Our January meeting was on 10th January 2012 (earlier than usual due to the Pantomime) when Rebecca Perry from Colchester Zoo came to talk to us. Rebecca is Director of Conservation and actually works for “Action for the Wild” which is the charity side of the Zoo. She explained all about how Zoo’s came into being with the earliest recorded menageries dating back as far as 4000 years ago. London Zoo opened in 1828 to Fellows only and to the public in 1847. Colchester Zoo (or Stanway Hall Park as it was originally known as) opened in 1963 by Frank Farrar and his wife Helena before being sold to his niece in 1983. At the time there were 5 keepers and 5 other staff, no running water or electrics. Now it’s the largest privately owned Zoo in the U.K. with award winning enclosures, over 60 acres of land, 270 species and a successful captive breeding programme. Action for the Wild now owns a Nature Reserve in South Africa – Umphafa Private Nature Reserve – which has seen the release of many animals including White Rhino, Impala, Antelope, Wildebeest, Zebra and Rock Pythons to name but a few. It was a very interesting and very enjoyable evening.
Our next meeting is on 28th February when Ann Hardy will reveal the “Secrets of the Royal Jewels.” Details of all our meetings and speakers can we found on the diary on the home page of the Winstred 100 website.