PC Minutes 8th September 2020


Peldon   Great Wigborough   Little Wigborough   Salcott   Virley

Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held via Zoom on Tuesday 8th September 2020 at 7.30pm.  The Zoom meeting details were available from the clerk.

Present: John Walker, Clare Lauwerys (chair), Liz Davidson, Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill-Jones, Jinny Gale, Robert Kean, Kevin Bentley, Robert Davidson

Apologies for absence: Wendy Ritherdon

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed by all and will be signed by the chairman in due course.

County Councillor Report: The road surface along this stretch mainly from the Kings Head to Peldon is full of subsidence areas and is under investigation by Highways to establish the reason for this before repair work can take place. The most serious pot holes will be reported to the County Councillors before Friday for immediate attention.

Suggested 20 mph speed limit is deemed not suitable for villages and is generally only installed in urban areas and often just in cul-de-sacs, 40 mph limit is usually not installed in main through roads which unfortunately, this road through our villages is now considered to be.  Also, safer cycle and walk routes were requested but this is dependent on land owners selling or giving out land and following the installation of the reservoir path this is an extremely difficult process and very unlikely to happen around here.

Following requests for more Police speed checks in both Great Wigborough and Peldon the parish council will write another letter to the District Commander for this to take place more frequently. Another VAS was requested but as a parish we have our allotted number and so would not qualify for another. Warning signage was requested for vehicles approaching the nursery in Lower Road from both directions.

Borough Councillor Report: CBC proposed charge for collection of garden waste has been shelved until at least next year. The complete major reshuffle by the government of county and borough/district councils with one elected Mayor for Essex is proposed to be implemented by 2024.

There is an award scheme for people who have helped residents during the Covid-19.

Speed Watch teams will be retrained and new guns limited and the use of will be determined by the police.

Public-Have Your Say: Via email prior to the meeting there was a request for more speed checks, additional VAS, warning road signage for the nursery, safer cycle and walking routes to neighbouring towns with proposed working party, reduced speed limits, bad condition of road needing repairs and a request for updated equipment for the speed watch group.

All of which were discussed with the County and Borough Councillors in attendance (as above) and will be followed up where ever possible.

Declarations of Interest: None

  1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields: both are in good order having received necessary repairs and replacements. The parish council must remind users of the play equipment that Covid-19 precautionary measures must continue to be adhered to as per the notices. A local farmer has very kindly offered to trim the front hedge of the field at Salcott, so many thanks go to Sam.  Quotations for fencing and plans/designs for new equipment at Peldon have been obtained. More will be sought and we will establish what if anything can be done locally such as removal and disposing of the old equipment. Following that we will consult the residents for any offers that might considered for contributing to this costly project. A suggestion of new equipment for Salcott was discussed and thought not to be necessary at this time as it is still in good order and with painting now and again, as it has been, can be preserved for some time yet.
  2. Virley Parish Councillor Vacancy: having received one application for this role they will be duly co-opted. The applicant, Catherine Sprott from Virley, will be informed immediately, necessary forms will be filled in and CBC notified as required.
  3. Planning Reply Comments: our present system of agreed rules for replying to CBC by the required time needs to be adhered to by all. Where ever possible our comments will be in the included in the minutes
  4. Speeding: the parish council shares the concerns expressed by residents regarding speeding through the villages but notes it has no powers at all for any installation of speeding reduction measures including speed limits and we are constantly in contact with higher bodies that have this power to request various schemes and ideas. We are now in the process of investigating obtaining the blue signs which say Police Speed Check Area. It is not usual for the police do not share the data from speed checks.
  5. Actions and reminder List – updated

Planning Applications:

201505 &Listed 201506)Proposal: Replacement of single storey lean-to extension and replacement of two areas of ground floor construction at Games Farm, Lower Road, Peldon – parish council comments- no objections
201854Proposal:  Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for up to 9 dwellings including public open space, sustainable drainage system, landscaping and associated infrastructure and development at land east of Whitehouse Hill, Salcott – the parish council will reply that this is outside the envelope. Also, it requires access onto a very fast and dangerous piece of road just below a hill crest on the Maldon side, complaints have been made about cars coming over that crest without notice when they are turning out of The Street, this will be even more dangerous.
201918Proposal: Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwelling Houses (class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion at Willow Creek Farm, Colchester Road, Virley
201726Proposal: Construction of 1 and 1.5 storey ancillary accommodation on land adjacent to The Plough, Lower Road, Peldon – the parish council supports this application

Planning Decisions:

201286Proposal: Change of use from shops (class A1) financial and professional services (class A2) to restaurants and cafes (class A3) at Rolls farm, Peldon Road, Peldon –
Prior Approval Required (Approved)
201080 Proposal: Retention of four single storey wooden outbuildings for domestic and ancillary use at Waterways, Mersea Road, Peldon –
Approve conditional
201173 Proposal: Change of agricultural field into an educational (outdoor) school use. There will be a timber structure (outdoor kitchen) a yurt and two composting toilets onsite. Parking will be allocated in an area of existing hard standing at Abbotts Hall farm, Great Wigborough –
Approve conditional



102086 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. – bushes for net swing£19.80
102087 Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut£90.00
102088 Fenland Leisure Products Ltd. – Cradle swing seats£180.00
102089 Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cuts£204.00
102090 Fenland Leisure Products Ltd. – flat swing seat£48.00
102091 CALC – subscription£35.00
102092 Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. – net swing shackles£58.20
102093 Tree & Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut£90.00
102094 R S Pullen – August & Sept salary£1,000.00

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th October 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom
