PAWS – January Dinner Report

Balkerne Restaurant photosNearly 40 of us attended our Christmas Dinner at the Balkerne Restaurant in the Colchester Institute on Tuesday 14th December.  Having booked a coach for the evening it was nice for the drivers to have a night off. We started with a welcome drink either a cocktail, mock cocktail or glass of mulled wine before moving on to a sumptuous 4 course meal.   We were entertained by a singer, accompanied by a musician, and of course all the chatter on the various tables.   It was a lovely evening and the students did very well with the food and the service and I’m sure we will be returning.

Our next meeting is on February 22nd when Mr. Kaufmann-Wright is returning with his “Wildlife Photography”. Visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.

If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212,



PC Agenda 11th January 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th January 2011.

Apologies for absence

Minutes of the last meeting

Borough Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1. Precept/Grant

    ?  Further discussion if required re CBC Grant cuts of 50%, should/can we do less i.e. playground maintenance, grass cutting etc.

    Decision required: Should we put up our precept from £8,900 to £10,842 to compensate for the grant reduction of that amount?

    2. Individual roles for individual Parish Councillors

      ?  Give consideration to John’s ideas/paper on this matter

      ?  Discussion to include playground inspections and the possible need for  a Localisation Bill specialist

      1st decision required: Do we wish to adopt this approach?

      2nd decision required: Who should take on what job?

      3. Planning changes

        ?  Letter to be agreed and sent of our disapproval of these changes without consultation

        Decision required: Any further action?

        4. Our planning comments process

          ?  Confirmation of the agreed process

          5. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations

            ?  Give consideration to the two quotations for this work, paper attached

            Decision required: Do we want to have this work carried out and if so by whom?

            6. Rolling Actions and Reminders List

              ?  Review and update


              • EALC County Update December 2010
              • English Rural Housing Association The Bulletin Winter 2010


              102628 Proposal: Replacement dwelling house (resubmission of planning application 101612) at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

              102624 Proposal: Change of use to B2 use to B1 use with restrictive condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Unit 2, St Ives Farm

              102623 Proposal: Variation of Condition 1 granted under permission 0712151. To permit the use for sale and packaging tape, bubble wrap and stock boxes and the manufacture of bespoke cardboard boxes. The building to be occupied by 24/7 Boxes and Packaging at Hosplant Ltd. Building 4, Unit 1, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

              102625 Proposal: Change of use to B2 use from B1 use with restrictive condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Hosplant Ltd. Building 2, Unit 1, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

              Notice of Planning Decision:

              100704 Proposal: Retrospective application for stable block/hay store at Bluebells, Drakes Corner, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted


              101585 – Barry Gooding – play insp x 2                                                                     £60.00

              101586 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for January                                                           £353.53

              The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th Feb 2011 at 7.30pm


              PC Minutes 14th December 2010


              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm.on Tuesday 14th December 2010.

              Present: Jane Banks, Les Lapwood, Netty Knill Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis and 3 members of the public

              Apologies for absence: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

              Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

              Borough Councillor: Salt bins are not being filled as a matter of course as this could prove very costly as people are more often using too much. A very small amount is needed to make a surface not slippery.  Keeping the main highways open is ECC Highways first priority.

              The lighting on a property in Peldon is being looked into as it has caused concern from other residents.

              Public – Have Your Say – A booklet from the Environment Agency explains that any work on the Salcott creek banks must be approved by the Environment Agency before being carried out. Those who carry out unauthorised work will be prosecuted. This booklet will be obtained and delivered to the properties that back on to the creek for their guidance.  As flooding is such an issue in Salcott this is a very important matter.

              Protruding hedges onto the highway is also an issue in Salcott Street. Certain residents will be written to requesting that they trim their hedges and tree branches back from over the road.

              Declarations of Interest – None

              1. Bus stop at Malting Road, Peldon – the request to move this stop just a few yards along the road for all round convenience was agreed by all.  ECC Highways have no problem with this and will inform First Bus Company for us.  Paving slabs will be laid at the new position, incurring the only cost and notices will be displayed to inform passengers.
              2. RCCE course – Influencing Decisions in Your Local Area – was attended. The ideas have been suggested before and it is felt that taking on council work would only lead to dissatisfaction by all.
              3. 2011 Emergency Planning event – a simulated training event as opposed to the usual meeting form was the chosen option and the date that suits most will be forwarded to CBC shortly.
              4. Minerals Development Document Preferred Approach – Public Consultation – notices will be displayed but it was considered that attendance by the parish council was unnecessary.
              5. Sustainable Communities Act – no action by us was thought necessary.
              6. Precept/Grant – we have confirmation now that the grant part of the council tax we receive from CBC will be halved next year, therefore it is likely that we will  need to put up the parish precept part to compensate for this or we will be in a poor position to carry out our normal duties expected of us such as grass cutting, maintaining the play areas, trimming hedges, etc. The decision will be made at the next meeting giving the councillors more time to consider this important issue.
              7. Water for Peldon Church – the land in question for fencing off and laying pipe work does not belong to the parish council therefore we will response in that vain leaving it entirely up to the PCC.
              8. Parish Online and Planning on the Map – have good points and not so good points. Efficiency of Broadband in our homes plays a major part as to the ease of use of Parish Online which is mostly about detailed maps of a chosen area.  This will be looked into further before we make any decisions about signing up for it.
              9. Essex Police – the future of NAPs meetings – one or other of us will attend these meetings in the future as they are now being held in the evenings and at various village halls to try and accommodate everyone. Forthcoming meeting dates will be circulated.
              10. Reservoir Community Fund Application – the online application form and the system dealing with the applications has been poor but our application is now being processed.
                Reservoir expansion work on the causeway has been delayed due to the weather and has now been postponed until after Christmas.  More of the footpath from the Layer Fox to the Church has been completed.
              11. Refuse collections, gritting, salt boxes – the salt box we adopted to be situated at the turning point in Salcott Street has been delivered but is now empty.  See above in Borough Councillors’ section.  Refuse collection has not been disrupted due to the weather so far.
              12. Parish Council Chairmanship – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for Jinny to be chairman for another year which will be noted in our constitution at our annual meeting as this is a slight change from our normal order.
              13. Playgrounds – the monthly inspection reports and works required will be dealt with and followed up by appointed parish councillors to ensure that we are following the insurance company’s guidelines.
              14. Painting of Salcott play equipment – on establishing that the correct paint will be used and at least two coats Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for us to accept the cheaper quote for painting Salcott play equipment.
              15. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – duly updated


              102273 Proposal: Retrospective application for the change of use from agricultural use to B8 storage, comprising of; (a) the continued use for storage of ten former shipping containers that are physically attached to the land; (b) the siting and use for storage of a further four former shipping containers that are free-standing; and (c) the continued use of one part of the application site as an outside storage area used in connection with a business that deals with reclaimed building materials at Pantile Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton

              102282 Proposal: Internal and external alterations to roof, forming new bedroom (no.5) and new games room at John Jones House, Autism Anglia, Church Road, Peldon

              102366 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch (resubmission of application 091543) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

              102322 Proposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural development for a proposed building to store crop to maintain good condition for resale at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott


              101579  Suffolk Acre Services – Parish Council annual insurance                          £1468.92

              101580  J & N Bradshaw & Son – repairs to Moss Hay goal posts                          £293.75

              101581  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for December                                                  £353.53

              101582  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                  £95.00

              101583  Tollesbury  (St. Mary’s) PCC  –  mag entry                                               £55.00

              101584  T Simmons  –  play insp                                                                        £30.00

              The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall (Committee Room) on Tuesday 11th January 2011 at 7.30pm.


              PC Agenda 14th December 2010


              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 14th December 2010.

              Note from the Chairman:

              You will note that the agenda looks a little different this time.  Nicky, Sue and I decided to try this expanded format believing that it will help people realise what is expected of them at the meeting and give them a chance to ask questions and round up documents and details before the meeting so that they can come well prepared.  We hope that this will support briefer better-informed discussion.  The format also indicates what decisions need to be made since we are once again hearing rumblings that we too often defer decisions until the following meeting.

              Your feedback about the new format is actively solicited as are any further ideas you may have to improve the way our business is conducted.

              Apologies for absence:

              Minutes of the last meeting

              Borough Councillor:

              Public – Have Your Say

              Declarations of Interest

              Items for Discussion

              1.   Requested move of bus stop at Malting Road, Peldon

              • ­Report of Clerk’s consultations with ECC and First
              • ­Discussion of practicalities and cost
              • ­Decision required: Do we agree to action the move?

              2.   RCCE course – Influencing Decisions in Your Local Area

              • ­Report from Nicky who attended
              • ­Decision required: do we need to take further action?

              3.   2011 Emergency Planning event

              • ­Decisions required: Do we want a meeting in the usual form or a simulated training event and on which of the offered dates?

              4.   Minerals Development Document Preferred Approach – Public Consultation

              • ­Notice of the consultation will be displayed in the usual places
              • ­Decisions required: Does a member of the Parish Council need to attend and if so who?

              5.   Sustainable Communities Act

              • ­Decision required: What action does the Parish Council need to take?

              6.   Precept/Grant

              • ­Discussion of strategy in response to the 50% cut in Revenue Grant
              • ­Discussion about possible reduction of costs in 2011, informed by the financial reports distributed
              • ­Decision required: Preliminary decision about 2011 precept request (to be finally agreed in the January meeting)

              7.   Water for Peldon Church

              • ­we have been asked to agree to the Peldon PCC fencing in a piece of land looked after by them for many years and also laying a water pipe beneath it
              • ­discussion as to whether the Parish Council has any involvement with this issue
              • ­Decision required: What response do we make to the PCC?

              8.   Parish Online and Planning on the Map

              • ­Reports from those who tried it
              • ­Decision required: Do we wish to sign up for this service in future?

              9.   Essex Police – the future of NAPs meetings

              • ­Decision required: Should a member of the PC attend the meetings and if so who?

              10.  Reservoir Community Fund Application

              • ­the application has been accepted for consideration by the Liaison Committee.
              • ­Latest update if available

              11.  Refuse collections, gritting, salt boxes

              • ­general update

              12.  Parish Council Chairmanship

              • ­Continuation of a discussion as to whether we should hold to our usual rota for changing the Chairmanship in May 2011 given the reluctance of the Salcott cum Virley Councillors to take their due turn at this time
              • ­Decision required: Who should be Chairman and who should be Vice Chairman from May 2011 and for how long should they hold tenure?

              13.  Playgrounds

              • ­The Clerk to report on completion of monthly reports, insurance guidelines and progress on outstanding works

              14.  Painting of Salcott play equipment

              • ­Consideration of quotations received from two suppliers, the second being more expensive but specific about the use of special paint and the first cheaper but with no statement as to paint to be used.
              • ­Decision required: Which quotation is to be accepted?

              15.  Rolling Actions and Reminders List

              • ­Review and update


              1.  ECC Making the Links December 2010

              2.  EALC County Update November 2010

              3.  CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions – 1 December 2010 to 31 March 2010

              4.  ECC Bus Passenger News Nov/Dec 2010

              5.  Autism Anglia Autumn Newsletter

              6   RCCE ‘Oyster’ Autumn 2010

              7.  St Helena Hospice ‘Time’ Winter 2010

              8.  ECC Data Transparency (which we already do)


              102273 Proposal: Retrospective application for the change of use from agricultural use to B8 storage, comprising of; (a) the continued use for storage of ten former shipping containers that are physically attached to the land; (b) the siting and use for storage of a further four former shipping containers that are free-standing; and (c) the continued use of one part of the application site as an outside storage area used in connection with a business that deals with reclaimed building materials at Pantile Farm, Peldon Road, Abberton

              102282 Proposal: Internal and external alterations to roof, forming new bedroom (no.5) and new games room at John Jones House, Autism Anglia, Church Road, Peldon

              102366 Proposal: Double storey side extension and front porch (resubmission of application 091543) at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott


              101579  Suffolk Acre Services – Parish Council annual insurance                         £1468.92

              101580  J & N Bradshaw & Son – repairs to Moss Hay goal posts                         £293.75

              101581  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for December                                                £353.53

              101582  SLCC  –  annual subscription                                                                £95.00


              *******   There will be Christmas drinks and nibbles at the Peldon Plough immediately after the meeting.  *******
              ******* We hope to see you there.   *******

              The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall (Committee Room) on Tuesday 11th January 2011 7.30pm.


              Refuse, gritting & other snowy updates

              Waste & recycling collections

              snow-ballThe Parish Council have received the following update from Matthew Young, Head of Street Services at Colchester Borough Council:

              We are carrying out refuse and recycling collections today and Paul English, the Street Care and Recycling Operations Manager, will inform you of our success rate at the end of the working day and we will ensure that the website and media are updated. Staff worked very hard yesterday and most collections were able to be made.

              The weather forecast for the next few days shows little sign of improvement and therefore the same arrangements will apply where we will try to collect as much as we can using a variety of vehicles. We constantly review the situation and ensure as many collections as possible and Paul and his team will carry out a final review of the situation in the morning before crews are deployed. It is worth noting that collections are taking longer than normal in most areas but collection times may also be earlier as drivers choose the most suitable routes. It is therefore imperative that residents have their waste available for collection by 0700 and remain patient until 1600. We will not collect in the dark where conditions are much more hazardous.

              I would also ask that any communication residents may wish to make is through our Customer Service Centre on 01206 282700 or [email protected] and not on direct lines. We greatly appreciate Members who do pass on emails to residents as communication is vital to service success. I would though point out that we will not be deviating from our normal schedule and therefore residents who do not receive a collection by 1600 are advised to simply retrieve and store their waste and recycling.

              Gritting of roads and pavements

              The gritting and salting of the highway network is the responsibility of Essex County Council. They have informed us that they will focus their gritting resources on keeping major roads clear. This includes all ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads, access routes for emergency services, rural link roads and major public transport routes. Therefore, estate or residential roads are not included whether they are on inclines or not. Colchester Borough Council will be keeping the pavements clear on the roads included in the memorandum of understanding and the list of the roads is on the CBC website linked here. If residents want to try and keep the paths clear in their roads then they need to follow the instructions we sent round yesterday to Members.

              As you did earlier this year your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.



              PAWS – December Teaching Report

              One of Brian Carline's Books
              One of Brian Carline’s Books
              44 members and visitors attended our November meeting when Mr. Brian Carline came along to tell us about his “School Experiences”.  Brian started teaching in Salford in 1971 and retired in 2005 after a long and seemingly happy career teaching in Secondary Schools.  Brian initially held two jobs down, teaching in the day and being part of a double act as a comedian in the evening, even reaching the gala final of New Faces in 1977.  Although this was his major claim to fame he did tell us that they came last.  His comical background came through whilst he recounted numerous funny incidents that happened throughout his career.  It was also one of our member’s 90th Birthday and she was presented with a special flower arrangement and a cake. Many happy returns to Isobel Parsley for the 1st December.

              Our next meeting is on January 11th 2011 which is slightly earlier than normal, due to the pantomime, and June Crisfield Chapman will be speaking to us about “Wild Plants – Myths, Magic, Medicines”.  So Happy New Year and see you all then.    Visitors are very welcome at a cost of £3.50.   Membership renewal is £20 and we may have some spaces available.

