Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 10th March 2020
Present: Clare Lauwerys, Liz Davidson, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin (chair), Wendy Ritherdon, Nett Knill Jones, John Walker, Kevin Bentley
Apologies for absence: Dave Taylor, Robert Kean
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Zone Warden Report: Nothing to report
County and Borough Councillor Report: Essex County Council has been discussing Coronavirus and also with contact from the Director of Public Health and now has in place contingency plans for as many eventualities as possible at this stage.
The recent weather, with abnormal amounts of rain fall, has caused havoc with road surfaces and subsequent repair work but all will be addressed as soon as possible and with the probability of extra money from the government to deal with this major problem work will get carried out much quicker.
Besides the Borough Councillor Locality Budget funds, County Councillors will also have a pot of money to spend on appropriate projects in their towns and villages.
Public-Have Your Say: Letters will be sent out about dog noise nuisance and CBC will carry out a 28-day observation to gauge the extent of the problem.
The Salcott-cum-Virley sign that has been missing for years will be looked at again for the possibility of acquiring a new one.
Visibility leaving School Lane, Great Wigborough at both ends has been questioned for safety, Highways will be approached for an inspection of the sites.
ECC land at Great Wigborough and poor broadband were also discussed and replies will be sent accordingly.
Declarations of Interest: None
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order with some minor outstanding work to be carried out in better weather. An overgrown tree on Moss Hay has been addressed. Quotes for cutting the grass at Moss Hay this year were discussed and Phil proposed, John seconded and all agreed for a contractor which will be supporting a local business who is also the cheapest.
The Community Workers will address ditches and a footpath in the better weather. - Flooding at Salcott – the area around the crossroads has been inspected by ECC Highways and deemed not to be any worse than many others in the present climate but certain properties will be looked into for possible work needed on their roadside ditch or pipework.
- Salcott & Virley Telephone Box – at the final count from the leaflet drop asking residents for their preference with regard to the future of this box, 20 would like it moved to the field and have in it a book swap and/or information hub, 8 requested it remains where it is and one requested selling it. Wendy proposed, Netty seconded and all agreed to support the clear majority and move it to the field. The next steps will be taken with consideration to all aspects of the project.
- Great Wigborough Bus Shelter – thanks were expressed to Barry for carrying out necessary and immediate repairs to the roof of this shelter. Little Wigboroughs bus shelter roof will be inspected for its condition as we have felt in hand.
- CBC Free Tree Give-away and Woodland Project – in support of this project 50 trees have now been planted at the roadside at a farm in Great Wigborough.
- Great British Spring Clean – this year’s event is running from 20th March to 13th April and any residents are welcome to organize a litter pick which can be assisted by CBC with equipment and assistance.
New Bin – a new bin has been bought with Borough Councillor Locality Budget funds and installed to encourage dog walkers to put their bags in it and not throw them into hedges and fields. On further consideration this bin will be moved to a more suitable place to be visible from all footpaths. - Actions and Reminder List – updated
Planning Applications:
200302 | Proposal: Class PA light industrial to dwelling house at Pantiles, Peldon Road, Abberton |
193057 | Proposal: Erection of single dwelling and garage. Amended scheme previously approved under 182272 at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott |
Planning decision:
193124 | Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 162818 (appearance, landscaping, scale) at Pantiles, Peldon Road, Abberton – Approve conditional |
102067 | Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. – zip wire seat | £85.56 |
102068 | WM Tree Services Ltd. – trim up shrubs on Moss Hay | £120.00 |
102069 | R S Pullen – Clerk’s salary – March | £455.14 |
102070 | Barry J Gooding – Great Wig bus shelter roof repairs | £79.78 |
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th April 2020 at 7.30 pm at Salcott Village Hall