PC Minutes 8th December 2020


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 7.30pm.

Present: Clare Lauwerys (chair), Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Wendy Ritherdon, Catherine Sprott, John Walker, Robert Kean, Phil Gladwin, Liz Davidson, Kevin Bentley and 5 members of the public to explain and answer questions on 2 forthcoming planning applications in Salcott.

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and will be signed in due course

County Councillor Report: The reasoning for Essex being in Tier 2 before this last lockdown was explained.

ECC has funding available to assist those most affected by this pandemic, such as small businesses particularly in catering and hospitality and also for those in desperate need, to provide food banks, free school meals and hot meals for those out of work. Money can also be sent to charities and parish councils from the County Councillors’s annual funds for immediate help when situations have been identified for individuals suffering extreme financial hardship.

The flooding with sewage will be looked into for immediate action by both the parish council and County Councillor.

The broken sign at the Kings Head junction will be chased up.

Public-Have Your Say: A proposed planning application was presented for 4 x 4-bedroom houses (2 each on 2 adjacent plots) with parking in The Street at Salcott. The parish council will comment when the plans have been submitted to CBC in the normal manner. The parish council’s main concern, as always, is potential further flooding.

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are both in good order although we are waiting for Salcott grass to be cut. The items and costings for the project for new play equipment at Peldon is being collated. The zip wire seat will be looked at for any further damage. The playgrounds can remain open but vigilance for Covid-19 careful use is encouraged.
  2. Government Census 2021 was discussed and agreed that we will notify residents by our usual communication avenues but would expect that everyone will be aware of this from newspapers, television etc.
  3. Precept/Grant 2021/2022 was discussed with updated finance sheet and predicted spend for the rest of the year. A decision will be made at next month’s meeting.
  4. Actions and reminder List – updated


Jon Crisp from Arcady Architects Ltd. explained proposed new plans for land at Whitehouse Hill, Salcott with suggested Highways matters that could be incorporated into the plans to assist with the problem of speeding traffic and other issues at and around the crossroads.  The parish council will make comments to CBC in the normal way when the plans have been submitted.

Planning Decisions:

202176 Proposal: Extension to building under-going conversion into dwelling and minor extension at residential curtilage at Adjacent Ransomes Cottage, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
202258 Proposal: Demolish existing conservatory, rear two-storey extension and hip to gable roof alteration at Pete Tye Bungalow, Peldon Road, Abberton – Approve conditional

Finances: Schedule for payments online:

Business Services at CAS LtdInsurance£851.20
R S PullenDecember salary£500.00

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30 pm via Zoom, details will be on the agenda or can be obtained from the clerk for public participation
