PC Minutes 14th April 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th April 2015

Present: Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis, Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Robert Davidson and 5 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Bob Holmes, Rob Surface, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens – are on a severe dog fouling campaign and have approximately 60 prosecutions pending at present.  Any sightings and/or information of culprits should be reported to our Zone Warden on 07967 692030.

Ditch clearance of debris and rubbish is the responsibility of the landowner and we would request that this is carried out in all our villages in a bid for efficient water flow and pleasant viewing for all.  Residents forming groups for litter picking are encouraged by the Zones Wardens who will assist with equipment etc.

Borough Councillors: The LCM (Local Community Meetings which replaces the NAP) was attended at West Mersea Town Council offices where two Police were in attendance and a Zone Warden. These are held about every 6-8 weeks and there is an Action List so that matter of concern to the parish council can be added. To remind everyone for matters of an urgent nature 999 should be phoned or for non-urgent matters 101.

Recycling bags are now being delivered but if you have not received them by the end of May ring CBC on 282700 during the first 2 weeks of June.

Following the Boundary Commission’s Electoral Review of Colchester the boundaries for us have not changed, Peldon is in Mersea and Pyefleet, the Wigboroughs, Salcott and Virley are in Marks Tey and Layer. Final Recommendations http://consultaion.lgbce.org.uk

Public-Have Your Say: Rubbish is often put out the night before the collection day and, owing to various wildlife, is sometimes ripped apart and strewn all along the road and ditches. The Parish Council would request that rubbish is put out on the day of collection before 7am as advised by CBC.  Identifiable names and addresses from any such litter will be passed on to the Zone Wardens.  Bag hoops were requested for assisting with litter picking by our Peldon volunteers.  The fingerpost at the Old Kings Head junction needs to be reinstated very soon in a bid to prevent more accidents happening there.  Anyone can report highways defects on the ECC website www.essex.gov.uk ‘Report a highway problem’ or for an emergency problem ring 0845 603 7631.

Enquiries were made about the opening of a footpath in Peldon and we are advised that it will be sometime in the future when hedges have grown up.  It was reported that horse riding had taken place on this footpath but this should not have happened. The footpath in question will be brought up at the next Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way meeting.

The Parish Council gives its full backing and support to the new Peldon Village Hall plans and submits them to CBC.  John proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed except Phil and Jinny who declared an interest and took no part in the decision.

Thanks were expressed to Robert for all his help and work on the village hall site in readiness for the new building, who in turn expressed that it was a good team effort.

The hedge fronting Peldon Farm houses will be managed to keep it in good order.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny as members of the Wigboroughs Village Hall Management Committee.

1. Salcott Flooding: Phone calls have taken place between the PC and Environment Agency and with information to be collated EA will be in touch in due course for the next stage of action.  

2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields: No report from Peldon but this will be chased up. The basketball pad at Salcott is cracked and will be addressed shortly. The annual inspection will be taking place soon and will include the new equipment. 

3. Affordable Housing: It was agreed that it was a too early for another survey to be carried out now and we will revisit the matter in a few years’ time with a possible survey that suits our particular villages. RCCE will be contacted accordingly.

4. Footpaths in Peldon: We are receiving ECC assistance with surfacing footpath 13 (Church Road to St Ives Road) and the Moss Hay footpath will also be addressed in the near future.

5. Speed Watch in Peldon: Is still taking place for possible useful data.

6. Co-opting a Peldon Councillor: We have received interest from one person, Liz Davidson, who will be gladly welcomed and co-opted onto the parish council at the May meeting.

7. Abberton Reservoir: Completion work still takes place behind the scenes. The Grand Opening is in June when Sir David Attenborough will be the opening guest.

8. Broadband: More are being connected and the launch at Salcott and Virley will follow soon.

9. Actions and Reminders List: Updated and to include that owing to unforeseen circumstances an alternative internal auditor will be sought this year.


1. Salcott resident phone call on various issues was noted but a letter is required for matters to be considered for any further action.

Planning Applications

150358 Proposal: Gable to existing roof side elevation to improve feasibility loft area enlarging bedroom slightly at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
150625 Proposal: Removal of 3 no. existing barns/piggeries and hard standing to be replaced with a re-sited proposed feed and storage barn at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

Planning Decisions:

150112 Proposal: Demolition of existing ground floor extension. Erection of two storey rear extension and first floor side extension at 6 Peldon Crescent, Mersea Road, PeldonApprove conditional
146271 (& 150092 Listed Building application) Proposal: Installation of 3KW solar photo voltaic system 2 rows of 6 panels located on inner west and inner east facing pitches of a M roof at Malting Cottage, Malting Road, PeldonApprove conditional
150363 Proposal: 2 storey extension to provide ground WC utility and study, first floor bedroom and ensuite. Demolition of existing garage and external WC at 2 Sharlands Row, The Street, SalcottApprove conditional
146351 Proposal: Erection of detached two and a half storey dwelling with all habitable accommodation at first and second floor levels at Salcot Cottages, The Street, SalcottApprove conditional


101824 R S Pullen – April salary£375.65
101825 R S Pullen – office expenses- heat light, etc£250.00
101826 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101827 CALC – annual subs£35.00
101828 T Simmons – play insp, grass cut, Peldon hedge planting£135.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 12th May 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall which will also be the Annual Assembly Meeting
