PAWS July – C&W Social

Jean Hedger & Sheriff Sue Copeland
Sarah and Mick Graves
Gen Fretwell & Gang
Ya Who

11 visitors joined us on Tuesday 24th July, for our Country and Western social night, on one of the hottest nights of the year.  40+ ladies and one brave young man in assorted cowboy gear strutted their stuff to live music performed by Mick Graves and Sarah who very patiently endeavoured to show us the necessary line-dancing steps and gave us a couple of amusing renditions of songs.

The supper menu consisted of an unusual selection of “Wagon Wheels, Dead Man’s Fingers, Buffalo Wings, Mexican Blood, Golden Nuggets, Sweet Delight and Cactus Cocktail” and unbelievably seemed to be enjoyed by all.

There were 3 quizzes to enjoy and the best dressed went to Jean Hedger as seen above in the photo top left.  Another lovely evening any ideas for next year?

As we don’t meet in August our next get together is on 23rd September when we welcome back Jane Malyon, once again, and her talk this time is “All about You.”    Currently membership is full but visitors are very welcome at the cost of £3.50 which includes refreshments.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.
