Annual Parish Assembly Minutes 12th May 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2009

The Annual Parish Assembly

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bentley and 7 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: None

The public were invited to speak on any matter they wished.

The Chairman’s Report was read out beginning with expressing our sadness at losing Peter Crowe and welcoming Andrew Ellis.  The Gold Edition of the Parish News will be again, delivered to every household in all the villages in our parish and will give a full version of the chairman’s report and a financial report that is now being internally audited.  Thanks were given to all those people that have had an input into the day to day running of our proceedings; the clerk, Steve Copeland for internal auditing, our handy men, Borough Councillors, County Councillor and the public who have attended our meetings or assisted us in any way.  The parish council has made a number of achievements this year.  We have reduced our council tax and increased our insurance public liability.  The Communications Committee has commissioned a website, provided an email service of general local information, has also dealt with other important matters such as revising our Emergency Plan and Freedom of Information Act policy.  A Village Design Statement is in progress and certain long standing issues have been resolved, the resurfacing and signage of this main road perhaps being the most important. We have made responses to consultations, particularly the Local Development Framework, and attended many meetings on various matters.  Planning applications have been dealt with, Abberton Reservoir expansion being the largest and most time consuming.  The parish council has obtained two additional dog bins, one at Little Wigborough and one at Salcott, an additional salt bin at Salcott, helped with the Salcott field gate widening and the recent flooding problems and obtained grants for play equipment at Peldon.

Kevin Bentley expressed his thanks to us all. He also spoke of his sadness at losing a good friend and colleague in Peter Crowe but that Andrew Ellis was proving to be an equally valuable partner. He also spoke of the achievements we have made together such as the main road improvements, certain requests with regard to the Abberton Reservoir Expansion application and the hard work involved in trying to resolve the Bellwood situation which is still on going.  Kevin will also make a request to the police again to attend our meetings occasionally.

Parish Council AGM

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Jinny to be in Chairman for the next two years.  Jinny then thanked Robert for being chairman for the last two years bringing to the meetings his wide knowledge of our patch and the wider area in and around Colchester.  She hoped with our the ‘Way We Work’ initiative we will become a more efficient parish council giving us greater job satisfaction, therefore enabling us to have fun along the way and encourage our existing parish councillors or any new ones that join in the future.

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Nicky to be Vice Chairman for the next two years.

Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Sue, the clerk, to be the Financial and Responsible Officer for the next two years.

Jinny and Nicky signed our Declaration of Acceptance of Office book.  The chairman’s medal was handed to Jinny from Robert.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with an alteration of  cheque numbers which should be as follows: 101469 EALC for annual subscription – £262.51 and 101470 Terry Simmons for play area inspection and repairs plus 2 grass cuts – £140.40.

Borough Councillors: There is a meeting at Peldon on Wed 13th May for the parish and borough councillors of the Reservoir Liaison Group to hear Sue Jackson from CBC Planning Department explain about 106 agreements and how this can be used with regard to this application.  106 agreements are about money that can be obtained and used for closely connected projects.

The situation at Bellwood is being closely monitored and the Chief Executive will be approached if necessary.

ECC Highways will be requested to resurface The Street at Salcott.

Public – Have Your Say: Benches on Moss Hay have been installed and Kevin Bradshaw was thanked for making them. We had previously obtained a grant for these.

We were asked to speak more clearly as sometimes the public found it hard to hear all that was said which we will endeavour to do.

Items for Discussion

  1. Village Design Statement – completed questionnaires are still coming back and will be expertly evaluated. So far we have had approximately 33% of the adult and 17% of the children’s ones returned.  The prize draw will be at the May Festival with the use of a tombola kindly leant to us by a Salcott resident. Also the May Festival photo competition will, hopefully provide us with photos for the VDS.
  2. Peldon Church Green – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for Terry Hedger to cut this grass for us for another year.
  3. Flooding at Salcott – the meeting with Environment Agency was attended by  Environment Agency Officers, parish councillors and land owners. The EA have no actual responsibility with regard to homes flooding other than to inform people.  A contour map of the area has been requested and other matters will be looked into by them. ECC Highways are responsible for roads and pipe work and land owners and householders are responsible for ditches who ECC will contact where necessary. A full report of the meeting has been made.
  4. Improving Moss Hay – rubbish has been cleared and more is to be done. A certain householder will be asked to remove an offending pile. A suggestion of wild flower planting was put forward.
  5. Play grounds annual inspection has been completed and copies of the required maintenance jobs have been given to our two inspection and repair men.
  6. Grant obtained of £15,000 from Cory Environmental Trust for a Highland Structure piece of equipment if funding is obtained for the whole project for new equipment and surfacing.  Robert will investigate further funding. Although new equipment is expensive the old is in a poor state of repair due to the wood rotting and it was considered that it would be a constant drain of resources in the not too distant future.  Next month we will consider a breakdown of the costs of new equipment and reassess how to go forward with this.
    A grant was obtained a while ago to improve the footpath on Moss Hay. Now is the right time for this job and so a quote has been obtained and more will be sort with hopefully the chance to dig out the adjacent ditch at the same time.
  7. Planning Process Review – training with the help of CBC is being looked into and we will report back on the matter next month.
  8. Changes to Standing Orders – owing to the quantity of other work this is deferred to next month.
  9. Old Village Hall, Great Wigborough will be boarded up by us, Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed, although this hall and land is not owned by the parish council. The Charities Commission own the hall for the people of Wigborough.  All the original trustees are thought to be now dead so we will possibly, in time, be seeking new trustees.  The car park appears to have an abandoned car in it, ownership of which will be investigated for further action.  Also, the car park is used generally as a car park which will be a problem when the portacabin arrives for voting at the forthcoming election.

Planning Notice:

080194 Proposal: Construction of new Wormingford Pumping Station (WPS). New pipeline from WPS to Abberton Reservoir. Expansion of Abberton Reservoir works to B1026. The application includes an Environmental Statement.

Location: Land from Wormingford to Abberton including Abberton Reservoir, Abberton Reservoir scheme, Peldon Road, Abberton, Colchester.

This application has been approved. Details can be viewed on the Council’s website or at their offices between 08.30-17.30 Monday to Friday.

090322 Proposal: Extensions and alterations at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott  –  Permission Granted


101471 A Moore – play area inspection                                                                       £25.00

101472 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May + back dated increase                                      £350.40

101473 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £90.00

101474 Anglia Inspection Services – playgrounds annual inspection                               £155.00

101475 J & N Bradshaw – 4 benches for Moss Hay                                                     £552.00

101476 T Simmons – play area insp. and 2 x grass cuts                                               £105.00

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 9th June 2009 at 7.30


PC Minutes 14th April 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2009.

Present: Frances Fergus, Nicky Ellis, Jinny Gale, Robert Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Andrew Ellis and approx 25 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with an alteration at Item 3. last sentence ‘We also decided that in future……’ was discussed but was to be proposed and decided at the following meeting.

Borough Councillors: There had been no particular issues reported.  ECC Highways have been consulted about the missing 30mph sign that should have been replaced in Salcott Street. Why there is an empty council house in Salcott will also be looked into.

Public – Have Your Say: Several people had come about the flooding in Salcott and were asked to wait for when that subject would be discussed at Item 2 later in the meeting.

Two property owners in Salcott expressed their dissatisfaction at length with the parish council for not backing their planning applications. The chairman explained planning procedures and that the planning decisions are made by qualified officers at Colchester Borough Council. He suggested people come to our meetings to explain what they are hoping to achieve with regard to planning applications before submitting them in an attempt to clarify requirements.

There was a request for the Salcott meadow grass to be cut before school holidays.

Declarations of Interest: Depending on the discussion Sam for Item 2 and Jinny for No. 8 in correspondence

Items for Discussion

  1. Clerk’s salary adjustment in line with the national pay scale was discussed and the increase of £0.029 backdated from April 08 was proposed by Phil, seconded by Jinny and all agreed.
  2. Flooding at Salcott – was discussed and there had been a number of suggestions and proposals for improving matters but as we have a meeting with the Environment Agency at the end of the month it was considered the best option is to wait for professional advice. A list of questions and queries has been compiled for the meeting.  We must determine whether or not the Grove Road and any new development on the jam factory site, both in Tiptree, has any impact on the flooding problems of Salcott.  It was suggested that Section 106 for obtaining compensatory funds may be appropriate when or if the jam factory site is developed.  The flooding of Wigborough houses has been dealt with by ECC Highways.
  3. Emergency Plan – update is being compiled with any new contact details.  A list of boat and dingy owners will be added.  Enquiries will be made about sand bags.
  4. Communications Committee – our website design is to be decided keeping within our budget.  Local groups have and will be asked if they would like to have a link. Essex and Suffolk Water will also be approached.
    Our Freedom of Information declaration is almost complete but a course will be attended in June by a parish councillor on this subject so it was thought prudent to wait until after then.  We are covered now by a blanket declaration.
    Jinny proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed for any correspondence to us by a member of the public or body by telephone, letter or email be acknowledged by letter or email within 7 days of receipt adding that the matter, if it cannot be dealt with immediately, be discussed at our next parish council meeting and a reply within 10 days following.
    We will review how we look at planning applications and how our decisions are made. Also we will look at how we keep planning applications as these are on the CBC website.
    Jinny proposed and Phil seconded and all agreed for us to abide by the new protocol for emails.  Names can be added to our emailing services of useful information and forthcoming events run by Jinny which will probably be incorporated into the website when it is up and running.
    Our responses to consultations will be listed electronically for easy access.
  5. VDS – with great team effort by the volunteers and Nicky for organising it the questionnaires were distributed to all households in all our villages. Thanks were expressed to those volunteers. Volunteers are needed for evaluating the results.  Some forms have been completed and returned already. Everyone is urged to fill in and send off their questionnaire in time to be entered for prizes to be drawn at the Peldon May Festival.  When completed the Villages Design Statement will be considered in decisions for the future of our villages by CBC for the next 15 years so it is very important for everybody to have their say.
  6. CACL Meeting – was attended and there was a presentation from Playing Field Association. A couple of other presentations had been cancelled.  Their next meeting will be attended by one of us.
  7. Annual Report – suggestions re content to be emailed to Jinny who is in the process of putting this together for our next meeting.
  8. Vice chairman – for the next two years will be from the Peldon parish councillors and decided between them for proposal by our next meeting.

Correspondence: No 8.  Jinny Gale would like it on record that she completely refutes all the allegations made against her in Martin Parmenter’s letter.


090342 Proposal: Application for temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken unit, siting 3 mobile chicken houses, erection of tractor shelter, brood and feed shed at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough

090322 Proposal: Extensions and alterations at Beckton Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

090357 Proposal: Replace existing internal glazed door and side panels with timber-framed glazed double doors at Cobb Cottage, The Street, Salcott

090467 Proposal: Agricultural determination for erection of machinery/workshop shed at Virley Hall Farm, Mill Lane, Virley

Notice of Planning Decisions:

090165 Proposal: Building to house agricultural machinery and implements to support agricultural use. Resubmission of 082140 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

090049 Proposal: Form a new annexe within an existing Essex barn, form new gym area, cinema room and change of use at Abbots Wick Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused

Appeal on the refusal of construction of wind farm at Hockley Farm, Bradwell has been quashed by the High Court


101463 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s expenses (paper, ink, etc.)                                           £127.81

101464 R S Pullen  –  office use (heating, lighting, etc.)                                           £250.00

101465 Zurich Insurance Company  –  annual insurance                                          £3046.59

101466 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for April                                                               £349.02

101467 A Moore  –  play area inspection and clearance under shelter                          £48.00

101468 Mrs N Ellis  –  printing and envelopes for VDS questionnaire                           £421.09

101469 Terry Simmons  –  play area insp and repairs, 2 grass cuts                              £140.40

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Assembly, AGM and Parish Council Meeting at Peldon Village Hall on 12th May 2009 at 7.30pm.

