PC Minutes 10th July 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th July 2012.

Present: Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Kevin Bentley and 2 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Terry Sutton

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: All reported pot holes and road repairs are being addressed systematically. www.essex.gov.uk/highways provides details of where and when this work will be carried out with maps.  Report any potholes noticed to the clerk to be sent on to ensure they receive attention.

Money from the Reservoir Community Fund allocated for an Education Centre is still in the early stages of discussion as there are many problems arising for this project to take off.

County broadband scheme is being held up by the EU Commission to agree.

A couple of matters were reported to Kevin to take up for us.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: Nicky for discussion on planning application 121099 and refrained from joining in the discussion

  1. Police – no crimes reported in our villages
  2. Playgrounds – replacement swing chain tails have been bought for Salcott and will be fitted shortly, also replacing the bark with rubber clippings at Salcott is in hand but the weather has not been suitable for this job and may not now be carried out before the school holidays as was originally planned.  It will be done as soon as possible. Terry will cut the hedge at Salcott meadow and Barry will be asked for similar work at Moss Hay.  Work at Peldon resulting from the annual report has all been carried out and also erection of Dog Fouling signs.
    Having received a grant from the Big Society Fund Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to go forward with the replacement of the basketball pad on Moss Hay and hopefully use the money from Terry Sutton for the shortfall if it fits the criteria.
  3. Code of Conduct – councillors must fill in the Register of Interests form and the Parish Council should accept the new Code of Conduct.  We will inform Andrew Weavers (CBC Monitoring Officer) that we agree with West Bergholt Parish Council about the appointing of only one Parish Councillor on the Complaints Panel who would not have a vote.
  4. Great Wigborough illuminated 30 mph sign – we will contact ECC Highways to enquire about moving this sign to face the other way and be near the start of the houses when approaching from Salcott and also request another sign for Peldon when approaching from Wigborough on the Lower Road.
  5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group Meeting – all work has been slowed down due to the weather. Avocet nests have been found for the first time. Passing signs at the lay-bys have been erected along School Lane.
    Community Fund – Phil has our agreement to vote for the Abberton & Langenhoe Village Hall extension application if the criteria for these funds are improved satisfactorily.
  6. Possible funds from Borough Councillors for the Wigs and Salcott & Virley – Kevin and Andrew have yet to decide how to use their funds as they have several villages on their patch
  7. Broadband and Website – Abberton and Langenhoe are to join forces with our project for high speed broadband.  John was absent for an update.
  8. Actions and Reminders List – updated


121070 Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of 102366 – to build porch with pitched gable roof as opposed to approved lean-to roof at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

121120 Proposal: Infill extension to create new bedroom – in part replacing demolished extension at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott

121099 Proposal: Replacement three bedroom dwelling and detached car port. Ref: COL/1397/81 at Ransomes, Wigborough Road, Peldon

Planning Decisions:

120749 Certificate of Lawfulness has been completed for use of outbuilding as ancillary and incidental residential use at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon

120858 & 120860 (Listed Building) Proposal: Remove defective bow window to existing kitchen and replace with new timber window and remove all black paint/stain etc. from existing internal exposed oak beams, joists and studs via a gentle chemical free hot water vapour process at New Hall, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission and consent granted

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 11th September 2012 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 10th April 2012


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th April 2012.

Present: Jane Banks, John Walker, Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill Jones and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice chairman with the alteration at 6. Broadband update to say ‘It was agreed by all to give Phil a mandate to vote for this at the meeting and John Walker to represent us’ in our bid……..

Borough Councillors: Simon High, from CBC Street and Leisure Services, is making good progress with organizing ditch clearance in Great Wigborough and hopefully will pursue residents in Salcott for similar work to be carried out in order to assist with potential flooding issues.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

1. Police – no reports of crimes to our knowledge.

2. Gold Edition Magazine – cost will be the same as last year, John will organize the cover as before and as usual it will be delivered to all the houses in our five villages by various willing volunteers. This edition will include the Chairman’s and the year’s financial reports.

3. Playgrounds and fields – any outstanding work in the playgrounds will be carried out shortly.  Volunteers will be asked to assist in collecting the old bark from Salcott play area and take to Peldon. Following that the rubber clipping can be arranged for Salcott.  Volunteers will also be sort to help clear the ditch on Moss Hay, overgrown shrubbery will be cut back in the autumn and the basket ball area assessed for safety, repairs and obtaining a grant. There has been dog fouling again on Moss Hay.  This is dangerous to children’s health and very unpleasant for all so please pick up your dog’s mess.  We will report to the dog warden any culprits we hear of.

4. Website update – progress is being made.

5. Abberton Reservoir Expansion, Community Funds & Rights of Way – if all goes to plan the new road will be opened on Saturday. For the time being the old road from Layer Church will be used for access to the Visitor Centre. The water level in the reservoir will take a couple of years to adjust and be established.  Our well presented application for funding has been accepted and funds granted (see Broadband below).  Footpaths have yet to be sorted as that cannot be done until nearing completion of the main works. John offered to be our representative on the Rights of Way Committee when formed.

