Winstred Hundred Minutes – 12th March 2024


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: John Walker, Roger Pittock, Phil Gladwin, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Catherine Sprott, Netty Knill Jones, Liz Davidson, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bentley

Apologies for absence: None

The minutes of the February 2024 meeting were confirmedand agreed by all and signed by the chairman

County Councillor Report: Flooding is a major issue at present with the constant rainfall and ditches are being cleared when land is owned by ECC. Other land owners are reminded of their responsibilities to clear all their roadside ditches.

The new county budget will provide dedicated gangs to address all issues in a certain area for a week. Extra funding will be provided for this from next month.

Ride London will be going through Essex again and so many of the pot holes will be filled before the event.

Police speed gun attendance will be requested for Peldon.

Results of the speed assessment strips that were fitted in Great Wigborough will be followed up and looked at closely with an aim for extending the 30mph limit section.

A blocked gully along Lower Road in Peldon will be chased up for action to alleviate flooding in that area. Flooding along Peldon Road will also be followed up.  

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: Robert and Liz Davidson for item 2.

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both playgrounds and fields are in good order given the very wet weather we have been having. People are reminded that it is illegal not to have dogs under control in public spaces and they should always be kept on leads where there are notices specifying this.
  2. CCC Call for Sites – a large number of sites have been suggested but these will be pared down by CCC before comment from the parish council is required.  It is just the start of a long process.
  3. Pilot Scheme for Police Drop-in Sessions – it was agreed by all to accept and follow this up and might usefully be combined with the villages’ coffee morning events.
  4. Affordable Housing Survey – results are expected later this month
  5. Adoption of Passing Bay in School Lane – to note ECC’s intentions and to request yellow lines to discourage parking as large farming machinery and delivery lorries and vans require this lay-by for passing on this narrow road.
  6. Speed Assessment Strips in Great Wigborough – as above in County report
  7. ECC – electric vehicle charging – was discussed but agreed that we have no suitable land for a charger.
  8. Actions and Reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:

232615Proposal: First floor extension and 2 storey side and front extension at Silver Springs, Lower Road, Peldon Amendment for Planning Consultation 232615 at Silver Springs, Lower Road, Peldon
240118Proposal: Application change of use to short term holiday letting and certificate of lawful development for modification to 213500 at 1 Rose Inn Cottages, Mersea Road, Peldon

Planning Decisions:

240258Application for prior notification of agricultural development- Prior Approval Required (Approved) at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon
240260Application for prior notification of agricultural development-Prior Approval Required (Approved) at New Hall Farm, Copt Lane, Little Wigborough

Finances: scheduled March 2024 payments:

R S Pullen – clerk’s salary£600.00
R J Playle Services – Salcott and Peldon hedge cutting£180.00
Wigs Community Group – Church hire £35.00

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 7.30pm at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall meeting room

14th May meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall & 11th June meeting at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough