Responsible Officer, co-option or resignation of Parish Councillors and signing of all necessary declarations.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Chairman’s Report and Financial Report and approval for external audit

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Police

    • Report of crimes in our villages
    • Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report?

    2. CBC Zone Warden Presentation

      • Carys Handley explains their aims

      3. Playgrounds

        • Reports on both play areas and fields including Annual Inspection Report findings and update on work necessary for delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

        4. Gold Edition Magazine

          • Recap on details: cover, inclusions, etc

          5. Abbotts Hall/Essex Wildlife Trust

            • Report from meeting attended

            6. Broadband update

              • Any new developments

              7. Churchyards Donations

                • Decision required: Should we make the same donations this year as usual?

                8. Salcott Jubilee Celebrations

                  • Decision required: Following their request should we give them any money for this event?

                  9. Actions and Reminders List update


                    • ECC Making the Links May 2012
                    • EALC County Update April 2012 and courses

                    Planning Applications:

                    120749 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness fro existing use of outbuilding as residential and alterations at Sampson Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon

                    Appeal Decision:

                    APP/A1530/D/12/2170062 – The appeal against the decision of Colchester Borough Council to refuse this application is dismissed.  Ref: 111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott


                    101659 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May                                                                £353.53

                    101660 – Anglia Inspection Services Ltd                                                                  £192.00

                    The next meeting will be on Tues 12th June 2012 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


                    PAWS – April Gerald Durrell’s Legacy

                    Barry Kaufmann-Wright
                    At our April meeting on the 24th, we welcomed back Barry Kaufmann-Wright to tell us all about working with Gerald Durrell.  Barry has been a naturalist all his life and had the good fortune to work with Mr. Durrell at Jersey Zoo during 1964-1971.  He told us all about the breeding programmes that he had been involved with at the Zoo together with showing us a selection of some of his 64,000 slides.  We are losing 10,000 species a year due to extinction.  He also relayed some stories about being bitten on the head by a lemur and having to have 75 stitches only for these to be unpicked in a “grooming session” by one of his favourite chimps.  Mr. Durrell died in 1998 but his legacy lives on.

                    Our next meeting is on 22nd May when Jane Malyon returns with “Confessions of a Mass Caterer”.  Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

                    Membership is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

                    If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004 or Julia 01206 735053.




                    PC Agenda 10th April 2012


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

                    Apologies for absence

                    Minutes of the last meeting

                    Borough Councillors

                    Public-Have Your Say

                    Declarations of Interest

                    Items for Discussion

                    1.         Police

                    ·         Report of crimes in our villages

                    ·         Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report? 

                    2.         Gold Edition Magazine

                    ·         Consider cost, cover, sponsorship, etc.

                    ·         Decision required: Who will liaise with the editor?

                    3.         Playgrounds

                    ·         Reports on both play areas and fields including update on delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

                    4.         Website update

                    ·         Decision required: Are we ready to take over the running of this?

                    5.         Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way

                    ·         Reports from meetings attended

                    ·         Decision required: Do we wish to nominate a representative for the R of W Group?

                    ·         Decision required: Is there anything else we need to act on?

                    6.         Broadband update

                    ·         Decision required: Is there any more we can do at this stage?

                    7.         CBC Emergency Planning Meeting

                    ·         Report from those who attended

                    8.         Flooding matters update

                    ·         Reports of any works being carried out following CBC letters

                    9.         Standing Orders

                    ·         Discuss changes needed to accommodate village rotation as necessary

                    10.     Actions and Reminders List update


                    ·         ECC Making the Links April 2012

                    ·         EALC County Update March 2012 and courses

                    ·         Autism Anglia Newsletter Spring 2012

                    Planning Applications:

                    120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

                    120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                    120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                    Planning Decisions:

                    120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                    120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                    101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

                    101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                               £353.53

                    101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                 £288.79

                    101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                £35.00

                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM

                    PC Agenda 10th April 2012


                    Agenda for Winstred Hundred Parish Council (serving Peldon, the Wigboroughs and Salcott-cum-Virley) meeting on 10th April 2012

                    parish council, winstred hundred, agenda, april 2012, peldon, wigborough, salcott, virley


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

                    Apologies for absence

                    Minutes of the last meeting

                    Borough Councillors

                    Public-Have Your Say

                    Declarations of Interest

                    Items for Discussion

                    1.         Police

                    ?  Report of crimes in our villages

                    ?  Decision required: Are there any crimes we should report? 

                    2.         Gold Edition Magazine

                    ?  Consider cost, cover, sponsorship, etc.

                    ?  Decision required: Who will liaise with the editor?

                    3.         Playgrounds

                    ?  Reports on both play areas and fields including update on delivery of rubber clippings for Salcott

                    4.         Website update

                    ?  Decision required: Are we ready to take over the running of this?

                    5.         Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way

                    ?  Reports from meetings attended

                    ?  Decision required: Do we wish to nominate a representative for the R of W Group?

                    ?  Decision required: Is there anything else we need to act on?

                    6.         Broadband update

                    ?  Decision required: Is there any more we can do at this stage?

                    7.         CBC Emergency Planning Meeting

                    • Report from those who attended

                    8.         Flooding matters update

                    • Reports of any works being carried out following CBC letters

                    9.         Standing Orders

                    • Discuss changes needed to accommodate village rotation as necessary

                    10.     Actions and Reminders List update


                    • ECC Making the Links April 2012
                    • EALC County Update March 2012 and courses
                    • Autism Anglia Newsletter Spring 2012

                    Planning Applications:

                    120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                    120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

                    120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                    120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

                    Planning Decisions:

                    120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                    120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                    120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


                    101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

                    101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                               £353.53

                    101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                £288.79

                    101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                     £35.00

                    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM


                    PAWS – March St Trinians Experience

                    At our recent March AGM/St. Trinians evening on the 27th March 44 members came along to select the new President- Sheila Gray. Sheila replaces Gen Fretwell as President and Pam Foakes will be her Vice-President for the forthcoming year.  9 of the existing committee were re-elected with Sue Copeland standing down having served many years on the W.I. committee before forming part of the new committee for P.A.W.S. Both were presented with flowers to thank them for all their hard work.

                    It was a very enjoyable evening with the majority of the members getting into the spirit of the evening by dressing up in “school attire” and we all tucked into some excellent Fish and Chips. We rounded the evening off with a quiz based on “Who Did What” which were fun questions supplied by the committee for the members to guess who did what.

                    Our next meeting is on 24th April and we will be having Mr. Kaufmann-Wright back to tell us all about working with Gerald Durrell. Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

                    Membership is currently full, but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50. If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004 or Julia 01206 735053.
