Winstred Hundred Minutes – 13th February 2024


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.30pm

Present: Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Robert Davidson

Apologies for absence: Roger Pittock, Liz Davidson, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were confirmed and agreed by all and signed by the chairman.

City Councillor Report: CCC budget meeting is at the end of the month and an increase of 3% to the council tax is expected. Colchester Trees for Years programme has returned and all residents can have up to 4 per household and pick them up from Tiptree Leisure World on 17th Feb, Colchester Sports Park on 26th Feb, Colchester Leisure World on 29th Feb and Marks Tey Village Hall on 1st March. The new CCC Local Plan is being collated which, when completed, will last up to 2041, consultations and a call for development sites will follow in due course.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Continue reading “Winstred Hundred Minutes – 13th February 2024”

PC Agenda 13th March 2018


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th March 2018 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say: Continue reading “PC Agenda 13th March 2018”


The Frame is there – Walls are next

Peldon & Wigboroughs Hall - walls nextThe Frame is there – Walls are next

Join the brick-laying ceremony on 3rd March as construction of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Centre gets underway

With the frame of the new Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Centre now erected, and the roof going on soon, it will shortly be time to start building the walls. So we are holding a brick-laying ceremony on the site at 2.00pm on Friday March 3rd to mark the start of the construction – everyone is welcome to join us! Continue reading “The Frame is there – Walls are next”


See Village Hall Progress this Saturday

See Village Hall Progress this Saturday

The Peldon Village Hall Management Committee invite all to a coffee morning this Saturday 11th February.  Taking place at St Mary’s Church between 10am – 12 noon cakes and refreshments will be on offer.  Builders have made progress on the hall with the foundation and floor now complete.  The site visit will allow you to walk through the site with the rooms marked out so you can get an idea of the layout.

No charge will be made although any donations would be welcome, since although the build is fully funded, money is still needed for fitting out of the hall.

More information

For more information please contact either:


Peldon Village Fete

Peldon Village Fete 2016Peldon Village Fete 2016

Lots of Traditional Village Fun, the Peldon Village Fete is being held by the Friends of St Mary’s and promises lots of activities for the children in particular.  Taking place at the Peldon Village Hall, Church Road, CO5 7PT, on 11th June between 12-4pm, the fete will offer:

  • Craft stalls,
  • Meet the animals,
  • Bouncy castle,
  • Grand Draw,
  • Street Organ,
  • BBQ & Bar,
  • Light refreshments,
  • Cream teas,
  • Garden games &
  • Brass band.

Entrance is just £2 for adults, 50p for children.  See you there!


Wigboroughs’ February Church Update

Wigboroughs’ February Church Update

In the entrance porch of St. Stephen’s Church, Gt Wigborough, we now have a Prayer tree. If you have a prayer request for yourself, or someone else, you are invited to hang a leaf upon our prayer tree with your request and we will include it in our prayers on a Sunday morning. You will find the leaves and pens in the porch. Your request need not be named; we can still pray for you.

Another new event is the Café service which we are starting on 28th February!  This will be relevant for all ages, with particular activities for children.

The services planned for the next few weeks are…

  • 31 Jan., 10am, Benefice service at Rowhedge church (postcode: CO5 7EB), led by Revd Patrick McEune
  • 7 Feb., 11am, LW, Holy Communion led by Revd Brian Snelling
  • 14 Feb., 9.30am, GW, Morning Prayer with Bible discussion led by Anne and Peter Owen
  • 21 Feb, 9.15am, GW, Holy Communion led by Revd Patrick McEune
  • 28 Feb, 10am, GW, Café-style all age worship with activities for children, led by Anne and Peter Owen

Messy ChurchThe next Messy Church will take place at 2.30pm on Saturday April 2nd at St Stephens church, Great Wigborough.  This is the weekend after Easter, so hopefully lots of families will be able to come!  We are planning this event together with Peldon, and will be holding the following Messy Church in Peldon at Harvest time.

