PC Minutes 11th October 2011


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th October 2011.

Present: Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, John Walker, Terry Sutton and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Les Lapwood, Nicky Ellis, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: We were urged to reply to CBC expressing strongly our disapproval of their intention to withdraw the Revenue Grant which we are in the process of doing. We were also urged to agree to receive the bulk load of salt from ECC for our own distribution for icy roads during this winter which we have done.

Public-Have Your Say: Several residents in Peldon had received a letter from ECC telling them to remove large stones placed on or near their front boundaries.  The writer of these letters will be approached by Borough Councillor, Terry Sutton for further explanation as some of these stones have been in position for many years even up to forty years and are put there to protect the properties from lorries etc.

Some time ago the bus stop at the junction of St Ives Hill and Malting Road was requested to be moved along the road a little way to avoid a large puddle.  This is still being dealt with and hopefully a conclusion will be reached before too long.

Declarations of Interest – None

1. Playgrounds – a visit was made to Boxted playground to look at rubber clippings there with a possible view to having them at Salcott.  The general feeling was that this is a good product but that all the old bark would have to be removed first and therefore a fairly large quantity of the rubber would be required. All aspects of this will be further investigated with regard to quantity needed for the necessary depth and the cost.  The gate spring at Salcott will be mended shortly.

    Peldon is in good condition. A request for a  bike/skate ramp was discussed but considered far too expensive for these worrying times of cut backs.

    2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – unfortunately we are still waiting for a ‘Water Report’ from RoSPA to make our decision with regard to the request to fence off the creek.

      3. Police – minor thefts are the only crimes reported in our villages.  A reminder that metal, catalytic converters and diesel are still popular for thieves.

      4. Broadband update – BT has no plans to update the Peldon exchange at present.  More ideas for improvement to our broadband speed will be further explored.

        5. Declaration of Acceptance of Office Book – Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed to have our old book rebound to include new pages if the cost can be matched to that of a completely new book of £105.  It was also agreed that this book was a necessary record of past parish councillors dating back to 1972.

        6. Greener Parishes Scheme – taking part in this scheme 2 or 3 trees for planting on Salcott meadow may be obtained at no cost to the parish council.

          7. Essex Wildlife Meeting – was attended by our representative. A meeting room there is likely to be made available for hire and local use would be welcomed.  Blackthorn bushes are being planted and an application to resume wildfowling is still being considered.

          8. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was also attended by our representative.  There will be more traffic lights on the causeway for a long period of time to incorporate the new Visitor Centre before the final road set up is complete.  The pipe line from Wormingford is almost complete.  Two applications had been received for the Community Funds from Abberton Church and Peldon Church. Phil was given the Parish Council’s full support and backing for his attendance of the meetings and any necessary decision making on its behalf.

            9.    EALC re government changes to planning legislation – we will give a response on this matter.

            9. Actions and Reminders List – updated


              111662 Proposal: Extension to dwelling to provide additional accommodation at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

              111830 Proposal: Front garden wall and improved existing access to residential frontage only at Beckton House Farm

              111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott


              101626 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for October                                                           £353.53

              101627 – Audit Commission – external audit                                                             £342.00

              101628 – T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, repair Wig’s notice board                             £80.00

              The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th November 2011 at 7.30pm


              PC Minutes 8th November 2011


              Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

              Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th November 2011.

              Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, John Walker and 14 members of the public.

              Apologies for absence: Terry Sutton, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis

              Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman.

              Borough Councillors: A report sent stated that due to the reservoir work birdwatchers were creating a problem by parking in the passing lay-bys in School Lane, Great Wigborough.

              Any salt bins without the initial fill up for winter will be reported for action.

              The ditch along the top end of the footpath at Butcher’s View, Peldon has been filled with rubble and will be looked onto.

              Public-Have Your Say: Missing or broken 30mph signs at Lodge Lane will be reported.  Signs asking people to take care and/or slow down along St Ives Hill will be erected for next year’s fireworks display.

              Residents from 2 households in Salcott spoke at length at their dissatisfaction of the Parish Council’s comments on their planning applications.  It was explained to them that we follow planning law guidelines to the best of our ability but occasionally misjudge a situation and get things wrong.  Certain statements made by us were requested to be retracted from the CBC website. One we have agreed on and another will be looked into for accuracy before any appropriate action taken.

              Declarations of Interest: None

              Items for Discussion

              1. Playgrounds – Charles proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to buy a top-up amount of 100ml depth of rubber clippings for Salcott at a cost of  £750.

                2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – all requested reports from authoritative bodies with regard to the suggestion of fencing off the creek have still not been received but hopefully will be by next month’s meeting.

                3. Police – no report received and we have not heard of any crimes in our villages.

                  4. CBC response to Red House meeting questions re withdrawal of Revenue Grant – their answers were deemed unsatisfactory and we will say as much in our reply to the working party and CBC.  Also their request for certain costing of services will be given with a detailed explanation of our circumstances.  CALC meeting will be attended where our thoughts can be discussed with other parish councils.
                  5. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting Report – no meeting had taken place

                  6. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund Meeting – an application had been submitted for a house in Layer to install double glazing to reduce noise from the works.  This particular work would be finished in a few months so this application was considered by us to be inappropriate for this fund.

                  Peldon Church, having submitted an application for a grant from these funds was well represented at our meeting explaining in detail their intentions which included toilet facilities, water supply and storage facilities.  The view from the tower of the reservoir is the main asset plus exhibitions and toilets for walkers and cyclists etc. The plans can be viewed by anybody in the Church.

                  Peldon Village Hall is in the process of submitting an application for a grant from these funds towards the building of a new hall.  This will be for the benefit of all the community including reservoir meetings and information displays also car parking facilities.  The Parish Council unanimously agreed to give both these projects its support but it was mentioned that it might be considered that these two applications overlap in certain aspects.

                  7. Winter Salt Scheme – having received a pack on distribution of the tonne of salt delivered from ECC Highways to Garr House Farm it was decided that collection for refills of the boxes would be at the discretion of Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146.  Please see note below.

                    8. Actions and Reminders List – updated including website and broadband progress.


                    111972 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey extension, erection of two conservatory style extensions to the rear of the property with single storey cloakroom between and detached double garage to the front of the property at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough

                    112023 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor 2 storey extension to side at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon

                    Notice of Planning Decisions:

                    111074 Proposal: Agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                    111495 Proposal: Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Refused

                    111602 Proposal: Conversion of existing, redundant pool house to create new meeting rooms.  Demolition of an existing storage building. Construction of two extensions to accommodate kitchen, cloak and toilet facilities associated with the proposed meeting room at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                    111837 Proposal: Retro-fit of PV Solar Array onto flat roof of existing outbuilding at Spital Acre, The Street, Salcott – Permission Granted


                    101629 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses (paper, ink, postage, etc)                              £269.73

                    101630 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for November                                                       £353.53

                    101631 – Keith Banks – 5 grass cuts on Moss Hay                                                    £200.00

                    101632 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                            80.00

                    101633 – Mr B Gooding – 3 x play insp                                                                      90.00

                    101634 – Suffolk Acre Services – annual insurance including Sparklers                      £1,441.53

                    The next meeting will be at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 13th December 2011, 7.30pm

                    The Parish Council would like to emphasize that the salt in the boxes is to be used for the highways only and not for homeowners’ paths etc.  It should also be noted that it needs to be applied sparingly and only where necessary.  If everyone is careful and considerate we will hopefully, manage the winter better this year than last.  To collect a refill for an empty box please phone Phil Gladwin on 07973 102146 who has a limited supply.


                    PC Minutes 12th July 2011


                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th July 2011.

                    Present: Les Lapwood, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley and 3 members of the public

                    Apologies for absence: Jane Banks, John Walker, Jinny Gale, Andrew Ellis

                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice-chairman

                    Borough Councillors: Our long awaited ‘Flood Summit’ meeting had been held prior to this meeting with several of us, other parish council representatives and CBC Officers attending to discuss all the flooding issues in this area but particularly in Salcott.  A plan of action was drawn up with the first stage of a drive round of the CBC Engineer and Officers to the bad flooding places meeting up with parish councillors for each place. This is to take place in the next few weeks.  CBC will visit land/home owners to advise people of their responsibility to have clear drainage and ditches in front of their properties.  The meeting was deemed a success with a positive attitude from all to sort out these long standing problem areas.

                    We have a new CBC ‘Zone Manager’ (we are Zone 1) who will be dealing with various problems that we may have and can be the first port of call in many instances.

                    Cards were delivered to all households to inform of a different refuse collection day and hopefully any problems will be rectified soon. Colchester Recycling Centres opening times have been slightly reduced due to less use because of successfully kerbside recycling collecting.

                    Public-Have Your Say –A 30mph limit was requested for Salcott crossroads but this has been explored many times with ECC Highways and the reasons why we have been unsuccessful were explained again.

                    The road edges have been falling apart and in many places there is a considerable drop.  Any particular places noted can be reported to a Borough Councillor, a Parish Councillor or the Clerk for forwarding for repairs.

                    Declarations of Interest – None

                    1. Reports from Parish Councillors – Accounts and finances will have the addition of a spreadsheet giving more detail.  With regard to communications the Gold Addition magazine has been or will be delivered to every household in our villages. This special edition is sponsored by the Parish Council and the Five Parishes Show.

                      2. Training – was discussed and some councillors would benefit from training in certain areas and so they will try to attend appropriate courses.  In-house courses were thought to be far too expensive and not justifiable.

                      3. Salcott Meadow/Creek – reports from CBC Health and Safety Adviser and HM Inspector of Health and Safety were read out explaining that fencing along the creek is not good practice.  Further reports are expected from RoSPA and Anglia Inspection Services. We will then draw a conclusive decision to this enquiry.

                      4. Police – report that no crimes have been committed in our villages in the last few weeks or so.

                        5. Playgrounds and Salcott meadow grass cutting – Peldon playground is being maintained to a very high standard.  Salcott playground is closed at present while painting of the equipment is being carried out. New swing seats have been bought and will be fitted, the weeds addressed, fence secured, gate mended and the price of play bark will be investigated.  The grass will be cut when it is considered to be necessary.

                        6. Declaration of Acceptance of Office book – deferred to next month as we are seeking a price to extend the life of the old book as an alternative to buying a new one.

                          7. Rural Community Council of Essex – yearly membership of £55 – Nicky proposed, Phil seconded and all agreed for us to renew this subscription for at least this next year as it has proved helpful with the work in completing the Village Design Statement.

                            8. Bus stop at Peldon – a discussion of the positioning of a possible new shelter at Malting Road has taken place with ECC.  This project could possibly include a new shelter at Salcott crossroads.  Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed for this to proceed with the clerk to make further enquiries including contacting CBC with regard to the necessary groundwork.

                              9. Wigboroughs Village Hall – all money held on their behalf has been forwarded to them as they now have their own bank account.  This subject will now only be on our agenda if there is some major development to report.

                                10. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was attended and work continues well and to timetable.  Birds are still coming and seem to be generally undeterred by the works.  Some more of the Community Fund has now been allocated to Layer de la Haye for their village hall car park and field entrance, both for safety issues.

                                  11. Spending – some retrospectively – Phil proposed, Les seconded and all agreed for the agreed inter meeting spending of  certain items thought necessary for matters of some urgency.  A core number of councillors were consulted on this spending.  It was decided that no change was necessary to the way we normally agree mid-meeting spending.

                                  12. Actions and Reminders List – was updated


                                    111082 Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with extension to existing kitchen. Side extension to include new side entrance and boot room. Replacement of existing windows to part north elevation. Erection of new rear all glass extension at New Hall, Copt Lane, Little Wigborough

                                    111083 Proposal: Listed building application as above

                                    111119 Proposal: Omission of previously approved conservatory (ref F/COL/07/0072) and replace with single storey rear/side extension

                                    111120 Proposal: Listed building application as above

                                    111074 Proposal: Agricultural building to store hay crop produced by the farm at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                    Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                    110636 Proposal: Erection of 50cm freesat dish on chimney facing east, top to be less than 60cm above ridge of roof. Resubmission of 110185 at Sampton Wick Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

                                    110997 Additional dormer windows and amended chimney breast and stack design to existing approved extension to dwelling at Fourways, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted


                                    101611 – St Mary’s the Virgin, Peldon PCC – churchyard upkeep                           £200.00

                                    101612 – Gt & Lt Wigborough PCC – churchyards upkeep                                    £400.00

                                    101613 – Salcott PCC – churchyard upkeep                                                       £200.00

                                    101614 – Gt & Lt Wigborough Village Hall – remainder of grant                           £4635.63

                                    101615 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for July                                                            £353.53

                                    101616 – G B Sport & Leisure – swing seats                                                          £82.80

                                    101617 – Barry Gooding – play insp. x 3                                                                £90.00

                                    101618 – Keith Banks – Moss Hay grass cuts x 4                                                   £160.00

                                    101619 – Rural Community Council of Essex – annual subs                                       £55.00

                                     The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 13th September 2011 at 7.30pm


                                    PC Minutes 14th June 2011

                                    WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th June 2011.

                                    Present: Nicky Ellis, Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, Les Lapwood, John Walker, Kevin Bentley and 7 members of the public

                                    Apologies for absence: Terry Sutton, Jane Banks, Andrew Ellis

                                    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                                    Borough Councillors: The Big Society Fund is for all community groups, parish councils, village halls, etc. They can all apply for funding.

                                    Owing to a new keen employee at CBC our long awaited ‘Flood Summit Meeting’ will probably take place in July. The main object of this meeting is to try and establish who owns which culvert, whether it is Anglian Water, a property owner or some other body.

                                    There have been complaints about the new inferior black refuse bags which are to encourage less food waste that costs CBC huge amounts of money for landfill sites. Non disposable food boxes are a possibility that will be looked into.  CBC is against wheelie bins at this time particularly as new emptying lorries would be required.

                                    The Abberton Reservoir works will intensify shortly on the causeway creating the bund. There was a short period when work was starting too early which was stopped.  Bridle paths will be put in at the end of the programme.  We and the other surrounding villages need to make requests for footpaths.  The suggested Education Centre would appear to be an unnecessary addition to the Visitors Centre.

                                    Public-Have Your Say: Wheelie bins suggested, who can apply for funding, fencing Salcott creek requested, better maintenance of Salcott play area and more frequent cutting of Salcott meadow also requested.

                                    Declarations of Interest: None

                                    1. Individual roles for individual Parish Councillors – a list has been drawn up after certain councillors have shown a particular interest in certain roles but all matters must be reported back on and discussed by everyone. Likewise, any meetings attended should be reported back to the parish council. The responsibility for all matters remains with all the councillors.

                                    2. Training – will be discussed further at the next meeting. The Essex Broadband Implementation Conference at Coggeshall Village Hall on Monday 18th July at 7.15pm will be attended by four representatives on our behalf.

                                    3. Salcott Meadow/Creek – requests for fencing along the creek had been received which was discussed at length.  We have had advice from RoSPA some time ago and more recently from Anglia Inspection Services that this is not a good idea as it could create a problem in itself.  Good signage, life rings, a barrier of weed growth and adult responsibility is the answer.  A hedge was also suggested. More professional advice will be sort.

                                    4. Copt Hall walks – some have been fenced off by the National Trust and Natural England to protect nesting birds.  It was felt that at least the main circular walk should be accessible.  Therefore we will write to these bodies to express our dissatisfaction, especially as a coastal walk round the whole country is being encouraged.

                                    5. Playgrounds and Salcott meadow grass cutting – we have received several complaints about the bad condition of Salcott play area.  There are several jobs that have not been carried out from the annual inspection report and some from the previous year’s report. Painting, fence posts, the entrance gate closure and clearance of weeds and nettles were the main items needing immediate attention.  The site at Peldon is in good order.  The painting at Salcott will be done next week, gate spring and buffer and new swing seats will be ordered and fitted and all the other outstanding jobs will be carried out in the next month.  These play areas are now being monitored by two appointed councillors who will keep a close eye on things and report back as and when necessary. There was a complaint that Salcott meadow needed more frequent grass cuts.  Advice was given for the public to ask when it was felt necessary.

                                    6. Dog Fouling on Moss Hay – has improved greatly due to the hard work of Peldon councillors and a letter written from CBC to the main perpetrator.

                                    7. Donations to Churchyards Upkeep – Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed to continue this year with the same donations as previous years but add a note to the effect that the parish council may feel the need to reduce this next year.

                                    8. Affordable Housing – following Moira’s response to the parish council and at her suggestion two councillors will meet her to discuss ways to improve the number of future questionnaire returns.

                                    9. Wigboroughs Village Hall – a meeting was held in Great Wigborough Church which was well attended to explain the new constitution and vote on 2 resolutions. A ballot was carried out for a new working Management Committee which can begin work after the volunteers are signed off and a certain period of time has elapsed.

                                    10. CALC meeting was not attended this time but the minutes will be circulated to councillors when they are received. Broadband was discussed and possible high points were suggested for siting of aerials to increase broadband quality.

                                    11. Planning Issues – Enforcement Training Session was attended by three of us and although found useful, some of the policies were rather disheartening with too many inconsistencies and for poor action taken when flawed retrospective applications are submitted and simply get the go ahead.

                                    12. Actions and Reminders List including Salcott bus shelter – the wood for the alterations will be chased up and contact made with ECC to iron out any misunderstanding that has arisen re the bus stop at Peldon.


                                      110912 Proposal: Extension to provide accommodation for dependant relative at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                      110997 Proposal: Additional dormer windows and amended chimney breast and stack to existing approved extension to dwelling at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

                                      Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                      110534 Proposal: Change of use of land to domestic equestrian use, construction of a manege and retention of store building at 2 Sherwins Cottages, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                      102560 Proposal: Retrospective application for amendments to agricultural building and loose material covered farm track at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Permission Granted

                                      110482 Proposal: Change of use from C3 dwelling house to A2 offices at 2 Abbotts Hall Cottages, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

                                      Certificate of Lawful Use or Development

                                      110554 Proposal: Rear facing dormer over converted garage to form dressing room at The Anchorage, Lower Road, Peldon


                                      101608 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for June                                                                £353.53

                                      101609 – T Hedger – cut to Salcott hedge                                                               £48.00

                                      101610 – T Simmons – cut of Salcott meadow and play insp                                        £70.00

                                      The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 12th July 2011 at 7.30pm


                                      PC Minutes 10th May 2011

                                      WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                      Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th May 2011.

                                      Present: Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Jane Banks, Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Terry Sutton, Kevin Bentley and 3 members of the public

                                      Apologies for absence: Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis, Les Lapwood, Andrew Ellis

                                      The Annual Parish Assembly

                                      The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited participation by all.

                                      County Councillor, Kevin Bentley spoke of huge savings of around £300 million made by the County Council which was essential and predicted well in advance. £5.3 million was given to the County Council by the government for tackling the huge pothole problem which is being successfully implemented. It was with regret to hear that Norman Hume was stepping down from his position of Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transportation. He has proved to be a worthy holder of the position, always being helpful and willing to actually go out to see people when asked.

                                      Kevin announced that he had been promoted into the cabinet for which we gave him our hearty and sincere congratulations.

                                      Borough Councillor, Kevin Bentley expressed his congratulations to Andrew Ellis for winning the election so convincingly and we all joined in with that sentiment.

                                      Abberton Reservoir works has not caused any major problems to date but more extensive works are to be carried out shortly.  There was disappointment over the parish council grants being cut by CBC and next year would probably be worse but very few district or borough councils in the country do actually give money to parish councils. The flooding summit meeting focusing on Salcott had proved difficult to organise as certain members of ECC Highways have left positions but we are assured that it will take place hopefully in the not too distant future.

                                      Kevin said that he and Andrew enjoyed the good relationship that they have had with their parish councils and hoped that we could continue working well together.  We thanked them and returned the compliment.

                                      Borough Councillor, Terry Sutton also offered his thanks and willingness to help us in anyway he could.

                                      Parish Council AGM

                                      Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed for Jinny to carry on as Chairman for another year and thanks were expressed to her for her excellent job of chairing us through the last year.  Jinny proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed for Nicky to carry on as Vice-Chairman for the next year. Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for Sue to carry on as Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer for the next year.

                                      Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

                                      Chairman’s Report: Les and Netty, our two new members were welcomed again to the parish council. Thanks were given to the public for their input during the meetings and many more thanks will be given to people in a full chairman’s report that all the houses in our villages will be receiving soon.  Many tasks have been successfully accomplished this passed year including commenting on nearly 50 planning applications, a huge amount of work towards the Village Design Statement, an Affordable Housing Survey to establish our needs or requirements, flooding matters, dog fouling issues, many meetings with other bodies attended and much more.

                                      Financial Report – finances for the year were explained and had been internally audited by Steve Copeland to whom we are very grateful for carrying out this task for us yet again. Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to accept this financial report as a true and accurate account of our finances for this last year.  It was suggested and agreed that the fact that we are holding in our surplus funds a sum of nearly £2000 set aside for the completion of the Village Design Statement should have been included.  We are also holding funds of about £4600 on behalf of the Wigboroughs Village Hall project until it is possible to open an account for that purpose.

                                      Declarations of Interest – None

                                      1. Church Cottage, Peldon – a discussion took place as to how much involvement the parish council should take in people’s planning ideas before submitting an application. The majority thought it was not the pc’s place to advice at this stage and that consulting a Borough Councillor or CBC Planning Department was the proper course of action.
                                      2. Specialist interest roles for individual Parish Councillors – between now and next month parish councillors are invited to list the roles they would or would not like to take on.
                                      3. Playground Maintenance – due to absence this will be reported on next month.
                                      4. Distribution of the Annual Report – options were discussed but cost and delivery contributed to the decision that was proposed by Jinny, seconded by Jane and all agreed for this to be the same as last year in a Gold Edition of the Peldon and Wigboroughs magazine that will include Salcott and Virley and be delivered to all the houses by various volunteers and including our sponsorship on the front cover. The extra cost of £100 to produce this bumper edition will be shared with the Five Parishes Show.
                                      5. Dog fouling on Moss Hay – following much surveillance and paint spraying work by certain parish councillors the main perpetrator of this offence has been tracked down and with a named witness coming forward CBC Animal Control will be writing to the offender with the view of taking further action if necessary.
                                      6. Affordable Housing – Moira Groborz, the Affordable Housing Enabler will be contacted in due course if we do not have an answer to our letter explaining our position on this matter following the completed survey.
                                      7. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – contact and therefore delivery of the timber has proved difficult to date but will be addressed as soon as possible.
                                      8. Actions and Reminders – our list was updated


                                      110662 Proposal: Prior notification for installation of Schott solar panels on two central roof section of a pair of grain storage buildings at Newpots, Newpots Lane, Peldon

                                      110482 Proposal: Change of use from C3 dwelling house to A2 offices at 2 Abbotts Hall Cottages, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

                                      110636 Proposal: Erection of 50cm freesat dish on chimney facing east, top to be less than 60cm above ridge of roof. Resubmission of 110185 at Sampton Wick, Peldon

                                      110534 Proposal: Change of use of land to domestic equestrian use, construction of manege and retention of store building at 2 Sherwins Cottages, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough – amendment to plans, comments to CBC by 17th May 2011

                                      Notice of Planning Decisions:

                                      110058 Proposal: Erection of five houses with garages at Former Peldon Garage – Permission Granted subject to additional conditions


                                      101605 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for May                                                                £353.53

                                      101606 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                          £114.00

                                      101607 – T Simmons – grass cuts x 2, play insp                                                       £110.00

                                      The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 14th June 2011 at 7.30pm


                                      Colchester Customer Survey – be heard

                                      cbc-survey-jul11Colchester Borough Council has launched a Customer Service Survey to understand why residents access Council Services in the way that they do. From 11th July the Council begun to gather customer feedback to ensure it is providing the right services at the right location. Customers visiting the Customer Service Centre, High Street will be asked to take the opportunity to have their say, by participating in the survey and shaping the future delivery of Council services. The Customer Service Survey asks:

                                      • Why customers prefer to visit their office rather than use the phone or email and
                                      • Where they have travelled from and what mode of travel they use when they come into town to visit CBC.
                                      • Whether they would prefer to access Council Services within their local community from locations such as library or Parish Council premises.

                                      Cllr Beverley Oxford, Portfolio Holder for Customers, said: “The Council is committed to providing excellent customer service to residents and the business community, and wants to future proof its services so that we can ensure we are providing customer service in a format and location that meets our customers changing needs. “Residents’ views are very important in helping us to shape the future of Council services. Complete our customer survey and communicate your priorities and needs to the Council.”  

                                      Customers can also complete the survey online at www.colchester.gov.uk/customersurvey until 2 September 2011. Following the 2 September we will collate and consider responses as part of the first stage of the Council’s customer services consultation. 



                                      The 79th 5 Parishes Show 2011

                                      Sponsored by es-water
                                      Sunday, 7th August 11.00 a.m -5.00 p.m
                                      THE FINGRINGHOE RANGES
                                      (By kind permission of the Commander Defence Training Estate East)
                                      Attractions include:
                                      • 5-parishes-iconsMedieval Combat Display team
                                      • Tall Guy (Country & Western)
                                      • Colchester Birds of Prey
                                      • Suffolk Kite Flyers
                                      • Colchester Model Flying Club
                                      • Tendring Dog Agility Display Team
                                      • Annie’s Fantasies
                                      • Suffolk Punches
                                      • Carriage Display
                                      • East Anglian Fighting Vehicles
                                      • Colchester History Alive
                                      • Horse Show
                                      • Exemption Dog Show
                                      • Go Karts
                                      • Mega Slide
                                      • Archery
                                      • Licensed Bar
                                      • Lazer Shooting
                                      • Horticultural Marquee (Entries on Saturday, 6th August)
                                      • Food Stalls
                                      • Over 60 Stalls and Side Shows


                                      5-parishes-mapMain show schedules available as PDF download (print 2-sided on A4 to make A5 booklet) or from:
                                      • Sally Abbott –Tel : 01206 735931
                                      Horse show schedules from: 
                                      • Linda May –Tel: 01206 735552

                                      Dog show contact

                                      • Jinny Gale – 01206 735846


                                      FREE CAR PARKING
                                      ENTRANCE £5.00 CONCESSIONS £4.00 CHILDREN £1.00


                                      PC Minutes 12th April 2011

                                      WINSTRED HUNDRED PARISH COUNCIL

                                      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

                                      Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th April 2011.

                                      Present: Les Lapwood, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis, John Walker, Kevin Bentley, John Jowers and 2 members of public

                                      Apologies for absence: Netty Knill-Jones, Andrew Ellis

                                      Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

                                      Borough Councillors: Flytipping is a serious problem at present and CBC is working hard to clear up dumped rubbish quickly and also investigate the perpetrators so that they can be prosecuted.  Pete Tye Common is constantly being targeted by offenders and had got quite untidy all over the car park.  The Parish Council would like to express their thanks to the Tamblyns for making an extremely good job of clearing up all the loose bits and pieces that had been left from endless dumping and collecting.

                                      More applications for Abberton Reservoir Community Fund should be submitted and the procedure for processing applications will be improved. It is felt that Peldon Village Hall should get a decent amount of the funds as it has and will be in the future used for communicating to the public on matters relating to the reservoir works.

                                      The government has allocated a large sum of money for getting all the pot holes mended. In this area the materials used have now been improved and in general and where possible all the pot holes in one road are mended together.

                                      County Councillors: The Localism Bill will probably be passed in November which will bring certain responsibilities back to community level, planning being one them. More training from CBC for parish councillors will be required. The levy on building houses will help to ensure the infrastructure is in place for new developments.

                                      The Big Society Fund is available for rapid response for urgent needs projects.  ECC has saved a large amount of money from backroom jobs rather than shutting libraries, etc.

                                      Community Asset Transfer will release money to give back more to rural villages.

                                      Public-Have Your Say: None

                                      Declarations of Interest: None

                                      1. Affordable Housing – one or two discrepancies were found in the RCCE Survey Report that have since been corrected.  At our workshop the level of response was looked at closely and enough people did have their say to process the results and arrive at a stage for a decision.  With a relatively good return of surveys at 28% there was not an overwhelming for or against affordable housing.  Therefore Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed that there hasn’t been proved an adequate need for affordable housing in our villages at this time.  But the parish council would hope to look at the matter in 5 year’s time.  We will inform RCCE of our decision and thank them for their time and effort on this. 
                                      2. Individual roles for individual Parish Councillors – some parish councillors already take on certain roles particularly with meeting attendance and this will continue with others taking turns on occasions.  Keeping an eye on the playgrounds will be taken on by two parish councillors, setting up of the halls for our meetings will be shared by all and the wide subject of communications will need more time to consider properly.  Our finances and budgeting will be more closely looked at in these times of cut backs and our Emergency Plan will be brought up to date and then passed on to one or two parish councillors to keep updated and attend the CBC meetings. Organizing training is another subject that can be the responsibility of one parish councillor.
                                      3. Abberton Reservoir Liaison Meeting – was attended by two parish councillors this time.  Work has been delayed due to bad weather but has now resumed including work on the B1026, ballast and clay extraction and pipe work. Thanks to our chairman for completing the very complicated application process we have been awarded a grant from the Community Fund to help improve the Parish Council website as this is one way of communicating to the public on the reservoir works.
                                      4. Land outside the Peldon Church – following an enquiry on ownership and registering this land so that the Church could lay pipe work underground, a letter has been sent to the Church Warden to explain our position on this and a phone call of thanks followed.  The ownership of this land is not established and therefore it cannot be registered.
                                      5. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – the manufacturers who are supplying the timber will be contacted again for a delivery date. 
                                      6. Dog Fouling on Moss Hay – a great deal of time and effort has taken place so far to try and eliminate this problem.  Paint spraying round messes and visiting to keep a watchful eye has been carried out on numerous occasions. There is some progress but there are some dog owners that are still being irresponsible and inconsiderate.  New signage is being made and will be erected soon. 
                                      7. Wigboroughs Village Hall – a grant has been obtained from ECC for this project and a small sum from CBC for the use of the car park for the election. The Parish Council can now be reimbursed for the money it has spent so far. Work can now carry on with this project, to form a management committee and then establish the people’s opinions as what should happen to this dilapidated building.
                                      8. Actions and Reminders – updated



                                      110058 Proposal: Erection of 5 houses with garages at former Peldon Garage site

                                      110076 Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and erection of new at Peldon

                                      110554 Proposal: Rear facing dormer over converted garage to form dressing room at The Anchorage, Lower Road, Peldon

                                      110534 Proposal: Construction of a 40m x 20m equestrian ménage for domestic use in field to rear of 2 Sherwins Cottages at 2 Sherwins Cottages, Abbots Wick Road, Great Wigborough


                                      Planning Decisions:

                                      102622 Proposal: Certificate of lawful use for existing use of land as private garden at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott has been granted

                                      110185 Proposal: Erection of 50cm freesat dish on chimney facing east, top to be less than 60cm above ridge of roof at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Permission Refused

                                      110220 Proposal: 2 storey side and rear extension at Wayside Cottage, Colchester Road, Virley – Permission Granted

                                      110232 Proposal: Reinstatement of previous solid floor construction across ground floor at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon – Consent given

                                      110105 Proposal: Garage extension at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Granted



                                      101597 – CALC – annual subs                                                                                     £35.00

                                      101598 – EALC & NALC – annual subs                                                                        £277.45

                                      101599 – B J Gooding – play insp x 3                                                                           £90.00

                                      101600 – R S Pullen – office use, heat, light, etc.                                                        £250.00

                                      101601 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for April                                                                   £353.53

                                      101602 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses, paper, ink, travel, etc                                       £160.87

                                      101603 – Anglia Inspection Services Ltd. – Playgrounds annual inspection                       £186.00

                                      101604 – T Simmons – play insp x 2, grass cut                                                         £100.00

                                      The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 10th May 2011 at 7.30pm and will be the Parish Assembly and AGM.


                                      Peldon Metal Thefts

                                      Partially stolen road sign
                                      Read more by clicking link on left
                                      There has been an increase in metal thefts in the area recently including a number of recorded incidents in the Peldon area. Local police encourage everyone to take appropriate security measures.  They would also be grateful if any sightings of suspicious persons and vehicles (index numbers if possible) can be passed to the local neighbourhood policing team.

                                      A little web research quickly shows that metal thieves are not only targetting obvious sources such as roof leading and copper lightning rods, but also less obvious sources such as telephone cables, road signs and bus shelters.  The picture shows a partially stolen road sign near Writtle – the report it comes from is worth a read.

                                      Please call the Mersea police mobile 07966 197 265 or 0300 333 4444 non emergency with any information or concerns.

                                      PCSO 70220 ADAM RYDER

                                      WEST MERSEA NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM.


                                      Work together to combat flytipping

                                      Fly-tipping in a stream
                                      Fly-tipping by road or water-side is unsightly and harmful to wildlife
                                      Colchester Borough Council and Essex Police need residents’ help to crack down on fly-tipping in the local area.

                                      Rural areas around Colchester have suffered significant amounts of fly-tipped refuse and waste, which is dumped illegally and is spoiling the environment.

                                      Although fly-tipping in Colchester has declined in the past year, outlying areas have remained hotspots for such activity, and is something that both the Police and the Council are working hard to tackle and enforce.

                                      Residents are encouraged to be vigilant and inform the Council of any fly-tipping in their area, or to report any suspicion of fly-tipping activity.

                                      We are now also asking for members of the public to take details of any vehicles, particularly tipper and flatbed lorries, carrying waste and to report them immediately to the council on the number below,  please include the type of waste being carried, time, day, date, registration and ideally any person(s) seen at the time.

                                      Although the act of fly-tipping may not be witnessed, the Council is still able to investigate any reports of vehicles carrying waste, ascertaining if the owners have the correct and legal paperwork in place to do this.

                                      Any person identified carrying waste illegally may be issued with a £300 fixed penalty notice or prosecuted which carries a maximum fine on conviction of £5000.

                                      Dumping waste where it is not allowed, or allowing others to do so, is a criminal offence. You could face a very large fine or even be sent to prison if you fly-tip waste on land that does not have a license to receive it. It not only drains resources provided by the council in order to clean it up but has been responsible for several near misses with vehicles nearly ending up in ditches on the dark back roads trying to avoid it.

                                      If you are hiring someone to dispose of waste on your behalf, check that the company or person you give waste to have a license to carry it – if the waste is dumped illegally, you could still be liable for prosecution. Protect your environment and help us to take action.

                                      From Shane Taylor Colchester Borough Council Street Services, “Colchester Borough Council will not tolerate this eyesore. I strongly encourage residents to find out how to dispose of your waste correctly, as well as help us take action on fly-tippers by being vigilant and reporting any incidences of fly-tipping in your community.”

                                      Local Police Officers will be looking for potential carriers and suspicions of fly-tipping activity, but it is hoped that through residents’ reports and noted activity, the Council and the Police can develop an intelligence system to spot potential patterns in fly-tipping activity in the Borough.

                                      To report any incidences of fly-tipping in your community, contact (01206) 282700 or email [email protected].

                                      To contact Pc Mel Wilson – 07966 197 404
