PC Minutes 11th April 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th April 2017

Present: Nicky Ellis, Bob Holmes, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Kevin Bentley, 2 Zone Wardens, 5 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Robert Kean, Liz Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Unfortunately there are still many vehicles speeding Continue reading “PC Minutes 11th April 2017”


PC Agenda 11th April 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th April 2017 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.  Changes to the Waste Collection Service

  • CBC Zone Warden in attendance to explain changes beginning in June

Continue reading “PC Agenda 11th April 2017”


Recycling & Waste Consultation

recycle for colchesterRecycling & Waste Consultation

Colchester Borough Council is about to commence a consultation on its current waste and recycling service. Borough residents are being asked for their views to help Colchester Borough Council consider how best to reduce waste and increase recycling in the coming years.

All residents are invited to give their views through the online survey at www.colchester.gov.uk/recyclingsurvey between Monday 7 March and 5pm Friday 3 June 2016.

Help to complete the survey is available at free Online Skills events across the borough listed at www.colchester.gov.uk/go-online .  Residents with accessibility needs can request assistance from a Customer Advisor at the Community Hub in the town centre.

From 7 March to 29 March and Monday 9 May to Friday 3 June selected homes across the borough with kerbside or communal bin collections will also be visited.  Face to face feedback on recycling and waste collections will be gathered from around 1,000 residents.

Home visits will take place borough-wide between 9am and 8pm, Monday to Saturday to households representative of Colchester’s demographic mix.

All survey responses will be used to help the Council understand what residents think including: satisfaction with the type and number of containers used for home storage and collection of waste and recycling; frequency of collections; and ideas for improvement that would help residents send less waste to landfill and recycle more.  Household characteristics, including number of residents at the property and availability of outdoor and container storage areas, will also be gathered.

The consultation is part of a full review of the Council’s waste and recycling service including considering different collection methods and best practice nationally.


Attended Freighter for Household Items

Colchester Borough CouncilColchester Borough Council have advised that they will collect household items from a number of locations throughout 2014 as part of the Attended Freighter Service.  For Winstred Hundred the Freighter will be situated in the Plough car park, Peldon between 08:00 – 09:15 on 12th April, 7th June & 2nd August; for other locations click the link – http://www.colchester.gov.uk/freighterschedule.

You can use this service to dispose of small loads of household items which are not  collected as part of your regular kerbside collection. Please don’t use this service to dispose of items which can be recycled, although you can bring garden waste separately which will be composted.

Please note that the attendants will not accept any of the following items:

  • large loads, fridges, freezers or other electrical goods – these items can be collected as part of the Special Collection Service or taken to your local tip,
  • hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, liquids or gas bottles – for information on how to dispose of your hazardous items, please click here,
  • commercial refuse – the Council operates a trade recycling and rubbish collection service, details of which can be found here.

For more information please email [email protected] or phone 01206 282700.


Refuse, gritting & other snowy updates

Waste & recycling collections

snow-ballThe Parish Council have received the following update from Matthew Young, Head of Street Services at Colchester Borough Council:

We are carrying out refuse and recycling collections today and Paul English, the Street Care and Recycling Operations Manager, will inform you of our success rate at the end of the working day and we will ensure that the website and media are updated. Staff worked very hard yesterday and most collections were able to be made.

The weather forecast for the next few days shows little sign of improvement and therefore the same arrangements will apply where we will try to collect as much as we can using a variety of vehicles. We constantly review the situation and ensure as many collections as possible and Paul and his team will carry out a final review of the situation in the morning before crews are deployed. It is worth noting that collections are taking longer than normal in most areas but collection times may also be earlier as drivers choose the most suitable routes. It is therefore imperative that residents have their waste available for collection by 0700 and remain patient until 1600. We will not collect in the dark where conditions are much more hazardous.

I would also ask that any communication residents may wish to make is through our Customer Service Centre on 01206 282700 or [email protected] and not on direct lines. We greatly appreciate Members who do pass on emails to residents as communication is vital to service success. I would though point out that we will not be deviating from our normal schedule and therefore residents who do not receive a collection by 1600 are advised to simply retrieve and store their waste and recycling.

Gritting of roads and pavements

The gritting and salting of the highway network is the responsibility of Essex County Council. They have informed us that they will focus their gritting resources on keeping major roads clear. This includes all ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads, access routes for emergency services, rural link roads and major public transport routes. Therefore, estate or residential roads are not included whether they are on inclines or not. Colchester Borough Council will be keeping the pavements clear on the roads included in the memorandum of understanding and the list of the roads is on the CBC website linked here. If residents want to try and keep the paths clear in their roads then they need to follow the instructions we sent round yesterday to Members.

As you did earlier this year your assistance in this matter would be appreciated.

