Local police have received reports of possible Hare Coursers in the area of Tolleshunt Darcy /Tollesbury over the Easter weekend. The vehicle being used was a modern looking White Ford Transit, index number VN55YJV. If any incidents of hare coursing are seen, can you please dial 999. This is a crime the police wish to tackle and they need to be advised when it is occurring. If you wish to inform Essex Police of a retrospective incident or give any details of any other old incidents please feel free to contact PC Andy Long by email or the contact number below.
PC 677 Andy Long, NSO for Blackwater North, and Force Wildlife Crime Co-ordinator
Direct Dial: 01621 869851
NSO Mobile 07970844179
Wildlife Mobile 07890 513 899 (Wildlife Matters Only)
Fax: 01621 869715
Email: andrew.long@essex.pnn.police.uk
Email (wildlife): wildlife@essex.pnn.police.uk
Website: www.essex.police.uk
Maldon Police Station, West Square, Maldon, Essex CM5 9PA
Opening hours: Sat – Tue 9am – 5pm, Wed – Fri 8am – 8pm