PAWS January – Barney’s Bobbies

Michael Benning talked about Barney's Bobbies
Michael Benning talked about Barney's Bobbies
Michael Benning

PAWS January – Barney’s Bobbies

Relating the story of Barney’s Bobbies, Michael joined the police force in 1969 and was paid the princely sum of £17 per week. He spent the first 5 years of his career ‘on the beat’ and spent many nights rattling shop doors and was in trouble from sergeant Barney if he did not detect some sort of crime on his shift! The sergeant was very hot on discipline and correct uniform and his ‘Bobbies’ were some of the best on the force.

Michael soon had a new job on Cycle Patrol, which was great except that the bike was far too big. On telling his sergeant that he could not reach the pedals even if he could get on the bike, he was told to just wheel it around until he grew! There were no personal radios in those days so he had to phone in to the station every hour to get instructions using a Police Box (Tardis).

TV programmes such as Dickson of Dock Green and later The Bill were good representations of how the Police worked. Michael finished his career on the hijack team at Stansted Airport and ran many marathons in the Police team. He also gave us an insight into how things had changed in the Police Force over the years and of some of the amusing and sometimes dangerous incidents that he had been involved in.

Our next meeting is on the 23rd February when our speaker Stacey Belbin will tell us about “Lady Grace the boat.” Visitors are welcome at a cost of £5.00. Details of all our meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring either of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Agenda 12th January 2016

Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th January 2016.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

 1    Precept/Grant 2016/2017

  • To consider  last year’s finances and our requirements for the next financial year
  • Decision required: Taking into account a further reduction of grants from CBC how much do we feel is necessary to carry out the same standard of services?

2    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Any work completed or ongoing including Community Group work on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Is there anything that needs immediate attention?

3    Bradwell – Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) Meetings

  • Discuss the PC’s view on this topic for our representative (Bob) to take on board when  attending future meetings

4    Emails to the PC on a variety of random subjects

  • Discuss how we should deal with them
  • Decision required: Who, what and how will take anything further?

5    Planning Comments Process – final draft

6    Neighbourhood Watch – report

7    NALC Model Code – Media Policy

  • Discuss all wording and decide if this is appropriate for us
  •  Decision required: Do we adopt this in its entirety or with some alterations?

8    Actions and Reminders List – update including website information


  • Environment Agency – Latest proposals for Virley Brook
  • ECC Highways – List of highways maintenance works on local roads
  • Natural England – Improvements to public access along Essex coast
  • EALC – New Audit Scheme – some clarification still to come

Planning Applications:

152799 Proposal: Erection of detached one and a half storey 4 bedroom dwelling with single storey utility room and garage, landscaping and access at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott

Planning Decisions:

152363 Proposal: Insertion of windows and doors into existing garage structure, with alterations and ground floor extension to provide ancillary accommodation for dependent relatives – resubmission of application no. 15111 at Bucklands, Copt Hall Lane, Little Wigborough – Refused
152318 Proposal: Vehicle access to and from highway at The Bungalow, Mersea Road, Peldon – Approve conditional


101863 R S Pullen – Clerk’s January salary£375.65
101864 David J Kingaby – website management£444.96
101865 David J Kingaby – urgent migration£270.90

The next meeting will be on Tues 9th February 2016 at 7.30pm at Peldon Village Hall


PAWS January – The Storyteller

john lilley - the storyteller

The Storyteller Entertains

PAWS report on their most recent meeting as follows:

44 Members, including our 2 most recent, were joined by 3 visitors when we welcomed back our speaker John Lilley “The Storyteller” at our recent January meeting.

It was a busy night with membership being renewed and then John relayed a number of amusing stories, antidotes, rhymes and poems relaying how the “British like small pleasures” as written by Bill Bryson’s Notes from a Small Island and other references to Pam Ayers, Parish Magazines etc. 

There were a lot of laughs from the appreciate audience.

The next meeting is on 24th February when Chris Farndell will talk on the subject of “Photography – Crime Scene to Art”. Membership is currently closed but visitors are welcome at a cost of £5.00 which includes refreshments.

Details of all  meetings and speakers can be found on the diary of the home page of the Winstred 100 website.

If you would like further information about P.A.W.S please ring one of the following committee members: Alice Holmes 01206 735510, Jane Banks 01206 735004 or Jane Anderson 01206 735505.


