PC Minutes 13th April 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council  held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th April 2010.

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Sam Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, Kevin Bradshaw, Kevin Bentley, Terry Sutton, Police Officer Mel Wilson and 3 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting: were agreed and signed by the chairman with the correction to ‘brown field sites’ at the end of County Councillor’s section.

Borough Councillors: The meeting to be arranged with ECC Highways, Anglian Water Authority, Borough and Parish Councillors on the matter of Salcott flooding will probably be in July. With regard to ditches and drains etc. who owns what or and is responsible for needs to be clarified.

Temporary pothole repairs are starting to fall out but permanent ones are gradually being done.

Certain areas such as the top end of School Lane need serious attention.

The reservoir expansion is keeping pretty much to plan with a couple of minor hiccups that have been addressed, a footpath in Layer was blocked and works vehicles had driven through Birch, contrary to the Traffic Management Plan.

The latest appeal of the refusal of a planning application for Bellwood is to be heard in the near future.

Two missing road signs near Salcott crossroads will be dealt with.

Terry Sutton, the new Conservative candidate for Pyefleet was introduced to us as Robert Davidson is standing down.

Police Report: 3 crime incidents took place, Farm Watch is in operation and speed checks are taking place in various locations.  More training with use of a speed gun will be taking place.  Police numbers for reporting crimes or suspicious behaviour 999 for emergencies only, 0300 333 4444 or local police mobile 07966 197404.

The accident that took place in Church Road, Peldon where a car drove into a house and a parked vehicle opposite which may have contributed to this occurrence is being dealt with. The incident of an unsavoury character in a tractor is also being dealt with.

Public – Have Your Say: Butchers View footpath has been driven along, possibly by a 4×4, has made a mess. A lockable post will be fitted at the St Ives Road end to prevent this from happening again.  Great Wigborough Church sign has fallen down and will be mended.

Declarations of Interest: Jinny and Phil with item 12.

  1. Parish Council Elections – there will be an election for Peldon as more people applied than there are places, Virley will be advertised again as there are no candidates, Salcott and the Wigboroughs have one each which is acceptable.  We are unhappy that the parish council elections will be held 3 weeks after the general and borough elections from a cost and people turning out to vote point of view, but it is government policy.  Jinny thanked Robert, Sam and Kevin who are standing down and expressed our gratitude for their efforts and knowledge, in Robert’s case, for many years.  They will be missed by us all.
    CBC is considering having Whole Council Elections starting next year which would bring in line all parish and borough elections together that will be carried out every 4 years.  We are all in agreement with this.
  2. CALC – report from meeting to be circulated amongst us.
  3. Abberton Reservoir and Essex Wildlife Trust – nothing further to add.
  4. Town and Parish Grant Scheme – we received £2000 towards a new basket ball pad at Peldon.  Quotes and further funding will be sort and discussed at the next meeting.
  5. BTCV – works at Moss Hay has been completed and most of the rubbish taken away.
  6. Playgrounds – outstanding repairs and maintenance at Peldon will be carried out shortly, the annual inspection will follow. Drainage from the play area to the ditch next to the footpath was suggested and this will be investigated.  The Salcott equipment needs painting, the cost of which will be presented in due course.
  7. Peldon Festival – it is hoped that the playground will be looking smart and the footpath improvements completed, and also that Peldon parish councillors will be in attendance.
  8. Flooding – forthcoming meeting mentioned earlier. Water Awareness Session to be advertised which will be on Tuesday 27th April 2010 at 7.30pm in Salcott Village Hall
  9. Life belt for Salcott creek – an additional one has been bought, Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to accept Terry’s price for erecting this which will be done soon.
  10. Salcott bus shelter – ways to improve it for use in bad weather was discussed and a design and costing will be presented which will then have to be agreed by ECC Highways Dept.
  11. Adoption of Salcott & Wigborough telephone boxes is being carried out with a view to sell the Wigborough box after, which will be advertised for anyone interested.
  12. Wigborough Village Hall – a meeting is to be arranged to suit all those interested in this matter.
  13. Strategic Land Acquisition in Peldon – the land in question, that’s known as the ‘triangle’, is not for sale and the parish council does not have money for this kind of project but after consulting our VDS questionnaire replies it may be that we seek help from CBC to acquire some sort of protection order for this land to preserve its natural status.
  14. Theatre Tickets donated by the Water Board for the Mercury Theatre may be used as prizes for filling in our forthcoming Affordable Housing questionnaire.
  15. CBC – Colchester’s Annual Spring Clean 19 April-2 May 2010 – Peldon and Salcott have volunteers for litter picking for which we are very grateful.  Other areas, such as near the Old Kings Head, need attention and anybody volunteering would be given the appropriate equipment include visibility jacket.
  16. Annual Report and distribution to be discussed with Bill.  Due to the postponed parish council elections this will be a month later than last year.
  17. Website is up and running with improvements and additions constantly being made.
  18. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – updated.


100427 Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey garage and extension to chalet bungalow to provide extra bedroom and living space 1 ½ storey extension at Rowans, Peldon

100458 Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension at Leeward, Church Road, Peldon

100503 Proposal: For the erection of a one bay timber framed car port with small log store/shelter to rear of the construction. Timber frame to be open on two sides with one number weatherboard to the side and back delineating the log store. Existing dilapidated post-war garage to be demolished and removed from the site before car port can be constructed at Cobb Cottage, The Street, Salcott

100639 Proposal: Convert loft of detached bungalow by replacing existing trusses in order to create two bedrooms with sanitary accommodation. Addition of front porch, re-position garage doors at Longacre, School Lane, Great Wigborough

Planning Decisions:

091446 Proposal: Repairs and improvements at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon  –  Consent Granted

100161 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 072151 at HOS Plant Ltd. St Ives Road, Peldon will be considered by CBC Planning Committee in the Town Hall at 6pm on 15th April 2010.


101533 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fees for April                                                           £353.53

101534 R S Pullen  –  office use (heat, light, etc.)                                               £250.00

101535 R S Pullen  –  clerk’s expenses (paper, ink, postage, etc.)                          £194.33

101536 EALC  –  annual subs (including NALC)                                                     £267.21

101537 B T Payphones  –  adoption of Salcott and Wigborough boxes                       £2.00

101538 BTCV  –  clearance work at Moss Hay                                                      £411.25

101539 T Simmons  –  2 x cuts of Salcott meadow and 1 play area insp.                 £110.00

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 11th May 2010 7.30pm


PC Minutes 9th March 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th March 2010.

Present: Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers and 12 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Robert Davidson

Minutes of the last meeting: with the alterations of (Borough Councillors’ section) Helping Businesses Scheme should be Banking on Essex and ‘12 post offices have been reopened’ should be 10 and ‘it is hoped to reach 36’ should be 30, were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Potholes are being attended to but this will take time as there are so many that need attention.

Flooding is a major issue, especially after the heavy rainfall we had a week or so ago. Mill Lane in Virley was completely cut off until the water subsided.  A sit down meeting is to be arranged with Borough Councillors, Parish Councillors, ECC Highways Department and hopefully the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Transportation to talk in depth of all the problems associated with flooding at Salcott in several areas. Properly qualified people are needed to decide on what action needs to be taken as small fixes here and there can just direct the problem to another area.  It is hoped that solutions can not only be agreed upon but implemented in the foreseeable future. In the mean time signage would seem appropriate at the Salcott crossroads when the water is of any significant depth. This will be looked into.

Earth moving equipment will be coming to the reservoir site in the near future.

County Councillor: The water table is high and the ground cannot absorb all the rain that we are getting now. Ditches need to be maintained and the practice of concreting over ditches and paving front gardens is being discouraged.

In future Highways Engineers are to be members of the Planning Committee and so will be there helping make the decisions rather than being consulted as outside experts.

Pubs are closing at an alarming rate and with the closure of post offices, shops etc. the rural communities are struggling.

Rural broadband trials are taking place to increase decent coverage.

Essex has the lowest council tax increase keeping it below inflation rate of pensions.

More houses are needed and brown field sites will run out in this area.