L33 Zeppelin in LIttle WigboroughPlans for the Zeppelin Commemoration event around Copt Hall, Little Wigborough, on September 24 and 25 are progressing, with the National Trust keen to be involved.  Contacts from the WW1 Aerodrome at Stow Maries are also helping us.  Please let us know if you would like to volunteer and be involved in any way!


With best wishes,
Anne and Peter

Anne Owen
Tel.: 01206 383843


Summer Music

Summer Music in Winstred Hundred – One Day, Two Events

July 4th this year saw the Wiggies going Yankee and Peldon indulging in the sense of summer arriving.  They reported as follows:


Wiggies Go Yankee

What a wonderful afternoon was had by all with St Stephens decked out in American flags and bunting, a packed house sat down to be entertained by the talented LMT Singing School dressed in vintage costumes, hair styles and make-up celebrating the great American song book.

A delicious buffet ran throughout the afternoon with traditional American food and, while the singers had a chance to eat, the Ladies Barbershop Quartet “Velvet Rose” took over.

People overflowed outside enjoying the hot weather where a Craft and Cake stall was busy, raffle tickets were being sold and children were playing games.

The GW Events Committee would like to give special thanks to the singers who made our afternoon, all the people who cooked and served the delicious food, cleaned and helped putting up tables and the inevitable clearing up. Together they made it a very successful event.

GW Events Committee


Music on a Summer’s Day in Peldon

On 4th July the Peldon Village Hall Management Committee ran yet another very successful and enjoyable evening with the Crissy Lee All Star band in the garden of Brick House Farm. We managed to raise nearly £7,000 with tremendous support from over 260 people.

We started the glorious evening with a young steel band which got the evening off to a great start as the sound of steel drums rang out gently across the garden. This was followed by wonderful music from Crissy’s band with two great and renowned singers, Liz Oki and Victor Bynoe complementing each other perfectly, an excellent backing group and Crissy playing unbelievably. She also did an amazing drum solo with the help of one of her young music pupils which aised a further £250 for Cancer Research UK.

Everyone had a great two course supper, and the licenced pay bar also added greatly to the fund, with the Pimms in great demand. This was followed by a successful raffle and an entertaining auction where some unusual and once in a lifetime items were sold.

Bob Holmes




Music on a Summer’s Day

July 4th – Music on a Summer’s Day

Thanks to Robert & Liz Davidson, the Peldon Village Hall and Cancer Research UK will benefit from this great evening of music.  

Relax, dine & dance with the

Crissy Lee All Stars

Liz Oki (from The Voice), and
Victor Bynoe (of The Drifters)


The Rachel Clarke Steel Band

The event takes place at Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon with the gates opening at 5:30pm. Tickets are £20 including supper.  There will also be a Grand Auction & Licensed Bar.  Parking is free.

Tickets to be booked in advance from Bob Holmes on 01206 735510.



The Wiggys go Yankee

Saturday 4th July – The Wiggys Go Yankee

Starting at 12:30pm at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough, this afternoon event promises to be a fun family event with food, drink & entertainment from a Barnershop Quartet.  Early booking is recommended as space is limited, contact Ann Coates by phone, 735340 or email [email protected] – tickets are £8 adults or £15 for families.

This event is being organised jointly by members of the church council and others from the village.  We are very sad that the Friends of the Wigboroughs has had to close through lack of a Chairperson, but hope that village events can still be enjoyed and funds raised for both the fabric and running costs of the churches.


Friends of the Wigboroughs

Friends Closing Down

With no-one willing to stand as Chairman for the Friends of the Wigboroughs it was reluctantly decided at its AGM on 23rd April 2015 that the charity will be closed down.

Background note

The Friends of the Wigboroughs (FOTW) is a registered charity (established in 2005) and was created with the aim of raising funds solely for the maintenance and repair of the medieval parish churches of Great and Little Wigborough. Until such time as the closure is complete, FOTW has its own website here.