PC Minutes 13th January 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th January 2015

Present: John Walker, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Charles Dymond (chair), Jinny Gale, Bob Holmes, Nicky Ellis, Rob Surface, Robert Davidson, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden, Jan Hawkins (Community Agent) and 4 members of the public

Apologies for absence: Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Wardens Report: They continue to help in prosecuting fly tipping and dog fouling culprits and welcome assistance with any evidence. They will fix our village sign that has a post adrift and the ditch by the brick bus shelter in Peldon.

County Councillor Report: Received and distributed covering cabinet member changes, government funding reductions for ECC, highways matters, etc.

Borough Councillors Reports: We are encouraged to write to the appropriate CBC Officer to express our disapproval for the proposal for West Mersea to close all but one of their public toilets.

CBC are still looking for further sites for develops with new housing etc, many have already been put forward and further sites can be added for consideration.

Funding for a speed survey at Peldon has been applied for to be considered at the next LHP meeting in February and following that consultation with the villagers for a speed reduction method,  possibly a VAS sign, could be considered which Highways would position if and where it thought appropriate.

Local matters such as missing signage, pot holes and drains were updated.

Public-Have Your Say: More Police enforcement for speeding was requested for Peldon which will be followed up. Ditches and grips at Pete Tye Common have caused a problem. In Peldon Moss Hay footpath hedge clippings need clearing from the ditch and Butchers View footpath needs attention and the land owner will be written to. The remaining rubber chippings left on Moss Hay was questioned but will be put in place when the community team can use the facilities in the village hall again after the pantomime is finished and weather permitting.

Declarations of Interest – Lynne for item 7.

1.    Jan Hawkins, from Community Agents Essex gave a presentation on her role explaining that the team consists of 36 covering all of Essex and is funded by ECC Health and Social Care. The main aim is to help anybody that needs it, generally older people, at no cost to them, to be safe, happy and well enabling them, wherever possible, to stay in their own home, therefore giving support for independent living. The parish council will assist in helping them to spread word of their services. For further information visit:, or to arrange a free visit call 08009 775858 or email: [email protected].  

2.    Precept 2015/2016 – a comprehensive report was given of our financial situation and owing to a small amount of expenditure over income this last year due to unavoidable costs and the grant from CBC being reduced further Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to increase our precept by £665 to enable the parish council to continue providing the quality of services that is required. 

3.    Chairman and Vice-Chairman – following Charles leaving Lynne is willing to take over the role of chair and Nicky vice- chair. CBC Electoral Services have been notified of the Peldon councillor vacancy and will issue notices accordingly in due course.

4.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields – at Moss Hay signage for the new equipment has been made and will be erected shortly, the rubber installation is on-going with weather and village hall access permitting, which will be followed by hedge and ditch work.

5.    Speed Reduction Measures – as stated above funding for a survey is being sought.

6.    Review of Village Design Statement and Parish Plan – The list of action points from the VDS which was published in 2012 was discussed for updating taking onto account the changes that have taken place since then in our villages and the revised version of these points will be listed in due course.

7.    Peldon Brick Bus Shelter – two quotations for refurbishing this shelter have been submitted (one to be altered slightly), a third one will be chased up to enable these to be sent to the ECC Passenger Transport Manager so that he can apply for funding at the next LHP meeting.

8.    Clerk’s Salary – Phil proposed, Bob seconded and all agreed to increase the clerk’s salary and the one-off payment in line with the new National Salary Award.

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – Leaflets advertising the Have Your Say event in Peldon Village Hall on Wednesday Feb 4th drop-in from 4-6 and 7-9 pm will be printed by the Water Company and distributed to all households by the parish councillors.

10.   Broadband – launch event taking place in Salcott will be late Feb or early March

11.   Actions and Reminders List – updated and to include giving our support to RCCE’s funding campaign, the MP Priti Patel will be written to with photographic evidence with regard to the flooding issues at Salcott and Virley and changes to our signature mandate are being made owing to a change of personnel.

