Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th November 2015
Apologies for absence:
Minutes of the last meeting
Zone Wardens Report
Borough and County Councillors
Public-Have Your Say
Declarations of Interest
Items for Discussion
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Has there been any further interest in setting up a scheme in any of our villages following the request for coordinators?
- Decision required: Should we take this further at this time and if so how?
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields
- Reports on both play areas and fields
- Progress on work completed and work ongoing including footpath quotes and possible funding, rubber, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
- Decision required: What work needs attention now?
- Salcott Flooding
- Any subsequent correspondence on the matter to date
- Decision required: What further action can the PC take at this time?
- S106 Monies and Borough Councillor Fund
- Discuss any projects/schemes for the funds
- Process for agreeing the Parish Council planning comments
- Discuss our previous guidelines and consider whether still appropriate
- Decision required: Agree to how we should implement these ‘rules’.
- Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way
- Parish council response to R of W Committee noted
- Bus Service Questionnaire
- Decision required: To consider and agree John’s return statement
- Actions and Reminders List – update
Planning Applications:
152293 | Proposal: Single storey side extension at Elm Tree Cottage, Church Road, Peldon |
152363 | Proposal: Insertion of windows and doors into existing garage structure with alterations and ground floor extension to provide ancillary accommodation for dependent relatives (resubmission of application no. 151111) at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough |
Planning Decisions:
151918 | Proposal: Double garage sited in front of dwelling and rear extension orangery/garden room at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional |
101852 | R S Pullen – November salary | £375.65 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 8th December 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall