Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at the Meeting Room, Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Everyone attending this meeting is required to wear a mask. Whilst we appreciate that this is not a legal requirement at this time, as we have vulnerable people amongst us, it is a common courtesy for their safety.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm
Present: Clare Lauwerys, Jinny Gale (chair), Liz Davidson, Netty Knill Jones, Robert Davidson, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Roger Pittock
Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis
The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Borough Councillor Report: Both Borough and County Councillors have Locality Budget funds to allocate. Constituency boundaries are being considered but ours will probably remain the same. There is energy support for those who are in need and details can be found on CBC website.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Everyone attending this meeting is required to wear a mask. Whilst we appreciate that this is not a legal requirement at this time, as we have vulnerable people amongst us, it is a common courtesy for their safety.
To note Moss Hay entrance gate has been installed with a new chain
To note a couple of small jobs that need addressing at Salcott and quotations will be sought where necessary.
Decision required: Anything else that needs attention?
2. Wigboroughs Noticeboards
Both Little and Great Wigboroughs notice boards are in a bad state of repair and will have to be removed for the bus shelter painting job, soon to come.
Decision required: Should we go-ahead and purchase 2 new ones at a cost of £309.90 each?
3. Speeding/Road Signage/Safety Issues
Discussion to include footpath and speeding query from a resident
Following Cllr Scott’s visit issues that arose including VAS for Peldon
4. Email Protocol
To confirm changes discussed at the July meeting
5. Increase for minutes entries in Tollesbury and Salcott Mag
From £85 to £115 per annum from 2023 (Peldon & Wigs mag is £180)
Decision required: Do we agree to accept this increase?
6. Jubilee Trees
…are in CBC nursery for safe keeping and watering.
Decisions required: Should we get these form CBC now, will they be delivered, who will do the digging and what should we have for the wording on the plaques?
7. Youth Forum
To discuss holding a meeting on a Saturday to find out what is important to the under 18s in the parish
8. Local Government Association’s Model Councillor Code of Conduct
Decision required: Following notification from CBC on the above should the parish council adopt this or consider changes that may be appropriate to us?
9. Actions and reminder List – update
Planning applications:
Proposal: Prior approval for the conversion of 6 silos into Class B8 (storage and distribution) use under Class R of the GDPO at Kemps Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Temporary use of existing mobile home whilst building works are carried out (3 years) at Green Farm, The Street, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Resubmission 211906-retrospective planning permission at Marels, School Lane, Great Wigborough – Refuse
Proposal: To vary condition 4 0f planning permission 100915 at St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon – Refuse
Proposal: New brans and covered area ancillary to main dwelling at Wheatlands, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Payments for November:
Tollesbury (St Mary’s) PCC – mag entries
The Wigborough Community Group – hire of Church
R S Pullen – November salary
R S Pullen – Defib pads
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th December 2022 at 7.30pm, at Meeting Room of Peldon and Wigs Community Hall
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7.30pm
Present: Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Roger Pittock, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Robert Davidson, Liz Davidson, John Walker
Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley, Andrew Ellis, Clare Lauwerys
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12th July 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman.
Borough Councillor Report: Colchester Borough Council is £3m in debt. A Rural Prosperity Fund is being rolled outfor communities and job prospects. The lower bands of properties will receive £150 off their council tax.
Public-Have Your Say: None
Declarations of Interest: None
Playgrounds and Playing Fields – both Salcott and Peldon are in good order having received repair work to the swings at Salcott, new signage at Moss Hay, and newly installed adult gym equipment at both sites after receiving a National Lottery grant for the apparatus and Locality Budget from the Borough Councillors for the matting. The problem with the pole at the entrance gate to Moss Hay for vehicle access will be addressed in due course. As always, we would please request for everyone to use the equipment and fields in a responsible manner for all to enjoy and in particular dog owners to be considerate bearing in mind that children play on these fields and play equipment.
Wigboroughs Bus Shelters – it was agreed to accept the quote of £375 for painting both bus shelters and so the shelters and the Little Wigborough village sign will be given some TLC in the near future.
20’s Plenty Webinar (for 20mph speed limit near schools and similar)- attended by several parish councillors who felt there was no benefit to our villages in becoming involved with the organisation.
CBC Planning Training Session – was also attended and thought to be disheartening as to how planning rules and laws are implemented now.
Email Protocol – updated and will be circulated amongst the parish councillors
Process for agreeing responses to planning applications – as above
Cllr Lee Scott, Cabinet Member for Highways Maintenance – visited us and we drove round the villages showing him all the highways’ problems we have at present. Some things can and will be addressed but other will not owing to lack of funding. It was very good to meet him and we thanked him for making the journey.
Youth Forum – Postponed until next month.
Actions and reminder List – updated
Planning applications:
Proposal: Application to vary condition (drawings) following a grant of planning permission 202510 at Lovedowns Farm, Barnhall Road, Salcott – the parish council has no objections
221663 (& 221664 Listed Building application)
Proposal: Renovation of farm house, erection of garden room extension, erection of cart lodge at Home Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Rear extension to existing bungalow at 12 Newpots Close, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Extension of residential curtilage to East barn, modifications to outbuilding for ancillary use at Green Barn, Church View, The Street, Salcott – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: New barns and covered area ancillary to the main dwelling and 3 box domestic stable building and hay store at Wheatlands, Church Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Application to vary condition 4 of planning permission 100915 at St Ives Farm, St Ives Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Resubmission of 211906 for retrospective planning permission workshop/home office at Marels, School Lane, Great Wigborough – the parish council’s position with regard to this application is a neutral one. We neither actively object to it nor actively support it, believing that we can add no value to the work of the professional planning officers.
Proposal: Construction of single storey sun lounge to east side of two storey cottage at The Olde House, Mersea Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objection
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Insertion of 2 conservatory type roof lights on north elevation at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Installation of cellar with spiral staircase at Green Barn, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Demolition of dilapidated outbuilding and replacing with new at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Refuse
Proposal: Outline application for the demolition of an existing building at Plovers, Mersea Road, Peldon – Refuse
Proposal: Remodelling of existing property, construction of first floor extension above existing garage at Chubbins, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Extension of residential amenity land to East Barn at Green Barn, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Rear extension to existing bungalow at 12 Newpots Close, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Extension to residential curtilage to East Barn at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Finances: Payments made in August:
Kevin Harris – roof repairs to Little Wigborough bus shelter
Kevin Harris – roof repairs to Great Wigborough bus shelter
Tree & Lawn Company – Salcott grass cut
Anglia Inspection Services – annual playgrounds inspections
Impact Signs – Moss Hay signage
R S Pullen – August salary
Payments to be made in September:
R S Pullen – September salary:
R S Pullen – expenses: ink, paper, mat, shackles, petrol, etc.
Payments for October:
PKF Littlejohn LLP – external audit
R S Pullen – October salary
CALC – annual subscription
Fresh-Air Fitness – adult gym equipment
EALC – Councillor training
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.30pm, at St Stephen’s Church, Great Wigborough
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Everyone attending this meeting is required to wear a mask. Whilst we appreciate that this is not a legal requirement at this time, as we have vulnerable people amongst us, it is a common courtesy for their safety.
Apologies for absence: To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 12th July 2022: To note September meeting was cancelled owing to the death of the Queen. County and Borough Councillor Reports: Public-Have Your Say: Declarations of Interest:
Anti-social vehicle use is targeted by Public Space Protection Order
Following a period of consultation Colchester Borough Council has introduced a Public Space Protection Order to target anti-social vehicle use. The order came into effect on 30th September and will remain in place for three years.
Specifically, within the area shown on the map, the council prohibits:
Engaging in, promoting, encouraging, or assisting in the carrying out of any activity connected to the use of a motor vehicle, inclusive of motorbikes on a public highway, public car park or any other land to which the public has access in the Colchester Borough Council district area (Restricted Area) and which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm, or distress.
Congregating or loitering as part of a group surrounding or within one or more stationary vehicles at any time where such activity causes noise, exhaust fumes, harassment, alarm, or distress
Causing or permitting excessive amplified music or vehicular noise, and/or excessive emissions of exhaust fumes where such activity causes harassment, alarm, or distress
Using a skateboard, pedal cycle, which includes a power assisted pedal cycle, or a pedal cycle in combination with a trailer, constructed or adapted for carrying one or more passengers, scooter, skates or any other self-propelled wheeled vehicle in such a manner as to cause damage to property or that causes or is likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm, distress, nuisance or annoyance to any person.
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at Salcott Village Hall on Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7.30pm.
Present: Robert Davidson, Liz Davidson, Netty Knill Jones, Catherine Sprott, Phil Gladwin, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys, Roger Pittock
Apologies for absence: Kevin Bentley
Roger Pittock was co-opted on to the parish councillor for Salcott ward and was welcomed by all
The minutes of the meeting of 10th May 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Borough Councillor Report: Colchester has now gained City status which will help to strength the local economy. The CBC Local Plan is almost ready for completion having approval of the inspector with some minor recommendations to be implemented.
Public-Have Your Say: None. Roger read out an introduction of himself
Declarations of Interest: None
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order and the grass was in perfect condition for all Jubilee events. The new Peldon play equipment was officially opened by Robert, who had only just stepped down as Colchester Mayor. There were many children and adults for the occasion with games and fun had by all. Peldon and Wigboroughs joined forces for many events at Peldon over the Jubilee weekend and Great Wigborough Church held an afternoon tea event with children’s games as did Salcott. All the villages played their part to celebrate this momentous occasion. The parish council gifted commemorative mugs to all the children. A new bench has been installed at Salcott next to the playground and Book Box funded by Borough Councillor’s Locality Budget. Peldon benches, one for inside the playground and a picnic table are in storage ready for installation in the near future. With funding secured adult gym equipment for both Salcott and Peldon is being ordered and sites have been agreed.
Audit Return and Associated Compliances AGAR Part 2 2021/2022 including Internal Audit Report, Certificate of Exemption, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement were agreed by all and signed by the chairman and clerk (as RFO) where appropriate. Steve Copeland was thanked for carrying out the internal audit for us again.
Email Protocol and Complaints Policy: areminder of our email protocol will be sent round again and Complaints Policy will be looked into. Updates will be discussed at the next meeting.
Feasibility Report – Peldon to Salcott – Traffic Management Improvements: our comments and suggestions will be put together for reply. The Head of Essex Highways will be invited for a visit to come and see our roads and problems first hand.
Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall: it was agreed by all that Liz and Phil will continue to be the parish council nominees for the Board of Trustees for Peldon and Wigboroughs Community Hall.
Essex Bridleway Association: Support was requested from the parish council for horse rider warning signs in specific locations. It was agreed that whilst we support the idea, there are other matters that are of concern with regard to slow moving traffic (including horses) that need addressing and we have requested a visit from Highways to look at these problems but meanwhile Abberton Reservoir Footpath officer will be contacted for their input as funding is still available from the expansion project.
Actions and reminder List – updated
Planning applications:
Proposal: Replacement roof to existing conservatory and raising existing roof to first floor bedroom at Mehalah, The Strood, Peldon
Proposal: Two storey rear extension and new detached double garage, following demolition of existing single garage at Hillside House, Church Road, Peldon
Proposal: Demolition of old outbuilding and replace with new, change of use of paddock area and new access at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott
221193 (Listed Building)
Proposal: Installation of cellar at South Barn, Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott
221316(Listed Building)
Proposal: Insertion of 2 x conservation-type roof lights on north elevation at South Barn, Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Outbuilding to rear garden at Fosters, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Proposal: Demolition of agricultural building and erection of replacement at Little Doves Day Nursery, Lower Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Erection of four holiday lodges, access road and car ports at The Peldon Rose, Colchester Road, Peldon – Refuse
Finances: Payments to be made:
R S Pullen – June salary
Glasdon UK – benches for Salcott and Peldon
Peldon & Wigs Community Hall – hire
Tree and Lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut
Tree and lawn Company Ltd. – Salcott grass cut (Jubilee)
R Davidson – removal and disposal of old play equipment
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.30pm, at Great Wigborough Church
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
Draft minutes of the meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council held at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.30pm
Present: Liz Davidson, Robert Davidson, Roger Pittock, Jinny Gale (chair), Clare Lauwerys
Apologies for absence: Phil Gladwin, Netty Knill Jones, John Walker, Catherine Sprott
The minutes of the meeting of 14th June 2022 were agreed by all and signed by the chairman
Borough Councillor Report: CBC Local Plan has been passed and so there will be no more housing, except infill, in our villages for the next 10 years. The clear refuse bags have been delivered and should be enough for a year.
Public-Have Your Say: None
Declarations of Interest: None
Playgrounds and Playing Fields are in good order. Ground matting for the adult gym equipment was agreed at the cost of £840 for both sites. Some Borough Councillor Locality Budget has been secured for the Peldon site, for which we are very grateful, and we are seeking funds for Salcott.
Planning Applications: our policy on how we look at planning application for return comments to CBC will be updated.
Email Policy will be updated and Complaints Policy will be dealt with next meeting giving more time to investigate other such policies.
Cllr Lee Scott Visit: Who will be included in the drive round in August with the ECC Highways Leader was decided and a list of our concerns will be sent to him in advance for his consideration.
Feasibility Report – Peldon to Salcott – Traffic Managements Improvements: This report and our response to it is now on the website winstred100org
Moss Hay signage: Following public comments appropriate signage will be designed and ordered to install at either end of Moss Hay to show where it is and what is there.
Nuclear Power meeting was attended and feedback provided. The matter is considered to be one of personal choice and not something for the PC to have a view on but would be open to any new information if further meetings are attended.
Actions and reminder List – updated
Planning applications:
Proposal: Extension of residential curtilage to East Barn, modifications to outbuilding for ancillary use at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott – the parish council has no objections
Proposal: Remodeling of existing property, construction of first floor extension above existing garage at Chubbins, Church Road, Peldon – the parish council has no objections
221654 (LB 221655)
Proposal: Demolition of modern lean-to structures and conversion of barn (grade 2) to dwelling house at Home Farm, Mersea Road, Peldon – the parish council supports reusing listed buildings
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Replacement roof to existing conservatory at Mehalah, The Strood, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Two storey rear extension and new detached double garage at Hillside House, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Single storey rear extension at Maple Ridge, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Construction of summer house in curtilage of Listed Building at Orchard Cottage, The Street, Salcott – Approve conditional
Peldon Great Wigborough Little Wigborough Salcott Virley
A meeting of Winstred Hundred Parish Council will be held at St Stephens Church, Great Wigborough on Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.30pm to which the Councillors are summoned to attend.
Everyone attending this meeting is required to wear a mask. Whilst we appreciate that this is not a legal requirement at this time, as we have vulnerable people amongst us, it is a common courtesy for their safety.
Apologies for absence: To confirm minutes of the June meeting: County and Borough Councillor Reports: Public-Have Your Say: Declarations of Interest:
Items for Discussion
1. Playgrounds and Playing Fields
Reports on both playgrounds and fields
Update on adult gym equipment for both sites and to agree ground matting.
Decision required: Are we happy to proceed with ordering matting for the gym equipment at a cost of £840 for both sites?
Decision required: Anything that needs attention?
2. Planning Applications
To discuss how we should comment on planning applications
Decision required: Do we need to make changes to our policy on this?
3. Email and Complaints Policies
To discuss if our policies are current or need adjustments
4. Cllr Lee Scott – Visit
In August the ECC Highways Leader will have a guided tour of our villages and the highways problems that are considered of importance to us
To discuss who will be included in the drive-round.
Following comments noted that Moss Hay entrances are not clearly visible discuss possible signage.
Decision required: Is signage a good idea and if so what and how?
7. Nuclear Power meeting
With meeting at West Mersea attended brief feedback will be given
Decision required: Should the parish council have an official representative at future meetings?
8. Actions and reminder List – update
Planning applications:
Proposal: Extension of residential curtilage to East Barn, modifications to outbuilding for ancillary use at Green Farm, Church View, The Street, Salcott
Proposal: Remodeling of existing property, construction of first floor extension above existing garage at Chubbins, Church Road, Peldon
Planning Decisions:
Proposal: Replacement roof to existing conservatory at Mehalah, The Strood, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Two storey rear extension and new detached double garage at Hillside House, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional
Proposal: Single storey rear extension at Maple Ridge, Church Road, Peldon – Approve conditional