PC Minutes 17th November 2020


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 17th November 2020 (postponed from 10th Nov owing to poor internet connection) at 7.30 pm.

Present: Clare Lauwerys (chair), Jinny Gale, Wendy Ritherdon, Netty Knill-Jones, Catherine Sprott, Liz Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Robert Kean, Robert Davidson, Jon Crisp from Arcady Architects Ltd.

Apologies for absence: John Walker

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and will be signed by the chairman in due course.

Borough Councillor Report: CBC Draft Budget will be presented before the committee on 18th November and services are set to rise to help offset the huge losses the council has incurred owing to the pandemic.

County Councillor Report: Following this current lockdown Essex will probably be put into Tier 2 which will be adjusted slightly.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None Continue reading “PC Minutes 17th November 2020”


PC Minutes 12th September 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th September 2017

Present: John Walker, Nicky Ellis, Lynne Simmons, Phil Gladwin, Bob Holmes, Liz Davidson, Robert Kean, Andrew Ellis, Zone Warden and one member of the public

Apologies for absence: Jackie Maclean, Robert Davidson, Netty Knill-Jones

Minutes of the last meeting: were agreed by all and signed by the chairman

Zone Warden Report: Successful fly tipping prosecutions have been taking place resulting in Continue reading “PC Minutes 12th September 2017”


PC Agenda 12th September 2017


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th September 2017 to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.

Apologies for absence:

Minutes of the last meeting:

Zone Warden Report:

County and Borough Councillor Reports:

Public-Have Your Say: Continue reading “PC Agenda 12th September 2017”
