PAWS July – Bows ‘n’ Belles
Our meeting on 26th July, was our annual July Social, and was well attended with 44 members and 2 visitors. We first attended to business and then had a wonderful Fish and Chip Supper. After supper we were entertained by Bows “n” Belles, a Colchester Clog Dancing Group.
The group, which still has 4 of the original members, were formed in 1987. They have danced at numerous Folk Festivals in the UK as well as a number of cities in the USA ending with a performance outside of the White House. Bows “n” Belles can be seen at the 5 Parishes show on the 7th August. Members joined in with the group after they had performed a number of routines for us.
The winner of the best dressed (with Bows and Bells) was Helene Gooding:

As we don’t meet in August our next get together is on the 27th September when Andrew Wiltshire will give us his talk on “Beatrix Potter’s Journal”. Visitors are welcome at the cost of £5.00.
You can find details of all our meetings and speakers on the diary of the home page of this website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members:
- Alice Holmes 01206 735510, or
- Jane Anderson 01206 735505.