PC Minutes 11th April 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th April 2017

Present: Nicky Ellis, Bob Holmes, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Netty Knill-Jones, John Walker, Kevin Bentley, 2 Zone Wardens, 5 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Robert Kean, Liz Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Unfortunately there are still many vehicles speeding through Peldon. There have been successful prosecutions of fly tipping culprits and litter louts.  For up to 3 bags of rubbish dumped an instant fixed penalty of £100 can be issues and dog fouling will also shortly incur a fixed penalty of £100..

County and Borough Councillor Report: The options consultations for improvements to the A120 and A12 have now ended and all the data is being thoroughly assessed and answers will be arrived at during the summer for funding the work during 2020-2025.

The newly installed VAS at Peldon is to be checked by engineers to see if it is working correctly. Over signage on a Wigborough corner junction will be looked into. The Salcott crossroads broken manhole cover is being pursued. The next round of Locality Budget is up for grabs and the missing Salcott sign is a possibility for its use.

Public-Have Your Say: The planning application for a children’s nursery in Lower Road, Peldon was discussed at length and the parish council’s reply to CBC Planning was questioned for the lack of comments with regard to parking and highways concerns which we will add if the application is not called in for CBC Planning Committee to consider. The parish council is aware that ECC Highways always gives careful consideration to applications that are appropriate for their approval hence its omission in this instance.     Oil is sometimes left on the road after the refuse lorries have been which will be reported for investigation.

Declarations of Interest: Bob for Essex Wildlife Trust

  1. Changes to the Waste Collection Service – CBC Zone Warden explained all the forthcoming changes beginning in June:
    • Black bags/sacks will have to be paid for by the householder
    • Only 3 black bags per household will be collected fortnightly
    • Food waste will be collected weekly
    • Collection of all other refuse will not be changed ie. alternate weeks for various
    • Clear sacks are free and the next delivery of them to households will be in May
    • Garden waste bags are also free
    • An extra green box per household is available so glass and tins can be separated
    • A visit from a Zone Warden to households to discuss recycling is thought to be useful if they think that just the collection of 3 black bags per fortnight will prove difficult to achieve.
    • Collection and purchase of recycling bags and green boxes can be obtained from Abberton and Langenhoe Village Hall the first Tuesday of each month or Layer de la Haye Village Hall the last Tuesday of each month between 9 and 11am
    • All recycling and refuse details are on the CBC website www.colchester.gov.uk and click on Recycling and Rubbish.
  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order
  2. Virley Brook Flood Modelling Study – the Parish Council would like to remind all residents that it is an offence to dump garden waste or any other rubbish in the Salcott creek and if it causes flooding they could be held responsible.
  3. Parish Council Communications discussion – Our website was originally designed when few other groups had their own websites. It was felt that it is time to re-consider its original purpose and perhaps update its appearance.  The role of Facebook as a communications vehicle to be considered as well.  It was emphasized that reciprocal linking arrangements with other websites should be maximised.  Councillors once again expressed their appreciation of the excellent support service supplied by David Kingaby.  All councillors to look at other Parish Council websites to guide future discussion.  The e-mail service was seen as a continuing asset.  Following on from the planning discussion in Public Have Your Say it was agreed that notifications of planning applications would in future be announced via the e-mail service and on the Winstred Eye Facebook page.
  4. CBC Planning Skills Training and Clerk’s Information Session – Planning Training was not reported on owing to absence. Clerk’s Session was about election procedures which we follow correctly now.
  5. To note updates to PC’s Register of Members Interests – Phil Gladwin and Lynne Simmons have updated their register and there is a link on our website to the CBC website where these can all be viewed.
  6. Actions and Reminder List – updated including a summary of the year’s finances from Bob for which thanks were expressed.

Planning Decisions:

163198 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and alterations to ground floor. Provision of new window to west elevation of lounge at Plovers, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve Conditional


101920 T J Simmons-play insp, grass cuts, fence erection, notice board repairs£1,235.00
101921 Essex Wildlife Trust – meeting room hire£96.00
101922 R S Pullen – clerk’s office expenses – light, heat, etc£250.00
101923 R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – April£426.82

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th May 2017 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough which will also commence with the Annual Parish Assembly Meeting.  
