Winstred Hundred Minutes – 13th February 2024


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Robert Davidson

Apologies for absence: Roger Pittock, Liz Davidson, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were confirmed and agreed by all and signed by the chairman.

City Councillor Report: CCC budget meeting is at the end of the month and an increase of 3% to the council tax is expected. Colchester Trees for Years programme has returned and all residents can have up to 4 per household and pick them up from Tiptree Leisure World on 17th Feb, Colchester Sports Park on 26th Feb, Colchester Leisure World on 29th Feb and Marks Tey Village Hall on 1st March. The new CCC Local Plan is being collated which, when completed, will last up to 2041, consultations and a call for development sites will follow in due course.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both play areas and fields are in good order. A broken part on the adult gym equipment at Peldon has been replaced/repaired, thanks go to Rob for fitting this. We now have two new picnic tables on Salcott meadow and we thank City Councillors Kevin, Andrew and Jackie for their Locality Budget to fund this and also thanks go to Salcott volunteers who very kindly came out in the evening to move these very heavy tables to the desired locations.
  2. Dog Nuisance – there have been no further incidents to report at this time but the parish council would like to remind residents that both Peldon and Salcott fields and equipment are for all to enjoy so dogs must be kept under control at all times and dog mess picked up and disposed of in the correct manner.
  3. Affordable Housing Survey – around 27% so far have returned this survey and the results will be sent to us in due course following the cut-off date for returns.
  4. Communication Avenues – it was decided to replace the Parish Council’s current Face Book page by a Face Book group to provide a social media channel to support full interaction between the Parish Council, residents and anyone with an interest in the Parish.  
  5. St Nicholas Church, Little Wigborough – the parish council is happy with the agreed proposals from the Diocese of Chelmsford which states – ‘This land will be covered by covenants protecting existing graves and reserving the rights to visit and tend them and allowing future burials for those with a genuine connection to the church of St Nicholas, Little Wigborough’. 
  6. Speed Assessment Strips in Great Wigborough – with thanks to Kevin for his insistence on this matter and the parish council’s constant work on speeding we note the fitting of these strips and look forward to hearing the results.
  7. Actions and Reminder List – updated including to note that we have registered our interest in obtaining portraits of the King for the village halls. Thanks to Phil for arranging cutting back growth at the corner of School Lane and to John for liaising with the Community Group for cutting back growth on Moss Hay and also with residents for hedge cutting at the frontage of Peldon Hall Farm houses.

Planning Applications:

2328429 LBProposal: Replacement of falling window with new French Doors and installation of 2 new conservatory roof lights at Harveys Farm, Wigborough Road, Peldon
240220 & LB 240221Proposal: New annexe to existing parish church at St Mary’s Church, The Street, Salcott
240258Agricultural Determination Consultation – Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development- proposed storage building at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon
240280Proposal: Side gym extension at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough
240260Agricultural Determination Consultation – Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development- proposed storage building at New Hall Farm, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

Planning Decisions:

232381Proposal: Erection of one single-storey holiday barn at Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Refuse
Appeal Ref: 3322115Proposal: Reuse of barn as single dwelling house at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Appeal Decision – Allowed for development
232929Prior notification of agricultural or forestry for agricultural storage building at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon – Prior Approval required – Approved

Finances: scheduled February 2024 payments:

R S Pullen – clerk’s salary£600.00
Webhosting – Domain£39.42
FreshairFitness – adult bike spare part£43.14
North Colchester Men’s Shed – Mill Lane bus shelter£2,050.00
Glasdon – Salcott picnic benches£1,585.22
Peldon & Wigs Community Hall – meeting room hire£22.00
David J Kingaby – website refinement and support£154.20
St Mary’s the Virgin, Peldon – Peldon & Wigboroughs magazine entries£200.00

The next meetings will be on Tuesdays on 12th March at St. Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough, 9th April at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall, 14th May at Salcott Village Hall.
