Kicking it off in the Plough on Friday 27th ay at 7:30 will be Folk music in the garden, provided by Elaine Barker, Bill, Gwendal Moele and Shanty Clere. The usual Friday pub food will be available or why not try your hand at Boules before Sunday’s competition.
Between 11am and 5pm on the Saturday there is a day of family fun with the Church Tower Open, Flower Festival, Art and Photographic Exhibition, Craft Stalls, Owl Display, Dog Training, Punch and Judy, Bouncy Castle, Gardeners Question Time, Beer Tent, Ploughmans Lunches and Cream Teas with entrance just £2 or £1 for children.
Sunday kicks off with a Pet Service in the church at 9:30 followed between 10am and 4pm with the Church Tower Open, Flower Festival and Art and Photographic Exhibitions in the Church, Open Gardens with Treasure Hunt and Scarecrow Competition, Light Lunches, Cream Teas and the Boules Competition.
The festival is rounded off nicely with a Festival Concert in the Church by the popular Hadleigh group ‘Riotous Assembly’. A tale of the Essex riots 1790-1820, depicted in a contemporary folk song setting, followed by an end of Festival reception. Tickets £10 to include refreshments. More details from Bill Tamblyn 01206 735770.