PC Agenda 12th January 2021


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30 pm to which the Councillors are requested to attend and the public are welcome to participate. The Zoom meeting details are as follows: Meeting ID: 860 7394 3342 Passcode: pcjan

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both playgrounds and fields
  • Discuss further new equipment project and costings at Peldon
  • Discuss vandalized cable wire seat and possible fitting new one if damage has ceased.
  • Decision required: Any further measures required with regard to Covid-19 and current government guidelines

2.  Precept/Grant 2021/2022

  • Consider and discuss finances to date plus predicted spend for the rest of the year.
  • Discuss and consider future spending for the next financial year
  • To note CBC Revenue Grant and LCTS Grant is unchanged from last year.
  • Decision required: What amount do we consider necessary to carry out the same tasks at the same standard with possible price increases, plus any new projects?

3.  Scope of Email Service

  • To discuss what the parish council email service should be used for and by whom

4.  Highways Issues

  • To note that following the public speed meeting in the summer of 2019 the project for improvements is lodged on ECC Local Highways Panel website for action in the form of a Feasibility Report being required which is now being chased up. The list of outstanding projects/jobs on the website for all of Essex is quite lengthy and funding is a major stalling block.
  • The parish council has requested more speed checks by the police in our villages and for installation of the blue signs seen in other villages.
  • All our roads are scheduled for resurfacing from 28th April 2021 for an 8-day period so be prepared for closures and disruption but hopefully it will be worth all the inconvenience.

5.  Planning Application 202790 at land on the east of Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

  • To clarify the parish council’s previous comments to the architect

6.  Actions and reminder List


Planning Applications:

202704 Proposal: Rear single storey kitchen extension and utility room side extension at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon – the parish council made no comment for this application
202716 Proposal: Single storey rear extension to replace existing lean-to extension at The Haven, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – the parish council has no objection to this application
202790 Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings, associated development and financial contribution towards highways improvements at Land on the east of Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

Planning Decisions:

202247 (& 202248 Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of link extension, car-lodge annex, alterations in internal layouts and fenestration and associated works at Pete Hall, Colchester Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Planning Appeal Lodged – Ref. no. 200098 Retrospective: Proposed retention of two-bedroom additional living accommodation as stand-alone at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – CBC Decision – Refusal

Finances: Schedule for payments online:

Salcott Village HallHire£30.00
Society of Local Council ClerksSSubs£96.06
Tollesbury St Mary’s PCCMag entries£70.00
St Mary the Virgin PeldonMag entries£180.00
D A PageMoss Hay grass cut£96.00
David J KingabyWebsite management£170.04
R S PullenJanuary salary£500.00
Information Commissioner’s OfficeData protection£40.00

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7.30 pm via Zoom, details from the clerk for public participation
