Winstred Hundred PC Minutes – 8th November 2022


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm

Present: Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Liz Davidson, Netty Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Roger Pittock

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillor Report: Both Borough and County Councillors have Locality Budget funds to allocate. Constituency boundaries are being considered but ours will probably remain the same. There is energy support for those who are in need and details can be found on CBC website.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order with a couple of minor issues at Salcott which will be addressed shortly. A new chain opening for vehicle access has been installed at Moss Hay. It has been noted that the newly installed outdoor gym equipment at both sites is being well used and appreciated.
  2. Wigboroughs Noticeboards – it was agreed by all that both Little and Great Wigboroughs notice boards should be replaced with new ones at a cost of £309.90 each. The bus shelters will be painted soon.
  3. Speeding/Road Signage/Safety Issues – grants will be applied for to help with the cost of installation of a VAS at Peldon and the ECC application form will be completed.  A resident’s correspondence on footpaths and speeding was discussed and we have forwarded the ECC Feasibility Report and our response to that, plus appropriate footpath information.
  4. Email Protocol – updated version was circulated.
  5. Increase for minutes entries in Tollesbury and Salcott Mag – was agreed by all to accept this increase of £30 per annum.
  6. Jubilee Trees – will be delivered from CBC nursery to the 3 sites and will be planted in due course. Plaque wording was decided and it was agreed by all to purchase these at a cost of £50 each approx.
  7. Youth Forum – was discussed with the intention of engaging more with the young members of our villages. Communication avenues and ideas will be explored further.
  8. Local Government Association’s Model Councillor Code of Conduct – it wasagreed by all to accept and adoptthis document as it stands.
  9. Actions and reminder List – updated, with the inclusion of a discussion to complete an insurance form, just received, required to be returned before our policy renewal date of 1st December, plus a suggestion to request for RCCE to carry out a survey to establish if there is a need for social housing in our villages.

Planning applications:

222547Proposal: Prior approval for the conversion of 6 silos into Class B8 (storage and distribution) use under Class R of the GDPO at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
222520Proposal: Temporary use of existing mobile home whilst building works are carried out (3 years) at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott – the parish council has no objections

Planning Decisions:

222085Proposal: Resubmission 211906-retrospective planning permission at Marels, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Refuse
221934Proposal: To vary condition 4 0f planning permission 100915 at St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon – Refuse
221990Proposal:  New brans and covered area ancillary to main dwelling at Wheatlands, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional

Payments for November:

Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries£85.00
The Wigborough Community Group – hire of Church£33.00
R S Pullen – November salary£525.00
R S Pullen – Defib pads£143.82

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at 7.30pm, in the Meeting Room of Peldon and Wigs Community Hall
