PC Minutes 9th September 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th September 2008.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus and 4 members of public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: The reservoir application will probably come before the Planning Committee in October and we will send a nominated spokesperson to make our requests. More dog bins are now available and suggested sites, which must meet a certain criteria, will be submitted.

Public – Have Your Say: New sign and chevrons near Salcott crossroads obstructed by overgrown hedges will be reported, also a rut in the verge opposite Hillside Farm in Wigborough. The hedge surrounding Moss Hay is overgrown and so this will be dealt with using a flail cutter. The footpath there also needs attention. The new bus shelter at Salcott crossroads is in need of attention from the manufacturers.

Declarations of Interest – none

  1. Increase for Moss Hay grass cutting – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed that we should pay an extra £5 a time for Moss Hay grass cutting bringing the cost to £40 per cut. We are grateful for the loaned machinery and the manpower to accomplish this job so efficiently.
  2. Sponsors for Five Parishes Show – sponsorship from the parish council was requested but the general thought on this was that there are quite a number of events that we might then be asked to sponsor. A shuttle bus from the villages, as it is now held a drive away, was suggested. Ideas will be looked into.
  3. Speed gun training – update – this course attended by several members of the public and parish councillors was considered to be very good and well explained. The equipment to carry out this task is to be shared amongst several villages, Sam and Robert Kean will co-ordinate accordingly.
  4. Future of the Village + letter – with regard to the CBC Local Development Framework Site Allocations Frances read out her letter objecting to the pc’s previous decision not to discuss particular sites at the time. As previously stated the list has time to change from now until the consultation period and all the other parish councillors agreed with any previous decisions made.  However, in the light of more recent correspondence from the Planning Development Team we are now organising a public meeting to ask everybody their feelings and requests with regard to housing, amenities etc. in all our villages. This will be held in Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 7th Oct 08 at 7.30pm. An introduction will begin the meeting followed by slips available to fill in with comments and suggestions. Ballot type boxes will be available for secrecy if needed.  Maps of the sites suggested for development so far will be obtained and the Peldon Parish Appraisal which was completed in 1994 will form a good basis for any future documentation.                    
  5. Peldon Hall frontage – the overgrown hedge will be dealt with by the flail cutter and the footpath made good with concrete. Future maintenance will be discussed at a site meeting.
  6. Sparklers – update/replies – sparklers have replied to say they are very grateful for the parish council’s assistance in enabling this very popular event to take place. Other correspondence will be chased up.  A safety check will be completed before this year’s event.
  7. Playgrounds – the wrong swing leg was sent for replacing the rotten one at the Peldon playground but Archie will adapt it to fit as this is an unsafe piece of equipment at present.  Grant forms have been filled in for replacement equipment but there are no guarantees of success.  Salcott play area fence is rotting in places and will be inspected for future repairing.


081281 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and ancillary works at Pendragon, School Lane, Great Wigborough

081240 Proposal: Change of use of summer house to use as part time dog grooming business at Honeysuckle Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – withdrawn

081212 Proposal: New grain storage barn at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough – approval not required by the council for these works

081361 Proposal: Extend existing permission (C/COL/05/0267) to operate dog grooming business and relocation from previous location to existing garden store construction under planning permission (COL/04/2113) at Marels, School Lane, Great Wigborough

081379 Proposal: Extension to existing bungalow at Domani, Lower Road, Peldon

081041 Proposal: Demolish existing agricultural buildings and replace with new traditional store building at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

081507 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for retrospective conversion of pig shed dwelling at Pete Hall, Mersea Road, Langenhoe

081593 Proposal: Formal change of use of agricultural land to use as paddocks and stables at land adjacent to Rose Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decision:

080976 Proposal: Listed Building Consent for demolition of existing non-listed dilapidated outbuildings, barns and garage within the cartilage of a listed building. Construction of various additions at Moulsham Manor, St Stephens Lane, Great Wigborough  – Consent Granted

080974 as above – Permission Granted

080969 Proposal: Conservatory to rear (resubmission of 080409) at Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

081159 Proposal: Single storey rear extension at Jubilee House, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

081281 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and ancillary works at Pendragon, School Lane, Great Wigborough  –  Permission Granted

081237 Proposal: Listed Building application for internal and external alterations at Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon  –  Consent Granted

081361 Proposal: Extend existing permission etc.. at Marels – Permission Granted

Appeals Lodged:

071709 Proposal: Use of agricultural land as Trout Farm and monitoring temporary accommodation at Bellwood, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

080443 Proposal: One and a half storey side extension living room and bedroom at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

080678 Proposal: Change of use from agricultural land to garden forming part of Rose Barn and widening of former agricultural access at Rose Barn, Colchester Road, Peldon, appeal lodged against the Borough Council for refusal of permission

The meeting closed at 9.55pm.

