PC Minutes 12th January 2021


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30pm

Present: Clare Lauwerys (chair), Jinny Gale, Wendy Ritherdon, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill Jones, John Walker, Liz Davidson, Catherine Sprott, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley and 2 members of the public

Apologies for absence: None

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and will be signed in due course

Borough Councillor Reports: The flooding from both sewage and surface water at Salcott were addressed as a matter of urgency by Anglian Water and ECC Highways, but further work needs to be carried out.

Certain enforcement issues were looked into and results are pending.

CBC Draft Local Plan meeting is scheduled for 1st February 2021 for approval of Part 1 with Part 2 approval following in late spring which includes site recommendations of which there are none in our villages.

Owing to Covid waste collections are being disrupted but all waste bags will be picked up eventually.

A suggestion of chevrons for either side when approaching the Kings Head junction would be of great benefit.

County Councillor: ECC continue to offer services the best they can but some, such as libraries, have had to close at the present time. Parks remain open, recycling is still operating fairly normally and highways repairs are still being carried out. The fallen finger post at the Kings Head junction will be repaired in due course, the recent accident there will be included in future reminders.  It was stressed that the Covid rules need to be adhered to for some time yet. The nursery signage at Peldon is in the system for assessment. Flooding in Colchester Road, Peldon is being looked at for possible enforcement matters.

The Parish Council expressed huge thanks to all the hard work both the Borough and County Councillors carry out for us.

Public-Have Your Say: Enquiries were made about coastal paths and the situation as it stands was explained.

The chairman apologises for not remembering to say that she had said in the Facebook Group that she would bring up the Lodge Lane dog poo issue. We will however, look at additional signage as we don’t think we can get a new bin as the last one took so long and we will remind people, using various channels, to be responsible.

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields in Peldon and Salcott are in good order although the weather has prevented Salcott from receiving a well needed cut. The zip wire seat at Peldon will be replaced shortly. Work has taken place to collate the quotations for new equipment at Peldon, but there are a couple of costings that are pending. The parish council will remind people to adhere to the guidelines and take the necessary care when using the playgrounds during this pandemic.
  2. Precept/Grant 2021/2022: the finances were discussed at length and both the impact of rising costs and financial struggles of some at this time were considered. It was agreed by all to request an increase of 2%; this would increase the parish council’s income by £276.
  3. Scope of Email Service: It was agreed by all that this service should be for parish council type notifications which includes highways issues etc but not for any personal type matters or individual businesses. Thanks were expressed to Jinny for her continued work on this very useful line of communication with residents
  4. Highways Issues:
    • To note that following the public speed meeting in the summer of 2019 the project for improvements is lodged on ECC Local Highways Panel website for action in the form of a Feasibility Report being required which is now being chased up. The list of outstanding projects/jobs on the website for all of Essex is quite lengthy and funding is a major stalling block.
    • The parish council has requested more speed checks by the police in our villages and for installation of the blue signs seen in other villages. Our County Councillor will also request this.
    • All our roads are scheduled for resurfacing from 28th April 2021 for an 8-day period so be prepared for closures and disruption but hopefully it will be worth all the inconvenience.
  1. Planning Application 202790 at land on the east of Whitehouse Hill, Salcott: To clarify inaccurate wording used by Arcady Architects in this application. The Parish Council did not ‘agree’ anything and continues to make it clear that consideration and subsequent comment to CBC does not happen until any application has been submitted in the normal way. A representative from Arcady Architects was present at the meeting and agreed to change the wording in the application.
  2. Actions and reminder List – updated and to add that the Parish Council would like to express huge thanks to all out local litter pickers who do a sterling job and make our villages so much more pleasant for everyone.

Planning Applications:

202704 Proposal: Rear single storey kitchen extension and utility room side extension at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon – the parish council made no comment for this application
202716 Proposal: Single storey rear extension to replace existing lean-to extension at The Haven, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough – the parish council has no objection to this application
202790 Proposal: Erection of 2 dwellings, associated development and financial contribution towards highways improvements at Land on the east of Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

Planning Decisions:

202247 (& 202248 Listed Building) Proposal: Erection of link extension, car-lodge annex, alterations in internal layouts and fenestration and associated works at Pete Hall, Colchester Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Planning Appeal Lodged – Ref. no. 200098 Retrospective: Proposed retention of two-bedroom additional living accommodation as stand-alone at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – CBC Decision – Refusal
202311 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and first floor side extension at Mehalah, The Strood, Peldon – Approve conditional

Finances: Schedule for payments online:

Salcott Village HallHire£30.00
Society of Local Council ClerksSubs£96.06
Tollesbury St Mary’s PCCMag entries£70.00
St Mary the Virgin PeldonMag entries£180.00
D A PageMoss Hay grass cut£96.00
David J KingabyWebsite management£170.04
R S PullenJanuary salary£500.00
Information Commissioner’s OfficeData protection£40.00

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom, details as follows: Meeting ID: 895 5539 2874 Passcode: pcfeb.
