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Essex-&-Suffolk-Water With thanks to Essex & Suffolk Water for funding support of this website through the Abberton Reservoir Community Fund.

PC Minutes 9th June 2009


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th June 2009.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley, John Jowers and 3 public

Apologies for absence: Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough and County Councillors: The CBC Tree Policy is being revised. The last planning application for Bellwood is being considered. The Tour Cycle of Britain is coming to Colchester on June 18th, and the roads will be closed early that day.

The Shoreline Management Plan is being revised covering planning powers out to sea, who can take which oysters and passing the seawall maintenance to farmers and also making the seawall more accessible to all but, therefore, it is hoped that the farmers would be compensated.  The government have suggested our area could take even more new housing which John is completely opposed to.  72% of our county is rural and we need to try and prevent more post offices and high street banks, etc being closed in our villages.

We congratulated Kevin and John on winning their elections.

Public – Have Your Say: Flooding in Salcott Street and at the crossroads is still a problem when there is heavy rain. Pipe work and ditches seem to be causing the problem. ECC Highways will be contacted again for a site meeting to discuss what needs to be done

Declaration of Interest: There were none

  1. Financial Report 08/09 – was proposed by Phil, seconded by Nicky and all agreed to approve them.  Our thanks go to Steve Copeland, yet again, for internally auditing them for us.
  2. Standing Orders – due to illness this is postponed till next month.
  3. Playgrounds including new equipment for Peldon – weeds in the play areas have been sprayed off.  The work deemed necessary in the annual inspection reports is being addressed.  The proposed new play equipment for Peldon was discussed at length and the quote we had been pursuing with CBC’s advice was thought to be too expensive and elaborate for the few children we are catering for, although we will try and identify the number of children who use this play area. Phil proposed, Frances seconded and all agreed to get other quotes for a smaller scale project.  Another source of funding will be looked into.
  4. Moss Hay footpath – we have two quotes for resurfacing etc. but these need to be clarified as to what exactly they are quoting for before we proceed.
  5. Planning Process Review – we are waiting for dates from CBC for planning courses for us to attend. Nicky proposed, Sam seconded and all agreed that in future each parish will write one unified reply that will then be agreed by all the parish councillors for a response that considers planning laws only. Large applications will be discussed by all. This will be returned electronically if possible.  If a parish councillor disagrees with the majority he or she is, of course, entitled to write in independently, not from the parish council. A trial period was requested and so we will reassess our progress in a few months.
  6. Abberton Reservoir Meeting – took place with Sue Jackson from CBC Planning Dept. to discuss the 106 agreement and how this can be applied to this application. Any money will be used for projects in areas where there has been immediate affect from this expansion.
  7. Wigborough Village Hall – has been boarded up for safety reasons.  The Charities Commission, who keeps control of this hall for the people of Wigborough, has been contacted about nominating new trustees and we are waiting for their reply.
  8. Archie’s retirement – we would like to express enormous thanks to Archie for doing so much, so well and for so long for us.  We will miss him. We will advertise for replacements.
  9. Gold Edition of Parish Magazine – we have put our annual report which includes the financial report and councillor contact details in the May edition of the Peldon and Wigs Parish Magazine and it will be delivered to every household in our villages including Salcott and Virley.  There was an omission with the front cover in not mentioning the latter villages and that the parish council had sponsored the extra pages and we apologies for this error.

Notice of Planning Decisions:

090357 Replace existing internal glazed door and side panels with timber-framed glazed double doors at Cobb Cottage, The Street, Salcott – Consent Granted


101477  Carolyn O’Keeffe – prize winner in VDS questionnaire draw                           £100.00

101478  EALC – Freedom of Information course                                                        £34.00

101479  R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June                                                                £350.02

101480  ECC – Salcott salt box                                                                             £350.00

101481  Nathalie Champion – prize winner in VDS questionnaire draw                          £50.00

101482  A Moore – play insp. and repairs                                                                 £50.00

101483  Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                             £200.00

101484  Gt & Lt Wigborough – churchyards upkeep                                                £400.00

101485  Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                             £200.00

101486  Mrs N Ellis – refreshments for VDS meetings                                                £13.16

101487  Craig Stacey – VDS questionnaire prize winner                                             £25.00

101488  Rachel Lee – VDS questionnaire prize winner                                               £50.00

101489  T Simmons – boarding up Gt Wig village hall, 2 grass cuts, 1 play insp            £365.00

The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 14th July 09 at 7.30pm

The Parish Council is looking for a person to carry out monthly playground checks at Peldon and also we would like to have a list of names for small maintenance type jobs that we can call on for bids as and when the jobs materialise. This is paid work and our insurance covers people whilst doing the work.  If anyone is interested please contact the clerk Sue Pullen 01206 735367 or any parish councillor.