Public – Have Your Say: Concerns about the flooding in Salcott was expressed by many.  Suggestions were made about ways to improve matters which will be taken on board when the meeting organised by the Borough Councillors takes place. It was explained that the Environmental Agency has been consulted and met by the parish council without a solution being made.  The parish council has also met, many times, with CBC and ECC officers to try and resolve this ongoing problem.  Certain measures have been carried out to date but obviously not sufficient and hopefully the forthcoming meeting will go much further to a conclusion if, in fact, one is possible.

The Salcott crossroads bus shelter is not adequate for protection in any kind of bad weather. ECC Highways had a great deal to do with the site and style of the bus shelter  but we will look into this to see if anything can be done about it.

Declarations of Interest: Phil and Jinny with regard to items 7 & 8.

Items for Discussion

  1. CALC meeting on March 15th will be attended, but nobody felt able to give more time to nominate themselves for the Grant Decisions and Standards Board panels.
  2. Parish Council elections – new people are encouraged to apply as new blood is always a good idea. If our parish council places are contested and an election is needed it will be later on in May if the general election is definitely on May 6th.
  3. Flooding discussed earlier.  Also we have organised a Water Awareness Session on 27th April at 7.30pm to be held in Salcott Village Hall. This will be held by CBC Emergency Planning Officer and it is to explain ways in which all property owners can help themselves in dealing with floods etc. Everyone is encouraged and welcome to attend.
  4. Peldon Festival – the Mayor will be attending to open the festival and it is hoped that our revamped play area on Moss Hay can also be opened that day subject to certain works having been carried out in time.  The footpath work and removal of metal rubbish will be followed up.
  5. BTCV work on Moss Hay – 28th and 31st March. Gate and village hall will be opened for this work.
  6. Playgrounds – new parts have been fitted at Moss Hay playground.  More work is needed which is being dealt with.
  7. Salcott phone box – Lynne proposed, Frances seconded and a majority agreed for us to adopt Salcott telephone box situated at the end of Mill Lane.  Adoption of the Great Wigborough box was discussed further having received an inquiry for buying it from us if we decide to adopt it. Suggestions were that any profit made could possibly be included in Wigborough Village Hall funds.
  8. Wigborough Village Hall – a meeting will take place to talk about a way forward with this project as most of the people who had expressed an interest have replied to the letter explaining matters further.
  9. Village Design Statement – smaller groups are assembling different sections of this increasing complicated project.  Initially we were told that this can take two or three years to complete which we can understand why now.
  10. Youths on bikes around Peldon on the pavement and Moss Hay was reported to us as a nuisance which we then reported to the Police, who for such instances, can be reached on 07966 197265. Also we have a number for the Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) hotline 01206 505860.
  11. Affordable Housing – a questionnaire and letter will be delivered to everyone in our villages but not for a couple of months as the RCCE Housing Enabler is busy for the time being.
  12. Communications Committee – met for an IT presentation from which those attended learnt a great deal. Our website is up and running www.winstred100.org but it is very early days yet, some things need correcting and others added but with enormous thanks to Jinny for liaising with our website designer we have made a good start. Local groups may wish to add events, etc. so please do contact us if this is the case.  Next month we will discuss how to go about our Annual Report for this last year.


091446 Proposal: Repairs and improvements at Moor Farm, Colchester Road, Peldon

100161 Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 072151 at HOS Plant Ltd. St Ives Farm, Peldon

Notice of Planning Decisions:

100059 Proposal: Removal of existing flat roof to garage, increase in eaves height and replacement with new pitched roof to match adjacent at Marshlands, The Street, Salcott  –  Permission Granted

091655 Proposal: Single storey oak framed orangery extension and replacement of existing windows to north elevation at New Hall Farm, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough,  –  Permission Refused.

091659 as above for listed building application  –  Consent Refused

Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for existing use of agricultural land as domestic garden and amenity area for the benefit of domestic dwelling at Greenways, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough


090342 Against refusal of planning permission for proposal of application for temporary use of mobile home as monitoring accommodation for free range chicken unit, siting 3 mobile chicken house, erection of tractor shelter, brood and feed shed at Bellwood, Colchester Road Great Wigborough  DTLR Appeal Ref: A1530/A/10/2120721


101528 RCCE – Community Led Planning Support for our VDS                                        £115.00

101529 Lappset – leg and metal foot for play equipment                                               £118.68

101530 R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for March                                                                     £353.53

101531 T Simmons – play area inspection for Salcott                                                       £30.00

101532 David Allen – IT training and presentation                                                          £60.00

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues April 13th 2010 at 7.30pm.


PC Minutes 9th February 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9th February 2010.

Present: Frances Fergus, Jane Banks, Nicky Ellis, Robert Davidson, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Lynne Simmons, Kevin Bradshaw, Sam Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley and 3 public

Apologies for absence: Andrew Ellis

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Peter Martin is the new leader of the County Council. The forthcoming budget has been decided and our council tax is to rise by 1.9% which works out to 38p a week per household.

Bad pot holes have been attended to quickly after being reported, less urgent ones are placed on a list and will be dealt with in due course.  Owing to the bad weather there are many.

There is a new pilot scheme in this area beginning in April offering 5 to 19 year olds half price bus fares.

Helping Businesses Scheme is working well with lending money to help with cash flow for small businesses.

Apprenticeship Scheme is also working well to help train young people in certain skills getting them ready for work.

So far 12 post offices have been reopened and this figure is hoped to reach 36 in 3 years time.

More trees are to be taken down along Layer Road with the reservoir expansion scheme.

Certain planning matters will be chased up and looked into.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Police Report: To assist us with our campaign on speeding through our villages the Police will be using speed guns in the near future.

  1. Affordable Housing – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to go ahead with a needs assessment survey/questionnaire working with the Rural Community Council of Essex who will analyse the survey and establish the need for each of our villages individually.  The covering letter will be jointly from RCCE and the parish council.
  2. VDS questionnaire summary is being separated into the different villages and all comments included.  The VDS will also include a brief history of each village which certain residents from each village are working on for us now.
  3. Salcott red phone boxes – costs have been found and more are needed such as insurance.  A survey will be carried out in Salcott and Virley to ask if people want to keep the phone box as the actual telephone will be removed. Suggestions for use if adopted by the parish council will also be asked.
  4. Wigborough Village Hall – a letter will be sent out to all those that showed an interest, in the required time, in being involved in the future of the village hall.
  5. Emergency Planning Meeting – water awareness was the main topic which covered matters such as areas prone to flooding, excess of water anywhere and available DIY gear for householders in dealing with the problem.  It was decided that it would be a good idea for CBC Emergency Planning Officer, Paul Walker to give a presentation in Salcott Village Hall that will be advertised well beforehand.
  6. Play areas – Peldon equipment repairs have been carried out and a new see-saw installed.  The playground is open for use but the bark is churned up and muddy from the work being carried out and this will be addressed when the ground has dried out.
  7. Basket ball pad quotations have been obtained.  It will be fairly expensive for a good job, therefore we will wait to hear if we are successful with a grant application before making any decisions.
  8. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – updated.
    BTCV are coming on 28th and 31st March to carry out the clearance work on Moss Hay.  Everybody is welcome to join in and should contact the clerk with names to ensure enough tools and refreshments are brought along by BTCV.
    Elections for our Parish Council are in May this year and if anybody is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor they should look for details on the notice boards at the end of March.


100059 Proposal: Removal of existing flat roof to garage, increase in eaves height and replacement with new pitched roof to match adjacent at Marshlands, The Street, Salcott

100063 Proposal: Agricultural building to house livestock pens and feed hay-straw winter storage occasional livestock use at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

Notice of Planning Decisions:-

091543 Proposal: Two storey side extension at Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – Permission Refused


101524  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for February                                                               £353.53

101525  Lappset  –  Peldon play equipment repairs and new see-saw                             £4410.96

101526  Salcott Village Hall  –  hire                                                                              £150.00

101527  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                                   £30.00

The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 9th March 2010 at 7.30pm.

Our Parish Councillors are up for election this year and anyone interested in becoming a Parish Councillor should look for details on the notice boards at the end of March.

BTCV is carrying out clearance work on Moss Hay on 28th and 31st March and anyone can join in. To ensure there are enough tools and refreshments please phone the clerk with names.


PC Minutes 12th January 2010


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th January 2010.

