PC Minutes 17th November 2020


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 17th November 2020 (postponed from 10th Nov owing to poor internet connection) at 7.30 pm.

Present: Clare Lauwerys (chair), Jinny Gale, Wendy Ritherdon, Netty Knill-Jones, Catherine Sprott, Liz Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Robert Kean, Robert Davidson, Jon Crisp from Arcady Architects Ltd.

Apologies for absence: John Walker

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and will be signed by the chairman in due course.

Borough Councillor Report: CBC Draft Budget will be presented before the committee on 18th November and services are set to rise to help offset the huge losses the council has incurred owing to the pandemic.

County Councillor Report: Following this current lockdown Essex will probably be put into Tier 2 which will be adjusted slightly.

Public-Have Your Say: None

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order with Moss Hay having just had the grass cut and a request for Salcott meadow will follow.
    Proposed new playground equipment for Peldon was discussed further with designs and quotes to hand. More work will take place on this project to obtain the most cost-effective and suitable equipment.
    Letters will be written to residents in a bid to discover the owner of the dog that is vandalizing the zip wire seat. This is a very unfortunate situation that is costly and inconsiderate to the children. Although the seat is damaged it has been checked and is safe to use. We hope there will be no further damage to it.
    No further measures are required at present with regards to Covid-19 as playgrounds can remain open.  It is hoped though, that all users are well aware of and conform to the signs that explain how people should behave when using the play equipment to limit the risks as much as possible
  2. Board of Trustees for Peldon & Wigboroughs Community Hall – it was agreed by all that Liz Davidson and Phil Gladwin continue to be the Parish Council representatives on the Board of Trustees for the Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall
  3. Mud on Roads from farming vehicles leaving fields was reported during the very wet weather and has since been addressed, signage will continue to be displayed when necessary.
  4. Supporting the Community with Zoom – the Parish Council now has a Zoom account and would be pleased to help local community groups who cannot afford a paid account and would like to communicate in this way. So far there has been some take-up for this offer which is still available and will be advertised on Facebook.
  5. Potential Development at Abberton – leaflets were distributed in our villages about a potential development on Peldon Road nearing Abberton which was discussed. Abberton and Langenhoe Parish Council will be contacted to assess their opinion on the matter.
  6. CBC Planning Training (Zoom session) was attended by 3 parish councillors but considered not to be as beneficial as previous courses they have held.
  7. Actions and reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:

(& Listed Buildings
Proposal: Erection of link extension, car-lodge annex, alterations in internal layouts and fenestration and associated works at Pete Hall, Colchester Road, Peldon.  Jon Crisp attended the meeting to explain in full about this application and to answer any questions we had. The parish council will respond to CBC with no objections.
202311 Proposal: Single storey rear extension and first floor side extension at Mehalah, The Strood, Peldon, the parish council made no comment for this application.
202510 Proposal: Application for change of use on industrial and brownfield/agricultural land to one dwelling Resubmission of 200182 at Lovedowns Farm Barns, Barnhall Road, Salcott – the parish council has concerns about the visual impact from the road
202422 Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for the conversion of 3 former agricultural livestock and storage buildings into 4 dwellings at Nightingale Farm, School Lane, Great Wigborough – the parish council has no objections to this.

Planning Decisions:

201918 Prior Approval Required (Approved) for the proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to dwelling houses (Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion at Willow Creek Farm, Colchester Road, Virley

Finances: Schedule for payments online:

R S PullenNovember salary£500.00
R S PullenClerk’s expenses including printer, ink, etc.£174.19

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th December 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom, details from the clerk and on the forthcoming agenda for public participation.
