PC Minutes 9th June 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th June 2015

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Liz Davidson, Nicky Ellis, Bob Holmes, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Rob Surface, Jinny Gale, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report: none given

Borough Councillors: The Local Plan Panel meeting was discussed it was explained that the call for sites is now closed and 224 have been put forward across the borough of Colchester. Some of these are in our villages. CBC will now sift through all of these sites and assess their suitability for development against a strict set of criteria. The likelihood is that many will fall by the wayside during this initial assessment stage. Those that are found to be potentially suitable will then be included in the next round of public consultation in January 2016, at which point members of the public will have an opportunity to give their opinions as to whether they agree or disagree with CBC’s initial findings.

The possibility of a Solar Park on land in the Maldon District near to Salcott and Great Wigborough had been noted but no application has been submitted as yet. We will contact Maldon District Council to request that we are on the consultation list.

The Borough Councillors have the small funding pot reinstated this year for all their parish councils to request for suitable projects. Resurfacing Moss Hay footpath is one such possible project for Peldon and ideas for Salcott, Virley and Wigs will be discussed.

County Councillor: Budget amendments have taken place to address the shortfall but certain services such as adult social care and children’s services will not be affected. The Essex Superfast Broadband scheme is ahead of schedule and it is planned for 98% of the county to be connected by 2019.

Outstanding road signs are still being constantly chased up for reinstatement.

The Abberton Reservoir Fund is all but allocated or spent but progress reports will be requested on any outstanding amounts allocated but not yet spent. We will write to the water company to express our congratulations on the very successful and brilliant project.

The Local Highways Panel has given the go-ahead for the modifications to the brick built bus shelter in Peldon which will be carried out in due course.

Public-Have Your Say: Item 4 was brought forward for a lengthy discussion. It was said that there were continuing offenders of speeding through Peldon and it was noted that this also occurs through Great Wigborough. The parish council would appreciate motorists taking note of the speed limit when driving through our villages.

Declarations of Interest: None

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields: Signage for the new equipment has been installed and other matters are being addressed. Phil proposed John seconded and all agreed to ask Terry to trim back hedges both at the top part of Moss Hay footpath and roadside at Salcott meadow. Quotes will be sought for resurfacing Moss Hay footpath.

2.   Emergency Plan: Postponed to next month.

3.   Standing Orders: Postponed to next month.

4.   Operation of Speed Watch: The parish council would like to request for more people to carry out training to operate the speed watch gun, if anyone is interested please contact the clerk on 01206 735367 or [email protected], there will also be an article on the website and the parish council emailing service. A Police representative will be invited to the next or a future meeting to advise and discuss the operational technics and the main purpose of the scheme.  

5.   Neighbourhood Watch Schemes: The parish council also requests for any interested parties for this to be operational in one or all of our villages (contact clerk details as above) and following sufficient interest a meeting with a knowledgeable representative will be organized. 

6.   Donations to Churches: Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed to donate £200 as usual to each of the 4 churches in our villages for the churchyards upkeep.

7.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – Negotiations are still taking place for some of the permissive bridleways but all walks are now officially open. Hazel screening has been installed at passing places in School Lane to deter bird watchers filling up the lay-bys.

8.   Broadband – update.

9.   Actions and Reminders List – update.

Planning Applications:

1511115Proposal: Alteration of existing garage outbuildings to form 2 bed dwelling at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough5
150877Proposal: Restore an out building to its original function as a stand-alone studio. Remove asbestos roof and replace with reclaimed clay tiled roof, with 2 Velux roof-lights replacing current corrugated plastic roof-light and render end wall. Demolish poor-quality brick, timber and blockwork extension and level floor at Cob Cottage, The Street, Salcott5

Planning Decisions:

150625Proposal: Removal of 3 no. existing barns/piggeries and hard standing to be replaced with a re-sited proposed feed and storage barn at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional


101834 R S Pullen – June salary£375.65
101835 T Simmons – play insp, 2 grass cuts£120.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 14th July 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PC Agenda 9th June 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th June 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, footpath, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.    Emergency Plan

  • New information to update our plan noted
  • Decision required: Are we happy with this version and do we consider that everything is included?

3.    Standing Orders

  • Updated as necessary to include statutory requirements
  • Decision required: Is everyone in agreement with this final version for this moment in time?

4.    Operation of Speed Watch

  • Decision required: Do we wish to take control of this operation and if so how would it be implemented?

5.    Neighbourhood Watch Schemes

  • Discuss local crime and any way we can help to address it
  • Decision required: Are Neighbourhood Watch Schemes the way forward and if so who would do the organization?

6.    Donations to Churches

  • Discuss the parish council donation to each Church in our villages
  • Decision required: Should we continue with the same level of donations?

7.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

8.    Broadband – update

9.    Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Decisions:


Proposal: Removal of 3 no. existing barns/piggeries and hard standing to be replaced with a re-sited proposed feed and storage barn at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional



R S Pullen – May salary


The next meeting will be on Tues 14th July 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PAWS May – Trek for Life

Board showing details of Tina Oldfield's daughter and items made by the Nepalese
Board showing details of Tina Oldfield’s daughter and items made by the Nepalese

Trek for Life

39 members and 1 visitor attended our May meeting when Tina Oldfield gave us a talk on “Trek for Life.” Tina’s daughter was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2004 at the age of 24 having been told on 3 occasions that it was nothing to worry about.  She fought the disease for 2 years before dying at the age of 26 leaving behind a husband and 2 young children. 

To help with her grief and to do something in her memory Tina and 3 others decided that they would do the challenging “Trek for Life” to Everest Base Camp.  After 13 months of training, obtaining sponsorship and equipment from companies like Rock Face they set off in the Easter Holidays of 2006. 

She showed us slides of the various basic lodges they stayed in along the way together with the incredible landscape and birdlife.  Their two porters carried their equipment and clothing which they needed as they climbed to higher altitudes and their guide mapped out their route.  At various times they suffered with altitude sickness and found it difficult to even eat (apart from Mars bars which never posed a problem) and supplemented their meagre diet. 

At just 500 meters from Base Camp they got snowed in and upon the advice of their guide that it would be impossible to continue in the time that they had allocated for this trip they had to go back down.  It was just as well they took the advice as they heard that 3 Sherpa’s had died in a landslide the next day.  However there and then they made a pact to come back the following year to complete the walk that they had begun and indeed successfully completed it then.  It was an amazing feat and something we all thought was fantastic.  Tina continues to raise money for breast Cancer and, on this occasion, she is donating half her fee to the Nepalese Earthquake cause.

Our next meeting is on June when Chris South will give us “A Masterclass in Propagation.”

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.  If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Minutes 12th May 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2015

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Liz Davidson, Bob Holmes, Rob Surface, Robert Davidson, John Jowers, Kevin Bentley, Zone Warden and one member of the public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Andrew Ellis 

The Annual Parish Assembly

Zone Warden Report: Dog fouling and litter culprits are constantly being targeted and prosecuted whenever possible and fines of £200 and £370 have been given out recently.

Chairman’s report: Thanks were given to everyone who has served on, worked for or helped the parish council in any way. The new play equipment, for which we obtained grants from Cory Environmental Trust and S106 monies from recently built houses at Peldon, has been installed at Moss Hay and is proving to be a success.  The broadband scheme has been another major part of the achievements during the year and continues to develop further. The parish council has continually reported on and dealt with various matters including highways defects, speeding, flooding issues and numerous planning applications. It has also kept the residents informed on matters of interest or concern and dealt with any queries or problems whenever it has been possible.

Financial Report: There was a very slight overspend this last financial year which will be adjusted this coming year. Several large amounts of money have passed through the books this year with the new play equipment and broadband project. Insurance, playgrounds and grass cutting continue to be a substantial part of our spending.  Thanks will be given to the internal auditor who stepped in at the last minute. See item 2 below and the Annual Return will be on the noticeboards and website for viewing when it has been formally confirmed.

Parish Council AGM

Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for Lynne to continue as chairman.

Phil proposed, Lynne seconded and all agreed for Nicky to continue as vice-chairman. Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for the clerk to continue as Financial and Responsible Officer.

Phil proposed, Bob seconded and all agreed to co-opt Liz Davidson on to the parish council for Peldon Ward who was duly welcomed by all.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

County Councillor: The Community Initiative Fund (CIF) is running for another year funding worthy projects. Drainage enforcement will take place where necessary. Sometimes it is necessary for road closures, which can be inconvenient but do ensure a better surface repair job is carried out. School transport is being reduced and some existing ones will cost more. The CBC Local Plan is still considering sites for new houses and some villages will probably have to take a few.