Anyone wishing to make a donation to East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice please contact Nicky Jackson on 01223 205181.  It is a charity for children with life threatening conditions and their families.


PC Minutes 10th March 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th March 2009.

Present: Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Jane Banks, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley and approx. 30 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the vice chairman. Nicky proposed, Phil Seconded and all agreed to state the minutes as Draft as that is exactly what they are until agreed by all at the following meeting.

Borough Councillors: Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group had their first meeting recently. The planning application has been granted conditional approval with the Community Funding to be sorted.  This Community Fund is to be set up to help compensate in various ways closely affected areas.  The main raising work will begin in January 2010. A transport plan has yet to be compiled.  The main work will be given out to tender.  Minor works will begin in April this year.  Woodland felling had started but halted again while birds are nesting.  A road will be built around the reservoir to help contain all construction work.  The new visitors centre will be completed in August 2010.  There is to be a memorial bench to Peter Crowe erected somewhere suitable.

Public – Have Your Say: Jinny requested for any public comments about Item 1. – Flooding in Salcott, to wait for that part of the meeting. A follow up on speed gun training was requested and with the evenings getting lighter this will take place soon – speeding motorists beware!  We would still like everybody to report to us any accidents along this main road for our log to continue for further use in campaigning for a speed reduction.  Reports about blocked ditches in Peldon will also be chased up.

Declarations of Interest: Sam declared an interest in Item 1. and was asked to stay but not enter into the discussion at all.

Items for Discussion

  1. Flooding at Salcott – the vice chairman gave a full and explanatory account of the proceedings up to now with regard to complaints, correspondence, parish council regulations and requirements.  Mr Martin Parmenter read a prepared statement about flooding at Salcott cum Virley and procedures about the production of the Parish Council’s Minutes.  He asked that a copy of the statement be included in the Minutes.  As explained at the meeting the Council’s policy is to record decisions in the Minutes but not discussions pertaining to those decisions.  Accordingly Mr Parmenter’s statement has not been included.  It will be held with the Parish Council records and copies can be obtained from the clerk in line with the Freedom of Information Act.  Any such copies will be provided in hard copy form and will be free of charge.

    With regard to the flooding at Salcott, Mr Chris Knill Jones has stated that he is not in a position to consider making any changes to his land which had been suggested to him.  Also another landowner regarded the suggestion as making his land more susceptible to flooding.   It was considered to be a far wider issue and any changes to land, counter walls and sea walls etc. would require careful monitoring and planning by the Environment Agency.  Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed that we should write to the Environment Agency about the situation requesting that they keep us informed of any visits or decisions they make.  CBC will also be contacted to alert them of the severity of the problem and ask if they have any plans, surveys or suggestions to help the situation. The increased number of houses in Tiptree has made the situation worse; was that considered when planning applications were granted?  Also with regard to the roads flooding from an excess of rain water ECC Highways have met with people at Salcott and written to land owners requesting clearance of ditches.  Hopefully people will be vigilant and keep their ditches cleared at all times.  It was suggested that the whole problem of flooding at Salcott be on the agenda quarterly to assess the situation and any progress to date.

  2. Salt bin at Salcott – Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed for us to buy Salcott an additional salt bin to be situated along Salcott Street.  This will be at a cost of £350 which includes maintenance and filling by ECC Highways.
  3. Communications Committee – had a meeting and certain matters were discussed. We have been informed that emails between us on parish council matters are not in the public domain as previously thought but can be requested under the Freedom of Information Act.  With regard to the Act we are in the process of compiling ours gradually as it is a lengthy document to sort out making sure everything is included that is appropriate to us, but we have adopted an interim cover.  Website quotes were considered and a decision was made to use someone who had been recommended to us by another parish council and whose website appeared to be just right for us and within our budget.  We also decided that in future the parish council will acknowledge receipt of any correspondence by return with the matter therein to be discussed at the next meeting with a full reply following.
  4. Local Development Framework – our response to the consultation was read out and has been circulated for all to see.
  5. Village Design Statement – the questionnaire is being printed, CBC will supply freepost return envelopes and the parish council will distribute these to all houses in our villages from 5th to 15th April.  There will be four cash prizes for completed and returned questionnaires, 2 for adults and 2 for children, with the draw taking place at the May Festival at 4pm.  This will help to form the basis for our Villages Design Statement for which we have received a grant from Rural Action East.
  6. Dog Bins – new ones as requested have been situated at the end of Copt Hall Lane in Little Wigborough and at the start of a footpath along The Street in Salcott.
  7. Meetings Attended – it was learned at the Clerk’s Forum there is a Community Bus that is situated at troublesome points in and around Colchester at night for young people to enter for guidance and help.  During the day it has many uses for helping the community. Any enquiries or donations for this scheme should go to Debbie Farthing on 01206 766096.
  8. Emergency Plan – updating our plan is another lengthy procedure and hopefully will be completed and returned to CBC by next month’s meeting.


090208 Proposed extension at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

090165 Agricultural building at Beckton House Farm, Salcott – correspondence


101460 A Moore – play area insp, repair to picnic table, empty bin                                £60.00

101461 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March                                                                £349.02

101462 T Simmons – play area inspection                                                                 £25.00

The next meeting will be in Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 14th April 2009 at 7.30pm


Response to Local Development Framework Consultation

Draft response from WHPC to the LDF Public Consultation –final version

Winstred Hundred Parish Council has consulted widely with its parish communities regarding the proposals put forward in the Local Development Framework.  We agree with the conclusions of the Borough Council that none of the sites in Peldon, the Wigboroughs or Salcott cum Virley are suitable for large scale housing developments and are therefore not to be included in the Site Allocations document.

We note the Borough Council’s opinion that our sites are only suitable for affordable housing and we concur with that view.  There was a clear message from our consultations that a small number of suitable houses would be welcomed if they brought families into the community.   The Parish Council established a need for affordable housing several years ago and we know that demand is still present, provided that there can be some priority given to people with local connections.  We have asked local landowners in the past for sites but none have been available.

There is a strong desire to see a shop re-open in a suitable location in one of the villages, probably in Peldon.  There is also an awareness that without such community facilities villages such as ours will become unsustainable and die.  There is a strong opinion that this decline has begun and is probably already irreversible without both policy changes and a positive will on the part of communities to halt the process.

There is a firm view that the village envelopes should not be changed unless at some time in the future to accommodate affordable housing on one of the sites adjacent to a boundary and designated as for affordable housing only.  The residents are adamant that the existing open spaces and woodland in the parish are valued amenities which must be retained.

We support the proposal to restrict the site development at Pantiles Farm in Abberton Road, Peldon (S109) to the area around the existing buildings and to exclude storage and distribution activities.  While we welcome appropriate opportunities for employment in country areas the increase in traffic if the restriction were not imposed would have an undesirable effect on the neighbouring village of Peldon.


PC Meeting Notes 10th February 2009



 Parish Council


 10th February 2009




 Salcott Parish Hall


 Full Council minus Robert and Sam

 Flooding and weather related issues

There was a large attendance from Salcott on the back of flooding concerns.  Alex Graham and his neighbour had also been flooded.  Phil and Kevin Bradshaw and others did an excellent job in helping out and getting CBC and Highways involved.

A full examination of ditches in the Wigboroughs (and Peldon?) had taken place and Roger Went would be writing to land owners reminding them of their responsibility to keep ditches clear.  He will also deal with the flooded ditch problem at the entrance to Peldon Hall.  It was good that Roger had come out while the water was still lying and running so that he could really see the impact and extent of things we have complained about before but which he had never seen for himself.  As a result it looks as though there will be some action taken.

Roger and Alan Bligh(?) will meet with Kevin Bradshaw within a few days re the flooding at Salcott.  Subsequent note from Terry Simmons:

Today  (12/02/09) a  meeting  took place in Salcott village to discuss the flooding problem .

Three members of the village and three from highway’s ie -Martin Parminter ,Dave Whybrow, and Myself from Salcott Plus Alan Blyth, Roger Went ,And Simon High, from highway’s  they also  brought with  them a jetting machine .

The drains from the crossroad’s to Mill lane were jetted and the finding’s are as follows.

  1. Broken drain at crossroad .
  2. Blockage on right between The Well House (big house on c/road’s) and Number 1 Sharlands Row.
  3. All pipe work/ditch’s on  right in front of house’s are Clear from blockage to the bungalow (Willow brook).
  4. Length of ditch from bungalow to the barn on right to be dug out and cleared.
  5. Pipe work from end of ditch to Mill Lane Clear.
  6. Length  of ditch from top of the street (by the bungalow on  the left) to the pipe work to be dug out and cleared.
  7. All pipe work on left from end of ditch to concrete slab clear.
  8. Length of ditch from slab to field entrance near Waterslye Lodge (first house on left) to be dug out and cleared.
  9. Irrigation pipe that runs under road in the pipe work from field entrance to ditch to be removed.
  10. Blockage in above pipe work. (Two pipes)
  11. Drain outside Waterstyle   Lodge to be piped across the road into the opposite ditch.

Highways will repair broken drain and pipe work across road number’s 1 and 9

Simon High will write to home/land  owners to request for work to done for number’s


The mood at the start of the meeting from the Salcott section of the public was fairly antagonistic but when they heard what had been done and was still to be done they went away well pleased.

Emergency Plan

There were new telephone numbers for the CBC Emergency Team (which they had changed without telling us!) and we were urged to investigate and make emergency provision related to any hazardous activities which regularly take place on our patch.  We decided that there was nothing of particular note which we should include in our Emergency Plan.

Jinny to update the Plan and arrange with Sue for amendments to be circulated.

Salt bins

CBC would not supply an additional salt bin free of charge for the Turf Farm area of Salcott but one could be provided and kept filled for a charge of £350.   The mood of the Council was receptive to this idea but it needs to be formally proposed and voted on at the next Council Meeting.

Abberton Liaison Group

The Abberton Liaison Group will be meeting on 9th March.

Communications Committee

The council approved the Communications Committee’s work to date on the website, agreed with the proposal to abandon formal computer training and institute a self-help approach and agreed in principle with the e-mail protocol which needs to be formally submitted and voted on at the next meeting.

We recruited four more people to the e-mail experiment, bringing the total number of people on that list up to 36.  This service was rated as well worth keeping.

The Freedom of Information document was referred back to the Communications Committee for further discussion, in particular with Sue about what records she holds.  The council agreed that access to information should normally be free although, at the Clerk’s discretion, a charge not exceeding the cost of producing the information could be made.  This to protect the Council against repeated frivolous enquiries and to reclaim any expenditure should any enquiry require a large effort or incur incidental significant costs.

The Council was happy for the Communications Committee to progress consideration of the short list of four possible website designers.

The Council felt that we should explore fully the costs of sponsoring another Gold Edition of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Parish News this year to ensure that our Annual Report was delivered to every house in the Parish.  Nicky had asked Bill for quotes for up to four pages extra.  The estimate is a maximum of £100.  Last year we felt that we could do a circular ourselves for £84 but we preferred the marginally more expensive Parish News approach as being more community-minded, provided the costs did not exceed the quote.  Nicky pointed out that we could probably split the cost with the Five Parishes group who were pleased to take advantage of the initiative last year.

Nicky suggested and all agreed that we should make sure that copies of Minutes put into the Parish News should be clearly marked as being Draft Minutes not yet agreed by the Parish Council.

Village Design Statement

The council was pleased to hear of very good progress with the VDS.  The questionnaire was finalised, CBC had agreed to be the receiving point for our returned forms and Nicky had applied for a grant.  The Council made sympathetic noises about possibly deploying excess money budgeted for the VDS (should there be any) to the website development if required.  It was noted that the website would benefit a number of Parish Council initiatives.

Essex Speed Management Consultation

We agreed to respond to the Essex Speed Management Strategy consultation commenting that we supported the strategy and welcomed the greater emphasis on speed limits on rural roads.  We had been asking for limits on roads which we know to be dangerous and accident prone and look forward to receiving a more sympathetic response in future

Moss Hay

We talked about Christine Nash’s thoughts about tidying up Moss Hay.  The Parish Council supported the idea of a community initiative to progress this with the thought that there might be funds available if required once a clear plan of action had been set out.  Frances and Christine will get together to work out what might be necessary and possible and bring back a proposal to the next Parish Council meeting.

Mr Fellowes’ e-mail

From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 7:19 PM
Subject: Local Development Framework – Peldon
> The February 09 edition of the Parish News called for further views on
> the ‘preferred sites for possible future development’ within the
> village.   I should be grateful for my view to be passed to the Parish
> Council.   I object to any further development/building on the farmland
> (Davidson’s I understand) along Mersea Road which would increase the
> ‘strip’ style development of the area and is outside the ‘envelope’.
> Given that a further ‘estate’ will soon be created on the site of the
> old garage and adjacent land, I do not consider any further development
> is likely to value the village.  However, if needs must then there is
> ample space off Peldon Road (a ‘private playing field’!!?) adjacent to
> the top end of the Public Footpath.  This would not increase ‘strip’
> development.
> The minutes of the Winstred Hundred Parish Council of 13 January 09 re-
> produced in the same edition of the Parish News,under the heading
> ‘Local Development Framework’  indicate that “Discussions will take
> place between us from now until our next meeting……”   Presumably
> these ‘discussions’ are between councillors and will therefore
> themselves be minuted and available to the community.
> At the Public Meeting on 7 October 08 volunteers were called for as
> being urgently needed to help create a village statement – despite
> providing name, telephone number and email address I have not been
> contacted during the past four months.   Presumably the need was either
> not as urgent as stated or perhaps there are other reasons???
> K R Fellowes

Sue had acknowledged Mr Fellowes’ e-mail saying that he had not been contacted re the VDS and with comments about LDF sites.  Nicky had replied to the VDS part and   Jinny would reply to the section of his e-mail referring to the LDF consultation.

LDF Public Consultation

Jinny to draft a reply along the lines that we noted the non-selection of all the sites in our parish except for possibly affordable housing.  We supported the decision to restrict the site at Pantiles since although it is technically outside our area any change to traffic to and from the site would affect Peldon.

We would repeat the gist of the comments made earlier to CBC, since these are not carried forward into the conclusions of the Public Consultation.  These to include the strong desire for the return of a shop and that there was some support for small and sympathetic residential development if that would bring more families into the community.

Rural Housing Association

We agreed to respond to a letter from the English Rural Housing Association asking whether they could present at one of our meetings to the effect that if the possibility of development on one of our ‘affordable housing only’ sites looked possible we would be pleased to have  presentation from them but until such a possibility loomed we would decline their kind offer.

Peldon Fireworks

We noted the independent  report by Robert Kean which satisfactorily addressed the issues which arose from this year’s event and thanked Robert for producing it.


PC Minutes 13th January 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th January 2009.

Present: Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Frances Fergus, Nicky Ellis, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, John Jowers, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis and one member of the public

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with one alteration at 7. obtained from ‘ECC Community Initiative Funding (CIF)’ and CBC Town and Parish Grant Scheme etc.

County Councillor: There will be money for power plants using farm waste for cheap heating for affordable housing.  Lead by Environmental Agency and Natural England the shore line management plan is to be altered.  The request is for wind farms not to be on land. The Regional Assembly is being abolished.  There should be more incentive to land owners to supply land for affordable housing which can be part owned and for which the criteria for having one may be controlled by the village itself.  Community Initiative Funds and Youth CIFs will continue. Many of the houses allocated for this part of the country have been built already.

Peldon Village Hall money granted to them in the last year’s scheme was withdrawn as their project has changed. Funding from elsewhere was confirmed as village halls are an important part of rural life. Essex is 72% rural.

Borough Councillors: There was a speed gun in operation in Peldon recently and apparently some were caught.  Gritting of Barnhall Road has been requested again. There has been a request for a salt bin to be situated along The Street in Salcott.  Excess water on the road by Hillside Farm in Great Wigborough will be investigated next time it appears.

Chevrons on a bend in Great Wigborough have been knocked over and will be reported to ECC Highways. The spending of the money acquired from the Abberton Reservoir expansion scheme is to be decided by a panel from the local parish councils. Liaison with Essex and Suffolk Water will be constant.

Public – Have Your Say – none

Declarations of Interest: none

  1. CALC – as yet Ian Vipond CBC has not replied to our letter. One or two of us will attend the next meeting on 19th Jan.
  2. The Way We Work – a forward calendar of agendas and a rolling action/tracking list was suggested to enable us to be more efficient. This was considered to be a good idea that we will proceed with.
  3. Freedom of Information Act – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to adopt the new model publication of this act. We are in the process of preparing our detailed document that will comply with this act. An article will be placed in the magazines to this effect.
  4. VDS meeting was held and the questionnaire is nearly finalised. There are approx 400 households all together and printing will be a major part of the costs plus a money prize incentive to return. Freepost for returning is being looked into.
  5. Precept for the next year was discussed and even including expected expenses for the VDS it was thought appropriate to drop our precept by £1000 which Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed.
  6. Emergency Plan – postponed till next month
  7. Local Development Framework – no sites have been supported in our villages. Discussions will take place between us from now until our next meeting and an article in the magazines requesting any further input from the public following our public meeting for our reply to CBC on the consultation by 27th Feb.
  8. Peldon Fireworks – post-event Safety Report will, hopefully, be discussed at our next meeting. A  PC representative will join Sparklers Committee.
  9. Peldon Village Hall – hire charge increase request of £10 per session was proposed by Jinny, seconded by Nicky and all agreed.


082140 Proposal: Building to house farm vehicles etc. to support farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decisions:

081888 Proposal: Approval of the details of the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping of the site (hereinafter called “the reserved matters”) at Peldon Old Rectory, Church Road  –  The Reserved Matters Approved

081928 Proposal: Removal of condition 13 of 080505 at Peldon Garage – Permission Granted


101450 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Jan 09                                                                 £349.02

101451 A Moore – play area inspection                                                                      £25.00

101452 Zurich Insurance – increase of public liability, sparklers additions                         £633.94

101453 Littlethorpe of Leicester Ltd. – bus shelter (grant obtained)                           £5382.00

101454 Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                               £82.00

101455 T Simmons – play area inspection                                                                  £25.00

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 10th February 09 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 9th December 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th December 2008.

Present: Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones, Andrew Ellis and 2 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Jinny Gale, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman with the alteration of one word from ‘monitory’ to ‘monetary’.

Borough Councillors: Our new Borough Councillor for Birch and Winstree, Andrew Ellis, was given a warm welcome.  Who replied with thanks and that he would do his utmost to serve us well and try to be as good a Borough Councillor as Peter Crowe had been.

The Appeal Hearing with regard to the refusal of the Bellwood application held in the Town Hall in Feb 09 will be attended by Kevin Bentley.

There is to be a liaison meeting with Essex & Suffolk Water and parish councils to discuss the community funds stemmed from the Abberton Reservoir expansion application.

Gritting of icy roads has been an issue and Barnhall Road in particular is a problem that will be taken up again.

Public – Have Your Say – more on the lack of gritting and the constant flow of water down Barnhall Road.

Declarations of Interest – None.

  1. Bellwood – appeal hearing in Feb 09 – we will ask CBC if attendance would be appropriate and if it would assist in enforcing the decision of refusal.
  2. Abberton Reservoir – Nicky proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for Phil to be our spokesperson in the Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group.
  3. Peldon Hall Frontage – Mersea Homes are to be contacted with regard to the pavement cracks. The ditch will be strimmed now and again by us and any blockage investigated. Letters are to be written to householders about the frontage.
  4. Communications Committee – rescheduled to next month
  5. Villages Appraisal – a meeting has been held by the Action Group and a questionnaire is being devised and costing to be summarized for January’s meeting when our precept is discussed and has to be decided for the next financial year.
  6. The Way we Work – rescheduled to next month
  7. Grants obtained and applied for – £12,000 has been obtained from CBC Town and Parish Grant Scheme for Peldon play equipment. More grants have and will be applied for.
  8. Grant obtained – A grant of £1,500 has been obtained from ECC for improvements to Moss Hay footpath which will be dealt with when the weather is dryer.


081888 amended description of proposal: Approval of the details of the layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping of the site at Peldon Old Rectory, Church Road

Notice of Planning Decision:

081761 Proposal: Change of use and conversion of first floor storage space to existing outbuilding to a home office with toilet and washing facilities at New Hall Farm, Copt Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

081763 Listed Building application as above – consent granted

081792 Listed Building application for two storey side extension at Horn Farm, The Street, Salcott  –  Consent Granted

071709 Proposal: Use of agricultural land as Trout Farm and monitoring temporary accommodation at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough. Appeal of refusal of planning permission will have a informal hearing at the Town Hall on 3rd Feb 09.

081593 Proposal: Formal change of use of agricultural land adjacent to Rose Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon. An appeal has been lodged against CBC with the Planning Inspectorate.

Appeal Decision:

080443 Proposal: Erection of a one and a half storey side extension, living room and bedroom at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott. The Inspectorate has dismissed the appeal against the refusal by CBC for this application.


101443  R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Dec new rate + back pay from April                         £415.82

101444  Audit Commission – audit                                                                            £158.63

101445  SLCC – annul subs                                                                                       £94.00

101446  A Moore – play insp.                                                                                    £25.00

101447  Tollesbury St. Mary’s PCC – mag entry                                                            £50.00

101448  T Hedger – cutting of Peldon Church green                                                  £180.00

101449  T Simmons – play insp.                                                                                 £25.00

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 13th Jan 09 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 12th November 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 12th November 2008.

Present: Frances Fergus, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Robert Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bentley and 2 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed with two alterations:  a) Borough Councilliors’ section should be ‘There will be an investigation and we note there was no money in Icelandic banks on 01/05/08’ (deleting: ‘because they had been advised that it was a bad investment had taken the money out but put it back in some months later’).  b) 6. Meetings and courses attended – adding ‘it was agreed to write to Ian Vipond, Executive Director at CBC, with our concerns about CALC’.  After these amendments the minutes were signed by the chairman.

Borough Councillors: We are hopeful of Police or PCSO attendance to our meetings now and again, and are expecting a letter from the Police to that effect.

It has been noted that some people, when moving house, are taking the green plastic waste boxes with them. Please leave them for the next occupant as the boxes are for the property and not the people. There will be a delivery of clear waste sacks fairly soon.

The Bellwood site is being carefully monitored and we are chasing up the date for the appeal of the last refusal to be heard.

Public – Have Your Say: If the Police or PCSO are to come to our meetings they must get to know our villages first for this to be of any value.

Dog mess was taken out of the bin and spread on the children’s slide in the play area.