Planning Applications

146599 Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon

Planning Decisions

146240 Proposal: Listed building application for installation of secondary double glazing to 7 no. windows at Sleyes, Church Road, Peldon – Approve Conditional


101809 Salcott Village Hall – hire x 4£120.00
101810 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries£150.00
101811 SLCC – annual subs£69.87
101812 R S Pullen – January salary£367.57
101813 David J Kingaby – website work£348.00
101814 Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
101815 Information Commissioner – Data Protection Registration£35.00
101816 T Simmons – play insp£30.00

The next meeting will be on Tues 10th Feb 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


PC Agenda 13th January 2015


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 13th January 2015

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting

Zone Wardens Report

Borough and County Councillors

Public-Have Your Say

Declarations of Interest

Items for Discussion

1.    Presentation from Tony King – Community Agents Essex

2.    Precept 2015/2016

  • Consider our requirements for the next financial year 
  • Decision required: In addition to grants from CBC how much do we consider to be necessary to continue providing the same quality of service?  

3.    Chairman and Vice-Chairman

  • Following Charles’ move and subsequent resignation discussion on who will take on the role of chair and who will be vice-chairman?
  • Decision required: To appoint new candidates if possible. 

4.    Playgrounds and Playing Fields

  • Reports on both play areas and fields
  • Progress on work completed and work ongoing including signage for the new equipment, rubber installation, hedge work, etc. on Moss Hay
  • Decision required: Any other matters that require attention?

5.    Speed Reducing Options

  • Discuss what options are available and what we consider to be the most desirable and precise location for installation for maximum impact.
  • Decision required: Ask Kevin to take forward any decisions.

6.    Review of Village Design Statement and Parish Plan

  • Discuss changes to our villages and possible updating
  • Review Action Point List
  • Decision required: What changes should be made to the plan and what actions from the list can we take further?

7.    Peldon Brick Bus Shelter

  • Discuss any quotes obtained to date 
  • Decision required: To agree contractor if quotes are in. 

8.    Clerk’s Salary

  • Following new information from NALC and SLCC 2014-2016 National Salary Award that  National Joint Council and Local Government Services has reached an agreement – consider these guidelines for the clerk 
  • Decision required: Should we award the clerk as per attachment?  

9.    Abberton Reservoir Rights of Way – update 

10.   Broadband – update

11.   Actions and Reminders List – update

Planning Applications
146599Proposal: Listed building application for demolition of unsafe storm damaged outbuilding at Kemps Farmhouse, Mersea Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions
146240Proposal: Listed building application for installation of secondary double glazing to 7 no. windows at Sleyes, Church Road, PeldonApprove Conditional


  1. CBC Development Policies and Core Strategy revised July 2014
  2. NHS Forum Focus and Care Closer to Home/Urgent Care
  3. CBC Grounds Maintenance Contractors


101809 Salcott Village Hall – hire x 4£120.00
101810 St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries£150.00
101811 SLCC – annual subs£69.87
101812 R S Pullen – January salary£367.57
101813 David J Kingaby – website work£348.00



The next meeting will be on Tues 10th Feb 2015 at 7.30pm at Salcott Village Hall


Bradwell Decommissioning

Bradwell Project – Community Meeting

bradwellMagnox are hosting two progress meetings in January to keep the community informed.  Scott Raish, Bradwell’s Site Director will update the meeting on the site’s activities, achievements and future plans. The meetings are open to the public and questions relating to the site’s decommissioning activities are invited.  These meetings are:

  • Tuesday 20th January 2015, refreshments from 6pm, meeting start 6:30pm, at Bradwell-on-Sea Village Hall, CM0 7QJ, and
  • Tuesday 27th January 2015, refreshments from 6:30pm, meeting start 7pm, at The Mersea Centre, West Mersea, CO5 8QA
Please register attendance in advance of the meeting to assist catering arrangements:
Work associated with Magnox sites relates to decommissioning and therefore discussions concerning new build will not form part of this meeting.
If you are unable to attend please be reminded the Local Community Liaison Council (LCLC) is a site stakeholder group that receives updates  from Magnox and regulators. The LCLC welcomes attendance from  members of the public.



PC Minutes 14th January 2014


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th January 2014

Present: Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Nicky Ellis (chair), Charles Dymond, Andy Beharrell, Andrew Ellis, John Jowers and 3 members of the public.

Apologies for absence: John Walker, Jane Banks, Jinny Gale, Kevin Bentley, Police, Zone Warden

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Police Report: was received and read out stating that there were no crimes in Little Wigborough and Salcott and Virley, one road accident in Great Wigborough (no one injured), and at Peldon there was a road accident near The Strood (no one injured) and a burglary at a property near The Strood where a number of items were stolen and a messy search of all rooms took place.

County Councillor: Peldon has received more funding from the ECC Community Initiative Fund for the new village hall project.  There will be a 40mph speed limit along Mersea Road in Peldon and a small section of Colchester Road leading up to The Strood. Also there will be lights in the middle of The Strood crossing to enable viewing high tides at night more easily.  There is another £15 million for repairing potholes and more money for Rural Funds.

Borough Councillor: Information was given on the proposed Solar Park in our area to assist us with our return comments.

Public-Have Your Say: To thank us for our efforts in gaining the speed reductions in Peldon.

Declarations of Interest: None

1. CBC Zone Wardens – nothing to report. 
2. Broadband update – the latest summary of events was noted.  The launch day in Peldon Village Hall will take place on Saturday 15th February from 10am to 5pm.   A leaflet will go out to all households a fortnight before.

3. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – all in good order as far as is possible with the recent weather.  We are waiting to hear the result of our grant application for the 2 pieces of play equipment for Moss Hay for which the supplier is holding the price for us and will erect as soon as we request when the weather has improved.

4. Precept 2014/2015 – having discussed at length our present financial situation and expected forthcoming spending requirements Phil proposed, Andy seconded and all agreed except one abstention for us to request a precept/grant slightly less than last year, absorbing the reduction from CBC’s grant cut.  Also Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed to honour Terry’s request for £5 more per grass cut.

5. Abberton Reservoir Community Fund, Rights of Way Meeting: 11,800 hedge plants are being put in around the reservoir site and volunteers for this are requested, if anyone is interested please contact Jo Wray on 01206 738172. The costings for Great Wigborough Church car park application for funds has to be explained further, also a business plan for Abberton Cricket Club application has been requested.

6. Elections May 2014 – we know of one Peldon Parish Councillor who will be standing down in May, therefore there will be a vacancy if anyone is interested please contact the chairman or clerk for more information.

7. Actions and Reminders List updated including, as requested ECC Highways have agreed to put in steps for easier access to the new bus shelters in Malting Road, Peldon.

    Planning Applications:

    132403 Proposal: Erection of one and a half storey dwelling with attached single storey utility and garage (resubmission of 130420) at Salcot Cottages, The Street, Salcott

    Planning Decisions:

    132137 Application for variation of Condition 10 following grant of planning permission F/COL/01/1140 at Gable Lodge, Malting Road, Peldon – Approve Conditional

    132269 Proposal: Conservatory and garden room/orangery at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Approve Conditional

    Appeal Decisions:

    APP/A1530/D/13/2207055 Against CBC’s refusal of application for erection of an outbuilding containing swimming pool, gym and home cinema at Hall Barn, Peldon Road, Peldon, ref 131315 – Appeal Allowed – Permission Granted


    101747R S Pullen – salary for Jan£357.07
    101748St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – magazine entry£150.00
    101749Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – magazine entry£55.00
    101750Information Commissioner’s Office – Data Protection£35.00
    101751Business Services at CAS – Insurance£1,071.85
    101752R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses£225.92
    101753Peldon Village Hall – hire£80.00
    101754T Simmons – play insp x 2£60.00
    101755Salcott Village Hall – hire£90.00

    The next meeting will be on Tues 11th February 2013 at 7.30pm at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough

    There has been more dog fouling on Moss Hay which is extremely inconsiderate of the offending dog owners and fines can and will be implemented.


    PC Minutes 8th January 2013


    Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

    Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough at 7.30pm on Tuesday 8th January 2013.

    Present: John Walker, Jane Banks, Charles Dymond, Nicky Ellis (chair), Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill-Jones, Lynne Simmons, Terry Sutton, Andrew Ellis, Kevin Bentley, 2 Police Officers and 12 members of the public

    Apologies for absence: None

    Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

    Borough and County Councillors: Flooding areas at Salcott have been inspected along with the CBC Land Drainage Technician during the particularly wet weather recently. There were noticeable improvements from work having been carried out but matters could be improved more if land owners carried out further requested works.  Thanks will be given to a certain Salcott resident for his ditch clearance work which is very much appreciated.

    Pot holes have been mended but with many the repairs have come out again all too soon but will be dealt with yet again in time.  More resurfacing has been requested and with a better job than has been seen on the roads of late.

    ECC is not increasing their part of the Council Tax and even though their funds have been significantly reduced front line services have not been affected.

    The collapsed edge on St Ives Hill has been repaired and Copt Hall Lane will be chased up for a similar problem.

    The new grant system from CBC was clarified in order for us to make a positive decision.

    Public-Have Your Say: The consultation for the speed reduction proposals along Mersea Road in Peldon was enquired about and will be looked into. Also enquiries were made about the proposed bus shelter for Church Road/Malting Road which will be followed up by requesting a date when we can expect this to take place.

    Declarations of Interest: None

    Planning Application 122083 (details below) was brought forward on the agenda for which a full discussion took place with presentations and comments from the applicant, his agent, neighbours, other Salcott residents and a Borough Councillor speaking for and against this proposal.  The Parish Council discussed this further later on in the meeting and all that was said earlier with emails and letters sent to us previously were carefully considered  in order for us to put together our comments to be sent to CBC Planning Dept.

    1. Police from both Tiptree and Mersea gave reports of no crimes in our villages but would urge people to be vigilant as there are cases of household oil theft at present.  Also they will carry out speed gun visits if they are told of a particularly bad place and time.  Speed gun training for those that put their names forward is taking place.  A vase had been stolen from Salcott Church.

    2. Playgrounds and Playing Fields – the Community Service work on Moss Hay has been suspended due to the village hall being occupied with panto rehearsals as the toilets etc are required for this work party. Work will resume again in February for which we are very grateful and delighted with all their efforts so far.  The playgrounds are in good order given the very poor weather we’ve been having.

    3. Zone Wardens and Highway Rangers – nothing to report

    4. Precept/Grant 2013/14 following further discussion and consideration Phil proposed, Jinny seconded and all agreed to apply for the same money as last year despite the fact it will be a modest increase of £2.31 average per band D property but this being a direct result of the withdrawal of most of the Revenue Grant by CBC.  We have and will continue to try and make savings wherever possible but insurance, maintenance of our playgrounds, grass cutting etc are a constant commitment for us.

    5. Abberton Reservoir Expansion Liaison Group Meeting – the poor weather had stopped work but habitat work will start soon. The main part of the project is still on course to finish at August 2013.
        Abberton Reservoir Community Fund – there had been one application this time for helping with the cost of a length of footpath in Layer de la Haye from the works entrance to the crossroads.

    6. Flooding – as above at Borough Councillors plus a land owner along St Ives Hill has been approached for ditch clearance to alleviate a problem there.

    7. Broadband update report – there is a question of planning permission being a problem that will hopefully be resolved soon.

    8. Website and Five Parishes Show – our website could be of more use to the Five Parishes Show and we would like to treat everyone the same with regard to any possible charges.  Our new parish councillor who will be co-opted at our next meeting has already expressed knowledge of website maintenance so we will approach him on the matter.

    9. Actions and Reminders List – updated

      Planning Applications:

      122083 Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. two and a half storey semi-detached dwellings at Old Barn Burrows, The Bungalow, The Street, Salcott



      St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries for the year



      R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for Jan



      Salcott Village Hall – hall hire x 6



      David J Kingaby – running of website



      Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries for the year



      T Simmons – Salcott play insp x 2


      The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 12th February 2013 at 7.30pm.



      PC Minutes 10th January 2012


      Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

      Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10th January 2012.

      Present: Nicky Ellis, Phil Gladwin, Jane Banks, John Walker, Netty Knill-Jones, Kevin Bentley, 3 Police and 2 members of the public

      Apologies for absence: Jinny Gale, Lynne Simmons, Charles Dymond, Terry Sutton, Andrew Ellis

      Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the vice-chairman

      Police: Thanks were given to the police for their attendance.  There has been very little crime in our villages of late apart from hare coursing.  Speed checks have been carried out periodically and just a few people are exceeding the limit.  Possibly on one of the worst occasions out of 50 people checked 8 were speeding and none by very much.  The perception often appears greater than the actual truth.

      101 is the new number to call with non-emergency situations.

      Borough Councillors: Grants from the Abberton Reservoir Community Funds have been awarded to the three applicants, Peldon Church, Peldon Village Hall and a resident in Layer affected by noise from the works. A time limit is given for spending these funds.

