PC Agenda 10th February 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th February 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Police Messaging, Posters and Emails

  • Discuss who and what we receive 
  • Decision required: What should we pass on and how? 

2.   Quotations

  • Decision required: Clarification on how these are dealt with?  

3.   Request for bin at Salcott crossroads

  • Discuss request and options
  • Decision required: Should we take this further?

4.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, rubber installation, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

5.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update 

6.   Broadband – update

7.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Applications
150092 Proposal: Listed building application for installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of an M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting, Peldon
150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, Peldon


  1. CBC Local Plan Issues and Options – consultation till 27th February 2015
101817 R S Pullen – February salary, plus back dated sums£405.35
101818 Essex Wildlife Trust – meeting room hire£96.00
101819 Webhosting UK COM Ltd. – domain renewal£38.97

The next meeting will be on Tues 10th March 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough