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 14th October 08


PC Minutes 8th July 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 8th July 2008.

Present: Frances Fergus, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Robert Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, John Jowers and 4 public

Apologies for absence: Peter Crowe, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

County Councillor: NATS are proposing to reroute the stacking area possibly over Dedham Vale and Saffron Walden but it will be over 8000 feet high. Another one is being considered over the Thames and Southend. The Bradwell Power Station application will be submitted soon and it is thought that Maldon Council will give their approval. The government talks of ECO towns which are really just new houses. A Countryside Commission Panel is being formed to discuss and take action on things such as local industry, using old redundant farm buildings etc.  The Abberton Reservoir application is now being considered.

Borough Councillor: There is a China Exhibition in the castle from July to September. The new stadium will open in 2 weeks time and will be used for other activities or events than just football. Money is to be spent on better cycle paths and road lanes to encourage people to cycle more.

Public – Salcott Village Hall is to have new toilets. Salcott will no longer hold a fireworks event but will continue with the Open Air Band Night which is a good fund raiser.

Declarations of Interest: None if item 10. is not discussed in detail.

Items for Discussion

  1. Peldon Hall frontage – the hedge will receive attention now as it is badly needed.  Peldon parish councillors will meet on site (as 3 missed the last site meeting) to decide on future maintenance of the hedge and ditch.
  2. Insurance/Sparklers – letters have been or will be sent to Zurich, NALC and Sparklers to clarify any misunderstanding with regard to this matter. Replies, if any by then, will be discussed at the September meeting.
  3. Grant Applications – we received a suggestion for fencing along the creek on Salcott meadow but this would be against health and safety within our risk assessment we had done a few years ago. Applications will probably be submitted for new work at Salcott Village Hall, possibly Peldon Village Hall and new play equipment at Peldon as the wooden equipment is gradually rotting and will require a constant flow of money spent to maintain it in future years.
  4. CALC – attendance to these meetings is felt necessary and will be attended by one or other of our councillors.
  5. VDS – there has been some interest in carrying out a Village Design Statement that would cover all our villages together which would be considered within CBC Supplementary Planning Policy. A well thought out questionnaire to all is the next stage.
  6. Communications Committee – a gold copy parish magazine was delivered to all with a summary of the parish council’s activities and achievements for the passed year. The extra cost for this has yet to be clarified.  A website course was attended by two of us and we will explore the idea of us having one during the next month.
  7. Update on Salcott to Peldon Rose highways works – letters to residents have been sent by ECC Highways to explain a timetable of road closures and suggested diversion routes. Farmers are not happy that this is taking place during the peak farming period.
  8. Playgrounds – maintenance has been carried out as per annual inspection. Lappset leg price with installation was discussed. The leg and steel foot will be ordered but more quotes obtained for installation.
  9. Environmental Assessment Service – is a commercial organization making habitat assessments of pieces of land in our villages.

10.  Local Development Framework Site Allocations – sites can be added or taken out until the consultation period in January 09. Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and the majority agreed to wait until then for our reply, unless the planners say otherwise. When the list is complete we will probably hold a public meeting, possibly in conjunction with VDS work, to discuss all the sites in our villages.


081159  Proposal: Single storey rear extension at Jubilee House, The Street, Salcott

081237  Proposal: Listed Building application for internal and external alterations at Brickhouse Farm, Lower Road, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decisions:

080886  Proposal: Construction of additional bedroom over existing garage. Cladding of ground floor utility room at Woodlands, Church Road, Peldon  –  Permission Granted

Bellwood, Great Wigborough – Vincent Pearce, Planning Service Manager has authorised a prosecution. Magistrates Court date to be advised.

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 9th September 08 7.30pm.

There is grant money available for youth projects so if anybody has a suggestion or  idea for one would they like to get in touch with a parish councillor or the clerk.


PC Minutes 10th June 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 10th June 2008.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Christine Gale, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley, John Jowers and four members of the public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Robert Davidson, Peter Crowe

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the vice chairman

Borough Councillor: Householders along the Salcott to Peldon Rose road have all had a notification letter advising them of the proposed highway safety and maintenance works. Salcott Street cannot be included in the scheme but pot holes will be dealt with efficiently.

Pressure will be applied on CBC for the Bellwood caravan inhabitant to be prosecuted for the appeal decision to be upheld. BT have sent a notification about their intention to remove certain telephone boxes that are not used sufficiently. Letters will be written to express disapproval. The date for CBC Planning Committee to discuss the reservoir planning application has yet to be decided. Verge cutting in our area needs doing badly – this will be chased up.

County Councillor: Help was given for funding our road improvement scheme for which we are very grateful. There are to be several new nuclear power stations built over the next few years. NATS proposed changes to airspace involves a stacking area over Dengie. This is for a city airport therefore none at night but will be noisy and pollutant. We will also write to suggest it is moved out a few miles over the sea. The capital grant fund comes from selling property over the years and there is a substantial amount for all the parish councils to bid for. Several other matters were explained such as County Planning, abolishment of the Regional Assembly, etc.

Items for Discussion

  1. Peldon Hall frontage – a site visit was carried out with a great deal of assistance and explanation from Robert Kean to whom we expressed our thanks. All in attendance now know the details of the land in question. Any decisions to be made are postponed to next month when more Peldon councillors will be present.
  2. NATS Terminal Control North – Proposed Changes to Airspace – see above (County Councillor)
  3. Local Development Framework Site Allocations – Mark Edgerley, CBC Planning Policy Officer has explained that no decisions have been made at this time but we will contact Karen Syrett, CBC Spatial Policy Manager, to ask when it is a good time to make any reply, whether it be to add suggested sites or express our disproval of any already suggested. At our next meeting we will discuss the suggested Peldon sites.
  4. NHS new GP-led health centre – the proposal is for all, including the Drop-in Centre, to be at Turner Road just along from the General Hospital. We will write to say we agree with the proposal but adding that we hope the good service of the present Drop-in Centre is continued.
  5. Grant suggestions for this year’s funds – an application form is being prepared for works to Salcott Village Hall. There was a suggestion for a fence to be erected along the boundary of the creek on the meadow at Salcott. This will be discussed by the Salcott councillors, possibly on site.
  6. Salcott meadow gateway – widening would enable large equipment to be brought on the meadow for work such as rolling to help with dips and holes. Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed to help Salcott Village Hall Management Committee by giving them £200 from our S137 fund. An estimate of materials was presented.
  7. Salcott notice boards – need new perspex fronts. Terry will get estimates or if under £50 will just go ahead with the work.
  8. Insurance – an increase of public liability to £10 million was proposed by Lynne, seconded by Kevin and all agreed, and accepting Sparklers offer to pay half of the increased premium. We will increase the Sparklers part of the premium as well to accommodate a larger number in attendance to the event plus hand held fireworks. There are other matters that need attention with regard to this, ie. clarification letters, safety check, etc. and will follow in due course.
  9. Communications Committee – have produced an annual report for a special edition of the Peldon and Wigboroughs Parish Magazine that will be delivered to all the households within our parish council including Salcott and Virley.  A questionnaire will be given to all our parish councillors to determine who would benefit from any computer training which will be organised at a later date.
  10. Update on Salcott to Peldon Rose highways works – see above (Borough Councillor)
  11. Overgrown hedges – letters will be sent to householders of offending hedges
  12. Peldon Play Area – following our annual inspection the swings frame needs attention. Lappset, the manufacturers, will be contacted but meanwhile the swings will be removed for safety.
  13. Rural Community Council of Essex – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to continue with our membership for the next year at a cost of £55.


080974  Proposal: Demolition of existing non-listed dilapidated outbuildings, barns and garage within the cartilage of a listed building. Construction of numerous additions at Moulsham Manor, St Stephens Lane, Great Wigborough

080969  Proposal: Conservatory to rear (resubmission of 080409) at Broad Marsh, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decision:

080678  Proposal: Change of use from agricultural land to garden forming part of Rose Barn and widening of former agricultural access at Rose Barn, Colchester Road, Peldon  –  Permission Refused

The next meeting will be at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 8th July 08 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 13th May 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm. on Tuesday 13th May 2008.

The Annual Parish Assembly

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Christine Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Nicky Ellis, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bentley, PC Ian Lewis and five members of the public.

Apologies for absence: Sam Knill Jones, Peter Crowe

Public comments: The notice board at Salcott needs new glass which will be on the agenda for next month for attention.

Neighbourhood Action Panels need more advertising. They usually meet once a month. PC Lewis is the chairman of the Birch and Winstree group and so will address this problem. NAPS can be found on the police website: www.essex.police.uk then Your Area.

The Kings Head junction in Great Wigborough has poor visibility as the hedge and weeds

need trimming back. We will ask the owner of the property there to do this.

Enquiries were made about any progress on our campaign for improvements on the Salcott to Peldon Rose road. It was explained that members of the parish council met with members of ECC Highways Dept. and a full and lengthy programme was shown to us and we have confirmation, just today, that this will take place in this financial year. We have yet to receive a programme of events with regard to this but will make it known to all when we have it. The improvements will include such things as resurfacing, white lines, bend signs, and much more. A speed limit all along is not possible at this time as this is under review county wide but they (ECC Highways) will keep it in mind.

Kevin Bentley has asked for Salcott Street to be included with the resurfacing.

We should all have our clear sacks by the end of this month. If you don’t receive yours please ring Kevin. Abberton Reservoir planning meeting is still to be arranged. Peter Crowe is becoming Mayor for Colchester tomorrow (14th May).

PC Ian Lewis is from Tiptree Police and covers Salcott, Virley and Great Wigborough. Last year there were 3 crimes in Salcott, one of which was taken to court, and one crime in Great Wigborough.  Speeding is a problem everywhere and we urged PC Lewis to help us get our training for use of a speed gun.

Parish Council AGM

Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for Robert to continue as chairman for the next year. Robert proposed, Phil seconded and all greed for Jinny to continue as vice chairman for the next year. Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed for Sue to be financial and responsible officer for the next year.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Chairman’s report was to thank all those that had helped and worked for us during the year. Also the many achievements we have made, meetings attended, training undertaken, liaising with other organisations, planning matters, site meetings for required works, continuing lobbying people for things like road safety, and keeping up to date with requirements for parish councils with regard to the Code of Conduct, Emergency Plan and Standing Orders. Lastly, thanks were given to the small band of the public for attending our meetings on a regular basis and giving a valuable input.

Financial report was proposed by Phil, seconded by Jinny and all agreed to accept as a true and correct record of the parish council’s finances for the last year 07/08 and was signed by the chairman. Many thanks were expressed to Steve Copeland again for carrying out our internal audit (at no charge) which is a requirement before the finances are sent to an external auditor. It was agreed to buy Steve a gift to show our appreciation for his sterling work.

Items for Discussion

  1. Fire works at Peldon and insurance – we will increase our insurance to cover a bigger number of people coming to this event and hand held fireworks which Sparklers will pay for. Next meeting we will decide if more public liability cover is a good idea depending on the increase of premium.
  2. Colchester Association of Local Councils – it would appear that certain matters of importance are fed through this body and we are apt to miss things if we are not members. Therefore, Jinny proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed for us to join. Attendance of the meetings will alternate between us.
  3. Village Design Statement and/or Parish Plan – the meeting to discuss taking one or other of these further was not well attended. There will be a stall at the Peldon Festival and contact will be made for any interest with other local organisations.
  4. Communications Committee – has met a couple of times and certain aspects are in discussion. A website is thought likely with the 3 committee members operating this between them.
  5. Annual Report – we will be doing this in the future to let every household know exactly what we have been doing during the year. Details have to be ironed out as to how we go about this but probably in corporation with the Peldon/Wigboroughs magazine that will have one ‘gold’ issue a year that will go free to every household in our entire parish.
  6. Levelling of Salcott meadow has yet to be done as the entrance to the meadow is too narrow for the required machinery. Salcott Village Hall Management Committee are keen to widen the gateway and next month we will discuss contributing towards the cost of this. 
  7. Playgrounds Annual Reports completed and our monthly inspection men have a copy of what maintenance is required for each playground and it was agreed that they can carry out the necessary work in due course. 
  8. Local Development Framework Site Allocations – sites are still being gathered or submitted so this is early days yet for discussion and consultation.
  9. Salcott to Peldon Rose road scheme update was discussed earlier in the meeting, see public comments above. 


080886  Proposal: Construction of additional bedroom over existing garage. Cladding of ground floor utility room at Woodlands, Church Road, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decisions:

080409  Proposal: Conservatory at rear at Broad Marsh, The Street, Salcott – Permission Refused

080505  Resubmission of reserved matters application for demolition of bungalow and petrol station and erection of 5no. houses and private garage at Peldon Garage went before CBC Planning Committee on 24th April 08.

080443  Proposal: One and a half storey side extension living room and bedroom at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott  –  Permission Refused

080505  Proposal: Resubmission of reserved matters application for demolition of bungalow and petrol station and erection of 5no. houses and private garages at Peldon Garage, Lower Road, Peldon  –  Approve the Reserved Matters

080679  Proposal: Change of use from residential annex to studio, extension of studio at The Annexe, 2 Brick Cottages, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough  –  Permission Granted

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 10th June 08 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 8th April 2008


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm.on Tuesday 8th April 2008.

Present: Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Kevin Bentley, Peter Crowe and 3 members of public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Robert Davidson, Sam Knill Jones

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the vice chairman

Borough Councillors: A meeting will be held to discuss our joint condition demands with all surrounding parish councils with regard to the Abberton Reservoir expansion planning application when it is brought before the CBC Planning Committee, where we are requesting a one only application session on that occasion.

The deadline for Bellwood to submit an appeal is in May, later than was previously thought. After this date pressure will be applied for immediate action.

 Public – Have Your Say: Pot holes are a constant issue and a website was given to us – www.fixmystreet.com for reporting pot holes and following the outcome.  Alternatively ring 01206 838600 for ECC Highways Department.

It was brought to our attention that quite a few people put their rubbish out on the wrong day or the night before collection and some put out the wrong type of rubbish for that week. Also they are not making sure it is secure so with winds and animals about there is rubbish strewn and blowing everywhere.  We are extremely lucky in that we have a volunteer who litter picks for Peldon Village but that is an impossible task if people are inconsiderate with their own refuse bags. We have details from people’s rubbish that were found in the street recently so if they offend again we may take further action. We are very grateful to Archie for his hard work in trying to keep the village tidy.

Declarations of Interests: None.

  1. Abberton Reservoir planning application meetings – our proposed response was discussed at length and is being finalized ensuring that we include everything.
  2. Adoption of Changes to Standing Order 60 – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to adopt the changes which will take effect from our next meeting. 
  3. The Way We Work – Update on the Parish Council Training Session – a DVD  on a light hearted set up of a parish council meeting with many errors to observe was watched by all. We have learned various points from it which we will carry out but still allowing public contribution during a meeting, as this can be to our advantage with certain knowledge of situations, but at the chairman’s discretion.

We await new guidelines on the process of handling complaints.

Our Communications Committee has yet to meet.

  1. Grant money – more ideas were talked about but none that would meet the criteria for this scheme. But it was brought to our attention that the meadow at Salcott needs maintenance because it is uneven in places so the cost of top soil will be looked sort.
  2. Salcott to Peldon Road Scheme – ECC Highways Officers, Borough and County Councillors and representatives from our Parish Council attended a meeting at ECC Highways offices. We were shown a comprehensive plan to improve safety on this road and told that implementation of this would take place all this year or spread over two years depending on budget approval. We will receive confirmation very shortly. We would like to thank all our Borough Councillors and our County Councillor for their continued support and help with our campaign for this. Also we would like to thank the public who have reported accidents to us enabling us to keep an up to date log to support our case for these improvements.
  3. Peldon Church green cutting – Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed for Terry Hedger to do this again for us this next year.
  4. NALC legal information with regard to Sparklers will be on next month’s agenda when everybody has had a chance to read it.



080505  Proposal: Resubmission of reserved matters application for demolition of bungalow and petrol station and erection of 5no.houses and private garages at Peldon Garage, Lower Road, Peldon

An enforcement report concerning unauthorized works at Rose Barn, Colchester Road, Peldon was to be considered by the Planning Committee 27th March 08.

080676  Proposal: General purpose steel portal frame building at Brooklyn Farm, Great Wigborough

080678  Proposal: Change of use from agricultural land to garden forming part of Rose Barn at Rose Barn, Colchester Road, Peldon

080679  Proposal: Change of use from residential annex to studio, extension of studio at The Annexe, 2 Brick Cottages, Peldon Road, Little Wigborough


CBC Black and clear sack delivery will be on Friday 9th May 08 for all our villages.      For more details see notice boards or [email protected]


CBC Local Development Framework on ‘site allocations options and issues options report’ concerning land that could be allocated for development will be on next month’s agenda for discussion.