      Following the Flood Summit meeting our Borough Councillors and an experienced CBC Officer will be visiting the places that have serious flooding problems when the weather is particularly wet.  One of our parish councillors will join them if available at the time.  Who owns which culvert will be the main source of the investigation.

      Poor road surfaces including Maldon Road, School Lane and St Stephens Lane will be chased up for repairs as will empty salt boxes, in Great Wigborough and Salcott.

      Broadband improvements are a concern for all our villages and ECC are working alongside other bodies to help achieve a good solution to the problem.

      Public-Have Your Say – None

      Declarations of Interest – None

      1. Playgrounds – reports were not available due to illness etc. but inspections had been carried out as normal.  Rubber clippings will be ordered when a suitable drop off time and place have been decided.

      2. Salcott Meadow/Creek – requests for fencing along the creek edge were discussed at length all of us having read the four reports received from authoritative bodies.  Phil proposed, Netty seconded and all agreed that following four independent reports regarding a potential water hazard the advice received was to install more signage which we will carry out shortly. Only one report mentioned fencing but advising against it.  We were required to pay for two of the reports totaling £260.

      3. Precept/Grant 2012/2013 – finances were discussed at length using the prepared detailed sheet.  Our predicted spending for the year (year finishes 31/03/12) is not far out from the money received therefore Phil proposed, Jane seconded and all agreed to keep the precept/grant the same as last year.

      4. Police – as above

      5. Chairman and Vice for the next 2 year period – following councillors circumstances changing it will prove difficult to keep to the same village rotation system that we have been using therefore we will amend our standing orders to adapt this at the AGM in May.  It was agreed by all that Jinny has made a huge contribution to the parish council since she joined and every effort will be made to keep up the standard that she has created.

      6. Broadband update: John presented us with a very informative pack and has been researching this matter thoroughly in the aim of better broadband speed and availability for all our villages.

      7. Website update: Again John has been working to take up this work.

      8. Sparklers Report: The number of people seemed to be similar to last year, although by mistake the counter wasn’t carried out. The set-up had been moved around to give more space for the crowds.  A road sign had been put in the wrong place causing congestion.  A few people had been treated by the Red Cross, mainly for grit in eyes and nothing too serious although one person had been hit by a bottle being thrown.  Record money was taken and in general it was a very successful evening.  Any problems have been noted and will be addressed for next year’s event including a limit on the advertising.

      9. Abberton Reservoir Report: Work has progressed well due to the dry weather. The new road will be opened in March.  Any complaints to the Water Company have been addressed immediately.  We are not happy with the outside lighting at the new Visitor Centre and will be making our feelings known to the planning department.

      10. Actions and Reminders List – updated


        112327 Proposal: 3 vehicle detached garage at Fourways Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott

        112345 Proposal: Single-storey extension in brick and tile at north door, providing WC and wet area to Church at St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Peldon

        111937 Proposal: Detached office, garage and car port building at Rosefield, Lodge Lane, Peldon

        112422 Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling with attached garage at The Farmhouse, Abbots Wick Lane, Great Wigborough

        112023 Proposal: 1st floor extension to rear over existing g/floor 2 storey extension to side at The Briars, Peldon Road, Peldon – Withdrawn


        101641 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for January                                                           £353.53

        101642 – St Mary the Virgin, Peldon – mag entries                                                  £150.00

        101643 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                         £174.00

        101644 – T Hedger – sorting fallen tree on Moss Hay                                                 £12.00

        The next meeting will be held at Peldon Village Hall on Tues 14th Feb 2012 at 7.30pm


        PC Minutes 11th January 2011


        Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

        Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Peldon Village Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th January 2011.

        Present: Charles Dymond, Jinny Gale, Phil Gladwin, Jane Banks, Lynne Simmons, Nicky Ellis, Les Lapwood, John Walker, Andrew Ellis, Terry Sutton and 4 members of public.

        Apologies for absence: Netty Knill Jones, Kevin Bentley

        Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

        Borough Councillors: The lighting at Hall Barn in Peldon has been causing problems to people in the neighbourhood. There are numerous lights, some that constantly change colour, a very bright halogen type light and many others on the house, back and front and in the grounds.  CBC Planning Committee will be holding a site meeting to comprehend the full scale of the lighting and the problem to neighbours.

        After a recent heavy rainfall Salcott crossroads appeared to be less flooded since certain work has been carried out there.  Salcott Street though, was still flooded in places and pipe work in one particular area needs more attention. This will be followed up with the appropriate people for a positive result. As there are still problems the meeting of head people of the bodies that can help here will be chased up again.

        Potholes and other complaints can be reported on the website and can also be backed up with photographs.

        The bad pothole in Great Wigborough has been reported and added to the list for attention.

        Public-Have Your Say: Some Peldon residents had come to the meeting to express their dissatisfaction of Hall Barn lighting likening it to Blackpool illuminations.  At one time the very bright halogen light was coming on at 4am and shining directly into someone’s bedroom. The lighting can be seen from quite a large surrounding area and is totally unsuitable for this rural village.

        Little Wigborough salt bin has disappeared and we would be grateful for its return from whoever decided that they need it more. This, like many others, is a bad patch when the roads are icy.

        There was yet another request for Barnhall Road to be added to the gritting list which will be passed on.

        Declarations of Interest: Lynne Simmons for item 5.

        1. Precept/Grant was carefully considered during this last month and in order for the parish council to carry out the same duties without neglecting anything it was deemed necessary for our precept to be increased to compensate for the reduction of the grant from CBC, therefore Phil proposed, Nicky seconded and all agreed to increase the precept to £10,842 for the year 2011/12.
        2. Individual Roles for Parish Councillors was discussed and more thought and ideas on the matter will be given to this during the next month and will be on February’s agenda.  Who attends the various other meetings we are expected or invited to be present at will also come into this discussion.
        3. Planning changes – a letter to CBC to show our disapproval of the changes without our being consulted will be written.
        4. Our planning comments process – needs tightening up as sometimes certain councillors are slow to respond and with the return date fast approaching it becomes difficult to put together a satisfactory reply.
        5. Salcott crossroads bus shelter alterations – we have two quotations for this work and an offer of some free timber but unless a grant that has been applied for is forthcoming it is felt that this work is too expensive in these times of cutting back.  Phil proposed, Charles seconded and all agreed that if the grant is obtained soon we should accept the cheaper quote and give the go ahead immediately, for fear of losing the offer of free timber.  If not it will be discussed again at the next meeting.
        6. Rolling Actions and Reminders List – updated
        7. Footpath 4 – Notice of Order of the modification of this footpath in Virley has been received and will be displayed.


        102628 Proposal: Replacement dwelling house (resubmission of planning application 101612) at The Grove, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough

        102624 Proposal: Change of use to B2 use to B1 use with restrictive condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Unit 2, St Ives Farm

        102623 Proposal: Variation of Condition 1 granted under permission 0712151. To permit the use for sale and packaging tape, bubble wrap and stock boxes and the manufacture of bespoke cardboard boxes. The building to be occupied by 24/7 Boxes and Packaging at Hosplant Ltd. Building 4, Unit 1, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

        102625 Proposal: Change of use to B2 use from B1 use with restrictive condition 2 removed. The use of the building to be restricted to occupation by Swiftboats at Hosplant Ltd. Building 2, Unit 1, St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon

        Notice of Planning Decision:

        100704 Proposal: Retrospective application for stable block/hay store at Bluebells, Drakes Corner, Great Wigborough – Permission Granted

        101984 Proposal: Replacement of a derelict conservatory with a single storey extension at Haxells Farmhouse, Peldon Road, Peldon – Permission Refused

        101986 Proposal: Listed building application for the above – Permission Refused

        102282 Proposal: Internal and external alterations to roof, forming new bedroom (no.5) and new games room at John Jones House, Peldon Campus, Church Road, Peldon – Permission Granted

        102322 Proposal: Application for prior notification of agricultural development for a proposed building to store crop to maintain good condition for resale at Beckton House Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – Refuse the details submitted.


        101585 – Barry Gooding – play insp x 2                                                                     £60.00

        101586 – R S Pullen – clerk’s fee for January                                                            £353.53

        101587 – St Mary the Virgin Peldon – magazine entry                                                £150.00

        101588 – Peldon Village Hall – hire                                                                            £90.00

        101589 – R S Pullen – clerk’s expenses                                                                    £227.09

        101590 – T Simmons – play insp                                                                               £30.00

        The next meeting will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tues 8th Feb 2011 at 7.30pm
