Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall meeting room on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Roger Pittock, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Netty Knill Jones, Liz Davidson, Rober Davidson, City Cllr Andrew Ellis
Apologies for absence: Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, City Cllr Martin Parsons, County and City Cllr Kevin Bentley
The minutes of June 2024 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
City Councillor Report: Enforcement matters are being addressed. Locality and S106 funds are available for suitable projects. Matters from the public comments below will be looked into.
Public-Have Your Say: A Salcott resident has complained about the buses that travel past Salcott crossroads and into Colchester being cancelled and with no warning as this resident does not have internet access. A parish councillor has offered to help with notification from the internet when possible.
There had also been a complaint about very smelly and smoky bonfires. Therefore, we request that residents who have bonfires show consideration to their neighbours.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Robert Davidson
Apologies for absence: Roger Pittock, Liz Davidson, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis
The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were confirmed and agreed by all and signed by the chairman.
City Councillor Report: CCC budget meeting is at the end of the month and an increase of 3% to the council tax is expected. Colchester Trees for Years programme has returned and all residents can have up to 4 per household and pick them up from Tiptree Leisure World on 17th Feb, Colchester Sports Park on 26th Feb, Colchester Leisure World on 29th Feb and Marks Tey Village Hall on 1st March. The new CCC Local Plan is being collated which, when completed, will last up to 2041, consultations and a call for development sites will follow in due course.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall, meeting room on Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Robert Davidson, LizDavidson, Roger Pittock, Cathrine Sprott, Clare Lauwerys, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Kevin Bentley
Apologies for absence: Netty Knill Jones, Andrew Ellis
The minutes of the December 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
County Councillor Report: ECC are proposing to increase the council tax by 4.99%, (2% of which is for social care). Children’s care is expensive as the price suppliers can charge is unregulated, unlike in adult social care.
The school transport provision is down to national policy and ECC is speaking with the Dept of Education so a fairer method of deciding who is eligible for free school transport can be established.
Highways budget will also be increased to help tackle the poor condition of the roads.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 12th December 2023 at 7.30pm.
Present: Phil Gladwin, Roger Pittock, Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Liz Davidson, Robert Davidson
Apologies for absence: Catherine Sprott, Netty Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis
The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
City Councillor Report: The last free collection of garden waste is next week and then will be collected in January under the new paying scheme with resident purchased bins, see Colchester City Council website for more details.
All Colchester council staff are to receive a salary rise adding further financial pressure.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall, meeting room on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: Roger Pittock, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), John Walker, Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Liz Davidson, Robert Davidson
CCs: Andrew Ellis, Carl Powling
Apologies for absence: Clare Lauwerys, Kevin Bentley
The minutes of the September 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
City Councillor Reports: S106 monies is available for suitable projects.
Garden Waste – the freeservice is ending on 18th December and residents who wish to continue having collections need to join a new scheme which involves paying £35 per bin, up to a maximum of four bins per household, as a once off start-up fee and thereafter £55 per year for the service to continue. The service will be free for the first three months after joining and the joining fee (but not the annual service fee) will be waived for those receiving Local Council tax Support at the time of applying to join. Go to CCC website for more details.
Public-Have Your Say: Overgrown vegetation at Salcott crossroads was mentioned and advised that it is hoped CCC will be verge cutting in due course as per normal and or local farmers may assist when not so busy with ploughing etc.
Declarations of Interest: None
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order and small jobs have and will be attended to.
Affordable Housing Survey – having agreed their text we will get this moving forward with RCCE with deadlines to be decided.
St Nicholas Church – the proposals were agreed by all but we will add that access to the graveyard by all family and friends of those buried there should be included.
CCC Planning Session- report following attendance was given plus slides from CCC. The PC will look into adopting the independent planning literature supplied by Planning Jungle Ltd ( as a simpler way of keeping abreast of planning changes.
Actions and Reminder List – updated, Mill Lane bus shelter is in the hands of our insurers for replacement. A footpath in Peldon has been dealt with thanks to an adjacent land owner and will also be attended to by ECC in due course. We continue to be indebted to Eric Coan for maintaining the grass on the Peldon triangle, in what has been a difficult year for farmers weather wise.
Planning Applications:
Proposal: Garage conversion at Chubbins, Church Road, Peldon
Proposal: Enhancement of area at field at Old Hall Marshes, RSPB
Enforcement Appeal 098467
against decision re vehicle access breach at The Lilacs, Wigborough Road, Peldon
Proposal: Single storey outbuilding at Hillside Farm, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough
Proposal: Demolition of existing structure and the erection of an ancillary annexe at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
Appeal Ref: APP/A1530/W /22/3309924
at Nightingale Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Dismissed
Proposal: Additional storey to existing bungalow at rear of property at North View, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Demolition of agricultural building and erection of replacement at Little Doves Day Nursery, Lower Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Erection of a replacement purpose built commercial building at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Erection of 3-bay garage at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve conditional
Finances: scheduled October payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – October
Tree & Lawn Co. – Salcott grass cut
PKF Littlejohn LLP – audit
Tree & Lawn Co. – Salcott grass cut
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th November 2023 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.30pm.
Present: Robert Davidson, Roger Pittock, Netty Knill Jones, Clare Lauwerys, Liz Davidson, Jinny Gale (chair), Kevin Bentley and 4 members of the public
Apologies for absence: Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, John Walker
The minutes of the July 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
County Councillor Report: Essex County Council is reassessing its waste strategy; collections, disposals etc are to be streamlined, information on the matter is on ECC website. Inspections for RAAC in schools and other public buildings have taken place and only one school, two libraries and a car park have had to be closed for the necessary work to take place.
City Councillor Report: Colchester City Council is struggling financially and certain services will need to be cut or reduced. Clear plastic sacks are out for delivery now.
Public-Have Your Say: There was a complaint about the untidiness of the green triangle at Peldon which will be followed up accordingly. Item 1 below was discussed at length.
Declarations of Interest: Robert and Liz Davidson for planning application 231889 and Roger Pittock for 231470.
Salcott Speed Meeting was organised and attended by Salcott and Virley residents. It was established that certain sections of The Street were suffering from speeding vehicles and the lack of pavements, narrow sections and parked cars made it very difficult to walk along there safely. Suggestions from the parish council were sought and ideas to help the situation were discussed and a suggestion of setting up a meeting in the village hall with a County or City Councillor to establish what can or cannot be achieved would be a good start. Also, the Turf Farm will be consulted for their assistance as garden businesses picking up turf in the mornings are thought to be one of the problems.
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order, missing caps on a play item were fitted and rust on a pedal of the rower will be attended to.Thanks were expressed to Rob for strimming round the Peldon playground area.
RCCE Affordable Housing Survey, accompanying letter and publication article; we agreed to proceed with finalising the details of the various pieces of text and arranging dates with RCCE.
Actions and Reminder List – updated and to note Little Wigborough village sign is being repainted having been dried out and repaired; following a meeting with ECC Highways a survey on speeding through Great Wigborough will be carried out which will determine if lengthening the 30 mph limit section is warranted; the weeds on the banks of Salcott creek have been reported to the Environmental Agency and they are due to carry out clearance work in the creek in October; the Moss Hay footpath fence will be repaired by Colchester Homes in due course.
Planning Applications:
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and reception of a rear single storey link extension at Glebelands, The Street, Salcott
Proposal: Two storey outbuilding at Hillside Cottage, Colchester Road, Great Wigborough
Proposal: Demolition of agricultural building for Class E(f) Day Nursery at Little Doves Day Nursery, Lower Road, Peldon
Proposal: Additional storey to existing bungalow at rear of property at North View, The Street, Salcott
Proposal: Erection of 3-bay garage at Lovedowns, Barnhall Road, Salcott
Proposal: New access to field at Land south of Barnahll Road, Salcott
Proposal: Retrospective change of use of farmyard for sales of fencing and timber supplies at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott.
Proposal: To build an office at the bottom of the garden to accommodate home working at Mill Cottage, The Street, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Application for prior Approval – Required- Approved at Sampsons Farm, Sampsons lane, Peldon
230286 (&LB 230552)
Proposal: Conversion of outbuilding to accommodate vehicle at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Approved conditional
Proposal: Application for Lawful Development Certificate for Existing Use at Paynes Farm House, Colchester Road, Virley – Approved
Proposal: Prior Approval Required (Approved) for conversion of agricultural building to flexible use at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon
Finances: Paid in August 2023 payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – August
Fresh Air Fitness – adult gym bike
CALC – subs
Tree & Lawn Co. – Salcott grass cuts
Scheduled September 2023 payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – September
Kevin Harris – Salcott crossroads bus shelter
Tree & Lawn Co. – Salcott grass cut and collect
Sutcliffe Play – nut covers
The Wigborough Community Group – church hire
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7.30pm at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall, meeting room
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall, meeting room on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Apologies for absence: To confirm minutes of the September 2023 meeting: County and City Councillor Reports: Public-Have Your Say: Declarations of Interest:
Items for Discussion
1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields
Reports on both play areas and fields
Decision required: Any matters that need immediate attention?
