Winstred Hundred PC Agenda – 14th March 2023


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held in the meeting room at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall on Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:
To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 14th February 2023
County and City Councillor Reports:
Public-Have Your Say:
Declarations of Interest:

Items for Discussion

1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields

Reports on both fields and playgrounds

  • Decision required: Anything that needs attention?

2. Website update

Suggestions for future design, format etc. to be discussed.

3. Affordable Rural Housing

Discuss RCCE quotation and how we should proceed.

4. S106 Review

Discuss and confirm our list of infrastructure requests to forward to CCC Planning department to take into account for this review.

5. Salcott crossroads bus shelter

Discuss quote received for tidy up and paint work.

6. Civility and Respect Pledge

Should we sign up as requested by NALC & SLCC?

7. Roadworks and signage

Utilities companies and highways re recent events.

8. Actions and reminder List – update

Planning Applications:

230255Proposal: To remove various hedgerows in near-by villages – the parish council has no objections but requested sympathetic replacements
230286Proposal: Conversion of old cart shed outbuilding to accommodate vehicle storage, including change of use of paddock area to orchard at South Barn, Green Farm, The Street, Salcott – the parish council has no objections
220612Appeal Lodged for refusal for prior approval for the conversion of 2 former agricultural livestock and shortage buildings into 3 dwellings at Nightingale Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough

Payments for March:

Kevin Harris – painting Wigs bus shelters (paid as per quotation)£375.00
Mrs V J Scott – Moss Hay inspections£360.00
R S Pullen – March salary£550.00
R S Pullen – expenses (petrol, ink, chain, magnets, concrete, etc)£254.07

 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th April 2023 at 7.30pm, at Salcott Village Hall