6. Broadband update – we have received confirmation that funding is available from the 106 Reservoir agreement to create hi-speed internet wireless network in the Winstred 100, the network will include Layer Breton.  This will give our villages internet speed equivalent to the UK’s largest cities and access to ‘urban’ style online facilities including TV, films, video links, free phone calls etc. This gift is a unique opportunity, most rural areas in the UK will not ever in the foreseeable future benefit from this kind of facility.

7. CBC Emergency Planning Meeting – was attended and their main objective is forming lists of appropriate people to be of use in an emergency.  Our updated plan when finished will be sent to CBC for advice and or approval.

8. Flooding matters update – as above in Borough Councillors

9. Standing Orders – Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for the small change in the wording in our Standing Orders be adopted.  This accommodates for a situation where the chair cannot be found for one reason or another from our usual order of rotation of the villages.

10. Actions and Reminders List – updated

11. Complaint to CBC about the Parish Councillors – It was noted that Mr Bevan has lodged a formal complaint with CBC about all the members of the Parish Council.  The complaint is related to planning issues.  The Parish Council does not believe that there is any substance in the complaint but will, of course, co-operate fully with the relevant authorities who will investigate it.

12. Salcott crossroads bus shelter – many thanks were given to Terry Simmons for doing such a splendid job of modifying this bus shelter to make it more weather-proof for users.  We hope to put a photo of the finished result on the website.

    Planning Applications:

    120507 Proposal: Replacement front garden wall and improved vehicular access to residential area frontage only. Resubmission of 111830 at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

    120496 Proposal: Listed building application for extension of eaves storage floor 1.2m and restoration of original interior dividing wall to remove safety hazard. Original and reclaimed material will be used to match existing beams, floor and walls at Priests House, Church, Peldon

    120533 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling. Proposed four bedroom dwelling and detached garage at Rolls Farm, Peldon Road, Peldon

    120580 Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 102366 to allow for amended ridge height of extension due to design fault on approved scheme at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

    Planning Decisions:

    120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

    120215 Proposal: Retrospective application for a change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden. Bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

    120242 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor flat roof. Extension to side using same ground floor area with first floor above to existing rear build line. Ground floor extension to front for new entrance hall. Resubmission of 112023 at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted


    101653 – R S Pullen – use of office, heat, light, etc.                                                 £250.00

    101654 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                                £353.53

    101655 – EALC and NALC – annual subs                                                                  £288.79

    101656 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                  £35.00

    101657 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                           £80.00

    101658 – T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, weeding, bus shelter alterations                £725.00

    The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th May 2012 at 7.30pm and will be the Annual Parish Meeting and AGM


    PC Minutes 13th March 2012

    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th March 2012.

    Present: Netty Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Kevin Bentley, 1 Police Officer and 4 members of the public

    Apologies for absence: John Walker, Andrew Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman with the alteration of Phil Gladwin being absent (not present) and the additional wording to Declarations of Interest: ‘and left the room when this was discussed.’

    Borough Councillors: The structure of the Police force will be changing with the appointment of a Police and Crime Commissioner who will have overall responsibility for financial affairs, crime figures etc.

    Essex has been picked for trials for the Community Budget in joining up of some government public bodies with ECC with the aim of reducing spending in certain areas. Civil Servants from Whitehall have come to County Hall for this purpose.

    Abberton Reservoir Liaison Group meet tomorrow and our application for funds to improve our broadband will be discussed.

    Lighting at the new Visitor Centre will be brought up for complaint. We’ve heard since that this was due to the time switch not working correctly and it should therefore not be a problem in future as the lights will only be used on occasions.

    School Lane has had repair work carried out and all pot holes are being repaired more sensibly by repairing all in an area rather than the worst ones first and then returning for lesser ones later.

    CBC have sent further letters to residents about cost of works that must be carried out in clearing drains and culverts to help in potential flooding problem areas.

    Certain missing road signs will be reported for reinstating.

    Public-Have Your Say – None

    Declarations of Interest – None

    1. Playgrounds – inspections have been routinely carried out and arising matters will be dealt with.  Rubber clippings for Salcott have yet to be organized. Salcott goalposts have been repainted.

    2. Village Design Statement – the completed work was presented to everyone for approval. With the alteration of a couple of minor details the parish council agreed unanimously to adopt this document.  A very big thank you was given to all the team who contributed to the completion of this splendid piece of work. All households in our villages will receive a copy and it will be put on our website.

    3. Police – there has been hare coursing locally, some children damaged a fence and the theft of diesel and catalytic converters still continues.

    4. Website update – next month due to John’s absence.

    5. CALC Meeting – was attended by two parish councillors where there was a presentation from CBC Tree Preservation Officer.

    6. Broadband update – Parish Councillors have had a meeting with Lloyd Felton from County Broadband to discuss a scheme taking in some surrounding parish councils for faster broadband. It was agreed by all for Phil to represent us in our bid for a grant from the Reservoir Community Funds for this project.  There was a suggestion for a display at the Peldon May Festival.  A vote of thanks was given to John and Phil for their extensive work on this so far.

    7. Les Lapwood – due to family commitments has resigned and therefore the correct procedure will be followed to enable us to fill the vacancy. A letter of thanks will be written to him.  See below.

    8. Flooding matters – as above in Borough Councillors.

    9. Standing Orders – alterations to the wording to accommodate changes to our rotation of villages for chairman arrangement will be discussed next meeting.

    10. Actions and Reminders List – updated.

    Planning Applications:

    120413 Proposal: Two storey side extension at Mill Cottage, The Strood, Peldon

    Planning Decisions:

    112327 Proposal: 3 vehicle detached garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

    112422 Proposal: Demolition of existing and erection of replacement dwelling with attached garage at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Refused

    Appeal no. A1530/A/12/2171150 against the above CBC decision

    Appeal no.A1530/D/12/2170062 against the refusal of proposed extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott.


    101650 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March                                                             £353.53

    101651 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses, stationary etc.                                             £204.50

    101652 – T Simmons – play insp and repainting goal posts                                        £113.27

    The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 10th April 2012 at 7.30pm

    We now have a vacancy for a Salcott Parish Councillor who must live within 3 miles of the boundary of Salcott.  Anyone interested please contact the clerk Sue Pullen on 01206 735367.


    PC Minutes 14th February 2012


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th February 2012.

    Present: Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill Jones, Lynne Simmons, I Police Officer and 2 members of public

    Apologies for absence: John Walker, Phil Gladwin, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

    Borough Councillors: Empty salt bins have been an issue in Salcott and Great Wigborough and been followed up rigorously.  The contractors who carried out the initial fill up insisted they had filled them all. This is obviously not the case but it was considered too late to address this now even though we had tried many times to get them filled up during the past month or two.  Next year things will be noted and acted on more positively much sooner.  There will be another fill all round this winter if there is another cold spell.

    The Parish Council would like to express thanks to Chris Jones for clearing away the snow on Mill Lane.

    Flooding issues are explained at item 5.

    Public-Have Your Say – None

    Declarations of Interest – Netty Knill Jones for planning item application no.120033

    1. Playgrounds – Reports were received from Salcott. Rubber clippings will be ordered shortly. Peldon is in good order and benches on Moss Hay will be painted on the corners with bright paint for safety at night.  Also dog fouling signs will be erected shortly.

    2. Village Design Statement is nearing completion and will be ready for the draft to be considered at the March meeting.  Quotes for printing are being sort.

    3. Police – there has been a break-in at a farm in Peldon and some items stolen.  A number of cars etc have been retrieved from ditches due to the icy road conditions.

    4. Broadband Update – our two sources of information were absent from this meeting

    5. Walkabout following Flood Summit Meeting – Borough Councillors were joined by Parish Councillors along with Simon High, CBC Land Drainage and Building Technician to look closely at particularly bad spots for flooding.  Letters have been written by Simon High to land owners with regard to ditch and culvert clearance.

    6. Grass cutting offer from Tiptree – we will be replying to Tiptree PC declining their offer to join forces with their grass cutting equipment and staff as we are more than satisfied with our own arrangements.

    7. Actions and Reminders List – updated


      112327 Proposal: 3 vehicle detached garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – amended plan

      120074 Proposal: Replacement dwelling and garaging following demolition of existing dwelling at Thornfleet, Church Road, Peldon

      120033 Proposal: Lawful development certificate for an existing use – The Bungalow let to non-agricultural tenant at Virley Hall Farm, Mill Lane, Virley

      120170 Proposal: Installation of photovoltaic solar panels on land to rear of farm buildings at Sherwins Farm, Abbots Wick Road, Great Wigborough

      120215 Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural to domestic garden, bringing fenced border in line with other properties at land adjacent to Magpies and Hepzibah, Church Road, Peldon

      Notice of Planning Decisions:

      112135 Proposal: Two storey extension to provide additional kitchen and wc in study space at ground floor also incorporating a utility room. First floor additional bedroom at 9 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott – Permission Granted

      111937 Proposal: Detached office, garage and car port building at Rosefield, Lodge Lane, Peldon – Permission Granted

      112345 Proposal: Single-storey extension in brick and tile at north door, providing WC and wet area to Church at St Mary’s Church, Peldon – Permission Granted

      Appeal Decision: APP/A1530/D/11/2164288 against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling – Appeal Dismissed


      101645 – Salcott Village Hall – hire                                                                           £150.00

      101646 – Webhosting UK Com Ltd. – website                                                            £29.99

      101647 – David J Kingaby – website running                                                             £300.00

      101648 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for February                                                           £353.53

      101647 – T Simmons – 2 x play insp                                                                          £60.00


      The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 13th March 2012 at 7.30pm


      PC Minutes 10th January 2012


      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

      Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th January 2012.

      Present: Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Jane Banks, John Walker, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley, 3 Police and 2 members of the public

      Apologies for absence: Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Charles Dymond, Terry Sutton, Andrew Ellis

      Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice-chairman

      Police: Thanks were given to the police for their attendance.  There has been very little crime in our villages of late apart from hare coursing.  Speed checks have been carried out periodically and just a few people are exceeding the limit.  Possibly on one of the worst occasions out of 50 people checked 8 were speeding and none by very much.  The perception often appears greater than the actual truth.

      101 is the new number to call with non-emergency situations.

      Borough Councillors: Grants from the Abberton Reservoir Community Funds have been awarded to the three applicants, Peldon Church, Peldon Village Hall and a resident in Layer affected by noise from the works. A time limit is given for spending these funds.

      Following the Flood Summit meeting our Borough Councillors and an experienced CBC Officer will be visiting the places that have serious flooding problems when the weather is particularly wet.  One of our parish councillors will join them if available at the time.  Who owns which culvert will be the main source of the investigation.

      Poor road surfaces including Maldon Road, School Lane and St Stephens Lane will be chased up for repairs as will empty salt boxes, in Great Wigborough and Salcott.

      Broadband improvements are a concern for all our villages and ECC are working alongside other bodies to help achieve a good solution to the problem.

      Public-Have Your Say – None

      Declarations of Interest – None

      1. Playgrounds – reports were not available due to illness etc. but inspections had been carried out as normal.  Rubber clippings will be ordered when a suitable drop off time and place have been decided.

      2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – requests for fencing along the creek edge were discussed at length all of us having read the four reports received from authoritative bodies.  Phil proposed, Netty seconded and all agreed that following four independent reports regarding a potential water hazard the advice received was to install more signage which we will carry out shortly. Only one report mentioned fencing but advising against it.  We were required to pay for two of the reports totaling £260.

      3. Precept/Grant 2012/2013 – finances were discussed at length using the prepared detailed sheet.  Our predicted spending for the year (year finishes 31/03/12) is not far out from the money received therefore Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to keep the precept/grant the same as last year.

      4. Police – as above

      5. Chairman and Vice for the next 2 year period – following councillors circumstances changing it will prove difficult to keep to the same village rotation system that we have been using therefore we will amend our standing orders to adapt this at the AGM in May.  It was agreed by all that Jinny has made a huge contribution to the parish council since she joined and every effort will be made to keep up the standard that she has created.

      6. Broadband update: John presented us with a very informative pack and has been researching this matter thoroughly in the aim of better broadband speed and availability for all our villages.

      7. Website update: Again John has been working to take up this work.

      8. Sparklers Report: The number of people seemed to be similar to last year, although by mistake the counter wasn’t carried out. The set-up had been moved around to give more space for the crowds.  A road sign had been put in the wrong place causing congestion.  A few people had been treated by the Red Cross, mainly for grit in eyes and nothing too serious although one person had been hit by a bottle being thrown.  Record money was taken and in general it was a very successful evening.  Any problems have been noted and will be addressed for next year’s event including a limit on the advertising.

      9. Abberton Reservoir Report: Work has progressed well due to the dry weather. The new road will be opened in March.  Any complaints to the Water Company have been addressed immediately.  We are not happy with the outside lighting at the new Visitor Centre and will be making our feelings known to the planning department.

      10. Actions and Reminders List – updated


        112327 Proposal: 3 vehicle detached garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

        112345 Proposal: Single-storey extension in brick and tile at north door, providing WC and wet area to Church at St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Peldon

        111937 Proposal: Detached office, garage and car port building at Rosefield, Lodge Lane, Peldon

        112422 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling with attached garage at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough

        112023 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor 2 storey extension to side at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Withdrawn


        101641 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for January                                                           £353.53

        101642 – St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries                                                  £150.00

        101643 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                         £174.00

        101644 – T Hedger – sorting fallen tree on Moss Hay                                                 £12.00

        The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 14th Feb 2012 at 7.30pm


        PC Minutes 13th December 2011


        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

        Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th December 2011.

        Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, John Walker and 4 members of the public

        Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

        Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

        Borough Councillors: The really poor state of School Lane, Great Wigborough has been reported to ECC Highways and their complaint of the use of passing places for bird-watching along there is being chased up.  Empty salt bins, one in Church Lane, Great Wigborough and two in The Street, Salcott have been reported and are being chased up.

        Public-Have Your Say: The concrete footpath sign for Moss Hay in Church Road is leaning badly.  This had been reported and will be chased up for reinstatement.  A site meeting will take place to sort out the rubble in the ditch problem in the same area.

        Declarations of Interest: None

        1. Playgrounds – inspection reports for both sites were read out noting a couple of jobs to be carried out in the near future.The rubber clippings for Salcott will be ordered.
        2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – it was agreed for this decision on the request for fencing round the creek would take place next month when the meeting is held at Salcott and also when the RoSPA Water Report has been circulated to interested parties as the other reports have been.  Meanwhile we will be organizing the erection of Water Hazard signs at the entrances of the meadow.
        3. Police – no reports of crime in our villages to our knowledge.
        4. Chairmanship and Vice for the next 2 year period from May – Nicky Ellis will be chairman and vice-chairman is to be decided in the next few months.  The wording in our Constitution may need to be altered to accommodate a change in our pattern routine due to people not wishing to or not being able to take up these challenging roles.
        5. Broadband Update – John provided an update based on the paper circulated at the last meeting.  It was agreed that the chances of getting a grant would be improved if adjoining parishes could be recruited.  Phil felt that this might be welcome in respect of Layer Breton and John undertook to speak with Chris de Courcy-Bower to explore the perception that Abberton and Langenhoe were not impressed with County Broadband and to see whether there was likely to be any interest in working with Winstred Hundred.
        6. Precept/Grant for 2012/2013 –was discussed at length taking into account all necessary spending for this forthcoming year.  A more detailed financial report will be circulated for a decision at the next meeting.  CBC’s interpretation of a Band D property on the precept/grant form will be sort.
        7. CALC meeting – was attended by two of our councillors and a report was given.  The working party had met with Councillor Dopson to discuss the withdrawal of the CBC grant but had appeared not to have made any progress in changing her mind on this matter.
        8. Affordable Housing Enabler meeting – took place at the RCCE offices with two of our councillors to explore ways in which we could receive a better response from any future housing needs surveys we carry out.  A more friendly approach was suggested and we will possibly carrying out another survey in 3 years time.
        9. Actions and Reminders List including Website progress – our list was updated and John has made a good start for taking over the website.


          112135 Proposal: Two storey extension to provide additional kitchen and wc in study space at ground floor also incorporating a utility room. First floor additional bedroom at 9 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott

          Notice of Planning Decisions:

          111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

          111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

          111972 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension, erection of two conservatory style extensions to the rear of the property with single storey cloakroom between and detached double garage to the front of the property at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

          Appeal: APP/A1530/A/11/2163764NWF against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm.

          Appeal: APP/A1530/D/11/2164288 against refusal of planning permission by CBC at Beckton House Farm for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling.

          Appeal Decision: APP/A1530/A/11/2154584 against planning conditions imposed by CBC at Fourways Farm – Appeal Dismissed


          101635 – SLCC – annual subs                                                                         £97.00

          101636 – Mr B J Gooding – play insp and repairs to goal post on Moss Hay            £89.72

          101637 – Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries                                            £55.00

          101638 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for December                                                £353.53

          101639 – T Hedger – trim of Salcott meadow roadside hedge                            £40.00

          101640 – T Simmons – play insp x 2                                                                £60.00

          The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 10th January 2012 at 7.30pm


          PC Minutes 13th September 2011


          Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

          Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th September 2011.

          Present: Jane Banks, John Walker, Netty Knill-Jones, Nicky Ellis, Jinny Gale, Charles Dymond, Phil Gladwin and 3 members of the public

          Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Les Lapwood, Lynne Simmons

          Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

          Borough Councillors: Their report encouraged us, along with all parish and town councils, to write strongly expressing our objections to CBC’s intention to withdraw the grant funding.  Andrew will give us examples of other responses. We will, however, supply them with a copy of our accounts/finances for the last financial year as requested as these are open for anyone to view anyway.

          Following the Flood Summit meeting that took place the drive-round to the problem areas will take place soon. We urged for this to be sooner rather than later as winter is approaching fast.

          The bulk salt scheme (item 9) has worked well when piloted by ECC.

          Public-Have Your Say: Concern was expressed about people living in caravans in this area at this worrying time of increasing numbers of caravans on any one site.  This will be looked into.

          Geese from a property at Salcott have been coming onto Salcott meadow rather a lot and making a mess, so the owner of these geese will be written to requesting that he keeps them on his own property.

          The goal posts on Salcott meadow need painting and so Terry will do this job.

          The owner of the old garage site at Peldon will be sort to request cutting back of the hedge on the corner as it is becoming a danger to road users.

          Declarations of Interest: None

          1. Withdrawal of Revenue Grant Funding by CBC – the meeting held at Messing to discuss this matter with Tina Dopson, the CBC councillor who has put this idea forward, was attended by us and many other parish councils and our borough councillors and just magnified that all parish councils are of one mind on this and are thoroughly outraged with this proposal.  It was apparent that Tina Dopson had absolutely no idea about what parish councils do and how they go about their business. A working party of parish councillors and borough councillors has been set up to discuss with Tina Dopson the matter further. We will be writing a very strong felt letter to CBC and will invite Tina Dopson to attend one of our meetings.

            2. Playgrounds – Terry has completed a good job of painting the equipment, mending the fence and nearly all the other outstanding work. A top-up of bark surfacing is required so to help us decide whether to buy play bark or an alternative product of rubber clippings some of us will pay a visit to Boxted playground where they have the latter. Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed to buy which ever is the preferred product as prices are very similar.

            Peldon playground is in good order.  We have received a request for certain additions of equipment on Moss Hay as there are several older children there now. Unfortunately nets for the goal posts get stolen or damaged very quickly, roundabouts are no longer allowed due to Health & Safety legislation.  We will look into the cost of bike ramps but fear these are very costly particularly in these hard times.

            3. Salcott Meadow/Creek and Grass Cutting – as we are still waiting for a ‘water risk assessment report’ from RoSPA to complete our requested information it was decided to suspend this matter until we have that report.

              Grass cutting will be carried out when it is needed bearing in mind that our funds require constant monitoring.

              4. Police – reporting very little crime in our villages but reminding people to report suspicious vehicles with registration details as catalytic converters and diesel thefts continue to occur in rural area.

                5. Broadband Conference – being mainly a commercial exercise was very well attended and various ways for everyone to receive a better broadband signal was discussed at length.  BT will be contacted about updating exchanges and copper wiring capability.

                6. Declaration of Acceptance of Office book – John now has the old book which is full and will take it to a book binder to find out the cost of rebinding with additional pages. So next month’s agenda for a decision.

                  7. Polling Station Review – CBC review polling station sites every 4 years. As the Great Wigborough site is the village hall car park and this site is being dealt with now we will reply to CBC with suggested wording as for its availability from the Rector who is on the committee for the village hall.

                  8. Bus stop at Peldon and Wigborough Notice Board – we await decisions on the bus shelters from CBC and ECC.

                    Great Wigborough notice board has come adrift in the last stormy weather and is being looked at for repair and refixing.

                    9. CBC’s offer of a tonne of salt for this winter – we will enquire as to whether, if we agree to this scheme, that this would be the total amount we receive instead of the usual fill up to start the winter with or if it is an amount to follow up with.  If we do agree to this we have a storage place offered and distribution will be carefully monitored for fairness and is strictly for highway use only.

                      10. Abberton Reservoir – equestrian rides and footpaths will be completed at the end of the programme.

                        Abbotts Hall – have submitted a planning application for meeting rooms that could have possibly been of use to us if it weren’t for security on the site.

                        11. CBC Homefinder Scheme – after careful consideration it was felt that we should leave advertising a scheme of this nature to CBC.

                          12. Agree leave of absence for Les – it was agreed that Les should be excused from duties for the foreseeable future and hopefully return in a while.  We will review the situation around Christmas time.  Charles and Netty will oversee the playground.

                          13. The Way We Work – we clarified that Jane would oversee training and our Emergency Plan, John would deal with the website and a more detailed spreadsheet will be carried out to explain the finances more easily.

                            14. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                            111367 Proposal: Insertion of new staircase ground to first floor, also first to second floor inclusive by way of amendment to staircase location as previously approved under reference LB/COL/03/0426 at Seaborough House, Great Wigborough

                            111495 Proposal: Proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                            111602 Proposal: Conversion of an existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms. Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

                            Notice of Planning Decisions:

                            110912 Proposal: Extension to provide accommodation for dependent relative at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                            111082 Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with an extension to existing kitchen. Side extension involving the removal of a window to the existing toilet and associated wall to form new side entrance and boot room. Replacement of existing windows to part north elevation with new timber windows. Erection of new rear all glass extension and forming door opening thereto at New Hall, Cop Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Permission Granted

                            111083 Proposal: Listed Building application for above – Permission Consented

                            A1530/A/11/2154584/NWF Appeal against CBC for planning conditions for application- Proposal: Reallocation of land uses (residential/equestrian purposes), and upgrade of existing access to unclassified road and erection of equine and cart store at Fourways Farm, Salcott


                            101620 – Playsafety Ltd. – RoSPA inspection and report                                         £252.00

                            101621 – Anglia Inspection Services – inspection and report                                      £60.00

                            101622 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                          £94.00

                            101623 – St Mary the Virgin Peldon – Gold addition of mag                                      £100.00

                            101624 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Aug and Sept                                                 £707.06

                            101625 – T Simmons – painting, repairs, fence posts & paint, hedge, insp                  £664.51

                            The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 11th October 2011 at 7.30pm


                            PC Minutes 11th October 2011

                            WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                            Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                            Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th October 2011.

                            Present: Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Terry Sutton and 3 members of the public

                            Apologies for absence: Les Lapwood, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

                            Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                            Borough Councillors: We were urged to reply to CBC expressing strongly our disapproval of their intention to withdraw the Revenue Grant which we are in the process of doing. We were also urged to agree to receive the bulk load of salt from ECC for our own distribution for icy roads during this winter which we have done.

                            Public-Have Your Say: Several residents in Peldon had received a letter from ECC telling them to remove large stones placed on or near their front boundaries.  The writer of these letters will be approached by Borough Councillor, Terry Sutton for further explanation as some of these stones have been in position for many years even up to forty years and are put there to protect the properties from lorries etc.

                            Some time ago the bus stop at the junction of St Ives Hill and Malting Road was requested to be moved along the road a little way to avoid a large puddle.  This is still being dealt with and hopefully a conclusion will be reached before too long.

                            Declarations of Interest – None

                            1. Playgrounds – a visit was made to Boxted playground to look at rubber clippings there with a possible view to having them at Salcott.  The general feeling was that this is a good product but that all the old bark would have to be removed first and therefore a fairly large quantity of the rubber would be required. All aspects of this will be further investigated with regard to quantity needed for the necessary depth and the cost.  The gate spring at Salcott will be mended shortly.

                              Peldon is in good condition. A request for a  bike/skate ramp was discussed but considered far too expensive for these worrying times of cut backs.

                              2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – unfortunately we are still waiting for a ‘Water Report’ from RoSPA to make our decision with regard to the request to fence off the creek.

                                3. Police – minor thefts are the only crimes reported in our villages.  A reminder that metal, catalytic converters and diesel are still popular for thieves.

                                4. Broadband update – BT has no plans to update the Peldon exchange at present.  More ideas for improvement to our broadband speed will be further explored.

                                  5. Declaration of Acceptance of Office Book – Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed to have our old book rebound to include new pages if the cost can be matched to that of a completely new book of £105.  It was also agreed that this book was a necessary record of past parish councillors dating back to 1972.

                                  6. Greener Parishes Scheme – taking part in this scheme 2 or 3 trees for planting on Salcott meadow may be obtained at no cost to the parish council.

                                    7. Essex Wildlife Meeting – was attended by our representative. A meeting room there is likely to be made available for hire and local use would be welcomed.  Blackthorn bushes are being planted and an application to resume wildfowling is still being considered.

                                    8. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was also attended by our representative.  There will be more traffic lights on the causeway for a long period of time to incorporate the new Visitor Centre before the final road set up is complete.  The pipe line from Wormingford is almost complete.  Two applications had been received for the Community Funds from Abberton Church and Peldon Church. Phil was given the Parish Council’s full support and backing for his attendance of the meetings and any necessary decision making on its behalf.

                                      9.    EALC re government changes to planning legislation – we will give a response on this matter.

                                      9. Actions and Reminders List – updated


                                        111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                        111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm

                                        111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott


                                        101626 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October                                                           £353.53

                                        101627 – Audit Commission – external audit                                                             £342.00

                                        101628 – T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, repair Wig’s notice board                             £80.00

                                        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th November 2011 at 7.30pm


                                        PC Minutes 8th November 2011

                                        WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                        Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th November 2011.

                                        Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, John Walker and 14 members of the public.

                                        Apologies for absence: Terry Sutton, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

                                        Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman.

                                        Borough Councillors: A report sent stated that due to the reservoir work birdwatchers were creating a problem by parking in the passing lay-bys in School Lane, Great Wigborough.

                                        Any salt bins without the initial fill up for winter will be reported for action.

                                        The ditch along the top end of the footpath at Butcher’s View, Peldon has been filled with rubble and will be looked onto.

                                        Public-Have Your Say: Missing or broken 30mph signs at Lodge Lane will be reported.  Signs asking people to take care and/or slow down along St Ives Hill will be erected for next year’s fireworks display.

                                        Residents from 2 households in Salcott spoke at length at their dissatisfaction of the Parish Council’s comments on their planning applications.  It was explained to them that we follow planning law guidelines to the best of our ability but occasionally misjudge a situation and get things wrong.  Certain statements made by us were requested to be retracted from the CBC website. One we have agreed on and another will be looked into for accuracy before any appropriate action taken.

                                        Declarations of Interest: None

                                        Items for Discussion

                                        1. Playgrounds – Charles proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to buy a top-up amount of 100ml depth of rubber clippings for Salcott at a cost of  £750.

                                          2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – all requested reports from authoritative bodies with regard to the suggestion of fencing off the creek have still not been received but hopefully will be by next month’s meeting.

                                          3. Police – no report received and we have not heard of any crimes in our villages.

                                            4. CBC response to Red House meeting questions re withdrawal of Revenue Grant – their answers were deemed unsatisfactory and we will say as much in our reply to the working party and CBC.  Also their request for certain costing of services will be given with a detailed explanation of our circumstances.  CALC meeting will be attended where our thoughts can be discussed with other parish councils.
                                            5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting Report – no meeting had taken place

                                            6. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund Meeting – an application had been submitted for a house in Layer to install double glazing to reduce noise from the works.  This particular work would be finished in a few months so this application was considered by us to be inappropriate for this fund.

                                            Peldon Church, having submitted an application for a grant from these funds was well represented at our meeting explaining in detail their intentions which included toilet facilities, water supply and storage facilities.  The view from the tower of the reservoir is the main asset plus exhibitions and toilets for walkers and cyclists etc. The plans can be viewed by anybody in the Church.

                                            Peldon Village Hall is in the process of submitting an application for a grant from these funds towards the building of a new hall.  This will be for the benefit of all the community including reservoir meetings and information displays also car parking facilities.  The Parish Council unanimously agreed to give both these projects its support but it was mentioned that it might be considered that these two applications overlap in certain aspects.

                                            7. Winter Salt Scheme – having received a pack on distribution of the tonne of salt delivered from ECC Highways to Garr House Farm it was decided that collection for refills of the boxes would be at the discretion of Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146.  Please see note below.

                                              8. Actions and Reminders List – updated including website and broadband progress.


                                              111972 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension, erection of two conservatory style extensions to the rear of the property with single storey cloakroom between and detached double garage to the front of the property at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough

                                              112023 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor 2 storey extension to side at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon

                                              Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                              111074 Proposal: Agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                              111495 Proposal: Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                                              111602 Proposal: Conversion of existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms.  Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                              111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott – Permission Granted


                                              101629 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses (paper, ink, postage, etc)                              £269.73

                                              101630 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for November                                                       £353.53

                                              101631 – Keith Banks – 5 grass cuts on Moss Hay                                                    £200.00

                                              101632 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                            80.00

                                              101633 – Mr B Gooding – 3 x play insp                                                                      90.00

                                              101634 – Suffolk Acre Services – annual insurance including Sparklers                      £1,441.53

                                              The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th December 2011, 7.30pm

                                              The Parish Council would like to emphasize that the salt in the boxes is to be used for the highways only and not for homeowners’ paths etc.  It should also be noted that it needs to be applied sparingly and only where necessary.  If everyone is careful and considerate we will hopefully, manage the winter better this year than last.  To collect a refill for an empty box please phone Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146 who has a limited supply.


                                              PC Minutes 12th July 2011

                                              WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                              Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th July 2011.

                                              Present: Les Lapwood, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley and 3 members of the public

                                              Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, John Walker, Jinny Gale, Andrew Ellis

                                              Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice-chairman

                                              Borough Councillors: Our long awaited ‘Flood Summit’ meeting had been held prior to this meeting with several of us, other parish council representatives and CBC Officers attending to discuss all the flooding issues in this area but particularly in Salcott.  A plan of action was drawn up with the first stage of a drive round of the CBC Engineer and Officers to the bad flooding places meeting up with parish councillors for each place. This is to take place in the next few weeks.  CBC will visit land/home owners to advise people of their responsibility to have clear drainage and ditches in front of their properties.  The meeting was deemed a success with a positive attitude from all to sort out these long standing problem areas.

                                              We have a new CBC ‘Zone Manager’ (we are Zone 1) who will be dealing with various problems that we may have and can be the first port of call in many instances.

                                              Cards were delivered to all households to inform of a different refuse collection day and hopefully any problems will be rectified soon. Colchester Recycling Centres opening times have been slightly reduced due to less use because of successfully kerbside recycling collecting.

                                              Public-Have Your Say –A 30mph limit was requested for Salcott crossroads but this has been explored many times with ECC Highways and the reasons why we have been unsuccessful were explained again.

                                              The road edges have been falling apart and in many places there is a considerable drop.  Any particular places noted can be reported to a Borough Councillor, a Parish Councillor or the Clerk for forwarding for repairs.

                                              Declarations of Interest – None

                                              1. Reports from Parish Councillors – Accounts and finances will have the addition of a spreadsheet giving more detail.  With regard to communications the Gold Addition magazine has been or will be delivered to every household in our villages. This special edition is sponsored by the Parish Council and the Five Parishes Show.

                                                2. Training – was discussed and some councillors would benefit from training in certain areas and so they will try to attend appropriate courses.  In-house courses were thought to be far too expensive and not justifiable.

                                                3. Salcott Meadow/Creek – reports from CBC Health and Safety Adviser and HM Inspector of Health and Safety were read out explaining that fencing along the creek is not good practice.  Further reports are expected from RoSPA and Anglia Inspection Services. We will then draw a conclusive decision to this enquiry.

                                                4. Police – report that no crimes have been committed in our villages in the last few weeks or so.

                                                  5. Playgrounds and Salcott meadow grass cutting – Peldon playground is being maintained to a very high standard.  Salcott playground is closed at present while painting of the equipment is being carried out. New swing seats have been bought and will be fitted, the weeds addressed, fence secured, gate mended and the price of play bark will be investigated.  The grass will be cut when it is considered to be necessary.

                                                  6. Declaration of Acceptance of Office book – deferred to next month as we are seeking a price to extend the life of the old book as an alternative to buying a new one.

                                                    7. Rural Community Council of Essex – yearly membership of £55 – Nicky proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed for us to renew this subscription for at least this next year as it has proved helpful with the work in completing the Village Design Statement.

                                                      8. Bus stop at Peldon – a discussion of the positioning of a possible new shelter at Malting Road has taken place with ECC.  This project could possibly include a new shelter at Salcott crossroads.  Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for this to proceed with the clerk to make further enquiries including contacting CBC with regard to the necessary groundwork.

                                                        9. Wigboroughs Village Hall – all money held on their behalf has been forwarded to them as they now have their own bank account.  This subject will now only be on our agenda if there is some major development to report.

                                                          10. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was attended and work continues well and to timetable.  Birds are still coming and seem to be generally undeterred by the works.  Some more of the Community Fund has now been allocated to Layer de la Haye for their village hall car park and field entrance, both for safety issues.

                                                            11. Spending – some retrospectively – Phil proposed, Les seconded and all agreed for the agreed inter meeting spending of  certain items thought necessary for matters of some urgency.  A core number of councillors were consulted on this spending.  It was decided that no change was necessary to the way we normally agree mid-meeting spending.

                                                            12. Actions and Reminders List – was updated


                                                              111082 Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with extension to existing kitchen. Side extension to include new side entrance and boot room. Replacement of existing windows to part north elevation. Erection of new rear all glass extension at New Hall, Copt Lane, Little Wigborough

                                                              111083 Proposal: Listed building application as above

                                                              111119 Proposal: Omission of previously approved conservatory (ref F/COL/07/0072) and replace with single storey rear/side extension

                                                              111120 Proposal: Listed building application as above

                                                              111074 Proposal: Agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                                              Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                                              110636 Proposal: Erection of 50cm freesat dish on chimney facing east, top to be less than 60cm above ridge of roof. Resubmission of 110185 at Sampton Wick Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                                              110997 Additional dormer windows and amended chimney breast and stack design to existing approved extension to dwelling at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted


                                                              101611 – St Mary’s the Virgin, Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep                           £200.00

                                                              101612 – Gt & Lt Wigborough PCC – churchyards upkeep                                    £400.00

                                                              101613 – Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                       £200.00

                                                              101614 – Gt & Lt Wigborough Village Hall – remainder of grant                           £4635.63

                                                              101615 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for July                                                            £353.53

                                                              101616 – G B Sport & Leisure – swing seats                                                          £82.80

                                                              101617 – Barry Gooding – play insp. x 3                                                                £90.00

                                                              101618 – Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4                                                   £160.00

                                                              101619 – Rural Community Council of Essex – annual subs                                       £55.00

                                                               The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 13th September 2011 at 7.30pm
