Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 7.30pm
Present: John Walker, Bob Holmes, Liz Davidson, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin (chair), Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Robert Kean, Andrew Ellis, Pat Moore and 3 members of the public
Apologies for absence: Nicky Ellis, Robert Davidson, Zone Warden
The Annual Parish Assembly
Everyone was welcomed to the meeting by the chairman.
The public was asked for their comments and contribution and subsequently the parish council was asked if it would be supportive or against the Peldon children’s nursery planning application in the event of it being appealed or resubmitted and the reply was that all the Peldon residents’ comments on this matter would be considered before making a decision. Future road closures in Peldon causing diversions was questioned for possible speeding along usually quiet roads but this was considered to be misguided and also to note that it was for a very limited period. The method of how ECC Highways is going to fill potholes and resurface at the same time along Mill Lane was questioned but explained by our parish councillor who has knowledge on such matters.
The Borough Councillors spoke of the new increase in fines for dog fouling, littering and fly tipping and they will look into reports of different types of refuse bags being thrown into the same lorry compartment. The new VAS sign is installed and a success although there are still people speeding as they leave the village going towards the Wigboroughs. Dangerous racing activity along the new Layer causeway will be looked into further and reported to the police.
Annual Council Meeting (AGM)
Bob proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for Phil to carry on as Chairman for another year. John proposed, Liz seconded and all agreed for Bob to carry on as Vice-Chairman for another year. Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed for the clerk to continue as the Financial and Responsible Officer.
Chairman’s Report thanked all who have helped during the year including all the Parish Councillors who are volunteers, Borough and County Councillors, CBC Zone Wardens, the Clerk and husband, Terry, Jack and Liz for playground and field work, Steve Copeland for carrying out the internal audit without charge and anyone else who has assisted in any way at all.
There have been many achievements during the year including obtaining funding and erecting a new playground fence at Salcott, obtaining funding for 2 defibrillators which are being installed on the village halls at present along with familiarisation sessions, resurfacing of Footpath 13, the new VAS sign thanks to the speed watch team and Kevin Bentley, significant progress with the flooding issues at Salcott having engaged with the Environmental Agency, completing some legal policy requirements, communications with residents including the Winstred Eye, considering and commenting on many planning applications.
Financial Report: The Parish Council finances are in good order holding a reasonable reserve for any unforeseen emergency.
Membership of EALC, NALC, CALC, SLCC – it was agreed by all to continue our membership of these useful bodies
Ordinary Council Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Zone Warden Report: None sent
Borough Councillor Report: The final draft of the CBC Local Plan has been compiled and the public consultation will begin following the Local Plan Committee meeting in June. There are no identified sites for development in our villages. The next round of Locality Budget is up for grabs on a first come first served basis for local community projects. Inadequate and messy documents and plans with applications on CBC website will be looked into.
Public-Have Your Say: A smashed bend sign will be reported to ECC and the broken manhole cover at Salcott crossroads will be chased for repair.
Declarations of Interest: Liz Davidson for planning application 170502 (further discussion in public section)
- Audit Return and Associated Compliances: Phil proposed, Bob seconded and all agreed to accept the completed financial return for 2016/17 which includes the Annual Governance Statement, Accounting Statement, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment.
- Playgrounds and Playing Fields: The annual inspection report was questioned for a variety of reasons and this will be looked into before any payment is made for this service. Any matters needing attention in the playgrounds will be addressed in due course.
- Appointing Trustees to the Wigboroughs and Peldon Community Hall Committee:
- The new charity will eventually operate with a committee consisting of appointed trustees and elected trustees but will be set up with initial trustees nominated by the existing Wigboroughs and Peldon Village Hall Committees. The initial trustees will serve until the first AGM of the new charity. The Parish Council will be an organisation entitled to appoint one trustee for the Wigboroughs and one for Peldon at the first and subsequent AGMs. There is no need for action at present.
- Parish Council Communications: Following further discussion on all our communication methods a refresh of our website was thought to be a good idea and John will draft points for suggested tweaking. Also it was decided we should ask residents to inform us via the email service of any comments they make to CBC with regard to planning applications so that we may consider their opinions for when the parish council returns its comments if the CBC timetable allows for this.
- Defibrillators: Having obtained 2 defibrillators funded by the British Heart Foundation which are to be installed on Salcott and Peldon Village Halls, a familiarization session is to take in Salcott VH on Tuesday 16th May carried out voluntarily by a West Mersea First Responder, Christine Cheetham and the Salcott machine will be operational from that date. A further session will take place in Peldon when the new hall is completed.
- Actions and Reminder List – updated
Planning applications:
170852 | Proposal: Listed Building application for alterations at Wayside Cottage, Church Road, Peldon |
Planning Decisions:
170502: | Proposal: Day nursery care ages 0-5, located on designated rural employment area. Existing agricultural buildings demolished for proposed development to comply with Ofsted Specification at land adjacent Games Farmhouse, Lower Road, Peldon – Refuse |
101924 | Mr J Newman – play insp x 2 | £60.00 |
101925 | Business Services at CAS Ltd. – defibs insurance | £12.94 |
101926 | AIS – Annual playground inspections | £234.00 |
101927 | EALC + NALC – Annual subs | £306.02 |
101928 | R S Pullen – clerk’s salary – May | £426.82 |
101929 | Mr J Newman – play insp | £30.00 |
The next meeting will be on Tues 13th June 2017 at 7.30pm in Peldon Church