Present: Kevin Bradshaw, Lynne Simmons, Robert Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale, Nicky Ellis, Jane Banks, Frances Fergus, Kevin Bentley, Moira Groborz, Rural Housing Enabler and 6 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Sam Knill Jones

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the chairman

Borough Councillors: Some salt bins had not been filled up when they should have but this was soon rectified.  Gritting has been carried out efficiently (missing one day) and the majority of the main roads in Essex have been kept open. Barnhall Road continues to be omitted from the gritting list which will be pursued yet again. For safety reasons for the bin men the waste collection in parts of our area was missed once.

We now have a Roving Street Warden to address matters such as graffiti, fly tipping etc. but he does cover a very wide area.

The proposed new nuclear power station at Bradwell should be given careful consideration by us all.

Abberton Reservoir traffic plan seems to be taking shape with liaison meetings with the site project manager.  There will be a complaints helpline for when work begins.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Items for Discussion

  1. Affordable Housing Enabler, Moira Groborz answered in-depth questions from the parish council which gave a better understanding of the detail of the process and leaving us with a sample questionnaire to study and consider for a more informed decision at the next meeting.
  2. VDS questionnaire summary is proving more complicated than first thought but will be completed in the near future.
  3. Red phone boxes – Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed not to adopt the Great Wigborough phone box.  Lynne made a proposal to keep the Salcott box and so will find out more about the electrical or disconnection and maintenance costs for an informed decision at the next meeting.
  4. Wigborough Village Hall – 9 people have expressed an interested in being either a Trustee or Committee Member and will be written to suggesting that all are involved which may mean changing the conditions slightly.
  5. Courier and parish magazine – we had been approached suggesting we put our draft minutes in the Courier at no cost, which is delivered to nearly all Peldon and the Wigboroughs now, instead of in our Parish magazine. But we decided against this wishing to keep supporting our local publication. A summary of the draft minutes may be printed in the Courier as well. We will also keep adding pieces of interest or information in the Parish Magazines when the occasions arise. Salcott remains the same, with our draft minutes entered in the Tollesbury magazine which Salcott residents receive.
  6. CALC have requested a seat on the Planning Sub-Committee but there is no such body. The Planning Committee membership has nothing to do with geography, ie where they live, but are thoroughly trained to know the planning laws and procedures.
  7. Planning Training was attended by councillors who had missed it previously.  It is a very long, interesting and fact filled session. The enforcement section will come at a later date.
  8. Play areas – Peldon repairs are being carried out at present subject to the weather, the fence posts at Salcott are to be replaced in the near future. Quotes for repairing the basket ball pad at Peldon are being acquired.
  9. Budget and Precept for 2010/11 was discussed in detail, Phil proposed, Robert seconded and all agreed to leave our precept/grant for the forthcoming year the same as last year.  CBC’s contribution also remaining the same.
  10. Request for another salt box in Salcott at the far end of The Street was put forward by residents. Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for a request to be made to CBC suggesting that emergency vehicles use this turning area and so a salt box is necessary but failing that the parish council would pay for the box.
  11. Salcott Village sign – is in need of repainting and the post oiled. Lynne proposed, Kevin seconded and all agreed for this to be carried out.
  12. Bradwell – EDF proposed new nuclear power station – there will be a formal consultation period in the summer 2010 after findings for GDA (Generic Design Assessment).
  13. Rolling Actions and Reminders List will be updated for the next meeting.


091543 Proposal: Two storey side extension at 2 Fourreleet Cottages, Whitehouse Hill, Salcott

091655 Proposal: Single storey oak framed orangery extension and replacement of existing windows to north elevation at New Hall Farm, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough

100008 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for existing use of agricultural land as domestic garden and amenity area for the benefit of domestic dwelling at Greenways, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough


101520  St Mary the Virgin, Peldon  –  parish magazine entry                                       £150.00

101521  R S Pullen  –  clerk’s fee for January                                                             £353.53

101522  Peldon Village Hall  –  hire of hall                                                                  £160.00

101523  T Simmons  –  play area inspection                                                                £30.00

Please note the Police can be contacted for non emergency situations on 07966 197265

The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tuesday 9th Feb 2010 at 7.30pm.