Declarations of Interest – None

  1. Abberton Reservoir Planning Application – CBC Planning Committee meeting to discuss this was held on Tuesday 11th Nov 08 at 6pm in the Town Hall and was attended by seven of us. Also in attendance were the full planning committee, Sue Jackson, planning officer for this application, about 10 people from the water company and approximately 36 other people, parish councillors, etc. Sue Jackson  gave a lengthy explanation of the application. Then followed speeches from both sides. Parish councillors, a borough councillor and one or two public members made our case for certain requests and conditions. Phil Gladwin and Kevin Bentley spoke extremely well for us, stating our requests most eloquently for which we thanked them. Phil thanked the parish councillors, friend and clerk for supporting him by being there. Then followed a few speakers in reply from the Water Company. The Planning Committee discussed their views on the matter and the application was passed with conditions to be finalised in great detail. There will be some monitory gain for community benefit and resurfacing roads that is yet to be clarified. Also we and Kevin Bentley will meet again with the Water Board to try to obtain a good package for the local parish councils affected by this application, including a hot line for complaints during the work process.
  2. Sparklers – the event went very well this year with safety being of the utmost importance at all times. We have received a letter from NALC (National Association of Local Councils) in reply to ours with regard to whether or not parish councillors are individually liable and highlight an extract that is the crux of the matter ‘Parish councils are all corporate bodies created by statute or by royal charter. It is the corporate body acting in its own name which undertakes activities conferred on it by statute and is therefore capable of owning or transferring land, entering into contracts and taking or defending legal action.  A body corporate has a separate and distinct legal entity to the individuals who compose and work for it’. We will write back to say thank you but no more assistance is thought necessary.  Robert Kean will be asked to carry out a post event report for all to discuss. It was suggested and considered by all to be a good idea for our chairman to be on the Sparklers Committee.
  3. Local Development Framework Site Allocations – 4 of our parish councillors met with Mark Edgerley, CBC Planning Policy Officer, to discuss our meeting in Peldon village hall and he has summarized our views taken from our summary of the questionnaires and points put forward at our meeting. Mark is to be emailed to change his wording with regard to the closure of Peldon shop from ‘not viable’ to ‘due to ill health’. It was generally considered acceptable for a small number of small houses to be built within our villages.
  4. Clerks annual pay increase – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for the clerk to receive the pay increase in line with NALC guidelines back dated to April 2008.
  5. Dog bins – unfortunately the promised additional bins were subject to funds which the obtaining of would appear to have been misunderstood at CBC level.  But existing ones may be reallocated so we have put in our suggested sites for 4 new dog bins.
  6. Rose Barn – a letter will be sent to finalize this matter and explain that planning permission is entirely up to CBC.
  7. Communications Committee – have met and have discussed item 8.
  8. Village Design Statement/Appraisal – 12 people have come forward who are willing to help and work to accomplish a VDS or Appraisal. Cost will be kept to a minimum and it will be a combined document for all our villages.
  9. Peldon Hall Frontage – the hedge has been cut.  More to be discussed and dealt with at the next meeting.

10.  Telephone boxes – we have been informed that Great Wigborough phone box is to stay but that will be confirmed.

11.  Minutes in parish magazines – we received a request for more contact details of the parish councillors to be put in the Tollesbury and Salcott magazine. We will ask if this can be done.


081763 Proposal: Listed Building application for change and conversion of first floor storage space to existing outbuilding to a home office with toilet and washing facilities at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

081888 Proposal: Outline application for demolition of existing cottage and the construction of residential unit for three autistic adults with complex needs at The Old Rectory, Church Road, Peldon

081928 Proposal: Removal of condition 13 of 080505 at Peldon Garage

081654 Proposal: Extension of existing pedestrian crossover ditch to form new vehicle crossover and hardstanding in front garden at The Bungalow, Mersea Road, Peldon has been withdrawn.

Notice of Planning Decision:

C/COL/04/0337 Proposal: Change of use from agricultural holding to create a residential curtilage and conversion of former farm building to ancillary domestic use at Harveys Farm, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


101436  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for Nov 08                                                            £340.67

101437  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire                                                                         £112.00

101438  T Hedger  –  cutting Salcott meadow hedge                                                 £40.00

101439  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s expenses                                                                    £124.50

101440  A Moore  – play insp. repair picnic table & rope ladder, clean slide                      £75.00

101441  Keith Banks  –  2 x grass cuts of Moss Hay                                                     £80.00

101442  T Simmons  –  play insp.                                                                             £25.00

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 9th Dec 08 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 14th October 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th October 2008

Present: Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, and 4 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Margaret Crowe has been sworn in as Mayor, with a friend as her escort, so that she can finish the term of office her late husband, Peter, started.                The vacancy of Borough Council will be decided at election by the end of November, the first selection process is taking place next week.

Along with a number of other councils probably losing various amounts of money, CBC had £4 million pounds invested in Icelandic banks. There will be an investigation as because they had been advised that it was a bad investment had taken the money out but put it back in some months later.

Recycling using the new clear bags is going well, although there have been reports of the bin men putting all the different waste in together on a couple of occasions, this will be looked into.

Abberton Reservoir expansion planning application will be brought before CBC Planning Committee probably on Tuesday 11th November 08 at 6pm at the Town Hall. We will be in attendance with as many of us as possible. Therefore Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for our next parish council meeting to be the next day on Wednesday 12th November 08.

Public – Have Your Say: Speed gun training has been completed by several people but as yet the equipment hasn’t been available. We will contact the police to get things moving.  The rubbish bin on Moss Hay near the play area used to be emptied by CBC but not recently so that will be looked into.

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Request for help in funding floodlighting Peldon Church was discussed and the majority were against this. It was considered to be a vast waste of resources and as some people are not religious and this is public money for all it would seen inappropriate.  We do already contribute £200 to help with the upkeep of the churchyard which has been the case for many years.
  2. Sparklers – update and replies to our letters – we received a letter from John Walker to say the previous Health and Safety Report was done by the H & S Executive following a complaint. They will only carry out a report following a complaint as will other bodies such as the Fire Brigade. Therefore Robert Kean, who is not on the Sparklers Committee but is fully aware of the event, has completed a very thorough Health & Safety Plan based on a HSE publication which both the parish council and Sparklers can benefit from. We thanked him for carrying this out so quickly and efficiently.  More yellow vest will be obtained, better parking sort, the launch place for rockets will be moved and new adjustable launch racks used. Some hedges need to be trimmed back. There has been less advertising the event in places further afield.
  3. Peldon Hall frontage – work done and work to be done – the state of the path was discussed and the developer will be contacted.
  4. Public Meeting held on 7th Oct on CBC Local Development Plan was very well attended. A report is in this month’s magazine.
  5. Playgrounds – swing leg has been fitted and we thanked Archie for doing this job. Grant application forms have been filled in for new equipment at Peldon.
  6. Meetings and courses attended – reports – CALC meeting was attended and there was discussion of a youth bus that visits a village or in town where youths gather, see below.  Essex Wildlife Trust at Abbotts Hall Farm will be converting the swimming pool into a meeting room.  New Code of Conduct for parish councillors meeting was also attended.


081654 Proposal: Extension of existing pedestrian crossover over ditch to form new vehicle crossover and hardstanding in front garden at The Bungalow, Mersea Rd, Peldon

081791 Proposal: Two storey side extension at Horn Farm, The Street, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decision:

081379 Proposal: Extension to existing bungalow at Domani, Lower Road, Peldon  –  Permission Granted

New Appeal from NPower Renewables about Construction of Wind Farm


101430  CALC – annual subscription                                                                          £35.00

101432  Lappset – swing leg and steel foot                                                              £144.54

101433  A Moore – play insp. and fit swing leg                                                          £200.00

101434  R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October                                                             £340.67

101435  T Simmons  –  play insp. and 2 cuts of Salcott meadow                                    £85.00

The next meeting will be at Peldon village hall on Wed 12th November 08 at 7.30pm .

ECC has a youth bus that will visit a village or area in town where youths gather. The bus has on it a few computers and games and encourages youths to spend some trouble free time together. If this interests anybody please contact the clerk or a parish councillor.


PC Minutes 9th September 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th September 2008.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus and 4 members of public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: The reservoir application will probably come before the Planning Committee in October and we will send a nominated spokesperson to make our requests. More dog bins are now available and suggested sites, which must meet a certain criteria, will be submitted.

Public – Have Your Say: New sign and chevrons near Salcott crossroads obstructed by overgrown hedges will be reported, also a rut in the verge opposite Hillside Farm in Wigborough. The hedge surrounding Moss Hay is overgrown and so this will be dealt with using a flail cutter. The footpath there also needs attention. The new bus shelter at Salcott crossroads is in need of attention from the manufacturers.

Declarations of Interest – none

  1. Increase for Moss Hay grass cutting – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed that we should pay an extra £5 a time for Moss Hay grass cutting bringing the cost to £40 per cut. We are grateful for the loaned machinery and the manpower to accomplish this job so efficiently.
  2. Sponsors for Five Parishes Show – sponsorship from the parish council was requested but the general thought on this was that there are quite a number of events that we might then be asked to sponsor. A shuttle bus from the villages, as it is now held a drive away, was suggested. Ideas will be looked into.
  3. Speed gun training – update – this course attended by several members of the public and parish councillors was considered to be very good and well explained. The equipment to carry out this task is to be shared amongst several villages, Sam and Robert Kean will co-ordinate accordingly.
  4. Future of the Village + letter – with regard to the CBC Local Development Framework Site Allocations Frances read out her letter objecting to the pc’s previous decision not to discuss particular sites at the time. As previously stated the list has time to change from now until the consultation period and all the other parish councillors agreed with any previous decisions made.  However, in the light of more recent correspondence from the Planning Development Team we are now organising a public meeting to ask everybody their feelings and requests with regard to housing, amenities etc. in all our villages. This will be held in Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 7th Oct 08 at 7.30pm. An introduction will begin the meeting followed by slips available to fill in with comments and suggestions. Ballot type boxes will be available for secrecy if needed.  Maps of the sites suggested for development so far will be obtained and the Peldon Parish Appraisal which was completed in 1994 will form a good basis for any future documentation.                    
  5. Peldon Hall frontage – the overgrown hedge will be dealt with by the flail cutter and the footpath made good with concrete. Future maintenance will be discussed at a site meeting.
  6. Sparklers – update/replies – sparklers have replied to say they are very grateful for the parish council’s assistance in enabling this very popular event to take place. Other correspondence will be chased up.  A safety check will be completed before this year’s event.
  7. Playgrounds – the wrong swing leg was sent for replacing the rotten one at the Peldon playground but Archie will adapt it to fit as this is an unsafe piece of equipment at present.  Grant forms have been filled in for replacement equipment but there are no guarantees of success.  Salcott play area fence is rotting in places and will be inspected for future repairing.


081281 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and ancillary works at Pendragon, School Lane, Great Wigborough

081240 Proposal: Change of use of summer house to use as part time dog grooming business at Honeysuckle Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – withdrawn

081212 Proposal: New grain storage barn at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough – approval not required by the council for these works

081361 Proposal: Extend existing permission (C/COL/05/0267) to operate dog grooming business and relocation from previous location to existing garden store construction under planning permission (COL/04/2113) at Marels, School Lane, Great Wigborough

081379 Proposal: Extension to existing bungalow at Domani, Lower Road, Peldon

081041 Proposal: Demolish existing agricultural buildings and replace with new traditional store building at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

081507 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for retrospective conversion of pig shed dwelling at Pete Hall, Mersea Road, Langenhoe

081593 Proposal: Formal change of use of agricultural land to use as paddocks and stables at land adjacent to Rose Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decision:

080976 Proposal: Listed Building Consent for demolition of existing non-listed dilapidated outbuildings, barns and garage within the cartilage of a listed building. Construction of various additions at Moulsham Manor, St Stephens Lane, Great Wigborough  – Consent Granted

080974 as above – Permission Granted

080969 Proposal: Conservatory to rear (resubmission of 080409) at Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

081159 Proposal: Single storey rear extension at Jubilee House, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

081281 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and ancillary works at Pendragon, School Lane, Great Wigborough  –  Permission Granted

081237 Proposal: Listed Building application for internal and external alterations at Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon  –  Consent Granted

081361 Proposal: Extend existing permission etc.. at Marels – Permission Granted

Appeals Lodged:

071709 Proposal: Use of agricultural land as Trout Farm and monitoring temporary accommodation at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

080443 Proposal: One and a half storey side extension living room and bedroom at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

080678 Proposal: Change of use from agricultural land to garden forming part of Rose Barn and widening of former agricultural access at Rose Barn, Colchester Road, Peldon, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

The meeting closed at 9.55pm.

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 14th October 08
