Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th April 2016 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Apologies for absence:
Minutes of the last meeting – to be confirmed as a true record of the meeting including the correction that Beverley McClean’s presentation took place before the meeting was declared open.
Zone Wardens Report
Borough and County Councillors
Public-Have Your Say
Declarations of Interest
Items for Discussion
1. Speed Survey Results
- Decision required: Do we wish to put these out on the website, email service etc?
- Decision required: What action should we take now?
2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields
- Reports on both play areas and fields
- Any work completed or ongoing that needs discussing
- To confirm agreement for the cost of £80 for topsoil for Moss Hay.
- Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?
3. Peldon Parish Councillor Vacancy
- To proceed with the process to fill the vacancy
4. Standing Orders and Transparency Code Working Party
- An update on progress with rationalising our Standing Orders and other regulatory documents
5. Churchyards Donations
- Decision required: Do we wish to donate the usual amount of £200 per churchyard (4 churches) again this year?
6. Rural Planning Review- Call for Evidence
- How the planning system can further support sustainable rural life
- Decision required: Do we wish complete the survey and if so how?
7. Local Plan
- To note timetable from Andrew
- Decision required: How should we reply to CBC re: changing village boundaries?
8. Actions and Reminders List – update including website information
- Letter from Mrs Whybrow re PC vacancy (replied)
- TCV (The Conservation Volunteers) work available at a cost
- Natural England – Consultation re proposal to extend the Outer Thames Estuary Protection Area – online survey until 21st April 2016
- ECC Devolution Newsletter
- CBC – planning and hosting Community Days of Action to tackle local issues – bids up to 31st May 2016
- Essex Community Messaging – requesting Victim Support Volunteers
- ECC Replacement Waste Local Plan – comments by 14th April 2016
- LCLC Bradwell Communications – meetings 26th April at Bradwell and 27th April at West Mersea.
- New Barn, Church Road, Peldon – acquisition of pond
- EALC Bulletins
- ECC Making the Links
Planning Applications:
160605 | Proposal: New grain store to store grain to 4m at New Potts Farm, Lower Road, Peldon |
160718 | Proposal: single storey extension to contain new kitchen and dining area at Mistletoe Cottage, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough |
Planning Decisions:
152799 | Proposal: Erection of detached one a half storey 4 bedroom dwelling with single storey utility room and garage, landscaping and access at Salcott Cottages, The Street, Salcott – Approve Conditional |
101876 | R S Pullen – Clerk’s salary April | £375.65 |
101877 | R S Pullen – office expenses – heat, light, etc. | £250.00 |
101878 | R S Pullen – expenses – paper, ink, petrol, etc. | £178.34 |
101879 | Essex Wildlife Trust – room hire | £96.00 |
101880 | Mr J Walker – top soil for Moss Hay | £79.38 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 10th May 2016 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall which will also commence with the Annual Parish Assembly Meeting.