Chairman’s report January 2013

Chairman’s report – January 2013

The committee has decided to place a short regular commentary of its activities in the public domain (notice boards, Village Newsletter and Parish Council website) so that the residents know what is happening.  Following the 2011 questionnaire and the 2012 AGM the Committee is looking at a number of possible projects which might provide for the community of the Wigboroughs benefits equivalent to those originally made available when the old School was purchased for use as a Village Hall and a Trust was set up.

A structural survey has established that the old building is past repair.  Raising the money to build, equip and maintain a replacement Village Hall which would be financially viable is beyond the reach of our small community.  At the 2012 AGM an agreement in principle was reached that when the time is right the School Lane site will be sold and the proceeds used to provide alternative benefits for the local community.  This can only happen with Charity Commission approval and with the continued agreement of the residents when more detailed plans are available.

In preparation for that time we are currently talking to professionals who will guide us through the process of maximising the return from the site by selling it with outline planning permission.

Of the various projects suggested for re-investment of the proceeds we are talking to the Church about the possibility of using the nave of St Stephen’s Church as a virtual Village Hall and there will be similar parallel conversations about potentially using facilities at Abbotts Hall Nature Reserve and/or Peldon Village Hall.  Another project under investigation is the purchase of land within the Wigboroughs to provide a village green area and a recreational area for children and young people.

A detailed business plan must be produced for each of these projects and any more which are suggested.  Plans will show the set-up and ongoing costs, the likely usage and income, the legal relationship with any partners or associates and arrangements to protect the legacy resource.  Full details will then be submitted for approval by the Charity Commission who will want to see that the terms and objectives of the original Trust Deed have been complied with as far as is possible.  Surviving projects will then be presented to residents who have the casting vote in which project or projects are progressed.

Jinny Gale
Chairman WVHMC


Hundred grand grant for Village Hall

pvhThe Peldon Village Hall Management Committee were pleased to announce that plans for a new village hall for Peldon took a big step forward in December when they were awarded a grant of £100,000 from the Abberton Reservoir Community Fund towards the project. Following the granting of planning permission in August, this is a significant contribution towards the estimated £600,000 needing to be raised.

As a condition of the grant, the new building will have a lobby area that is open throughout the day, even if the hall is not in use. This area will include toilet facilities, an information area about the reservoir and a vending machine for the convenience of visitors who may wish to park in the hall’s car park before setting off to walk round the easterly side of the enlarged reservoir, once pathways have been created.

Together with the £30,000 already awarded from Essex County Council’s Community Initiatives Fund and £20,000 accumulated from fundraising events in recent years, the committee are now about a quarter of the way towards their target. Three further grant applications have been lodged and more will follow, including a major one to the Big Lottery, about which more will be said in coming months.

In the meantime there are lots of fundraising events coming up you can support to help:

  1. Race Night on 17th March – flyer attached gives all the details (POSTPONED)
  2. 30th June –Soul Concert with the Crissy Lee Band and Grand Auction. Venue – Brickhouse Barn, Lower Road, Peldon. Further details to be announced.
  3. 16th September – Sponsored Walk – details of route, and how to take part and get sponsorship forms to be announced later in the year.
  4. 10th November – Quiz Night in the Village Hall.

To find out more about these, of how to help PVH in general, contact Bob Holmes on 01206 735510.


Peldon Village Hall Update

pvh-new-designsThe Peldon Village Hall Management Committee have recently been awarded a further £15,000 of grant funding towards the new Village Hall project.  To find out more about the hall, the renewal project and to see the designs of the proposed new building (thumbnails on right) check out their webpage on this site.  Also remember to keep your eyes open for fund-raising events listed on our home page event calendar.


New Village Hall for Peldon

peldon_village_hallFollowing the meeting we held in February, our latest plans for a new village hall for Peldon will be on display at an open meeting and coffee morning on

                              Saturday 9th October 2010

                               between 10.00am and 12.00 noon

in the Village Hall

Since February, when there was general agreement to the internal layout of the new hall, our architects have been considering alternative designs for the exterior of the building, taking into account views of the planners at Colchester Borough Council. Our architects and members of the management committee will be present and will welcome comments from all interested parties on the latest proposals.

We look forward to welcoming you all

Peldon Village Hall Management Committee


Sponsored Walk – 25th July 2010

Peldon Village Hall Management Committee are organising a sponsored walk to raise funds for the new village hall.  The walk will be round Mersea Island and take place on Sunday 25th July 2010.  The distance is approximately 14 miles.  We intend to start at 9am from the footpath near to the Strood.  There will be several scheduled stops to take on refreshment and supplies.

So far four members of the Committee have taken up the challenge and we would be happy to welcome as many people as possible to participate.  Please call Keith Banks on 735004 for more details and sponsorship forms.  If you can’t manage the walk, you are welcome to to sponsor one of the committee.

If you can’t manage the entire 14 miles, join us for part of the walk, even if its just between The Coast and The Victory!!  Dogs also welcome.

It’s a great opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy our beautiful countryside, to chat with friends and neighbours and raise some money for a good cause.
