Winstred Hundred PC Minutes – 11th February 2025


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall meeting room on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Robert Davidson, Liz Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Roger Pittock, Catherine Sprott, Netty Knill Jones

Apologies for absence: City Cllrs Andrew Ellis, Martin Parsons, Carl Powling, County Cllr Kevin Bentley

The minutes of January 2025 meeting were agreed and confirmed and signed by the chairman

City Councillor Report:  A meeting of the Local Plan Committee will be held on 17th Feb2025.  See link below and Appendix B -Preferred Options Draft Reg 18 Plan- 17 Feb 2025 Local Plan Committee ” and a consultation period of six weeks.

Prior to and during the consultation period the Parish Council will be active in helping residents understand any issues.  It is probable that a public meeting will be called to enable residents and councillors to share their views.  It is important that as many residents as possible return their individual opinions in addition to any submission made by the Parish Council.  Colchester City Council has allocated 25 houses for Peldon in their preferred options but none in any of the other villages in this parish council.

Continue reading “Winstred Hundred PC Minutes – 11th February 2025”

North Essex Garden Communities Consultation

North Essex Garden Communities Consultation

North Essex Garden Communities is working to create not just new homes but new communities. Planned to Garden City Principles and designed in partnership with residents.  Their ambition is to create places for people to live, work and spend time, taking forward the Garden City idea for future generations.  They have put their plans together and are now seeking your views in a consultation starting on 13th November and extending into December. Continue reading “North Essex Garden Communities Consultation”


The Future of Essex Police, Fire & Rescue?


Police & Crime CommissionerThe Future of Essex Police, Fire & Rescue?

The people of Essex are being urged to have their say in the potential change in the way Essex Police and Essex County Fire & Rescue Service is governed.  To have your say respond to the consultation that ends on Wednesday 10th May.

The Policing and Crime Act 2017 enables police and crime commissioners to become the fire and rescue authority where a strong local case is made. The Government has also created a statutory duty to collaborate.

Police and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst said: Continue reading “The Future of Essex Police, Fire & Rescue?”


Recycling & Waste Consultation

recycle for colchesterRecycling & Waste Consultation

Colchester Borough Council is about to commence a consultation on its current waste and recycling service. Borough residents are being asked for their views to help Colchester Borough Council consider how best to reduce waste and increase recycling in the coming years.

All residents are invited to give their views through the online survey at between Monday 7 March and 5pm Friday 3 June 2016.

Help to complete the survey is available at free Online Skills events across the borough listed at .  Residents with accessibility needs can request assistance from a Customer Advisor at the Community Hub in the town centre.

From 7 March to 29 March and Monday 9 May to Friday 3 June selected homes across the borough with kerbside or communal bin collections will also be visited.  Face to face feedback on recycling and waste collections will be gathered from around 1,000 residents.

Home visits will take place borough-wide between 9am and 8pm, Monday to Saturday to households representative of Colchester’s demographic mix.

All survey responses will be used to help the Council understand what residents think including: satisfaction with the type and number of containers used for home storage and collection of waste and recycling; frequency of collections; and ideas for improvement that would help residents send less waste to landfill and recycle more.  Household characteristics, including number of residents at the property and availability of outdoor and container storage areas, will also be gathered.

The consultation is part of a full review of the Council’s waste and recycling service including considering different collection methods and best practice nationally.


NHS Consults on Restricting Services

ne-essex-ccgClinicians want to hear local views on plans to restrict services

Clinicians at North East Essex CCG are seeking local people’s views on their plans to restrict IVF services in the future – and they are inviting everyone to give their feedback.  Under the plans, they are proposing restrictions to the current IVF service as it does not provide sufficient benefit to the overall health economy.

Certain groups of patients would still be able to access IVF: for instance, those patients who are undergoing medical treatment that would leave them infertile.

They also propose that couples experiencing difficulties in conceiving could still seek medical advice through their GP in the first instance.

Dr Hasan Chowhan, Clinical Director at the North East Essex CCG, said:

We recognise that infertility is a very difficult issue for those affected by it and we have not taken this proposal lightly or without engagement with other clinical professionals.  We fully intend to review this decision in the near future.

Between 2013/14, the CCG paid for 107 fertility procedures which amounted to £386k – the equivalent of:

  • 25 drug treatment courses available for breast cancer;
  • 15 community nurses;
  • 104 hip replacements;
  • 108 patients being admitted to an acute stroke unit at Colchester General Hospital.

Samantha Hepplewhite, Acting Chief Officer at the North East Essex CCG, said:

We have managed to achieve around £35m savings over recent years.  However this challenge will continue as we need to find a further £14m savings each year for the next four years.

We have a requirement to stay within budget and if we do not implement these decisions and further proposals then we would have to select other services to restrict.  Current local demands for healthcare services are costing more money than is currently available.

In addition, the CCG is also intending to restrict the following services:

  • Any Qualified Provider – Spinal Service – The CCG would control activity and expenditure for manual therapy and spinal services, ahead of these services moving to the lead provider arrangement in April 2016.
  • Clinical Priorities Policy – The purpose of this policy is to provide a mechanism for deciding whether referral of an individual patient for a specific assessment and treatment should be funded, based on clinical effectiveness. We are reviewing this policy to bring it in line with other NHS commissioners.
  • Continuing Healthcare – We believe that new patients requiring NHS continuing healthcare care at home, should be entitled to up to 10% above what it would cost for the same care in a residential or nursing home setting.
  • Gluten free – The CCG is restricting the prescribing of gluten free foods to young people, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and stopping prescribing these products altogether to all other adults.  These products are now available in shops and there is a variety of alternatives widely available.
  • Threshold for elective procedures – All patients being referred for non-urgent elective surgery and who are smokers should be referred to smoking cessation services at the initial referral/assessment/appointment.  Meanwhile, overweight and obese patients should be strongly encouraged to lose weight before their operation.  Failure to attend smoking cessation or weight loss programmes may have an impact on whether individuals could undergo their procedure.
  • Vasectomy and female sterilisation – The community vasectomy and female sterilisation services are being reviewed by the CCG as these services have no or limited clinical value – rather they are considered as one of many forms of contraception.  Both vasectomy and female sterilisation will however be available in cases of complex health needs.

Please see our consultation document with further details at

The CCG is holding a number of engagement events over the coming weeks aimed allowing local people to find out more about its plans.

Friday 26 June (3pm)Clacton – Sam’s Hall, CVST, Rosemary Road, Clacton CO15 1NZ
Tuesday 7 July (6pm)Colchester – Room 12a, Primary Care Centre, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JR
Friday 10 July (2pm)Clacton – Princes Theatre, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton CO15 1SE
Thursday 16 July (6.30pm)Clacton – Princes Theatre, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton CO15 1SE

Please email to confirm your attendance at any of the above events –

[email protected]

The closing date for feedback on our IVF proposal is Monday 7 September 2015.  If you have any feedback in relation to these changes, please email your comments to [email protected] or write to PALS, North East Essex CCG, Primary Care Centre, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JR.


Local Health Forums

The Health Forum

The NEE Health Forum is a largely enthusiastic and committed body of people who are interested in health matters.  They are all people who have registered as public members of North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group.

The Health Forum is not formally part of the Clinical Commissioning Group, but members of the Health Forum Committee are invited to be part of all decision-making meetings within the CCG so that they can obtain and reflect the views of people from North East Essex to the group in a timely way.  The Clinical Commissioning Group wants the Health Forum to be as inclusive as possible, and so the criteria for eligibility are very broad.  There is more detail on the Join the Health Forum page of their website.

Members of the Health Forum are able to vote for the Health Forum Committee.  The Health Forum Committee has a number of sub-groups which are looking at specific health related issues.  The Health Forum does not have any legal powers, but has been given local powers by the CCG.  It works very closely with Essex HealthWatch, who do have legal powers.

Their important reports, including local Health Forum meeting dates, agendas and minutes and similar material relating to the Health Forum Committee can be found on their site in the Library.

Get Involved at Local Health Forums

The Health Forum holds local meetings which any public member of the CCG  can attend, regardless of where they live.  The 3 local meetings are held at Colchester; Harwich; (rest of) Tendring – this is usually held in Clacton.  

The next meetings are being held on 2nd, 3rd & 4th February (2pm – 4pm) respectively.  The agenda vary slightly both from meeting to meeting but also by location, but will typically include items such as those due to be discussed in the February meetings:

  • NE Essex Community Pharmacy Scheme
  • CHUFT Cancer Services (Clacton & Harwich only)
  • Borough GP Care Advisory Service (Colchester only)
  • Carer Strategy Consultation
  • General Q&A

These meetings give Health Forum members a chance to receive presentations and ask questions relating to key health care issues and services in their area.  They are also to raise concerns with the NEE CCG staff directly and Health Forum Committee members.

The Agendas for the local meetings are set by the Health Forum Committee who request speakers on the subjects they believe local people want to hear more about.  The CCG supports the Health Forum Committee by finding suitable speakers and health professionals that are in a position to answer relevant questions.

All three local meetings are usually held within a week of each other and they occur bi-monthly (every other month).  The dates of future meetings can be found on their events page

The agendas and minutes of the Local Engagement forum are published in their Library under Health Forum.


NHS Consulting on Care Closer to Home

Care Closer to Home and Urgent Care consultations:

The North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, with its partners, has started a 10 week consultation aimed at finding ways to provide effective and safe care within the community – known as Care Closer to Home.  Have your say on plans to provide health and social care closer to peoples’ home. Please read the NE Essex CCG’s consultation document. Local people across north east Essex are being asked for their views on how health and social care services could be provided closer to their homes in the future.

The consultation is also suggesting a redesign in the way emergency and urgent care might be provided too, as part of its urgent care strategy.  Their aim with both of these service redesigns is to ensure patients are at the centre of their care which will allow individuals to be seen in the right place, at the right time by the right expert.

These proposals follow a series of engagement activities, known as the Big Care Debate, in which many people called for services to be based around the individual needs of the patient as close to their home as possible.

Please give your views via an online survey.

If you prefer to download, print and post your response, please click the survey document here to download.

For further background, please see the CCG’s strategies published earlier this year:



Please come to one of the public meetings being held to hear a presentation and give your views, to book your place, please email [email protected] or call them on 01206 286500:

ColchesterTuesday 13 January4pm-6pmUnited Reformed Church, Lion Walk Colchester CO1 1LX
ColchesterTuesday 13 January7pm-9pmUnited Reformed Church, Lion Walk, Colchester  CO1 1LX
HarwichWednesday 14 January4pm-6pmLong Meadows Community Centre, Long Meadows, Dovercourt CO14 4US
HarwichWednesday 14 January7pm-9pmLong Meadows Community Centre, Long Meadows, Dovercourt CO14 4US
WaltonFriday 16 January4pm to 6pmColumbine Centre, Princes Esplanade, Walton on the Naze CO14 8PZ
ClactonFriday 23 January4pm-6pmClacton Golf Club West Rd, Clacton CO15 1AJ
ClactonFriday 23 January7pm-9pmClacton Golf Club West Rd, Clacton CO15 1AJ


Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way

abberton-reservoirDrop-In Consultation – Abberton Rights of Way – All Welcome

There will be a consultation event in Peldon Village Hall on Wednesday 4th February 2015 for two drop-in sessions 4 – 6 pm and 7 – 9 pm for a short presentation, fill in a questionnaire and ask any questions, refreshments will be provided. All are welcome to attend.


Radiotherapy – Have Your Say

We have been asked to circulate the following:

Proposed expansion of services to provide radiotherapy in Essex

I am writing on behalf of the primary care trusts in the Essex Cancer Network to invite feedback on current proposals to expand radiotherapy in Essex. The attached discussion document explains the proposals and a feedback form is also attached for your written views. You can submit your views online, if you prefer, by using the following link:

Within the document attached, you will find further details on how to have your say including dates and venues of drop-in sessions and discussion workshops being held in Basildon, Colchester, Chelmsford and Southend-on-Sea. Contact details are included should you wish to arrange a separate meeting for your group or organisation.

The PCTs wish to consider the proposals for expansion with full knowledge of the views of local people. We have distributed the discussion document and feedback form to a wide range of people. Please could you help us to reach as many people as possible by distributing to others in your organisation and to anyone who would be interested in taking part in this discussion.

We look forward to listening to your views.

Yours sincerely 
Sheila Bremner 
Chief Executive, north Essex PCT cluster and Chair of the Essex Cancer Network 
On behalf of NHS Mid Essex, NHS North East Essex, NHS South East Essex and NHS South West Essex