Borough Councillors: The new CBC warding boundaries will include Salcott and Virley and the Wigboroughs in Marks Tey and Layer Ward and Peldon will be in Mersea and Pyefleet Ward. The speeding survey strips will be installed at Lower Road, Peldon in due course. Another for Church Road was requested. As suggested we will invite a representative from the Casualty Reduction Team to a forthcoming parish council meeting.  Missing road signage will be chased up. The ECC Superfast Broadband Scheme is going well. The Abberton Reservoir Community Fund is all but allocated and updates on the projects of any unspent money will be requested.

Public-Have Your Say: The missing road signs were requested to be chased up.

Declarations of Interest: Bob and Liz for planning application 150665 for Peldon Village Hall.

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields – Liz very kindly offered to use farm machinery to pick up the majority of the rubber which will be taken to Salcott. The remainder spread on the footpath etc will be raked up and disposed of. Works ensuing from the Annual Inspection Report will be addressed shortly. The Community Group will be contacted to request hedge and ditch work 

2.   External Audit Return – Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to accept the financial report for the last financial year 2014/15, to accept the Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment, to confirm and agree the Accounting Statements and the Annual Governance Statement was completed and signed as required.

3.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – there are a couple of problematic sections which will continue to be worked on.

4.   Broadband – further residents have signed up for the scheme, there are occasional problems and Salcott will probably be linked up in September.

5.   Actions and Reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:
150665 Proposal: Replacement of existing 50 year old prefabricated hall with a new multi-use community building incorporating solar panels and air source heat pump. Modified design of permission no 110076 granted 26/08/15 Peldon Village Hall
150726 Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon
150727 Proposal: Listed building application as above
150927 Proposal: Two dormer windows to first floor to improve internal daylight/ventilation bedroom environment at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasible loft area enlarging approved bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Approve conditional
146560 Proposal: Replacement window and doors at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
Approve conditional

101829 R S Pullen – clerk’s salary for May£375.65
101830 Anglia Inspection Services Ltd – annual play areas insp.£234.00
101831 Essex Association of Local Councils – annual subs£278.31
101832 R C Laurie – internal audit£ 60.00
101833 T Simmons – play insp, 2 x grass cuts£120.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th June 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough

Owing to the poor service from the Police when a crime has been committed to properties in our villages the Parish Council would advise that first and foremost   report it to the Police on 101 for non-emergencies or 999 for emergency situations but then we would request that you give the details to the clerk on 01206 735367 or [email protected] for a list to be collated to enable us to  show how much crime is being committed in this area and how little is being done about it by the Police.

Local Community Action Panels (LCAPS) meetings where Police are in attendance are held periodically at West Mersea Town Council Offices in Melrose Road where opinions and problems can be voiced. The meeting dates and times are as follows:

  • 3rd June 2015 at 7pm
  • 5th August 2015 at 10am
  • 7th October 2015 at 7pm
  • 2nd December 2015 at 10am
  • 3rd February 2016 at 7 pm

PC Agenda 12th May 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th May 2015 which will be:

The Annual Parish Assembly

Electors and Organisations are invited and can contribute to this meeting.

Addresses from any of the following may take place: County Councillors, Borough Councillors, Police and any other body or organisation.

Followed by:

Parish Council AGM

Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Financial and Responsible Officer; elected, co-option or resignation of Parish Councillors and signing of all necessary forms and declarations.

New Parish Councillors welcomed and gratitude expressed to those outgoing.

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting

Police and Zone Wardens reports

Borough and County Councillors reports

Chairman’s Report

Financial Report

Public-Have Your Say:

Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Annual Report from Anglia Inspection Services and ensuing work required
  • Progress on work completed and any ongoing at Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

2.   External Audit Return

  • To note internal auditor report
  • Minute agreement on our Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment
  • Confirm and agree Accounting Statements 2014/15
  • Complete Annual Governance Statement.

3.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

4.   Broadband – update

5.   Actions and Reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:
150665 Proposal: Replacement of existing 50 year old prefabricated hall with a new multi-use community building incorporating solar panels and air source heat pump. Modified design of permission no 110076 granted 26/08/15 Peldon Village Hall
150726 Proposal: Demolition of existing greenhouse and construction of a single storey residential annexe at East Anglian Farm Rides, Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon
150727 Proposal: Listed building application as above
Planning Decisions:
150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasible loft area enlarging approved bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve conditional
146560 Proposal: Replacement window and doors at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101829R S Pullen – clerk’s salary for May£375.65
101830 Anglia Inspection Services Ltd – annual play areas insp.£234.00
101831 Essex Association of Local Councils – annual subs£278.31
101832 R C Laurie – internal audit£ 60.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th June 2015 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough


PAWS April – Suffolk to Ontario

Denise Hammond-Webb

Suffolk to Ontario

39 members attended our April meeting when Mrs Denise Hammond-Webb took us on a journey from Suffolk to Ontario,Canada.  Her great, great, grandfather, Nathaniel Hammond was born in Chelsworth, Suffolk on 8th March, 1851 and was the 6th child of ten.  He grew up to be a farm labourer and married Charlotte Hollocks in 1875.  They both lived in a tied cottage on a farm in Semer which funnily enough was called Canada cottages. 

As their family grew, huge changes in mechanisation on farms were sweeping the country and many thousands of agricultural workers were no longer needed.   George, the 8th child of Nathaniel & Charlotte, decided to try his luck in Canada.  At the time adverts were everywhere offering grants for free land and assisted ship passages with great opportunities in Canada & Australia. 

In September 1912 his father Nathaniel & Charlotte with their three youngest children followed George to Ontario and settled in a village called Thamesford.  Very sadly both Nathaniel and Charlotte died of the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1920.  Over 500 million people worldwide died of the Spanish Flu. However their children went on to become successful landowners and dairy farmers in Thamesford and now also grow wheat, hemp, tobacco and produce maple syrup.

Our next meeting is on May 26th when we will hear about “Trek for Life” with Tina Oldfield.

Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website. If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Minutes 14th April 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2015

Present: Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis, Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Robert Davidson and 5 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, Rob Surface, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens – are on a severe dog fouling campaign and have approximately 60 prosecutions pending at present.  Any sightings and/or information of culprits should be reported to our Zone Warden on 07967 692030.

Ditch clearance of debris and rubbish is the responsibility of the landowner and we would request that this is carried out in all our villages in a bid for efficient water flow and pleasant viewing for all.  Residents forming groups for litter picking are encouraged by the Zones Wardens who will assist with equipment etc.

Borough Councillors: The LCM (Local Community Meetings which replaces the NAP) was attended at West Mersea Town Council offices where two Police were in attendance and a Zone Warden. These are held about every 6-8 weeks and there is an Action List so that matter of concern to the parish council can be added. To remind everyone for matters of an urgent nature 999 should be phoned or for non-urgent matters 101.

Recycling bags are now being delivered but if you have not received them by the end of May ring CBC on 282700 during the first 2 weeks of June.

Following the Boundary Commission’s Electoral Review of Colchester the boundaries for us have not changed, Peldon is in Mersea and Pyefleet, the Wigboroughs, Salcott and Virley are in Marks Tey and Layer. Final Recommendations http://consultaion.lgbce.org.uk

Public-Have Your Say: Rubbish is often put out the night before the collection day and, owing to various wildlife, is sometimes ripped apart and strewn all along the road and ditches. The Parish Council would request that rubbish is put out on the day of collection before 7am as advised by CBC.  Identifiable names and addresses from any such litter will be passed on to the Zone Wardens.  Bag hoops were requested for assisting with litter picking by our Peldon volunteers.  The fingerpost at the Old Kings Head junction needs to be reinstated very soon in a bid to prevent more accidents happening there.  Anyone can report highways defects on the ECC website www.essex.gov.uk ‘Report a highway problem’ or for an emergency problem ring 0845 603 7631.

Enquiries were made about the opening of a footpath in Peldon and we are advised that it will be sometime in the future when hedges have grown up.  It was reported that horse riding had taken place on this footpath but this should not have happened. The footpath in question will be brought up at the next Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way meeting.

The Parish Council gives its full backing and support to the new Peldon Village Hall plans and submits them to CBC.  John proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed except Phil and Jinny who declared an interest and took no part in the decision.

Thanks were expressed to Robert for all his help and work on the village hall site in readiness for the new building, who in turn expressed that it was a good team effort.

The hedge fronting Peldon Farm houses will be managed to keep it in good order.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny as members of the Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee.

1. Salcott Flooding: Phone calls have taken place between the PC and Environment Agency and with information to be collated EA will be in touch in due course for the next stage of action.  

2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields: No report from Peldon but this will be chased up. The basketball pad at Salcott is cracked and will be addressed shortly. The annual inspection will be taking place soon and will include the new equipment. 

3. Affordable Housing: It was agreed that it was a too early for another survey to be carried out now and we will revisit the matter in a few years’ time with a possible survey that suits our particular villages. RCCE will be contacted accordingly.

4. Footpaths in Peldon: We are receiving ECC assistance with surfacing footpath 13 (Church Road to St Ives Road) and the Moss Hay footpath will also be addressed in the near future.

5. Speed Watch in Peldon: Is still taking place for possible useful data.

6. Co-opting a Peldon Councillor: We have received interest from one person, Liz Davidson, who will be gladly welcomed and co-opted onto the parish council at the May meeting.

7. Abberton Reservoir: Completion work still takes place behind the scenes. The Grand Opening is in June when Sir David Attenborough will be the opening guest.

8. Broadband: More are being connected and the launch at Salcott and Virley will follow soon.

9. Actions and Reminders List: Updated and to include that owing to unforeseen circumstances an alternative internal auditor will be sought this year.


1. Salcott resident phone call on various issues was noted but a letter is required for matters to be considered for any further action.

Planning Applications

150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasibility loft area enlarging bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
150625 Proposal: Removal of 3 no. existing barns/piggeries and hard standing to be replaced with a re-sited proposed feed and storage barn at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

Planning Decisions:

150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, PeldonApprove conditional
146271 (& 150092 Listed Building application) Proposal: Installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of a M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting Road, PeldonApprove conditional
150363 Proposal: 2 storey extension to provide ground WC utility and study, first floor bedroom and ensuite. Demolition of existing garage and external WC at 2 Sharlands Row, The Street, SalcottApprove conditional
146351 Proposal: Erection of detached two and a half storey dwelling with all habitable accommodation at first and second floor levels at Salcot Cottages, The Street, SalcottApprove conditional


101824 R S Pullen – April salary£375.65
101825 R S Pullen – office expenses- heat light, etc£250.00
101826 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101827 CALC – annual subs£35.00
101828 T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, Peldon hedge planting£135.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th May 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall which will also be the Annual Assembly Meeting


PC Agenda 14th April 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2015

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report – to include ditch clearance responsibilities

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.   Salcott Flooding

  • Update on any further correspondence and/or meetings received or taken place.

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, footpath, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

3.   Affordable Housing

  • RCCE enquiring as to whether we should carry out another  housing needs survey nearly 5 years on from the last and also Moira offering to attend a meeting
  • Decision required: Should we carry out another Housing Needs Survey?
  • Decision required: If so should we do any work to promote this in advance?
  • Decision required: Should we ask Moira to attend a future meeting?

4.   Footpaths in Peldon

  • Progress on Footpath 13 from Church Road to St Ives Road
  • Any others to be discussed

5.   Speed Watch in Peldon

  • Have we enough data now for ECC to use to assess need for survey strips?

6.   Co-opting a Peldon Councillor

  • Have we received any interest?

7.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update

8.   Broadband – update

9.   Actions and Reminders List – update


1. Salcott resident phone call on various issues.

2. Local Government Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of Colchester Borough Council – Final Recommendations http://consultation.lgbce.org.uk.

Planning Applications
150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasibility loft area enlarging bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
146271 (& 150092 Listed Building application) Proposal: Installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of a M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101824 R S Pullen – April salary£375.65
101825 R S Pullen – office expenses- heat light, etc£250.00
101826 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101827 CALC – annual subs£35.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th May 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall which will also be the Annual Assembly Meeting


PAWS March – Easter Bonnet AGM

diane cornes  gen fretwell jean hedger  gen fretwell

Easter Bonnets & AGM

46 PAWS members attended the March meeting which was also their AGM.

As well as the business of the evening, whereby the committee and President were elected, we also enjoyed a “sweet supper” together with a quiz, a chocolate tasting and Easter Bonnet competition.

Two of the existing committee stood down with one new member, Kate Neville, being elected and Sue Copeland was elected President with Pam Foakes as Vice-President for the forthcoming year. Bouquets were presented to Gen Fretwell, the outgoing President and Jane Banks and Julia Dymond as a thank you for all their hard work on the committee over the years.

The winner of the Easter Bonnet was Diane Cornes (photo right). Jean Hedger (photo right) was also presented with a certificate in recognition of all her hard work on the Sales Tables.

Chris Mutch, our speaker, talked to us about the benefits of Magnetic Therapy in a piece of jewellery and did a hefty trade afterwards.


PC Minutes 10th March 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th March 2015

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Bob Holmes, Rob Surface, Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, John Walker, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bentley and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report – None

Borough and County Councillors: The new Warding Boundaries will be announced very soon. Essex Super Broadband Scheme is being rolled out and it is hoped for 95% coverage of Essex eventually.  Local government will change after the election and it maybe that certain money can be reallocated to enable parish councils to organise getting work done themselves such as replacement of road signs etc.

The manhole cover at Salcott crossroads and missing fingerposts have been reported again so hopefully will be addressed soon. CBC Local Plan, submitted plots and deadline dates were discussed and a section at the end from Cllr Ellis provides details.

Public-Have Your Say: CBC Local Plan was talked about.

Declarations of Interest: Jinny as a member of the Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee

1.   Salcott Flooding: The Environment Agency and ECC have made a site visit to assess the problems and will return with their findings and arrange another site visit to include our parish councillors. 

2.   Playgrounds and Playing Fields: Work at Moss Hay is yet to be completed but it is being addressed.  Any surplus play area rubber will be relocated to Salcott. 

3.   CALC Meeting was attended by two of our parish councillors who listened to an informative speech from the Police and Crime Commissioner whose job it is to hold the Police to account and not actually run proceedings.  Local Community Meetings and Neighbourhood Action Panels are to be merged for supposed efficiency. 

4.   Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way Meeting was also attended by two of our parish councillors and it was noted from the questionnaires filled in at the open sessions that there were 4 main preferred options from the public. A good percentage of the returns were from Winstred Hundred.

5.   Broadband – Salcott launch date has yet to be decided with County Broadband and spring/summer now seems like a satisfactory option for a good turnout. Further residents are signing up for connection.

6.   Actions and Reminders List – updated, including that we will express our interest in supporting defibrillators at Salcott and Peldon.  Also Nicky proposed, John seconded and all agreed for Terry to plant the hedge plants at the front of Peldon Hall houses in Malting Road, Peldon 

Planning Applications
150363Proposal: 2 storey extension to provide ground WC utility and study, first floor bedroom and en suite. Demolition of existing garage and external WC at 2 Sharlands Row, The Street, Salcott
150112Proposal: Revised plans for extension for 6 Peldon Crescent
146560Proposal: Replacement of window and doors at Sampton Wick, Wigborough Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
146599 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, PeldonApprove conditional


101821 R S Pullen – March salary£375.65
101822 R S Pullen – expenses (petrol, phone, ink, paper, etc)£174.29
101823 T Simmons – play insp£30.00


The next meeting will be on Tues 14th April 2015 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall

The timeline for the Local Plan is as follows:

Consultation on the draft Local Plan (Preferred Options) – spring 2016

Publication of the Submission Local Plan – summer 2016

Submission to Secretary of State – autumn 2016

Examination – early 2017

The Council is currently assessing the information submitted during the Issues and Options consultation and will now develop preferred options (sites that CBC would prefer to see developed) that are based on the evidence base; national planning policy; sustainability appraisals of proposed sites; and consultation responses. The next opportunity for people to comment will be when consulted on the draft Local Plan early next year. At this point residents will be able to see which sites the Council deems suitable for development (hence ‘preferred options’) in our area, if any. Residents and the Parish Council can then either support the proposals or put forward reasons why they believe such development would not be suitable in a specific location.

CBC may well be speaking with Parish Councils during the site appraisal process prior to drafting the Local Plan.
