PC Minutes 13th January 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th January 2015

Present: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Charles Dymond (chair), Jinny Gale, Bob Holmes, Nicky Ellis, Rob Surface, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden, Jan Hawkins (Community Agent) and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report: They continue to help in prosecuting fly tipping and dog fouling culprits and welcome assistance with any evidence. They will fix our village sign that has a post adrift and the ditch by the brick bus shelter in Peldon.

County Councillor Report: Received and distributed covering cabinet member changes, government funding reductions for ECC, highways matters, etc.

Borough Councillors Reports: We are encouraged to write to the appropriate CBC Officer to express our disapproval for the proposal for West Mersea to close all but one of their public toilets.

CBC are still looking for further sites for develops with new housing etc, many have already been put forward and further sites can be added for consideration.

Funding for a speed survey at Peldon has been applied for to be considered at the next LHP meeting in February and following that consultation with the villagers for a speed reduction method,  possibly a VAS sign, could be considered which Highways would position if and where it thought appropriate.

Local matters such as missing signage, pot holes and drains were updated.

Public-Have Your Say: More Police enforcement for speeding was requested for Peldon which will be followed up. Ditches and grips at Pete Tye Common have caused a problem. In Peldon Moss Hay footpath hedge clippings need clearing from the ditch and Butchers View footpath needs attention and the land owner will be written to. The remaining rubber chippings left on Moss Hay was questioned but will be put in place when the community team can use the facilities in the village hall again after the pantomime is finished and weather permitting.

Declarations of Interest – Lynne for item 7.

1.    Jan Hawkins, from Community Agents Essex gave a presentation on her role explaining that the team consists of 36 covering all of Essex and is funded by ECC Health and Social Care. The main aim is to help anybody that needs it, generally older people, at no cost to them, to be safe, happy and well enabling them, wherever possible, to stay in their own home, therefore giving support for independent living. The parish council will assist in helping them to spread word of their services. For further information visit: www.communityagentsessex.org.uk, or to arrange a free visit call 08009 775858 or email: [email protected].  

2.    Precept 2015/2016 – a comprehensive report was given of our financial situation and owing to a small amount of expenditure over income this last year due to unavoidable costs and the grant from CBC being reduced further Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to increase our precept by £665 to enable the parish council to continue providing the quality of services that is required. 

3.    Chairman and Vice-Chairman – following Charles leaving Lynne is willing to take over the role of chair and Nicky vice- chair. CBC Electoral Services have been notified of the Peldon councillor vacancy and will issue notices accordingly in due course.

4.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields – at Moss Hay signage for the new equipment has been made and will be erected shortly, the rubber installation is on-going with weather and village hall access permitting, which will be followed by hedge and ditch work.

5.    Speed Reduction Measures – as stated above funding for a survey is being sought.

6.    Review of Village Design Statement and Parish Plan – The list of action points from the VDS which was published in 2012 was discussed for updating taking onto account the changes that have taken place since then in our villages and the revised version of these points will be listed in due course.

7.    Peldon Brick Bus Shelter – two quotations for refurbishing this shelter have been submitted (one to be altered slightly), a third one will be chased up to enable these to be sent to the ECC Passenger Transport Manager so that he can apply for funding at the next LHP meeting.

8.    Clerk’s Salary – Phil proposed, Bob seconded and all agreed to increase the clerk’s salary and the one-off payment in line with the new National Salary Award.

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – Leaflets advertising the Have Your Say event in Peldon Village Hall on Wednesday Feb 4th drop-in from 4-6 and 7-9 pm will be printed by the Water Company and distributed to all households by the parish councillors.

10.   Broadband – launch event taking place in Salcott will be late Feb or early March

11.   Actions and Reminders List – updated and to include giving our support to RCCE’s funding campaign, the MP Priti Patel will be written to with photographic evidence with regard to the flooding issues at Salcott and Virley and changes to our signature mandate are being made owing to a change of personnel.

Planning Applications

146599 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon

Planning Decisions

146240 Proposal: Listed building application for installation of secondary double glazing to 7 no. windows at Sleyes, Church Road, Peldon – Approve Conditional


101809 Salcott Village Hall – hire x 4£120.00
101810 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries£150.00
101811 SLCC – annual subs£69.87
101812 R S Pullen – January salary£367.57
101813 David J Kingaby – website work£348.00
101814 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101815 Information Commissioner – Data Protection Registration£35.00
101816 T Simmons – play insp£30.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 10th Feb 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall