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 7.30pm.
Present: Phil Gladwin (chair), John Walker, Roger Pittock, Robert Davidson
Apologies for absence: Clare Lauwerys, Catherine Sprott, Liz Davidson, Jinny Gale, Kevin Bentley
The minutes of the June 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
County and City Councillor Reports: None
Public-Have Your Say: None
Declarations of Interest: None
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order and the front roadside hedge at Salcott has been cut back to enable walking on the pavement. A request from a resident at Salcott to have the grass cut and picked up for an event in the summer was agreed by all and the contractor will be booked accordingly.
Outdoor adult exercise bike: it was proposed, seconded and agreed by all for the parish council to contribute the shortfall of £208.30 having secured substantial grant funding for an outdoor adult exercise with matting for Moss Hay.
Peldon Bloomers: following a request for funding towards replacement flower planters it was agreed that the parish council would consider a small contribution to Bloomers following an official request.
Recycling & Refuse Centres Booking System was discussed and any dissatisfied residents should write to ECC expressing their complaints.
Actions and Reminder List – updated
Planning Applications:
Proposal: Additional storey to existing bungalow at rear of property at North View, The Street, Salcott – the parish council has no objections
Certificate of Lawful Use Consultation at Paynes Farm House, Colchester Road, Virley
Agricultural Determination Consultation at Sampsons Farm, Sampsons Lane, Peldon
To determine if Prior Approval is required to proposed change of use of agricultural building to a flexible use within storage or distribution at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon
Planning Decision:
Proposal: To add internal doorway at The Old School House, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Finances: Schedule for July 2023 payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – July
Priory Tree Services – Salcott hedge cut
P & Ws Community Hall meeting room – hire
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.30pm at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held in the meeting room at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall on Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 7.30pm
Present: Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Netty Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, John Walker, Roger Pittock, Phil Gladwin, Kevin Bentley
Apologies for absence: Catherine Sprott, Liz Davidson
The minutes of the May 2023 meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
County Councillor Report: The area of ground at where the fallen finger post was situated is to be investigated for services underground before it can be replaced.
A new speed report meeting will be arranged shortly.
Road repairs will be gaining speed with the good weather and a further financial input.
Some pot holes were mended for the cycle race which proved to be a success and good for some Essex businesses.
Various placement and replacement of refugees is taking place which brings with it many unforeseen problems such as overcrowding of schools and doctors.
CC Locality Budget money will be given towards the adult exercise bike for Moss Hay to complete the purchase following receipt of a City Councillors Locality Budget grant and a Tesco’s grant.
The project to have a VAS or SID installed at Peldon coming into the village from Wigboroughs will be supported.
City Councillor Report: There is CCC money allocated for prosperity in rural areas.
John Jowers continues his duties as Mayor.
Public-Have Your Say: None
Declarations of Interest: Members of the Board of Trustees for Item 5.
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order. The hedge/ivy on Moss Hay footpath had been well cut back and the fence will be addressed shortly by Colchester Borough Homes.
Audit Return and Associated Compliances AGAR Part 2 2022/23 – the finance summary and internal audit were noted, Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Website – further points to agree with our maintenance provider
Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall – Phil and Liz were again nominated as the parish council representatives for the Board of Trustees which was proposed, seconded and agreed by all.
Payment of P & W Community Hall Invoice – at the request of the Community Hall Management Committee the parish council used a grant to purchase tables for the Community Hall for the benefit of the community.
Actions and Reminder List – updated
Planning Applications:
Proposal: Erection of a replacement purpose built commercial building for use Class E & B8 at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Construction of 1.5 storey ancillary accommodation at The Plough, Lower Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Installation of vertical sliding secondary glazing at Cob Cottage, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and front entrance door at Hawthorns, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Approve conditional
Proposal: New replacement dwelling at The Bungalow, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Finances: Schedule for June 2023 payments:
R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – June
Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut
Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut
Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut
G G Beecroft Tree & Garden Care – Moss Hay footpath clearance
Gopak Ltd. – hall tables
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 7.30pm, at Salcott Village Hall
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held in the meeting room at Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall on Tuesday 13th June 2023 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Apologies for absence: To confirm minutes of the May 2023 meeting: County and City Councillor Reports: Public-Have Your Say: Declarations of Interest: