PAWS March – AGM & Fashion Show

Fashion Show ModelsPAWS March – AGM & Fashion Show

44 members attended PAWS AGM on 28th March. The formal part of the evening was dealt with first with Jackie Manning reading out her President’s Report for the year followed by the Treasurer’s Report by Jane Anderson. The current committee were re-confirmed for the current year with Lorraine Davies being confirmed as President and Caroline Wilson as her Vice.

Fashion Show

The AGM was then followed by a Fashion Show provided by Lisa Merrett from Alaric Fashions. Models for the night were (from left to right in the photo), Alex Henderson, Janet Sheehan, Vivienne Ohmke, Jackie Manning and Bry Mogridge, who all did an amazing job.  After the show members had the opportunity to browse and buy.

Lorraine ended the evening by presenting Jackie with a bouquet of flowers and thanking her for all her hard work and said she was looking forward to the forthcoming year.

PAWS next get together is on 25th April when Lucy Allen will talk about “A Stuntwoman’s Life”.  Membership is currently full but visitors are very welcome at a cost of £5.00 which includes refreshments.

Details of all meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of this website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members:

  • Alice Holmes 01206 735510, or
  • Jane Anderson 01206 735505.