              If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212,



              PC Minutes 9th November 2010


              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th November 2010.

              Present: Les Lapwood, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nettie Knill Jones, Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Lynne Simmons, John Walker and 3 members of the public

              Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Terry Sutton

              Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

              Borough Councillors: Some pipe work and jetting has been carried out in Salcott to help with the flooding problem which will be carefully monitored before any further meetings on this matter are organised.

              Bellwood is in the process of being sold.

              Police Report: There had been an attempted theft of an old tractor in Great Wigborough.  More speed checks will be carried out in Great Wigborough and Peldon.  In recent times there has been an overall reduction in crime in this area.

              Public – Have Your Say: Congratulations were expressed to the successful organisation of the fireworks event and in dealing with the wind problem during the evening.

              Declarations of Interest: None

              1. Door to door deliveries – a list of the furthest out houses in Peldon will be compiled so that none are omitted next time we carry out a delivery.
              2. Chairmanship – the order in which we appoint a chairman may change slightly as we have several new parish councillors who would not wish to take on this task so soon.  A decision of the order for the next few years will be made next month.
              3. The Way We Work – with regard to the matter of certain parish councillors taking on certain roles more ideas and discussions are needed and a draft will be circulated for consideration at January’s meeting.
              4. Meetings attended – Village Shop & Pub Day was interesting and informative but probably quite difficult to implement here. The Clerks’ Forum was also interesting with presentations from Census 2011, Digital Strategy for Colchester and Chief Superintendent for the Police on necessary closure of Police premises in preference to cutting down on manpower due to a reduction in funding.
              5. Parish Online pilot scheme – two parish councils out of a possible seven that have applied will be chosen for this pilot scheme and we should hear soon if we are one of them.
              6. Reservoir Community Fund website application is being completed subject to a couple of problems that need sorting out with the online application form.
              7. Revenue Grant reduction – the final decision of the cuts being made and how much we will receive will be decided in the next few weeks. A ‘to date’ finance report will be circulated for an informed discussion at the next meeting.
              8. New Executive Arrangements Consultation – we will reply that our majority vote was for Option One: Leader and Cabinet in preference to Option Two: Directly Elected Mayor and Cabinet.
              9. Flooding enquiry from Nick Humfrey – Environment, Sustainability and Highways are appointing a new employee whose job it will be to try and sort out rainfall flooding problems in the area.
              10. Parking in Salcott has been reported to the police who will investigate in due course and this will be followed up.
              11. Abandoned car in Wigborough Village Hall car park for the third time has been reported and removed.
              12. Peldon Hall Farm – crop spraying that left a deposit on the road and on cars was also detrimental to health. It would seem that a contractor had carried out this work for the farmer who was the landowner.  A resident of Lodge Lane has written to the Environment Health Agency.  Parish Councillors have and will further liaise with residents for us to follow up if required.
              13. Playgrounds – inspection and maintenance reports returned. All quotations for painting Salcott equipment have yet to be received.
              14. Bus shelter at Salcott crossroads – all quotations for alterations yet to be received.
              15. Youth sports equipment – was discussed again and as before it was agreed that this would not be used sufficiently to warrant spending funds on it.
              16. Sparklers evening report – this was a very successful event but not without problems due to the change of wind during the evening. Debris from the bonfire and fireworks blew over the crowd but was dealt with immediately by putting out part of the bonfire and delaying the display briefly whilst moving the fireworks back.  St John’s Ambulance treated several for minor eye irritations. They are always in attendance and this is the first time their services have been called upon. The safety procedures that have always been in place were tried and tested this year and proved successful.
              17. Actions and Reminders List was updated.


                101984 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a single storey extension at Haxells Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

                101986 Proposal: Listed building application for the above

                Notice of Planning Decisions:

                091245 Proposal: Conservation woodland and meadow with support facilities at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused

                Correspondence from CBC on Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Abberton


                101574 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £90.00

                101575 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Nov                                                                    £353.53

                101576 B Gooding – 2 x play insp + repairs                                                                £63.24

                101577 Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4                                                           £160.00

                101578 T Simmons – play insp                                                                                  £30.00

                The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on 14th Dec 2010 at 7.30pm.


                PC Agenda 9th November 2010


                Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th November 2010.

                Apologies for absence:

                Minutes of the last meeting

                Borough Councillors:

                Public – Have Your Say

                Declarations of Interest:

                Items for Discussion

                1. Door to door deliveries – who should do what and where
                2. Chairmanship – future order – possible changes required
                3. The Way We Work- including possible allocation of jobs/subjects
                4. Meetings attended – reports – Village Shop & Pub Day, Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group, Essex Wildlife Trust and Clerks’ Forum
                5. Parish Online pilot scheme – further information
                6. Reservoir Community Fund website application
                7. Revenue Grant reduction – implications
                8. New Executive Arrangements Consultation – our response
                9. Flooding enquiry from Nick Humfrey – follow up information
                10. Parking in Salcott progress
                11. Abandoned car in Wigborough Village Hall car park
                12. Peldon Hall Farm – crop spraying and deposit on road
                13. Playgrounds – update and quotations for painting Salcott equipment if obtained
                14. Quotations for improving bus shelter at Salcott crossroads if obtained
                15. Youth sports equipment – suggested source of funding
                16. Sparklers evening – after the event report
                17. Actions and Reminders List



                  • CBC Site Allocations and Development Policies
                  • NATS no changes or further consultation for the time being
                  • CBC Forward Plan of Key Decisions – 1 Nov 10 to 28 Feb 11
                  • ECC Making the Links November 2010
                  • English Rural Housing Association Annual Report 2010


                091245 Proposal: Conservation woodland and meadow with support facilities at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused

                Correspondence from CBC on Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Abberton


                101574 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £90.00

                101575 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Nov                                                                    £353.53

                101576 B Gooding – 2 x play insp + repairs                                                                £63.24

                The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on 14th December 2010 at 7.30pm.


                PAWS – November First Class Report

                First Class at Last by Patrick ForsytheAbout 30 members and visitors attended our October meeting when Mr. Patrick Forsythe came along to tell us about getting “Travel Books Published”. Patrick had worked in Management Training and successfully written a training book and then joined a writing group before having two travel books published.  The first  “First Class at Last” comparing budget travel with first class travel to Asia and the second “A land like none you know” all about Burma. He told us that having had the idea for the first book he sent the draft idea to several publishing companies and got rejected. He persisted and finally when following them up, one of them asked him to resubmit his ideas, he got an email saying “a contract was on its way”. He then had the problem of funding his trip so he contacted various airlines, hotels etc. who agreed to fund him in return for a write up. He read out a number of paragraphs from his books which were highly amusing and very entertaining. We also had a Silent Auction which once again proved highly successful raising £87.50 for our funds, which was a fantastic effort.

                There is no meeting in December but we are having our annual Christmas celebrations on Tuesday 14th December at the Balkerne Restaurant in the Colchester Institute. So the committee would like to wish all our Members and Visitors a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on January 11th 2011 which is slightly earlier than normal due to the pantomime.

                If you would like any further information about P.A.W.S. please ring any of us on any of the following numbers. Alice 01206 735510, Jane 01206 735004, Julia 01206 735053 or Sue 01206 735212,



                Road Closure – Abberton Road, Langenhoe

                abberton-road-langenhoeEssex County Council has announced the temporary closure of Abberton Road, in the Parish of Langenhoe, from its junction with B1025 Mersea Road to its junction with Fingringhoe Road.

                The closure is scheduled to commence on 9 November 2010 for 1 day and is required for the safety of the public and workforce whilst carriageway resurfacing works are undertaken.

                The alternative route will be via 81025 Mersea Road – Fingringhoe Road and vice versa.  Access for emergency service vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure.
